
Rights of Englishmen.mp4
Discusses the little known origins of the rights that the Founding Fathers were fighting f...
published: 28 Feb 2012
Author: LibertyInherited
Rights of Englishmen.mp4
Discusses the little known origins of the rights that the Founding Fathers were fighting for in the American Revolution.

I prefer the rights of Englishmen
Daniel Hannan speaking in the European Parliament plenary session....
published: 18 May 2012
Author: DanHannanMEP
I prefer the rights of Englishmen
Daniel Hannan speaking in the European Parliament plenary session.

The neocon subversion of Anglo-America
So-called "neoconservatism" is actually a leftist ideology. Many of the leading ...
published: 05 Mar 2012
Author: EnglishEthnicPride2
The neocon subversion of Anglo-America
So-called "neoconservatism" is actually a leftist ideology. Many of the leading neocons think of themselves as representing a progressive, even revolutionary force. The America the neocons champion is not the atual, historically distinctive America with its deep roots in English culture, but a country of their own theoretical invention, which owes its greatness to what are alleged to be its ahistorical founding principles. The "America" of the neocons breaks sharply with the true Anglo-America of history. According to Harry Jaffa, a leading neocon, "To celebrate the American Founding is... to celebrate revolution." For Irving Kristol, the United States is an "ideological nation, like the Soviet Union of yesteryear" and a "proposition nation". Neocons are fond of referring to "the Founding of the US", because that term suggests that America sprang from a fresh start. The neocon use of the term "Founding" conceals that prior to the War of Independence, which neocons prefer to call "the American Revolution", America was already constituted as a functioning society along the lines of specifically English traditions. They also hide the fact that English colonists in America rebelled against the British government in order to reclaim their old rights as Englishmen, which the King and Parliament were denying them. The neocons deny the fact that the US Constitution represented a continuation of America's English heritage. Neocons have long tried to transfer the patriotism of <b>...</b>

SHANGOBAND : ENGLISHMAN"Eqaul rights ".mov
Another Mighty Roots Inc /Azikiwa Music Publishing Video...
published: 03 Feb 2012
Author: 44444424
SHANGOBAND : ENGLISHMAN"Eqaul rights ".mov
Another Mighty Roots Inc /Azikiwa Music Publishing Video

Fazer Ft Ed Drewett - Englishman In New York LYRICS
I do not own any right for this video. All rights go to there respective owners. Fazer Ft ...
published: 04 Mar 2012
Author: MColing2k11
Fazer Ft Ed Drewett - Englishman In New York LYRICS
I do not own any right for this video. All rights go to there respective owners. Fazer Ft Ed Drewett - englishman in New York Live from Barbican Urban Clssics with LYRICS Follow Us On Twitter: @Dappy_Rockstar @DanNDUBLET_

Fazer Ft Ed Drewett - Englishman In New York
Rights Go to there respective owners, I don't own rights. A single from Fazer's so...
published: 03 Mar 2012
Author: ItsDanLowe9
Fazer Ft Ed Drewett - Englishman In New York
Rights Go to there respective owners, I don't own rights. A single from Fazer's solo album featuring up and coming artist Ed Drewett. Aired on the radio 3.3.2012 and also performed at the Barbican Urban Classics 2012.

Empire, Liberty, and Trade 2
"The British Empire and the American Revolution"...
published: 05 Jun 2008
Author: colonialprof
Empire, Liberty, and Trade 2
"The British Empire and the American Revolution"

The Printing Office of Edes & Gill
The Printing Office of Edes & Gill, Boston's only colonial era printing experience...
published: 22 Jan 2012
Author: raglinen
The Printing Office of Edes & Gill
The Printing Office of Edes & Gill, Boston's only colonial era printing experience, opened its doors to the public on April 15, 2011. Located along the Freedom Trail at the historic Clough House, which is owned by and conveniently located adjacent to Old North Church. Visitors will have the opportunity to engage living historians working their printers trade in pre-revolutionary Boston. These same printers were at the vanguard of citizen angst over British governmental policies that Bostonians felt violated their rights as Englishmen. As Boston's only colonial trade experience and only colonial living history interpretive experience, the historic equipment, live demonstrations, interpreters and historic settings enable new levels of understanding how colonial printing affected communities and sparked a revolution in America. Historians generally agree that Boston's Patriot press was a major factor in America's rise to rebellion and independence. Sites along today's Freedom Trail were witnesses to our revolution, and meeting places for Patriots and Loyalists. Perhaps our colonial print shop can again be a meeting place for visitors and groups where they can gather and hear the stories of regular citizens who came together in 1775 in defense of their rights and who created a nation.

American War of Independence.wmv
Der amerikanische Unabhängigkeitskrieg (englisch American Revolutionary War oder Amer...
published: 13 Mar 2010
Author: KoschiMK
American War of Independence.wmv
Der amerikanische Unabhängigkeitskrieg (englisch American Revolutionary War oder American War of Independence) fand von 1775 bis 1783 zwischen den 13 nordamerikanischen Kolonien einerseits und der britischen Kolonialmacht andererseits statt. Er war der Höhepunkt der Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung und führte mit der Unabhängigkeitserklärung 1776 und der Bildung der Konföderation 1777 zu deren siegreichem Abschluss und zur Entstehung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Der Ausgang des Krieges wurde durch die Unterstützung und ab 1778 das aktive Eingreifen Frankreichs zugunsten der Kolonisten wesentlich beeinflusst. Die Hauptkampfhandlungen endeten im Jahre 1781 nach der britischen Niederlage in der Schlacht von Yorktown, der Krieg selbst wurde mit der Unterzeichnung des Friedens von Paris am 3. September 1783 offiziell beendet. The American Revolutionary War (17751783) or American War of Independence began as a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and thirteen former British colonies in North America, and concluded in a global war between several European great powers. The war was the culmination of the political American Revolution, whereby many of the colonists rejected the legitimacy of the Parliament of Great Britain to govern them without representation, claiming that this violated the Rights of Englishmen. The First Continental Congress met in 1774 to coordinate relations with Great Britain and the thirteen now self-governing and individual provinces <b>...</b>

Mad Dogs and Englishmen - Danny Kaye - The Very Best Of Danny Kaye
I do not claim any ownership to this song. Time Music International Ltd. All Rights reserv...
published: 10 Sep 2010
Author: FilledelaTerre07
Mad Dogs and Englishmen - Danny Kaye - The Very Best Of Danny Kaye
I do not claim any ownership to this song. Time Music International Ltd. All Rights reserved

HIST 1301 Review (3 of 6)
EXAM REVIEW FOR HISTORY 1301 (SPRING 2010): PART III In the Third Chapter of Who Built Ame...
published: 02 May 2010
Author: Dr. Michael Dobe, Sr.
HIST 1301 Review (3 of 6)
EXAM REVIEW FOR HISTORY 1301 (SPRING 2010): PART III In the Third Chapter of Who Built America, we learned about Family Labor and the Growth of N. Colonies (1640-1760) docs.google.com When reviewing this chapter foucs on the formation of elites in colonial cities and their relationships with those who labored for them. Among these elites were counted many of those referred to as America's Founding Fathers. As a way to access the kind of advice which an Elite american colonist would have given his workers, in Blog 02, we discussed Poor Richard's Almanack by one of America's founding elites, Benjamin Franklin You were asked to read the biographical introduction and skim through the short sayings in Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack, available from Google books via this link. Choose a saying the hundreds listed in the almanac (they start on page 11), one which you believe is particularly useful as advice to working people. 1.) Quote this saying 2.) explain what you believe it means and 3.) explain how you believe working people would have reacted to this saying at the time. As you review chapter three in Who Built America, think again about how men like Benjamin Franklin and other colonists thought about themselves as Englishmen, blessed with all traditional English Liberties with a lineage they traced back to the Magna Carta and beyond to ancient Greece and Rome. In the Fourth Chapter of Who Built America, we followed the American colonies as they moved Toward <b>...</b>

Sting Englishman in New York with lyrics
Englishman In New York by Sting (I don't own any rights) {st: Sting} {columns: 2} [Bm]...
published: 14 Apr 2011
Author: Warriorcatsfreak2000
Sting Englishman in New York with lyrics
Englishman In New York by Sting (I don't own any rights) {st: Sting} {columns: 2} [Bm] [Bm7] [Em]I don't drink c[A]offee I take [Bm]tea my dear[Bm7] [Em]I like my t[A]oast done on the [Bm]side[Bm7] [Em]And you can h[A]ear it in my [Bm]accent when I [Bm7]talk I'm an E[Em]nglishman [A]in New Y[Bm]ork[Bm7] See me walking down Fifth Avenue A walking cane here at my side I take it everywhere I walk I'm an Englishman in New York [Em]I'm an a[A]lien [Bm]I'm a legal [Bm7]alien I'm an E[Em]nglishman [A]in New Y[Bm]ork[Bm7] [Em]I'm an a[A]lien [Bm]I'm a legal [Bm7]alien I'm an E[Em]nglishman [A]in New Y[Bm]ork[Bm7] If "manners maketh man" as someone said Then he's the hero of the day It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile Be yourself no matter what they say {column_break} I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York [D]Modesty, propriety can l[A]ead to not[A7]oriety [Bm]You could end[Bm7] up as the only [F#]one G[G]entleness, sobriety are r[A]are in this society At [Gdim7]night a candle's brighter than the [Bm]sun Takes more than combat gear to make a man Takes more than license for a gun Confront your enemies, avoid them when you can A gentleman will walk but never run If "manners maketh man" as someone said Then he's the hero of the day It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile Be yourself no matter what they say I'm an alien I'm a legal alien I'm an Englishman in New York I'm an alien I'm a <b>...</b>

www.getaiphone4s.com Watch as sovereign beings of the Divine with blood that flows and fle...
published: 11 Oct 2011
Author: ryan5439
www.getaiphone4s.com Watch as sovereign beings of the Divine with blood that flows and flesh that lives take control of an unlawful Maritime Admiralty Court and arrest an unlawful judge. Both the Court and the Judge are working under Oleron Law which is controlled by the Rule and Code of The Crown Templar commanded at the very top by the Knights of Malta since the destruction of the Templars in the 14th Century. Everyone must be made aware of the Magna Carta of 1215 and the English Bill of Rights of 1689! It was the Magna Carta coming out in 1215 which handed this Kingdom over from the Monarch (Moon Arch [Bridge]) to the Knights Templar as the Magna Carta was a breach of contract between the Pope (Pontifex Maximus [BRIDGE BUILDER]) ruling the World through his Temporal Power and the Monarch. Since 1215 England has always been under the Crown which isn't anything to do with the treasonous Queen of today or Monarchs ever 1215 since if the truth is known. The Queen is a member of the Crown but not its leader! This is the true power of the World working still to this day under the Pope. When the mass Knights Templar were destroyed in the 14th Century, the Knights of Malta replaced them by the power of the Pope and have controlled everything and in this case the commercial World ever since. The Commercial Courts work on the Maritime Admiralty system which is known today as Oleron Law, or the Law of the High Sea. This Sea is seen as the Sea of Souls and in the occult World this <b>...</b>

Officer shares his view on 'Due Process Law'
The Public Information Officer tells the audience he wished that due process would take as...
published: 02 Sep 2007
Author: mannysilva1
Officer shares his view on 'Due Process Law'
The Public Information Officer tells the audience he wished that due process would take as short of time as it takes in some 'TV shows.' This was the ideal setting to get an honest opinion of how he really feels about having to abide by 'Due Process Law'... this was a rare and utterly candid event indeed. Anyone in the audience who may have considered his remark 'humorous,' may not realize that due process benefits everyone--furthermore, the agent's visible sidearm while speaking to the audience may have garnered an intimidated 'forced laughter'--which could be reasonably argued--has some similarities to tactics or MO,(modus operandi) used to get a "forced confession." This meeting was held on the day before John Irons' bond hearing in August of 2007, at the Coker Creek Ruritan hall-- The USFSPublic Information Officer describes the long and sometimes difficult process in the rules of engagement before evidence is presented to a grand jury--this process keeps in check the 'personal tendencies' a law enforcement officer may have. On Monday 12/1/08 a 65 page ruling web.knoxnews.com by Judge Guyton is seen as a victory for due process, and a partial victory for the Forest Service officers who spent years building a case against John Irons. Anything that Irons may have told the police--even if it was exculpatory, could not have helped him at trial. Anything that you tell the police can be used against you, but nothing that you may say can be used to help you, because it is <b>...</b>
Vimeo results:

West Ham United Vs Isla de Canvey
Team Sponsors:
West Ham United - Bob Mabon, London, UK
Isla d...
published: 08 Feb 2010
Author: Benjamin Dawes
West Ham United Vs Isla de Canvey
Team Sponsors:
West Ham United - Bob Mabon, London, UK
Isla de Canvey - Jon Vile, London, UK
Youth, Education, Sport - Grupo de Apoyo Ray Thomas
Los Cabos Little Soccer League.
Cangrejos School. Cabo San Lucas. Mexico
Exactly a decade since we had last shared digs and six years since we last hung out together, I came to Mexico again to see my old pal from school, Bob, and I ended up staying a bit longer than planned. It was great to get to know my friend again, reminisce about old times and create some new ones. We’ve both done a lot to be proud of in the years that have passed. Mostly though, we find it hard to speak proudly, for our friendship is one stuck in the playground, the park and the terrace, where everything is game, banter rules and credit is rarely given. At times we are bold enough to share our achievements in confidence, but a joke is never far away from smirking lips. It’s like we’ve gone off to build very different lives, overcome obstacles, educate ourselves and develop into gentlemen. But it all counts for nowt when you look at your mate in the eye and know that he sees you, and will always see you, as a little chubby ginger kid quoting young guns “you have to challenge yourselves every day gentlemen” before jumping off the roof of a garage. True friends are the ones that know you most and suffer bullshit the least, tethering you to your roots, keeping you real. When you’re a long way from it, friends are home.
Bob soon introduced me to Steve Mills, another globe-trotting Englishmen in Cabo San Lucas. Bob and another friend of ours Jon Vile, had sponsored a few teams through the Grupo de Apoyo program that Steve manages.
A $200 pledge will shirt-up a team of seven lads or lasses for a year, in a logo and team name of whatever you want, pay for their fifa accredited coaching clinic and a medal/trophy giving ceremony at the end of the season. In homage to our London team, Bob named his little squad after West Ham United, and Jon dedicated his patronage to the good name of Canvey Island, or Isla de Canvey as the young mexican lads call it.
Fast-forward 8 months, and i’m stood on a dusty football pitch with a whistle in my mouth. Steve is shouting at me from the touchline to gee up the game a little bit. I’m reffing an under-14’s girl’s match and they’re giving me the right run around. Bunched up around the ball like a scrum that swarms around the pitch in a cloud of dust, I’m essentially guessing when I give a call for throw-in. “demonstrate! encourage them you miserable sod!” shouts Steve. I’m looking over to the other pitch now. eagerly awaiting the main event that we’ve engineered. West Ham United FC versus Canvey Island.
As we gave out the shirts at the beginning of the day, I spotted my mates names on the fixture list and low and behold, there were two piles of shirts, one bright yellow with the Canvey Island seagull badge, and the blue shirts with that regal castle and crossed hammers shield that i know so well. How could i resist the re-enactment of a local london derby in the dust and desert of old Mexico? We immediately made a little alteration to the fixtures and matched up Bob and Jon’s tribute squads. Obviously I had to declare myself unfit to referee due to a conflict of interests, Jon would disregard the result if it was on my watch, so I took out the camera and enjoyed the first live west ham match i’ve attended for years. It was a humdinger.
The competitiveness was feisty, but the excitement and chaos of giving the shirts out had given way to an impressive display of focus and teamwork. The standard of the game is testament to steve’s work with the kids over the last few years, with thought given to the rules and structure of matches to get the best out of the them at varying ages, skill and physique. He talks about introducing the coaching model invented by the dutch, whereby kids only compete in teams of seven rather than eleven, on a smaller tighter pitch giving them less space and therefore reducing the influence of a few gifted players. A broader degree of improvement throughout the team is a direct result of more players getting more touches and chances to contribute. The score line of 0-0 at the final whistle reflected this evenly distributed involvement perfectly. Then came the penalties. And kids love penalties. Penalties even grab the imagination of non-football fans. And it showed as if a penalty bell was ringing to tell every kid in the school that it was time for sudden death. A concise and conclusive micro-competition of nerve and glory.
As the crowds poured from every nook and cranny of the playground. Peer group pressure was evident in an unlikely form. Penalty after penalty got cancelled out by a corresponding miss or save. The exhausted ref was rolling his eyes as yet another spot-kick pinged off the post. The tension was drawn out as every player in both teams had taken a kick wit

Watch as sovereign beings of the Divine with blood that flows and flesh that lives take co...
published: 21 May 2011
Author: sidja
Watch as sovereign beings of the Divine with blood that flows and flesh that lives take control of an unlawful Maritime Admiralty Court and arrest an unlawful judge. Both the Court and the Judge are working under Oleron Law which is controlled by the Rule and Code of The Crown Templar commanded at the very top by the Knights of Malta since the destruction of the Templars in the 14th Century. Everyone must be made aware of the Magna Carta of 1215 and the English Bill of Rights of 1689! It was the Magna Carta coming out in 1215 which handed this Kingdom over from the Monarch (Moon Arch [Bridge]) to the Knights Templar as the Magna Carta was a breach of contract between the Pope (Pontifex Maximus [BRIDGE BUILDER]) ruling the World through his Temporal Power and the Monarch. Since 1215 England has always been under the Crown which isn't anything to do with the treasonous Queen of today or Monarchs ever 1215 since if the truth is known. The Queen is a member of the Crown but not its leader! This is the true power of the World working still to this day under the Pope. When the mass Knights Templar were destroyed in the 14th Century, the Knights of Malta replaced them by the power of the Pope and have controlled everything and in this case the commercial World ever since. The Commercial Courts work on the Maritime Admiralty system which is known today as Oleron Law, or the Law of the High Sea. This Sea is seen as the Sea of Souls and in the occult World this represents the power of the Moon Goddess Isis who controls the tides and why all ships are feminine named. The Oleron Law is based on VATICAN Canon Law which in these Courts can trump all other laws including Maritime if the Judge is defeated twice already. The Judge will go out of court yet again so as not to bring dishonor before trying once again to attempt to get jurisdiction on you. What you're not aware of is how he's now classed as a High Priest of Baal the God of Jupiter worshiped by the Roman Empire and its continuum today the Catholic Church. We're English people and from a true-Christian Country (not pagan-Catholics disguised as Christians in order to infiltrate, take over and destroy as you're seeing in the Church of England today gradually). We were and still are a Protestant Country and we shall soon once again find our roots and remember who gave us these freedoms we can have again and speak of right now. Long live Oliver Cromwell the greatest being of our land for 400+ years and King John of England who introduced the Magna Carta.. We must get back to following God and only the true Bible, the King James AV1611 which our enemies detest and try to undermine by the day with false bibles, hatred and disinformation to brainwash an ever increasingly dumbed down and easily led populace. Time to stand up and take our Nation of Land back. Its time to pull the plug on this treasonous fraud of water, out to Sea it shall go!
This event took place in an Unlawful commercial Court at Birkenhead, England on the 7th of March 2011. Raymond St Clair is the sovereign being of God speaking.
For more information on the Oleron Law (Code and Rule) subject; http://z10.invisionfree.com/The_Unhived_Mind_II/index.php?showtopic=120
For more on this event also; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-12668444
Please also watch the chaos outside the Court; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAtj9QlAmQ8

Bro Futurists
You can do a lot in a day with the right crew of people. You can even bluff your way throu...
published: 16 Mar 2009
Author: Apocrypha Now!
Bro Futurists
You can do a lot in a day with the right crew of people. You can even bluff your way through a Border Patrol checkpoint with 2 Mexicans, 2 Englishmen, an Asian and a Navajo all without papers or seatbelts.

Why Jim Egan?
You may be wondering how Jim Egan was able to solve this history mystery about the first R...
published: 11 Aug 2012
Author: Jim Egan
Why Jim Egan?
You may be wondering how Jim Egan was able to solve this history mystery about the first Renaissance building in America when it has baffled scholars for decades?
First of all, I was a professional photographer for 35 years and the solution just happens to involve how we see. The eye is a miniature camera. The image on the retina is upside down and reversed left to right, and our brain automatically corrects it.
Renaissance painters built camera obscura boxes to study the art of Perspectiva. Astronomers converted the interiors of cathedrals into grand camera obscura rooms. By tracking the solar disc, the image of the moving sun, across the floor, a camera obscura becomes a clock (telling hours and minutes) and a calendar (telling the day of the year).
Secondly, I had tools not available to earlier researchers in the 1900’s: Google, Wikipedia, World Cat, Amazon and the thousands of research databases that came online after the year 2000.
Thirdly, I came to the Tower with an open mind and simply followed a trail of clues left in the historical record.
I noticed that the Scandinavians felt that the Vikings built it. The Portuguese felt the Portuguese built it. The Templar enthusiasts felt the Templars built it.
And all of these earlier theorists thought the first Governor of Rhode Island was lying when he called the Tower “my Stone Built Windmill.” in his1677 will, because their dates of construction all precede 1677
But none of them ever fully investigated Rhode Island history. If they had, they would have asked themselves this most obvious question:
Of all the people in Rhode Island, and all the places in Rhode Island, why does the first Governor end up owning this particular building?
Most Rhode Islanders don’t even know who first Governor was?
His name was Benedict Arnold.
No, not the infamous Revolutionary war traitor. Governor Benedict Arnold was the great-great great-grandfather of the traitor Benedict Arnold.
They lived a full century apart. But because of his notorious namesake, the first Governor has been all but written out of Rhode Island history. (Would you want to attend Benedict Arnold University?)
But in writing a biography of Governor Benedict Arnold, I found he was just as instrumental as Roger Williams in defending freedom of conscience in early Rhode Island.
In 1663, Benedict Arnold was appointed by King Charles II to be the first governor of Rhode Island. His fellow citizens reelected him 7 times, and when he died, 1000 people attended his funeral.
Many clues indicate that Benedict Arnold knew all about the astronomical alignments in the classical-church-Tower designed by John Dee. Not only did Benedict know all about the earlier 1583 colonization attempt, he forever memorialized into the very fabric of this state. What does that mean?
Well, you see, back in 1583, the Spanish Ambassador to London, Don Bernadino de Mendoza, had warned the Queen that when Spain found the location of the colony, they would “slit the throats” of all the Englishmen they found there.
So, John Dee, the Queen’s legal advisor, and mastermind behind the whole mission, devised a secret code symbol and a secret code word for the colony.
The secret code symbol was the “Anchor of Hope.” In 1663, the first Governor Benedict Arnold, adopted as the Anchor of Hope as the state symbol. And the Anchor of Hope is still the state seal today.
And (drum roll please) the secret code word for the 1583 colony was: “RHODE.” Yes, the first Governor adopted that too. And that’s still in use today.
Furthermore, written in the arrangement of the stones in the arches of the Tower are not only a representation of Dee’s “hidden blueprint,” but also, written in Greek, are the letters of the word RHODE.
Nowadays, in the complex world of academia and business, people are, by necessity, forced to specialize. But to understand who built the Tower, one must think like a Renaissance man, an interdisciplinarian, a comprehensivist.
The great thinkers of the Renaissance, like John Dee, were not only interested in various fields of study like geometry, number, astronomy, architecture, optics, music, and theology, they were fascinated by how these fields were all interrelated.
I have written a series of ten books and twenty short videos about my discovery, and opened up the Newport Tower Museum to share my story.
Someday this Tower will make Newport a World Heritage Site. To help the economy of Rhode Island and all of New England, let’s make it happen today.
Youtube results:

An Englishman in New York (2009): Arriving at New York
A movie by Richard Laxton, starring John Hurt as Quentin Crisp. www.imdb.com I do not own ...
published: 29 Jun 2010
Author: GuilleG3
An Englishman in New York (2009): Arriving at New York
A movie by Richard Laxton, starring John Hurt as Quentin Crisp. www.imdb.com I do not own the rights to this movie, so no copyright infringement intended.

Human rights travesty
A new low for the United Nations. Bedbugs at the UN www.reuters.com US activists lobby aga...
published: 19 Nov 2010
Author: patcondell
Human rights travesty
A new low for the United Nations. Bedbugs at the UN www.reuters.com US activists lobby against UN religious defamation resolution www.huffingtonpost.com Insulting Islam risks civilisation clash blah blah www.middle-east-online.com Blasphemy laws a serious threat to human rights www.freedomhouse.org Child marriage in Saudi Arabia www.middle-east-online.com 80-year-old Saudi man marries 14-year-old www.emirates247.com Muslim slavery in Sudan undhimmi.com Saudi women vow to breastfeed their drivers www.qatarliving.com Iranian cleric blames immodestly dressed women for earthquakes news.bbc.co.uk 1195 women murdered in Pakistan in 2010 timesofindia.indiatimes.com Family waits to see if mother will be hanged for blasphemy edition.cnn.com Pakistani woman freed after 14 years in prison without trial for blasphemy www.asianews.it A woman murdered every day in Karachi www.dailytimes.com.pk Women in Pakistan en.wikipedia.org Violence against women in Pakistan www.hrcp-web.org Violence against women in Punjab tribune.com.pk Five women buried alive in Pakistan www.ahrchk.net Welcome to Pornistan www.foxnews.com Saudi Arabia spot on UN women agency triggers outcry blogs.reuters.com When it comes to women, the UN flogs its own integrity www.theglobeandmail.com The crimewave that shames the world www.independent.co.uk Want human rights? Leave the United Nations canadafreepress.com PETITION AGAINST SHARIA LAW IN BRITAIN onelawforallpetition.com You can download an audio version of this <b>...</b>

This event took place in an Unlawful commercial Court at Birkenhead, England on the 7th of...
published: 21 May 2011
Author: JediWitness
This event took place in an Unlawful commercial Court at Birkenhead, England on the 7th of March 2011. Raymond St Clair is the sovereign being of God speaking. For more information on the Oleron Law (Code and Rule) subject; z10.invisionfree.com For more on this event also; www.bbc.co.uk Watch as sovereign beings of the Divine with blood that flows and flesh that lives take control of an unlawful Maritime Admiralty Court and arrest an unlawful judge. Both the Court and the Judge are working under Oleron Law which is controlled by the Rule and Code of The Crown Templar commanded at the very top by the Knights of Malta since the destruction of the Templars in the 14th Century. Everyone must be made aware of the Magna Carta of 1215 and the English Bill of Rights of 1689! It was the Magna Carta coming out in 1215 which handed this Kingdom over from the Monarch (Moon Arch [Bridge]) to the Knights Templar as the Magna Carta was a breach of contract between the Pope (Pontifex Maximus [BRIDGE BUILDER]) ruling the World through his Temporal Power and the Monarch. Since 1215 England has always been under the Crown which isn't anything to do with the treasonous Queen of today or Monarchs ever 1215 since if the truth is known. The Queen is a member of the Crown but not its leader! This is the true power of the World working still to this day under the Pope. When the mass Knights Templar were destroyed in the 14th Century, the Knights of Malta replaced them by the power of the Pope and <b>...</b>

American Colonial Reactions to Imperial Tax Policies, 1763-1774
This lecture presentation highlights the new British policies of direct taxation following...
published: 04 Jun 2012
Author: colonialprof
American Colonial Reactions to Imperial Tax Policies, 1763-1774
This lecture presentation highlights the new British policies of direct taxation following the Seven Years War. Unlike in British-Canada or the British West Indies, it would be the 13 mainland colonies that would show their resistance to this imperial agenda by articulating intellectual commentary, boycotting imports while radicals destroyed imported trade commodities and used intimidation practices to voice their discontent.