- published: 18 Apr 2013
- views: 943
- author: CSPAN

C-SPAN Cities Tour - Virginia Beach: "An American in the Basement"
Author, Amy Waters Yarsinske discusses U.S. Naval pilot Scott Speicher and the circumstanc...
published: 18 Apr 2013
author: CSPAN
C-SPAN Cities Tour - Virginia Beach: "An American in the Basement"
C-SPAN Cities Tour - Virginia Beach: "An American in the Basement"
Author, Amy Waters Yarsinske discusses U.S. Naval pilot Scott Speicher and the circumstances surrounding his being shot down in the first Gulf War and the mi...- published: 18 Apr 2013
- views: 943
- author: CSPAN

Missing In Action: Scott Speicher
Lt. Commander Michael Scott Speicher became the first casualty of the Gulf War when his F/...
published: 29 Jan 2008
author: pitythefool
Missing In Action: Scott Speicher
Missing In Action: Scott Speicher
Lt. Commander Michael Scott Speicher became the first casualty of the Gulf War when his F/A-18 Hornet was shot down over Iraq on January 17, 1991. In January...- published: 29 Jan 2008
- views: 9699
- author: pitythefool

Schnittshow.com: Capt. Scott Speicher's remains arrive home
Capt. Speicher's remains return home to the Jacksonville Naval Air Station in Florida. htt...
published: 13 Aug 2009
author: The Schnitt Show
Schnittshow.com: Capt. Scott Speicher's remains arrive home
Schnittshow.com: Capt. Scott Speicher's remains arrive home
Capt. Speicher's remains return home to the Jacksonville Naval Air Station in Florida. http://www.schnittshow.com/ http://www.schnittshow.com/pages/schnittli...- published: 13 Aug 2009
- views: 1082
- author: The Schnitt Show

FSU pre-game tribute for Scott Speicher
Florida State graduate Scott Speicher, the U.S. Navy pilot who was the first casualty of t...
published: 08 Sep 2009
author: dlloydfsu
FSU pre-game tribute for Scott Speicher
FSU pre-game tribute for Scott Speicher
Florida State graduate Scott Speicher, the U.S. Navy pilot who was the first casualty of the 1991 Persian Gulf War, was honored shortly before kickoff at Lab...- published: 08 Sep 2009
- views: 3712
- author: dlloydfsu

DDG 109 Christened, Captain Michael Scott Speicher Remains Recovered In Iraq (Daily News Update)
Headlines from around the Fleet for August 03, 2009 (DDG 109 Jason Dunham Christened Augus...
published: 03 Aug 2009
author: usnavyweb
DDG 109 Christened, Captain Michael Scott Speicher Remains Recovered In Iraq (Daily News Update)
DDG 109 Christened, Captain Michael Scott Speicher Remains Recovered In Iraq (Daily News Update)
Headlines from around the Fleet for August 03, 2009 (DDG 109 Jason Dunham Christened August 1st, Remains Recovered In Iraq As Those Of Captain Michael Scott ...- published: 03 Aug 2009
- views: 852
- author: usnavyweb

A Story Of Denial, Deceit, & Deception
Date: 06-2013
Amy Waters Yarsinske wears many hats. She is a former military i...
published: 04 Sep 2013
A Story Of Denial, Deceit, & Deception
A Story Of Denial, Deceit, & Deception
Date: 06-2013 Biography: Amy Waters Yarsinske wears many hats. She is a former military intelligence officer, an aviation expert, and is extremely knowledgeable about POW/MIAs. This combined expertise is what made her feel something was amiss when a U.S. plane was shot down in the first Gulf War over Iraq. The first casualty Lt. Cmdr. Scott Speicher was listed dead. She began an investigation, which resulted in her book "No One Left Behind: The Lt. Cmdr. Michael Scott Speicher Story," as well as the reclassification of Scott Speicher as MIA rather than dead. Never before has a change in status like that happened. A former naval intelligence officer, discussed the incredible story of denial, deceit, and deception that ultimately cost Navy pilot Captain Michael Scott Speicher his life after the government left him behind in Iraq during the first Gulf War. She traced the story back to 1991, when Speicher's air squadron was flying over Iraq. As a result of friendly fire due to complications with the jet, Speicher crashed in the desert, but managed to safely eject from the craft. Despite having U2 imagery of the downed craft and knowledge that Speicher had been ejected, Yarsinske lamented that CIA and military officials made a "conscious decision" to not rescue him. She suggested that the decision was borne out of a desire to keep him from talking about being shot down by friendly fire as well as an effort to maintain the public perception that the early air missions had been a complete success. According to Yarsinske's research, Speicher followed all of the steps to signal that he had survived the crash and needed help. However, since aid did not arrive, he took refuge with a group of sympathetic Bedouins and lived with them for nearly four years. During this time, attempts were made by an intelligence asset within Iraq to help rescue Speicher, but the U.S. State Department and DoD "wanted nothing to do with this." In 1995, she said, Saddam Hussein's intelligence forces found Speicher amongst the Bedouins and captured him, while also slaughtering the entire tribe for having protected him. Following that, Speicher was secretly held captive by the Iraqi government until it fell during the second Gulf War and a handful of his bones were discovered in the desert under suspicious circumstances.- published: 04 Sep 2013
- views: 375

No One Left Behind The Lt. Comdr. Michael Scott Speicher Audio Book
published: 13 Dec 2012
author: AudioBooksWave
No One Left Behind The Lt. Comdr. Michael Scott Speicher Audio Book
No One Left Behind The Lt. Comdr. Michael Scott Speicher Audio Book
http://www.qbba.com/book/24936/no-one-left-behind-the-lt-comdr-michael-scott-speicher-story/ Author and former intelligence officer Amy Waters Yarsinske brea...- published: 13 Dec 2012
- views: 84
- author: AudioBooksWave

Scott Speicher Memorial Motorcade
This was the motorcade that had the casket of Navy Captain Michael Scott Speicher. It was ...
published: 14 Aug 2009
author: trafficwarrior
Scott Speicher Memorial Motorcade
Scott Speicher Memorial Motorcade
This was the motorcade that had the casket of Navy Captain Michael Scott Speicher. It was a memorial motorcade that made a trip from NAS Jax. to the Veterans...- published: 14 Aug 2009
- views: 640
- author: trafficwarrior

Scott Speicher's Remains Found
Report with Elliot Lipton, comment by Nick Lulli News Music by Gari Communications- Empire...
published: 03 Aug 2009
author: voiceofthetruth
Scott Speicher's Remains Found
Scott Speicher's Remains Found
Report with Elliot Lipton, comment by Nick Lulli News Music by Gari Communications- Empire News Music Package Michael "Scott" Speicher's remains were found i...- published: 03 Aug 2009
- views: 357
- author: voiceofthetruth

The remains of Navy pilot Michael Scott Speicher returned to....
The remains of Navy pilot Michael Scott Speicher returned to his Florida home on Thursday,...
published: 14 Aug 2009
author: taiwanonline
The remains of Navy pilot Michael Scott Speicher returned to....
The remains of Navy pilot Michael Scott Speicher returned to....
The remains of Navy pilot Michael Scott Speicher returned to his Florida home on Thursday, 18 years after his FA-18 Hornet was shot down on the first night o...- published: 14 Aug 2009
- views: 1397
- author: taiwanonline
Youtube results:

Welcome Home Scott Speicher
Scott Speicher arrives back in the U.S. at NAS JAX....
published: 15 Aug 2009
author: Jessica Walden
Welcome Home Scott Speicher
Welcome Home Scott Speicher
Scott Speicher arrives back in the U.S. at NAS JAX.- published: 15 Aug 2009
- views: 564
- author: Jessica Walden

Jacksonville Observer video of Iraq War Hero Navy Pilot Scott Speicher's Motorcade
Iraq War Hero and Jacksonville, Florida Naval Pilot Scott Speicher remains returned to Jac...
published: 14 Aug 2009
author: Joe MIller
Jacksonville Observer video of Iraq War Hero Navy Pilot Scott Speicher's Motorcade
Jacksonville Observer video of Iraq War Hero Navy Pilot Scott Speicher's Motorcade
Iraq War Hero and Jacksonville, Florida Naval Pilot Scott Speicher remains returned to Jacksonville for burial. Greeted by thousands of well-wishers paying r...- published: 14 Aug 2009
- views: 1547
- author: Joe MIller

Capt. Michael Scott Speicher,RADM Sanders-CTF-151,USS Makin Island 1st Port Visit(Daily News Update)
Headlines from around the Fleet for August 14, 2009 (Capt. Michael Scott Speicher, RADM Sa...
published: 14 Aug 2009
author: usnavyweb
Capt. Michael Scott Speicher,RADM Sanders-CTF-151,USS Makin Island 1st Port Visit(Daily News Update)
Capt. Michael Scott Speicher,RADM Sanders-CTF-151,USS Makin Island 1st Port Visit(Daily News Update)
Headlines from around the Fleet for August 14, 2009 (Capt. Michael Scott Speicher, RADM Sanders-CTF-151, USS Makin Island 1st Port Visit). See more related v...- published: 14 Aug 2009
- views: 400
- author: usnavyweb

Scott Speicher Quotes
What was your favorite Scott Speicher quote? 'Like' and leave a comment below, then jump o...
published: 24 Mar 2012
author: quotetank
Scott Speicher Quotes
Scott Speicher Quotes
What was your favorite Scott Speicher quote? 'Like' and leave a comment below, then jump over to http://quotetank.com/quotes-by/scott-speicher and make a lis...- published: 24 Mar 2012
- views: 24
- author: quotetank