
The Never Seen Video of Inside of KAABA ! The Only Video ! don't miss Muslims !chk discription
Salam, Alhamdulilah ,Im very happy as Allah swt turned my dream in to reality , He accept ...
published: 28 Jan 2009
author: islamgr8religion
The Never Seen Video of Inside of KAABA ! The Only Video ! don't miss Muslims !chk discription
Salam, Alhamdulilah ,Im very happy as Allah swt turned my dream in to reality , He accept our prayers,My parents came back from hajj on 27/11/2010 ... Thank you all brother and sisters for making dua for me, May Allah swt InVite All muslims for Hajj, Ameen Ok, Now Find the Answer of ur Queries here! MUSLIMS DON'T WORSHIP KAABA islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com Interior Description of Kaaba ! islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com Marble Floor Details of Kaaba! islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com Inscribed Marble Stone! islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com Washing Inside Kaaba islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com Old Kaaba Hajj Pictures islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com Kaaba in Flood islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com Kaaba Structure Pictures islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com Inside View Of Kaaba islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com Facebook group! www.facebook.com islamgreatreligion.wordpress.com
published: 28 Jan 2009
views: 1234259

Fajr in Kaaba - Kabe'de Sabah Namazi (excellent)
Morning Prayer in Kaaba - You see the time, it's about 5 o'clock in the morning and Muslim...
published: 07 Jan 2008
author: sehitruhu
Fajr in Kaaba - Kabe'de Sabah Namazi (excellent)
Morning Prayer in Kaaba - You see the time, it's about 5 o'clock in the morning and Muslims worship ALLAH, the most Gracious and most Merciful. Allahu Akbar. 27th September 2007 / led by Sheikh Juhany Mekke'de Sabah Namazi
published: 07 Jan 2008
author: sehitruhu
views: 99128

The door of the Kaaba remains one of history's mysteries
Since it came into being and till now, it is still one of the mysteries of history. It is ...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: AlArabiya
The door of the Kaaba remains one of history's mysteries
Since it came into being and till now, it is still one of the mysteries of history. It is the door of the Kaaba. There is no documentation of its initial shape or what its builders looked like. There is, however, one indisputable historical fact: the Kaaba had two doors for a long time. "Today the door of the Kaaba rises above the surface of the Grand Mosque with about two meters and 20 centimeters. Its current height is three meters and 18 centimeters. The thickness of the door, including height and breath, is 222 centimeters long and 171 centimeters wide," Nizar al-Shaibi of the al-Shaibi family (custodians of the Kaaba) said. Tending to the Kaaba's door is an honor many Islamic rulers throughout different eras were keen to get. They used to write their names under the 99 Names of God and they have never spared their gold and silver when it came to the Kaaba's door. The door and its key are tended to by al-Shaiba, the keepers of the key in accordance with prophet Mohamed's will. "The custody of the key always goes to the eldest of our family then passes to the next eldest and so on. We have the key of the Kaaba and the shrine of Prophet Ibrahim. We enter the Kaaba and clean it with rose water. We wait for the governor who starts the cleaning process followed by the guests he brings with him. They wipe the walls of the entire Kaaba followed by the walls," Abdul qader al-Shaibi, head key-bearer of the Kaaba said. The components of previous doors of the Kaaba are kept in ...
published: 02 Aug 2012
author: AlArabiya
views: 4306

Opening of the Ka'aba Door (High Quality)
While on Umrah, I was blessed with the opportunity to witness the opening and internal cle...
published: 03 Oct 2008
author: Snipersqueak
Opening of the Ka'aba Door (High Quality)
While on Umrah, I was blessed with the opportunity to witness the opening and internal cleaning of the Ka'aba. On the morning of the 2nd of August, after Fajr Prayer we decided to do Twaf (Circumambulation of the Ka'aba) and on our last circuit we saw a carriage of wooden steps approach the Ka'aba door. The crowds started to push and it felt worse than Hajj! I reached for my camera and began to record and witness one of the most rarest and gifted events in the Islamic world. The video explains the rest. Time of video: 06:40 Date: 2nd August 2008
published: 03 Oct 2008
author: Snipersqueak
views: 2807558

Holy Mysteries - Secrets of the Kaaba
In this movie different holy mysteries and myths are proved with the accordance of Scienti...
published: 03 Jul 2009
author: mubassir91
Holy Mysteries - Secrets of the Kaaba
In this movie different holy mysteries and myths are proved with the accordance of Scientific principles. In one part of the movie the Miracles of the City of Makkah are discussed. In mathematics their is a Golden Mean number 1618 which is a ratio. All the organisms in this world, the world itself, this universe, and the galaxies in this universe are all made precisely with this ratio 1618. The usage of this ratio in everything is a prove that all the things are created by one God. All the scientific proves are given in this movie. In this movie it is proved that the Golden Mean center of this earth is the City of Makkah, and the mean of City of Makkah is the Holy Kabbah. I suggest all of you to watch this movie. It is going to release in theaters in September 2009 Kindly note that the video clip below is a trailer of the movie Holy Mysteries that is yet to be released, in September 2009 inshaAllah.
published: 03 Jul 2009
author: mubassir91
views: 358963

Inside pictures of Holy Kaaba
Inside pictures of Holy Kaaba(awesome videoand plz forward to other muslims also)...
published: 26 Oct 2009
author: islamicvideos1000
Inside pictures of Holy Kaaba
Inside pictures of Holy Kaaba(awesome videoand plz forward to other muslims also)
published: 26 Oct 2009
author: islamicvideos1000
views: 851484

What is Shiva Linga? Kaaba?
What is Shiva Linga? Kaaba?...
published: 18 Sep 2008
author: SanathanDharma
What is Shiva Linga? Kaaba?

Why is Kaaba in Makkah
published: 29 Aug 2009
author: PalestinianEnforcer
Why is Kaaba in Makkah

The Kaaba and pre-Islamic Mecca
In pre-Islamic days, that Muslims call the Days of ignorance, the religious background of ...
published: 20 Apr 2010
author: TheHistoryTV
The Kaaba and pre-Islamic Mecca
In pre-Islamic days, that Muslims call the Days of ignorance, the religious background of the Arabs was pagan, and basically animistic. Through Moon, Sun, Stars, Planets, Animals, wells, trees, stones, caves, springs, and other natural objects man could make contact with the deity. At Mekka, Allah was the chief of the gods and the special deity of the Quraish, the prophets tribe. Allah had three daughters: Al Uzzah (Venus) most revered of all and pleased with human sacrifice; Manah, the goddess of destiny, and Al Lat, the goddess of vegetable life. These three daughters of Allah (there is a Quranic verse about them) were considered very powerful over all things. Therefore, their intercessions on behalf of their worshippers were of great significance. On rituals, Encyclopedia of Islam (New Edition, sv Kaaba) states: It is incontrovertible that Islam took from the pagan Arabs an entire pre-Islamic ritual, previously steeped in paganism. This ritual is the veneration of and the pilgrimage to the Kaaba at Mecca. For the pre-Islamic Arabs, the Kaaba was the center of worship where the Jahilis prayed and went round it seven times. The Jahilis went on pilgrimage to the Kaaba once a year in Dhul-Hijja for a week, and they performed the Waqfa [standing in or stoppage at] on Mount Arafat (Al-Udhhri, 1991, 77). In their ritual, the Pre-Islamic pilgrims halted at Muzdalifa, stayed at Mina, made seven runs between Safa and the Marwah hills, sacrificed animals, and shaved their heads ...
published: 20 Apr 2010
author: TheHistoryTV
views: 39156

Truth behind the Black Stone, Quran & Kaaba was first built by Asa'd Abu Karb (410-435AD)
Quran has 7 passages on Iblis and Angels plagiarized from the Hebrew Book of Adam found at...
published: 21 Jun 2008
author: positron66
Truth behind the Black Stone, Quran & Kaaba was first built by Asa'd Abu Karb (410-435AD)
Quran has 7 passages on Iblis and Angels plagiarized from the Hebrew Book of Adam found at www.jewishencyclopedia.com Satan hated Adam, for he regarded him as the cause of his fall. After God had created man, He ordered all the angels to prostrate themselves before Adam, but Satan rebelled against God's command, despite the direct bidding of Michael "to worship the image of YHWH, and answered proudly: "If God be angry against me, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God" (compare Isa. xiv. 13). Whereupon God "cast him out from heaven with all his host of rebellious angels" Quran 18:50 (Yusuf Ali) Behold! We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam": They bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of his Lord. Will ye then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? And they are enemies to you! Evil would be the exchange for the wrong-doers! Please click link below on "occultism in the family of mohammed" and you can read proof about Mohammed was from whole family line and relatives on occultism of jinn-devils worship. religionresearchinstitute.org All Jinns are allegiance to Satan or Iblis only! Muslims who pray to Kaaba will be reckoned as evil-doers and will be sent to Hell-fire forever as told in Quran 19:71-72. Quran 76:31 (Pickthal) He maketh whom He Will to enter His mercy, and for evil-doers hath prepared a painful Doom. References: IQ Al-Rassooli is an Iraqi exile (and native Arabic reader and speaker) who has spent ...
published: 21 Jun 2008
author: positron66
views: 1716399

Scientific miracles of the Kaaba
1.618 : Number of Golden Ratio, mystery of Kaaba, Miracle of Islam and Qur'an. The number ...
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: DawahLeaks
Scientific miracles of the Kaaba
1.618 : Number of Golden Ratio, mystery of Kaaba, Miracle of Islam and Qur'an. The number is 1.618, and is found by solving the equation: g = 1/(1+g). The golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section, is a number often encountered when taking the ratios of distances in geometric figures and biological systems, is an instrument of measurement and growth efficiency. Phi Constant- 1.618, superior design number of mathematics. The Creator has always used the very same number in numerous events in the universe; in our heart pulses, the aspect ratio of DNA spiral, in the special design of the universe called dodecehadron, in the leaf array rules of plants called phylotaxy, in the snow flake crystals, in the spiral structure of numerous galaxies. The Creator used the same number; the number of golden ratio which is 1.618 It is determined that this ratio has been used for the design of various reputable architectural structures, even including Pyramids in Egypt. Famous astronomer Kepler defined this number as a great treasury. Numerous famous painters, engineers and architects, like Leonardo Da Vinci, have been using this ratio in their works of art for hundreds of years. There is one unique verse in Qur'an that includes Mecca word and an expression that mentions clear evidences within the city which will grant faith to humanity. The relation between the City of Mecca and the Golden Ratio is clearly engraved in Ali Imran Surah's (section of ...
published: 22 Sep 2011
author: DawahLeaks
views: 15194

Inside View of Masjid-e-Haram Ka'aba Mecca
The Kaaba (Arabic: الكعبة Al-Kaabah; IPA "Cube" is a cuboidal building in Mecca, Saudi Ara...
published: 28 Jan 2009
author: Faisal Mughal
Inside View of Masjid-e-Haram Ka'aba Mecca
The Kaaba (Arabic: الكعبة Al-Kaabah; IPA "Cube" is a cuboidal building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and is the most sacred site in Islam.[2] The building is more than two thousand years old, and according to Islamic tradition the first building at the site was built by Abraham (Ibrahim). The building has a mosque built around it, the Masjid al-Haram. All Muslims around the world face towards the Kaaba during prayers, no matter where they are. One of the Five Pillars of Islam requires every capable Muslim to perform the Hajj pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime. Multiple parts of the Hajj require pilgrims to walk several times around the Kaaba in a counter-clockwise direction (as viewed from above). This circumambulation, the Tawaf, is also performed by pilgrims during the Umrah (lesser pilgrimage).[2] However, the most dramatic times are during the Hajj, when two million pilgrims simultaneously gather to circle the building on the same day. The Kaaba is a large masonry structure roughly the shape of a cube. It is made of granite from the hills near Mecca, and stands upon a 25 cm (10 in) marble base, which projects outwards about 35 cm (1 ft).[2] It is approximately 13.10 m (42.98 ft) high, with sides measuring 11.03 m (36.19 ft) by 12.86 m (42.19 ft).[3][4] The four corners of the Kaaba roughly face the four points of the compass.[2] In the eastern corner of the Kaaba is the Ruknu l-Aswad "Black Stone" or al-Ħajaru l-Aswad, possibly a meteorite remnant; at the northern ...
published: 28 Jan 2009
author: Faisal Mughal
views: 87469

Haram Al Haram Kaaba-Hindu Shiva Temple Garbhagriha Black Stone Shivalinga More similarities.
Haram Al Haram Kaaba-Hindu Shiva Temple Garbhagriha Black Stone Shivalinga More similariti...
published: 14 May 2009
author: SanathanDharma
Haram Al Haram Kaaba-Hindu Shiva Temple Garbhagriha Black Stone Shivalinga More similarities.
Haram Al Haram Kaaba-Hindu Shiva Temple Garbhagriha Black Stone Shivalinga More similarities.
published: 14 May 2009
author: SanathanDharma
views: 140637
Vimeo results:

Miracles of Kaaba - Arabic
www.holymysteries.com for book dvd and sponsors...
published: 03 Mar 2009
author: erdem cetinkaya
Miracles of Kaaba - Arabic
www.holymysteries.com for book dvd and sponsors

Miracle of Kaaba - English Version
published: 13 Feb 2009
author: Erdem Cetinkaya
Miracle of Kaaba - English Version

Miracle Of Kaaba Arabic
www.holymysteries.com for purchase book.
Copyrighted by Erdem Çetinkaya...
published: 01 May 2009
author: Erdem Cetinkaya
Miracle Of Kaaba Arabic
www.holymysteries.com for purchase book.
Copyrighted by Erdem Çetinkaya

Miracle Of Kaaba / Arabic
Arabic for Cinema...
published: 18 Mar 2009
author: erdem cetinkaya
Miracle Of Kaaba / Arabic
Arabic for Cinema
Youtube results:

What is the Kaaba for Muslims
Explaining what's really the Kaaba and what it was use for....
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: TruthseekerIL
What is the Kaaba for Muslims
Explaining what's really the Kaaba and what it was use for.
published: 28 Feb 2012
author: TruthseekerIL
views: 350

Mekka LA Kaaba Almoukarrama
published: 31 Aug 2009
author: zinedinezinedine5
Mekka LA Kaaba Almoukarrama

Cat touches Kaaba - a cute & amazing scene
Allah-o-Akbar During Fajar Prayer in Masjid-ul-Haram in Makkah, a cat walks up to Khana-e-...
published: 10 Dec 2008
author: Abdur Rahman
Cat touches Kaaba - a cute & amazing scene
Allah-o-Akbar During Fajar Prayer in Masjid-ul-Haram in Makkah, a cat walks up to Khana-e-Kaaba, hugs it, tries to touch the holy black stone (Harjr-e-Aswad) and then walks away Subhan-Allah
published: 10 Dec 2008
author: Abdur Rahman
views: 1145011