- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 242
- author: Nureen Faiza Anisha

Aloy bhubon Bhora-Conversation on Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime Boundary issue Part 1.wmv
This is a talk show telecast on Channel I every Wednesday at 11.30 PM called "Aloy Bhubon ...
published: 19 May 2012
author: Nureen Faiza Anisha
Aloy bhubon Bhora-Conversation on Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime Boundary issue Part 1.wmv
This is a talk show telecast on Channel I every Wednesday at 11.30 PM called "Aloy Bhubon Bhora". In every episode they have a special guest, mostly intellects and a young guest representing the thoughts of younger generation. This episode was about the very recent Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime issue solved by the ITLOS. The initiative of taking the dispute to international tribunal was taken by the foreign ministry, but there were specialist working behind it. Real Admiral Khorshed Alam was a Navy officer had witnessed the problems while working in Bay of Bengal in that sea zone and was concerned about the unsolved sea border. He had extensive study over international sea laws and was one of the people who played the main role to highlight the problem and to take it to the international tribunal for a solution. Nureen Faiza Anisha, as a student of Water Resources Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), took part in the discussion to share her view and concerns about the water resources of Bangladesh and especially, about this sea issue.This is a talk show telecast on Channel I every Wednesday at 11.30 PM called "Aloy Bhubon Bhora". In every episode they have a special guest, mostly intellects and a young guest representing the thoughts of younger generation.

Aloy bhubon Bhora-Conversation on Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime Boundary issue Part 2.wmv
This is a talk show telecast on Channel I every Wednesday at 11.30 PM called "Aloy Bhubon ...
published: 19 May 2012
author: Nureen Faiza Anisha
Aloy bhubon Bhora-Conversation on Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime Boundary issue Part 2.wmv
This is a talk show telecast on Channel I every Wednesday at 11.30 PM called "Aloy Bhubon Bhora". In every episode they have a special guest, mostly intellects and a young guest representing the thoughts of younger generation. This episode was about the very recent Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime issue solved by the ITLOS. The initiative of taking the dispute to international tribunal was taken by the foreign ministry, but there were specialist working behind it. Real Admiral Khorshed Alam was a Navy officer had witnessed the problems while working in Bay of Bengal in that sea zone and was concerned about the unsolved sea border. He had extensive study over international sea laws and was one of the people who played the main role to highlight the problem and to take it to the international tribunal for a solution. Nureen Faiza Anisha, as a student of Water Resources Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), took part in the discussion to share her view and concerns about the water resources of Bangladesh and especially, about this sea issue.This is a talk show telecast on Channel I every Wednesday at 11.30 PM called "Aloy Bhubon Bhora". In every episode they have a special guest, mostly intellects and a young guest representing the thoughts of younger generation.
- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 185
- author: Nureen Faiza Anisha

Aloy bhubon Bhora-Conversation on Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime Boundary issue Part 3.wmv
This is a talk show telecast on Channel I every Wednesday at 11.30 PM called "Aloy Bhubon ...
published: 19 May 2012
author: Nureen Faiza Anisha
Aloy bhubon Bhora-Conversation on Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime Boundary issue Part 3.wmv
This is a talk show telecast on Channel I every Wednesday at 11.30 PM called "Aloy Bhubon Bhora". In every episode they have a special guest, mostly intellects and a young guest representing the thoughts of younger generation. This episode was about the very recent Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime issue solved by the ITLOS. The initiative of taking the dispute to international tribunal was taken by the foreign ministry, but there were specialist working behind it. Real Admiral Khorshed Alam was a Navy officer had witnessed the problems while working in Bay of Bengal in that sea zone and was concerned about the unsolved sea border. He had extensive study over international sea laws and was one of the people who played the main role to highlight the problem and to take it to the international tribunal for a solution. Nureen Faiza Anisha, as a student of Water Resources Engineering at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), took part in the discussion to share her view and concerns about the water resources of Bangladesh and especially, about this sea issue.This is a talk show telecast on Channel I every Wednesday at 11.30 PM called "Aloy Bhubon Bhora". In every episode they have a special guest, mostly intellects and a young guest representing the thoughts of younger generation.
- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 415
- author: Nureen Faiza Anisha

With which of its island neighbours does Barbados have a fixed maritime border, established in 2006, to settle fishing disputes?
published: 11 Sep 2012
author: Mattias Bergström
With which of its island neighbours does Barbados have a fixed maritime border, established in 2006, to settle fishing disputes?
- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 7
- author: Mattias Bergström

Ajker Bangladesh: Maritime Boundary Rights - 28 Mar 2012
How is Bangladesh benefiting from the recent judgment on the maritime boundary dispute wit...
published: 29 Mar 2012
author: Independent24 Television
Ajker Bangladesh: Maritime Boundary Rights - 28 Mar 2012
How is Bangladesh benefiting from the recent judgment on the maritime boundary dispute with Myanmar? How much will Bangladesh benefit from India? What potential for profit is there from our newly outlined part of the sea, and are we ready to take advantage? Will the government be taking measures to reach the underwater oil and gas? In studio guests: Additional Secretary to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rear Admiral Md Khurshed Alam, Engineer Enamul Haque, and Nur Mohammad
- published: 29 Mar 2012
- views: 569
- author: Independent24 Television

Man Without Arms And Legs Swims The Bering Strait
A French swimmer who lacks legs and arms on Friday successfully swam the frigid waters sep...
published: 20 Aug 2012
author: NTDTV
Man Without Arms And Legs Swims The Bering Strait
A French swimmer who lacks legs and arms on Friday successfully swam the frigid waters separating Alaska and Russia, with the aid of paddle-like prosthetics. Philippe Croizon, whose limbs were amputated after a 1994 electrical accident when he was just 26, swam from Alaska's Little Diomede Island, to the Russian maritime border near Big Diomede Island. He completed the approximately 2.5 miles in just over an hour, despite the heavy fog and very cold water. [Philippe Croizon, Limbless Swimmer]: "Just to say that nothing is impossible. We can all succeed in life despite of what happens to us. There is no difference. We are all equal." Following previous waterway crossings including the English Channel and the Red Sea, Croizon has now linked all 5 major continents. The limbless swimmer seeks to raise awareness of the abilities of handicapped people, and the Bering Strait expedition was assisted by the nonprofit organization Handicap International. Croizon will now travel to London to work as a radio and television commentator during the Paralympic Games. For more news and videos visit ☛ english.ntdtv.com Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛ on.fb.me
- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 2974
- author: NTDTV

Maritime borders dispute between Lebanon and Israel - PressTV 110712
presstv.com Ali Rizk, Press TV, Beirut This time it is the maritime borders which are the ...
published: 12 Jul 2011
author: newsupload2010
Maritime borders dispute between Lebanon and Israel - PressTV 110712
presstv.com Ali Rizk, Press TV, Beirut This time it is the maritime borders which are the issue of dispute between Lebanon and Israel. The Israeli government ratified what it says are the Israeli maritime borders which entitle it to an exclusive economic zone that includes the entire strategic gas field called the Leviathan. However this differs from the Lebanese version which was recently submitted to the United Nations. According to the Lebanese version of the maritime borders, Lebanon is entitled to part of the Leviathan gas field. The result is a disputed area of around 3000 square kilometers believed to contain gas and even oil reserves worth billions of dollars. Lebanese officials are saying this matter will top the agenda of the new cabinet headed by Prime Minister Najib Miqati. This government has said that its priority will be to improve the dire economic conditions of the country whose natural debt amounts to around 50 billion dollars. Members of this government say they will take all necessary measures to protect Lebanon's right to its natural resources which could lift the country's economy. Israel for its part has said that it will submit its claim of maritime borders to the United Nations for endorsement. Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman has said Israel will not give up what belongs to it. Standup:Amid this dispute between Lebanon and Israel what appears to stand out is that Israel had never before specified a border for itself whether it be land ...
- published: 12 Jul 2011
- views: 448
- author: newsupload2010

Greece to build razor wire fence to stop illegal immigrants from crossing Turkish border into EU .
After having made an agreement with Frontex on the guard of the maritime borders of Greece...
published: 04 Oct 2012
author: Golden Dawn
Greece to build razor wire fence to stop illegal immigrants from crossing Turkish border into EU .
After having made an agreement with Frontex on the guard of the maritime borders of Greece with Turkey the Greek government decided a wall to be built at the land border with Turkey, the Evros River.These actions have been made as a reaction to the illegal immigration to Greece through the Greco-Turkish borders. These immigrants are originated from Muslim Asian and African states. From January to the beginning of November 2010, 32500 illegal migrants were intercepted in a single 12.5-kilometer stretch of the Turkish-Greek border along the Evros river.Actually this site is the main entrance of illegal immigrants to the EU from the Asian continent...
- published: 04 Oct 2012
- views: 1773
- author: Golden Dawn

Congressman Henry Cuellar - Maritime Borders Hearing
Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security's Subcommi...
published: 13 Jul 2011
author: HomelandDems
Congressman Henry Cuellar - Maritime Borders Hearing
Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Ranking Member of the Committee on Homeland Security's Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security delivers his opening statement for the hearing on "Protecting the Maritime Borders -- Leveraging Law Enforcement Cooperation to Enhance Security Along America's Coasts" - July 12, 2011
- published: 13 Jul 2011
- views: 35
- author: HomelandDems

Ron Trueman-Border at Deal Maritime Folk Festival 2012
Ron appearing at the Astor Theatre on Friday 14th September 2012 - Part of the Deal Mariti...
published: 15 Sep 2012
author: Steve Wakeford
Ron Trueman-Border at Deal Maritime Folk Festival 2012
Ron appearing at the Astor Theatre on Friday 14th September 2012 - Part of the Deal Maritime Folk Festival 2012 - www.dealmaritimefolkfestival.org and on Facebook
- published: 15 Sep 2012
- views: 114
- author: Steve Wakeford

Report about the maritime border between Lebanon and Cyprus - George Eid - MTV
Report about the maritime border between Lebanon and Cyprus - George Eid - MTV...
published: 04 Aug 2011
author: KataebTV
Report about the maritime border between Lebanon and Cyprus - George Eid - MTV
Report about the maritime border between Lebanon and Cyprus - George Eid - MTV
- published: 04 Aug 2011
- views: 209
- author: KataebTV

AK: Mbrojmë kufijtë detare - Vizion Plus - Nwes - Lajme
Disa ore pasi mediat greke njoftuan se do te fillojnë kërkimet për nafte ne ujërat detare ...
published: 12 Nov 2012
author: VizionPlusAlbania
AK: Mbrojmë kufijtë detare - Vizion Plus - Nwes - Lajme
Disa ore pasi mediat greke njoftuan se do te fillojnë kërkimet për nafte ne ujërat detare te Shqipërisë, Aleanca Kuq e Zi është nisur drejt Sarandës. Kreu i AK-se dhe te rinjtë e lëvizjes Kuq e Zi, kane protestuar kundër shkeljes se kufijve detare nga autoritetet greke. Mesditën e se hënës, dhjetëra aktiviste janë nisur nga Saranda drejt Ksamilit për te vrojtuar ujërat territoriale shqiptare. Duke qëndruar përballë ishullit te Korfuzit, kryetari i AK-se, Kreshnik Spahiu deklaroi mbrojtjen e kufijve detare nga vullnetaret kuq e zinj. Spahiu i beri thirrje presidentit te republikës te mbledhë Këshillin e Sigurisë Kombëtare dhe te shprehe qëndrimin e ne lidhje me këtë çështje. Duke valëvitur flamujt kombëtare, Aleanca Kuq e Zi, akuzoi kryeministrin Sali Berisha si autorin e marrëveshjes me Greqinë për përcaktimin e kufijve detare. Aleanca Kuq e Zi, ka nisur regjistrimin e vullnetareve shqiptare qe do te dalin ne mbrojtje te kufijve detare te Shqipërisë. Hours after Greek media reported that it will start prospecting for oil in marine waters of Albania, the Red and Black Alliance is launched to Saranda. AK-head and young Black Red movement, protested against the violation of the maritime borders of the Greek authorities. Monday noon, dozens of activists have launched from Saranda to Ksamil surveyed Albanian territorial waters. Standing in front of the island of Corfu, the chairman of the AK-Kreshnik Spahiu said maritime border protection from red and black volunteers. Spahiu ...
- published: 12 Nov 2012
- views: 1242
- author: VizionPlusAlbania

India - Myanmar: An Enduring Bond
Myanmar, the land of breathtaking natural beauty, golden pagodas and sunny beaches, is the...
published: 07 Aug 2012
author: Indiandiplomacy
India - Myanmar: An Enduring Bond
Myanmar, the land of breathtaking natural beauty, golden pagodas and sunny beaches, is the only ASEAN country with which India shares land and maritime borders. Culturally, the two countries share many a common thread. The film traces the historical ties between India and Myanmar, especially religious and cultural bonds. To strengthen the close bonds of an age-old friendship, India has taken up several developmental projects in Myanmar and bilateral relations are poised to embark on a new journey, building a common future on time tested foundations. The film seeks to put in perspective the political and emotional bonds between the two countries that date back to the pre-independence era.
- published: 07 Aug 2012
- views: 703
- author: Indiandiplomacy

AK shënjon kufirin me Greqinë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Aktiviste te Aleancës Kuq e Zi, duke valëvitur flamujt kombëtare ne detin Jon, kane vendos...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: VizionPlusAlbania
AK shënjon kufirin me Greqinë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Aktiviste te Aleancës Kuq e Zi, duke valëvitur flamujt kombëtare ne detin Jon, kane vendosur shenja te kuqe për te treguar kufirin detar me Greqinë. Te rinjtë lundruan me anije peshkimi drejt kufirit territorial për te vendosur pikat e një kufiri te shume diskutuar mes dy vendeve, e për te cilin aleanca kuq e zi mendon se qeveria ka bere Pazar duke tentuar t'ia fale shtetit fqinj një hapësirë detare qe i takon Shqipërisë. Aktivistet e Aleancës Kuq e Zi, pritej te lundronin drejt kufirit me disa mjete lundruese private, por policia nuk i dha leje për këtë forme proteste ne det, duke bere qe vetëm një pjese e tyre te përcillnin reagimin e tyre ne mënyrë simbolike. Aktualisht Shqipëria dhe Greqia janë serish ne bisedime ne lidhje me çështjen e kufirit detar, pas hedhjes poshtë nga gjykata kushtetuese te marrëveshjes se pare te firmosur ne vitin 2009. Alliance activists Red and Black, waving national flags in the Ionian Sea, have placed signs in red to indicate the maritime border with Greece. Youth fishing boat sailed towards the territorial boundary to boundary points of a set of more discussion between the two countries, for which red and black coalition believes that the government has tried to do some shopping while the neighboring state due to a marine area of to Albania. Activists Black Red Alliance was expected to sail to the border with several private boats, but police gave permission for this form of protest in the sea, leaving only a part of them to convey their ...
- published: 02 Aug 2012
- views: 1661
- author: VizionPlusAlbania
Youtube results:

Çështja e kufirit detar me Greqinë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Përcaktimi i kufirit detar me Greqinë eshte nje çeshtje qe duhet te marre zgjidhje ne përp...
published: 13 Nov 2012
author: VizionPlusAlbania
Çështja e kufirit detar me Greqinë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme
Përcaktimi i kufirit detar me Greqinë eshte nje çeshtje qe duhet te marre zgjidhje ne përputhje me te drejtën ndërkombëtare, duke respektuar vendimin e gjykatës Kushtetuese qe rrezoi marrëveshjen e nënshkruar ne vitin 2009, mes dy vendeve tona. Kreu i komisionit te Jashtëm Ditmir Bushati thekson se per nje çeshtje qe shkon pertej nje maxhorance apo nje kryeministri te caktuar si përcaktimi i kufijve detare dhe tokësore duhet shfrytëzuar ekspertiza me e mire ne fushën e se drejtës ndërkombëtare, ndërkohë qe ish-ministri i Mbrojtjes Gazmend Oketa deklaron se ky ngërç mes dy vendeve nuk do te bllokoje integrimin. Sipas Bushatit dhe Oketes, koha qe i ka mbetur kësaj maxhorance eshte e pamjaftueshme per rinegocimin e marrëveshjes dhe per me tepër qeveria nuk ka kredibilitetin e nevojshëm; dhe per keto arsye çeshtja duhet zgjidhur nga qeveria qe del pas zgjedhjeve te qershorit 2013. Qe prej vendimit te gjykatës Kushtetuese qe rrezoi marrëveshjen per ndarjen e kufirit detar mes Greqisë dhe Shqipërisë; kjo çeshtje ka qene ne qender te politikes se ditës ne Athinë dhe Tirane, por zgjidhja duket ende e largët. Defining maritime border with Greece is a matter you should take the solution in accordance with international law, while respecting the Constitutional Court decision that toppled the agreement signed in 2009 between the two countries. Top Foreign commission Ditmir Bushati states that on an issue that goes beyond a majority or a certain prime definition of marine and ...
- published: 13 Nov 2012
- views: 222
- author: VizionPlusAlbania

Frenchman with No Limbs Swims Bering Strait
Man with no limbs swims Bering Strait, Philippe Croizon, who lost his limbs in an electric...
published: 19 Aug 2012
author: CalMeMayBe
Frenchman with No Limbs Swims Bering Strait
Man with no limbs swims Bering Strait, Philippe Croizon, who lost his limbs in an electrical accident aged 26, said the swim was the hardest he has ever done. French swimmer without legs and arms has successfully swum the freezing waters separating Alaska and Russia with the aid of paddle-like prosthetics. Philippe Croizon, whose limbs were amputated after a 1994 electrical accident at age 26, completed his swim late on Friday from Alaska's Little Diomede Island to the Russian maritime border near Big Diomede Island. Croizon's website said the expected direct distance of the swim was to be about 2.5 miles (4km). Croizon had intended to swim all the way to the shoreline of Big Diomede, but regional Russian authorities denied him permission to enter the territory, expedition representatives said. His swim to Russian waters took about an hour and 15 minutes, Marc Gaviard, coordinator for the expedition, said in a telephone interview from Little Diomede. Croizon uses paddle-like prosthetics to swim, and has completed crossings of the English Channel, the Red Sea and other major waterways. His Bering Strait swim was the last in a series of expeditions across waterways that separate continents, according to Handicap International, the nonprofit organisation that helped organise Croizon's Alaska undertaking.
- published: 19 Aug 2012
- views: 2165
- author: CalMeMayBe

House Passes SMART Port Security Act
Rep. Miller said the following in support of HR4251 "I'm absolutely convinced that the bil...
published: 26 Jun 2012
author: candicemi10
House Passes SMART Port Security Act
Rep. Miller said the following in support of HR4251 "I'm absolutely convinced that the bill before the House today, the SMART Port Security Act, will tangibly enhance the nation's maritime security. We spend a lot of times as a nation and as a Congress focusing on security threats at the southern and northern borders, but we also need to remember that we have a very long maritime border that also deserves our attention. A major disruption at one of the nation's ports, especially a terrorist attack, is a high consequence event that has the potential to cripple the global supply chain and could severely damage our economy. "We simply cannot afford to ignore threats to our nation's maritime security. To that end, SMART Port Security Act builds on the work of the 2006 SAFE Port Act to enhance risk-based security measures overseas before the threat reaches our shores, emphasizes a stronger collaborative environment between CBP and the USCG in sharing port security duties, and it leverages the maritime security work of our trusted allies. If we learned anything after 9/11, is that we need to move from the need to know information to the need to share information. "The Department components with shared jurisdiction must cooperate in maritime operations and form partnerships with state and local law enforcement agencies in order to improve the nation's maritime security. What happens in our waterways and ports affects the entire nation, so it is incumbent on us to realize that ...
- published: 26 Jun 2012
- views: 97
- author: candicemi10

Indoor fun at Genting theme park Malaysia
Genting Highlands is a famous mountain resort in Malaysia straddling the border of the sta...
published: 28 Jun 2012
author: WildFilmsIndia
Indoor fun at Genting theme park Malaysia
Genting Highlands is a famous mountain resort in Malaysia straddling the border of the states of Pahang and Selangor. It can be reached by car or by the fastest moving cable car of South East Asia (6 m/s). It is sometimes known as the Las Vegas of Malaysia as it is the only legal land-based casino in Malaysia. The Casinos are run by the Genting Group. Besides the casino, this resort also features many hotels owned by Genting subsidiaries, which is Genting Hotel, Highland Hotel, Resorts Hotel, Theme Park Hotel, First World Hotel, Awana Genting and Ria Apartment. One of them, the First World Hotel has 6300 rooms, making it the largest hotel in the world. Other facilities in this resort include a theme park, golf course, sky diving simulator and many other diversions. Genting Highlands functions every year as the finish of a stage in the Tour de Langkawi cycling race. It is one of the longest (30 km) climbs featured in a cycling event. Source - www.funonthenet.in Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia. It consists of thirteen states and three federal territories and has a total landmass of 329847 square kilometres (127350 sq mi) separated by the South China Sea into two similarly sized regions, Peninsular Malaysia and Malaysian Borneo. Land borders are shared with Thailand, Indonesia, and Brunei, and maritime borders exist with Singapore, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The capital city is Kuala Lumpur, while Putrajaya is the seat of the federal ...
- published: 28 Jun 2012
- views: 1025
- author: WildFilmsIndia