
The Discovery of the Atomic Nucleus (3 of 15)
Episode 3 of In Search of Giants: Dr Brian Cox takes us on a journey through the history o...
published: 01 Mar 2008
author: SciTechUK
The Discovery of the Atomic Nucleus (3 of 15)
Episode 3 of In Search of Giants: Dr Brian Cox takes us on a journey through the history of particle physics. In this episode we learn how Ernest Rutherford conducted a historical experiment that revealed that most of the mass of an atom is concentrated in a tiny nucleus made of protons and neutrons. This film is part of a series originally broadcast on Teachers' TV (www.teachers.tv The series was made with the support of The Science and Technology Facilities Council (www.scitech.ac.uk). www.lhc.ac.uk - Official UK LHC website for public and schools. www.particledetectives.net - School resources on the LHC, how science works and particle physics. Films produced and directed by Alom Shaha (www.labreporter.com).
published: 01 Mar 2008
views: 154258

Ernest Rutherford - Giant of Science
Ernest Rutherford: Father of Nuclear Physics. Rutherford was the world renowned physicist ...
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: mosimanchester
Ernest Rutherford - Giant of Science
Ernest Rutherford: Father of Nuclear Physics. Rutherford was the world renowned physicist who discovered the structure of the atom through his famous 1909 gold foil experiment. Described by Albert Einstein as "a second Newton", the legacy of his groundbreaking work informs all areas of particle physics to this day. Truly a giant of science. This classroom resource covers Rutherford's background, the gold foil experiment and his legacy. It was produced by The Museum of Science & Industry in Manchester. www.mosi.org.uk Supported by Winton Capital Management www.wintoncapital.com
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: mosimanchester
views: 2279

Physical Science 7.4g - Ernest Rutherford
Two famous experiments by Ernest Rutherford: the transmutation of Nitrogen in to Oxygen, a...
published: 17 Feb 2009
author: Derek Owens
Physical Science 7.4g - Ernest Rutherford
Two famous experiments by Ernest Rutherford: the transmutation of Nitrogen in to Oxygen, and the discovery of the atomic nucleus with the Gold Foil experiment.
published: 17 Feb 2009
author: Derek Owens
views: 22497

Ernest Rutherford Biography
Ernest Rutherford 1871 - 1937 Ernest Rutherford was the father of nuclear physics. All con...
published: 25 May 2012
author: TheCloudBiography
Ernest Rutherford Biography
Ernest Rutherford 1871 - 1937 Ernest Rutherford was the father of nuclear physics. All content is either in the public domain or licensed pursuant to a Creative Commons Attribution License creativecommons.org Attribution: www.cloudbiography.com
published: 25 May 2012
author: TheCloudBiography
views: 611

Structure of the Atom 3: The Rutherford Model
Another informative video from the Senior physics series describing the Rutherford model. ...
published: 08 Dec 2007
author: stevebd1
Structure of the Atom 3: The Rutherford Model
Another informative video from the Senior physics series describing the Rutherford model. More info- en.wikipedia.org
published: 08 Dec 2007
author: stevebd1
views: 117362

Chemistry - Ernest Rutherford's Nuclear Model of the Atom and the Gold Foil Experiment
www.yourchemcoach.com Mr. Causey discusses the Nuclear atomic model, Ernest Rutherford, Ha...
published: 26 Nov 2010
author: mrcausey
Chemistry - Ernest Rutherford's Nuclear Model of the Atom and the Gold Foil Experiment
www.yourchemcoach.com Mr. Causey discusses the Nuclear atomic model, Ernest Rutherford, Hans Gieger and Ernest Marsden. He includes the Gold Foil experiment and the discovery of the atomic nucleus.
published: 26 Nov 2010
author: mrcausey
views: 2613

The Life and Times of Ernest Rutherford
My phys science project typo: college 1890-1892...
published: 21 Sep 2008
author: Lawrence Parawan
The Life and Times of Ernest Rutherford
My phys science project typo: college 1890-1892
published: 21 Sep 2008
author: Lawrence Parawan
views: 895

Ernest Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment Chemistry Visual
The name speaks for itself! :) A demonstration of how Ernest Rutherford's famed gold foil ...
published: 16 Oct 2009
author: jkfisher97
Ernest Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment Chemistry Visual
The name speaks for itself! :) A demonstration of how Ernest Rutherford's famed gold foil experiment came to be.
published: 16 Oct 2009
author: jkfisher97
views: 14299

Why Ernest Rutherford is the Greatest McGillian, by Martin Grant
Dean of the Faculty of Science Martin Grant shares why he thinks Ernest Rutherford, Nobel ...
published: 10 Aug 2011
author: McGillAlumni
Why Ernest Rutherford is the Greatest McGillian, by Martin Grant
Dean of the Faculty of Science Martin Grant shares why he thinks Ernest Rutherford, Nobel Prize winner and the father of nuclear physics, is the Greatest McGillian of all time. To vote for Rutherford and the rest of your favourite Greatest McGillians, visit aoc.mcgill.ca
published: 10 Aug 2011
author: McGillAlumni
views: 625

Ernest Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment
Pete Manchen Jonathan Spoehr and Chris Knutson revive Ernest Rutherfords gold foil experim...
published: 05 Sep 2008
author: enoughisnt
Ernest Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment
Pete Manchen Jonathan Spoehr and Chris Knutson revive Ernest Rutherfords gold foil experiment
published: 05 Sep 2008
author: enoughisnt
views: 24845
Vimeo results:

Ernest Rutherford, MSIM
This was the second video I worked for the Museum of Science & Industry installation....
published: 10 Dec 2008
author: Digital Cavalier
Ernest Rutherford, MSIM
This was the second video I worked for the Museum of Science & Industry installation.

Mary Fowler- Great Grandaughter of Ernest Rutherford
A live link from London to New Zealand, Mary Fowler speaks about what she remembers about ...
published: 21 Jun 2010
author: Royal Society of New Zealand
Mary Fowler- Great Grandaughter of Ernest Rutherford
A live link from London to New Zealand, Mary Fowler speaks about what she remembers about her famous relative, Ernest Rutherford- the Nobel winning scientist who split the atom

Road Back to the Frozen Four (69 minutes)
[edit]Partridge and his academy
The university was founded in 1819 at Norwich by ...
published: 06 May 2011
author: Norwich Television
Road Back to the Frozen Four (69 minutes)
[edit]Partridge and his academy
The university was founded in 1819 at Norwich by military educator and former superintendent of West Point, Captain Alden B. Partridge. Captain Partridge believed in the "American System of Education," a traditional liberal arts curriculum with instruction in civil engineering and military science. After leaving West Point because of congressional disapproval of his system, he returned to his native state of Vermont to create the American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy. Captain Partridge, in founding his academy, rebelled against the reforms of Sylvanus Thayer to prevent the rise of what he saw as the greatest threat to the security of the young republic: a professional officer class. He believed that a well-trained militia was an urgent necessity and developed the American system around that idea. His academy became the inspiration for a number of military colleges throughout the nation, including both the Virginia Military Institute and The Citadel, and later the land grant colleges created through the Morrill Act of 1862.[4]
Partridge's educational beliefs were considered radical at the time, and this led to his conflicting views with the federal government while he was the superintendent of West Point. Upon creation of his own school, he immediately incorporated classes of agriculture and modern languages in addition to the sciences, liberal arts, and various military subjects. Field exercises, for which Partridge borrowed cannon and muskets from the federal and state governments, supplemented classroom instruction and added an element of realism to the college’s program of well-rounded military education.
Partridge founded six other military institutions during his quest to reform the fledgling United States military. They were the Virginia Literary, Scientific and Military Academy at Portsmouth, Virginia (1839–1846), Pennsylvania Literary, Scientific, and Military Academy at Bristol, Pennsylvania (1842–1845), Pennsylvania Military Institute at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (1845–1848), Wilmington Literary, Scientific and Military Academy at Wilmington, Delaware (1846–1848), the Scientific and Military Collegiate Institute at Reading, Pennsylvania (1850–1854), Gymnasium and Military Institute at Pembroke, New Hampshire (1850–1853) and the National Scientific and Military Academy at Brandywine Springs, Delaware (1853).[5]
[edit]Fire and hardship: Norwich in the 19th century
In 1825 the academy moved to Middletown, Connecticut, to provide better naval training to the school's growing corps of cadets. In 1829, the state of Connecticut declined to grant Captain Partridge a charter and he moved the school back to Norwich (the Middletown campus became Wesleyan University in 1831). Beginning in 1826, the college offered the first program of courses in civil engineering in the US. In 1834 Vermont granted a charter and recognized the institution as Norwich University. During the 1856 academic year, the first chapter of the Theta Chi Fraternity was founded by cadets Frederick Norton Freeman and Arthur Chase. With the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, Norwich cadets served as instructors of the state militias throughout the Northeast and the entire class of 1862 enlisted upon its graduation. Norwich turned out hundreds of officers and soldiers who served with the federal armies in the American Civil War, including four recipients of the Medal of Honor. One graduate led a corps, seven more headed divisions, 21 commanded brigades, 38 led regiments, and various alumni served in 131 different regimental organizations. In addition, these men were eyewitnesses to some of the war's most dramatic events, including the bloodiest day of the conflict at Antietam, the attack up Marye's Heights at Fredericksburg, and the repulse of Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg. Seven hundred and fifty Norwich men served in the Civil War, of whom sixty fought for the Confederacy.[6] Because of the university's participation in the struggle, the number of students dwindled to seven in the class of 1864 alone.
The Confederate raid on St. Albans, Vermont precipitated fear that Newport, Vermont was an imminent target. The corps quickly boarded an express train for Newport, the same day, October 19, 1864, to the great relief of the inhabitants.
After a catastrophic fire in 1866 which devastated the entire campus, the town of Northfield welcomed the struggling school. The Civil War, the fire, and the uncertainty regarding the continuation of the University seriously lowered the attendance, and the school opened in the fall of 1866 with only 19 students. The 1870s and 1880s saw many financially turbulent times for the institution and the renaming of the school to Lewis College in 1880. In 1881 the student body was reduced to only a dozen men. Later, by 1884, the Vermont Legislature had the name of the school changed back to Norwich. In 1898 the university was designated as the Military

Tudo se Transforma - A Revolução de Rutherford
Voltada para professores e estudantes do ensino médio, a série Tudo se Transforma é compos...
published: 29 Apr 2011
author: Segunda-Feira Filmes
Tudo se Transforma - A Revolução de Rutherford
Voltada para professores e estudantes do ensino médio, a série Tudo se Transforma é composta de 18 episódios que abordam, numa perspectiva histórica, diversos aspectos da química desde o surgimento desta ciência até o seu conhecimento contemporâneo. Da alquimia à energia nuclear, dos metais à bioquímica, da Tabela Periódica aos condutores elétricos, o legado de cientistas brilhantes como Linus Pauling, Marie Curie e Ernest Rutheford e outros temas de grande importância são abordados de maneira intensa e descontraída.
Com produção audiovisual da Segunda-Feira Filmes e da Cena Tropical, Tudo se Transforma é uma produção da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro para o Projeto Condigital, uma realização conjunta do FNDE - Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educação, Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia e Ministério da Educação.
Youtube results:

Ernest Rutherford's Experiment.wmv
published: 04 Jan 2012
author: AKshit8202
Ernest Rutherford's Experiment.wmv

Ernest Rutherford sings his atomic theory
Musically transformed speech of Ernest Rutherford in 1931 discussing the features of atomi...
published: 11 Dec 2007
author: Robert Davidson
Ernest Rutherford sings his atomic theory
Musically transformed speech of Ernest Rutherford in 1931 discussing the features of atomic structure. Live musical performance by Topology and Loops.
published: 11 Dec 2007
author: Robert Davidson
views: 16307

Indian Boy...Ernest Rutherford...
A video of me, explaining the Great Ernest Rutherford...Trolls and Feedback are welcome......
published: 20 Feb 2012
author: Vplay3
Indian Boy...Ernest Rutherford...
A video of me, explaining the Great Ernest Rutherford...Trolls and Feedback are welcome...Subscribe and Like...for more Random Videos...
published: 20 Feb 2012
author: Vplay3
views: 194

Kerry And Alex's Ernest Rutherford Experiment
published: 02 Oct 2008
author: likes2flip8089
Kerry And Alex's Ernest Rutherford Experiment