(EST) European Solar Telescope
(EST) European Solar Telescope
The European Solar Telescope (EST) is the future project for European ground-based solar astronomy. It is the main project for EAST (European Association for Solar Telescopes), an association with 15 member institutions from 15 European cou...

Astronomy Now's guide to solar observing 1 - Introduction to solar telescopes.m4v
Astronomy Now's guide to solar observing 1 - Introduction to solar telescopes.m4v
In part 1 of our guide to solar observing, Astronomy Now's equipment consultant Nick Howes introduces the range of solar telescopes on offer. REMEMBER! NEVER EVER look directly at the Sun, with your naked eye or through a telescope, as ...

Coronado 80at computer activated hydrogen alpha solar telescope TOP SECRET PROTOTYPE
Coronado 80at computer activated hydrogen alpha solar telescope TOP SECRET PROTOTYPE
I built this telescope for average joe to conduct the science of a lifetime. Hydrogen alpha solar tracking is an unreachable goal for many amateurs. This is the answer to everyones solar dreams....

Viewing the Sun using a modified Coronado Personal Solar Telescope
Viewing the Sun using a modified Coronado Personal Solar Telescope
Viewing the Sun using a modified Coronado Personal Solar Telescope Visit us at: www.scopesnskies.com www.pulsar-optical.co.uk Presented by Robert J Dalby Produced by The Astronomy and Nature Centre in association with ARB Media Productions....

First light from BBSO : New Solar Telescope - SUNSPOT 1084
First light from BBSO : New Solar Telescope - SUNSPOT 1084
Credit and thanks to spaceweather.com for the article below.. SPACEWEATHER.COM - "FIRST LIGHT FROM THE NEW SOLAR TELESCOPE" "This is a first light adaptive optics image from the New Solar Telescope (NST) at the Big Bear Solar...

LS60THa Lunt Solar Scope - playing around
LS60THa Lunt Solar Scope - playing around
First time setting up my new solar telescope and trying some camera setting and filter tuning. The Scope is a Lunt LS 60 THa - Solar Telescope. Equiped with a tunable Hydrogen Alpha narrowband filter and a second H-Alpha filter as a double ...

NASA | Massive Solar Flare gets HD Close Up
NASA | Massive Solar Flare gets HD Close Up
Take a closer look at the flare that erupted on March 6, 2012. This movie of the March 6, 2012 X5.4 flare was captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) in the 171 and 131 Angstrom wavelength. One of the most dramatic features is the ...

Solar Eruption Mistaken for a Refueling UFO? March 12, 2012
Solar Eruption Mistaken for a Refueling UFO? March 12, 2012
sheilaaliens.net "Telescope images captured of the sun on Monday, March 12, show what appears to be a planet-size shadowy object tethered to the sun by a dark filament. In the image sequence, a burst of brightly lit material can be see...

Is Venus Unleashing Solar Flares? (Dec 28th, 2011).
Is Venus Unleashing Solar Flares? (Dec 28th, 2011).
Image artifacts - Internal reflections Light reflecting inside the telescope optics, and diffracting off edges within the telescopes, can produce some interesting effects. Consider this series of images showing the planet Venus leaving the ...

Extraterrestrial life? NASA announces Keplar telescope discovery of Kepler 22b, the 'new Earth'
Extraterrestrial life? NASA announces Keplar telescope discovery of Kepler 22b, the 'new Earth'
Bill Borucki, Kepler principal investigator at NASA Ames Research Centre on the discovery of an Earth like planet outside the solar system...

Collimating your reflecting Telescope in just a few minutes
Collimating your reflecting Telescope in just a few minutes
The A&NC's Ralph Bell shows you how to quickly collimate a Newtonian reflector telescope using a '2nd generation' laser collimator. Presented by Ralph Bell and Robert J Dalby. Produced by ARB Media Productions for The Astron...

Hubble Space Telescope Journey to Galaxies, Universe, Nebulas and Stars with the Sounds ...,good
Hubble Space Telescope Journey to Galaxies, Universe, Nebulas and Stars with the Sounds ...,good
Beautiful orrery(solar system model) avaiable in : www.orrerystore.com .Music from THE SOUNDS OF HEAVEN by Rafael Bromwww.marianland.com Nebula, The Pleiades is one of the most famous open clusters. Table of all 110 Messier objects. A short...

Hubble Space Telescope Directly Observes Exoplanet,good
Hubble Space Telescope Directly Observes Exoplanet,good
Beautiful orrery(solar system model) avaiable in : www.orrerystore.com .Science & Reason on Facebook: tinyurl.com 22: Hubble Space Telescope Directly Observes Exoplanet Orbiting Fomalhaut.The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has discover...

Kepler Discovers First Earth-Sized Planets Outside Solar System
Kepler Discovers First Earth-Sized Planets Outside Solar System
NASA's Kepler mission has discovered the first Earth-size planets orbiting a sun-like star outside our solar system. The planets, called Kepler-20e and Kepler-20f, are too close to their star to be in the so-called habitable zone where ...

NASA Telescope Discovers 26 Alien Planets Around 11 Different Stars Jan 27th 2012
NASA Telescope Discovers 26 Alien Planets Around 11 Different Stars Jan 27th 2012
NASA's prolific planet-hunting spacecraft has hit the jackpot again, discovering 11 new planetary systems with 26 confirmed alien planets among them. The findings nearly double the number of bona fide planets found outside our solar sys...