The Book of Enoch Part 3/30 - Audiobook (Truth about Giant Nephilim and the Annunaki)
This book is also availiable on CD or MP3 - just follow this link: tinyurl.com Add me on f...
published: 10 Jan 2009
author: fyrstikken
The Book of Enoch Part 3/30 - Audiobook (Truth about Giant Nephilim and the Annunaki)
This book is also availiable on CD or MP3 - just follow this link: tinyurl.com Add me on facebook.com & follow me on twitter.com Azazel (satan) is being judged by the mouth of Enoch after being commanded to do so by the holy angel. Enoch is asked by the fallen angels to request forgiveness, he did so - but forgiveness was rejected unto the fallen angels, so the fallen angels cried. Enoch witnesses the portals of heaven and how everything is working from heaven to earth. Call no man upon this place good - there is nobody here that is good, the author of this video is not good, you are not good, your mama is not good, your brothers and sisters are not good - if you where good, you would not be here, you would be home safe. The Earth is not your home - it is a maximum security prison reform school with no bars - and you and me are here to learn to be something we currently are not, we are here to learn to be good! Religion has nothing to do with truth - avoid religion, become individual - choose to listen to the good voice inside you and reject the evil voice inside you - this is something you can do - make it a sport for yourself to accomplish what you taught was impossible After you have watched this video - send it to 10 people or 100 people or 1000 people or more - it will change the polarity of the mindset to a state where you can actually comprehend where you came from, and the urge to get back home. Let´s help one another back home - support each other - do good ...
published: 10 Jan 2009
views: 27628
BOOK OF ENOCH LINK- www.reluctant-messenger.com (Genesis 6 vs 1-4) "And it came to pass, w...
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: ADRENALINEJUNKY -Jason Hendricks
BOOK OF ENOCH LINK- www.reluctant-messenger.com (Genesis 6 vs 1-4) "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God (Fallen Angels) saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God (Fallen Angels) came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (Nephilim) which were of old, men of renown. (Numbers 13:33) "And there we saw the giants (Nephilim), the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight." God Bless, Jason
published: 22 Dec 2011
author: ADRENALINEJUNKY -Jason Hendricks
views: 33874
Nas-Book of Rhymes
Nas Gods son...
published: 26 Dec 2007
author: arabianking59
Nas-Book of Rhymes
The Book of Jubilees 1/20 (Little Genesis, Book of Division)
The Book of Jubilees (Hebrew: Sefer haYovelim), sometimes called the Lesser Genesis (Lepto...
published: 19 Nov 2010
author: Apocryphile1970
The Book of Jubilees 1/20 (Little Genesis, Book of Division)
The Book of Jubilees (Hebrew: Sefer haYovelim), sometimes called the Lesser Genesis (Leptogenesis), is an ancient Jewish religious work, considered one of the Pseudepigrapha by most Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant Christians. It was well known to Early Christian writers in the East and the West. Later it was so thoroughly suppressed that no complete Hebrew, Greek or Latin version has survived. It is considered canonical for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, where it is known as the Book of Division (Ge'ez: Mets'hafe Kufale). In the modern scholarly view, it reworks material found in the biblical books of Genesis and Exodus in the light of concerns of some 2nd century BC Jews. The Book of Jubilees claims to present "the history of the division of the days of the Law, of the events of the years, the year-weeks, and the jubilees of the world" as secretly revealed to Moses (in addition to the Torah or "Instruction") by Angels while Moses was on Mount Sinai for forty days and forty nights. The chronology given in Jubilees is based on multiples of seven; the jubilees are periods of 49 years, seven 'year-weeks', into which all of time has been divided. According to the author of Jubilees, all proper customs that mankind should follow are determined by God's decree. Content Jubilees covers much of the same ground as Genesis, but often with additional detail, and addressing Moses in the second person as the entire history of creation, and of Israel up to that point ...
published: 19 Nov 2010
author: Apocryphile1970
views: 18311
The Book of Mormon - Hasa Diga Eebowai
Lyrics (courtesy of neafel): pastie.org Official site: www.bookofmormonbroadway.com...
published: 10 May 2011
author: MrSwiket
The Book of Mormon - Hasa Diga Eebowai
Lyrics (courtesy of neafel): pastie.org Official site: www.bookofmormonbroadway.com
published: 10 May 2011
author: MrSwiket
views: 766509
Tony Awards 2012 - Cast Of Book Of Mormon (Hello) - Introduces NPH
Tony Awards 2012 - Opening Number (Book Of Mormon)....As Seen On CBS, All Rights Reserved....
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: IdolXfactor2
Tony Awards 2012 - Cast Of Book Of Mormon (Hello) - Introduces NPH
Tony Awards 2012 - Opening Number (Book Of Mormon)....As Seen On CBS, All Rights Reserved. Book Of Mormon Tickets: bookofmormonbroadway.com Tweet Me: twitter.com Tony's 2012 Playlist: www.youtube.com
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: IdolXfactor2
views: 384173
2012 Tony Awards - Book of Mormon Musical Opening Number - Hello
Opening Number to the 66th Tony Awards. Only CBS Watermark. 720p HD Format. Credits: CBS, ...
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: Kevin price
2012 Tony Awards - Book of Mormon Musical Opening Number - Hello
Opening Number to the 66th Tony Awards. Only CBS Watermark. 720p HD Format. Credits: CBS, Book of Mormon LLC, The Harry Fox Agency, Warner Chappell.
published: 11 Jun 2012
author: Kevin price
views: 370771
"Hello!" Book of Mormon on Broadway
"Hello!" -- Free song release from the Book of Mormon musical on Broadway. www.facebook.co...
published: 06 May 2011
author: Onomon
"Hello!" Book of Mormon on Broadway
"Hello!" -- Free song release from the Book of Mormon musical on Broadway. www.facebook.com www.bookofmormonbroadway.com
published: 06 May 2011
author: Onomon
views: 456809
Monty Python-Holy Hand Grenade
"...and the breakfast cereals..."...
published: 01 Sep 2007
author: HopelessRomantic27
Monty Python-Holy Hand Grenade
The Encyclopedia of Numbers
published: 15 Jan 2012
author: andylovepirate
The Encyclopedia of Numbers
The Fabulous Bentley Brothers - Genesis
JellyTelly presents The Fabulous Bentley Brothers. In this song the brothers sing a song a...
published: 14 Jan 2009
author: BuckDenver
The Fabulous Bentley Brothers - Genesis
JellyTelly presents The Fabulous Bentley Brothers. In this song the brothers sing a song about the book of 2 Genesis. Check out this song and more at JellyTelly.com!
published: 14 Jan 2009
author: BuckDenver
views: 44447
Learn Numbers - by ELF Learning (original)
CD at: elflearning.jp Download at: www.cdbaby.com ----------- Learn number symbols 0~10 in...
published: 29 Mar 2010
author: omigrad
Learn Numbers - by ELF Learning (original)
CD at: elflearning.jp Download at: www.cdbaby.com ----------- Learn number symbols 0~10 in English. For EFL learners and kids.
published: 29 Mar 2010
author: omigrad
views: 3123305
Joseph Prince - Unveiling A God Of Grace—Leadership Truths From Moses' Mistake - 07 Oct 2012
What is uppermost in God's heart for His people? How does He want Himself to be represente...
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: JosephPrinceOnline
Joseph Prince - Unveiling A God Of Grace—Leadership Truths From Moses' Mistake - 07 Oct 2012
What is uppermost in God's heart for His people? How does He want Himself to be represented to His flock? Find out the answers to these questions as Joseph Prince expounds, from the Book of Numbers, on the story of Moses striking the rock before God's people instead of speaking to it. Be encouraged by the important yet inspiring leadership truths this story uncovers about Christ's immeasurable mercy and grace toward His people. As you catch a fresh revelation of His love and heart to bless you, you'll find yourself running to Jesus, your Rock, to receive all that you need from Him! Find us at: www.facebook.com twitter.com Purchase the full message at www.josephprince.com
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: JosephPrinceOnline
views: 34369
Youtube results:
Woven Hand - Dirty Blue
This fear is only the beginning All for the loving hand Yes I smile and I agree It is a go...
published: 08 Dec 2008
author: ZAGOLUMI
Woven Hand - Dirty Blue
This fear is only the beginning All for the loving hand Yes I smile and I agree It is a good night to shiver A good tounge might make it right All Ive said above a whisper There is a sorrow to be desired To be sorrows desire What they say is true It is a dirty blue This color around you Your curled up warm In your own little corner of Sodom Did you agree to believe This fall has no bottom There is a sorrow to be desired To be sorrows desire All we move by the book of numbers Im held together by string Ii hear not the voices of others The bells of Leuven ring Fear not the faces of brothers Ive come apart it seems I see not the faces are covered Im in your amber ring Your amber ring
published: 08 Dec 2008
author: ZAGOLUMI
views: 57715
Woven Hand - Dirty Blue
A music video for Woven Hand's song "Dirty Blue". The video clip is from an animated short...
published: 20 May 2009
author: theowsla
Woven Hand - Dirty Blue
A music video for Woven Hand's song "Dirty Blue". The video clip is from an animated short film entitled "The Hangman" from 1964, which was based on a poem by Maurice Ogden. You can watch the original (which I highly reccomend) here: www.archive.org . For some reason it made me think of this song. So, I tried to put the two together. Lyrics: This fear is only the beginning All for the loving hand Yes I smile and I agree It is a good night to shiver A good tounge might make it right All Ive said above a whisper There is a sorrow to be desired To be sorrows desire What they say is true It is a dirty blue This color around you Your curled up warm In your own little corner of Sodom Did you agree to believe This fall has no bottom There is a sorrow to be desired To be sorrows desire All we move by the book of numbers Im held together by string Ii hear not the voices of others The bells of Leuven ring Fear not the faces of brothers Ive come apart it seems I see not the faces are covered Im in your amber ring Your amber ring If you like this song, check out Woven Hand at www.wovenhand.com and buy some albums.
published: 20 May 2009
author: theowsla
views: 332804
Numerology Life path 7 Astrology Secrets of the deep
CLICK HERE- www.astrologykrs.com Modern numerology often contains aspects of a variety of ...
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: KRSchannel
Numerology Life path 7 Astrology Secrets of the deep
CLICK HERE- www.astrologykrs.com Modern numerology often contains aspects of a variety of ancient cultures and teachers, including Babylonia, Pythagoras and his followers (Greece, 6th century BC), astrological philosophy from Hellenistic Alexandria, early Christian mysticism, early Gnostics, the Hebrew system of the Kabbalah, The Indian Vedas, the Chinese "Circle of the Dead", Egyptian "Book of the Masters of the Secret House" (Ritual of the Dead).[4] Pythagoras and other philosophers of the time believed that because mathematical concepts were more "practical" (easier to regulate and classify) than physical ones, they had greater actuality. St. Augustine of Hippo (AD 354--430) wrote "Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth." Similar to Pythagoras, he too believed that everything had numerical relationships and it was up to the mind to seek and investigate the secrets of these relationships or have them revealed by divine grace. See Numerology and the Church Fathers for early Christian views. However, that does not mean that Pythagoras had coined himself the system one calls numerology. Pythagoras had only paved the way to the observation of numbers as archetypes rather than mere numerals. In 325 AD, following the First Council of Nicaea, departures from the beliefs of the state Church were classified as civil violations within the Roman Empire. Numerology had not found favor with the Christian authority of the day ...
published: 23 Dec 2011
author: KRSchannel
views: 17710
AbeBooks Explains how to Identify a First Edition Book
Identifying a first edition is no simple matter. There are thousands of publishers and the...
published: 17 Oct 2011
author: AbeBooks
AbeBooks Explains how to Identify a First Edition Book
Identifying a first edition is no simple matter. There are thousands of publishers and they use a large variety of methods, which are often changed, to define first editions. The publisher may actually state the words 'first edition' or 'first printing' on the copyright page. Another common method of identification is the number line -- that's a line of numbers on the copyright page. Usually, if a one is present in the line then it's a first edition. This style has been used since World War II. The line sequence could ascend or descend or even have no discernable order depending on the publisher. All of these sequences below are first editions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 (All first editions) Sometimes the number line is also accompanied by the words 'first edition', but be careful because some publishers leave on the words 'first edition' even when the book is in its third printing and that fact is reflected in the three in this number line. First edition 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (Third printing) This number line below identifies a second printing printed in 1975. 75 76 77 78 79 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 If you find that the date on the copyright page matches the date on the title page, then it is probably a first edition. Most 19th century publishers placed the date of publication on the title page but that practice faded out after 1900 and the date became appearing on the copyright page. Some publishers make no statement at all about first editions ...
published: 17 Oct 2011
author: AbeBooks
views: 30829