Salesian Oratory Sliema - Akkademja 2012 - Salesian Worship Team
How to Pronounce Oratory
St Joseph Oratory - Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Le Roy, NY
Eversmiling Liberty - 17 Never Bow We Down & 18 We Worship God.mp4
How to Pronounce Chapels
2013 Houston Winning Speech: 17th Annual Gardere MLK Jr. Oratory Competition -- Curtis Babers
MLK Oratorical Contest Winners - Allen Temple Baptist Church
Ascension Thursday St Gianna Oratory Tucson AZ Homily By Canon von Menshengen ICKSP
Sunset in Montreal - Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
The Oratory, Oxford and its £5 million appeal
St Gianna Oratory Tucson, AZ May 11, 2014 Canon Richard von Menshengen
To The Oratory! - NU AAIV
Secrets of Spontaneity and Oratory Skills
Salesian Oratory Sliema - 'Who am I?' (Salesian Mass Animation Team)
Salesian Oratory Sliema - Akkademja 2012 - Salesian Worship Team
How to Pronounce Oratory
St Joseph Oratory - Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Le Roy, NY
Eversmiling Liberty - 17 Never Bow We Down & 18 We Worship God.mp4
How to Pronounce Chapels
2013 Houston Winning Speech: 17th Annual Gardere MLK Jr. Oratory Competition -- Curtis Babers
MLK Oratorical Contest Winners - Allen Temple Baptist Church
Ascension Thursday St Gianna Oratory Tucson AZ Homily By Canon von Menshengen ICKSP
Sunset in Montreal - Saint Joseph's Oratory of Mount Royal
The Oratory, Oxford and its £5 million appeal
St Gianna Oratory Tucson, AZ May 11, 2014 Canon Richard von Menshengen
To The Oratory! - NU AAIV
Secrets of Spontaneity and Oratory Skills
Salesian Oratory Sliema - 'Who am I?' (Salesian Mass Animation Team)
London Oratory School concert 14 December 2013
Intro./"Oratory" - SSFB (EBP) - Pt. 1 of 10
Salesian Oratory Sliema - Akkademja 2012 - Salesian Brigades
O le Tulafale The Orator first ever Samoan feature film
Salesian Oratory Sliema - Activities June 2012 - May 2013
Wizard of Oz, Brompton Oratory 2013
Salesian Oratory Sliema - Akkademja 2012 - Rhea
Salesian Oratory Sliema - Akkademja 2012 - The Americanos
Salesian Oratory Sliema - Akkademja 2012 - Gabby and Cheryl
An oratory is a Christian room for prayer, from the Latin orare, to pray.
In the Roman Catholic Church, an oratory is a structure other than a parish church, set aside by ecclesiastical authority for prayer and the celebration of Mass. It is for all intents and purposes another word for what is commonly called a chapel.
Previously, canon law distinguished several types of oratories: private (with use restricted to an individual, such as a bishop, or group, such as a family, and their invited guests), semi-public (open under certain circumstances to the public), or public (built for the benefit of any of the faithful who wish to use it). (Code of Canon Law, canon 1223). The term is used for instance in the Rule of St Benedict (chapter 52) for the private communal chapel inside monasteries.
The distinctions between public, semi-public, and private have been eliminated in the 1983 Code in favor of new terminology. Oratory now means a private place of worship for a group or community which could be opened to the public at the discretion of the group's superior. This definition corresponds with the semi-public oratory of the 1917 Code. The private oratory of the 1917 Code corresponds very closely with the 1983 Code's chapel, as they are both places of worship for specific individuals.
Oratory is a type of public speaking.
Oratory may also refer to:
Worship is an act of religious devotion usually directed towards a deity. The word is derived from the Old English worthscipe, meaning worthiness or worth-ship — to give, at its simplest, worth to something.
Evelyn Underhill (2001) defines worship thus: "The absolute acknowledgment of all that lies beyond us—the glory that fills heaven and earth. It is the response that conscious beings make to their Creator, to the Eternal Reality from which they came forth; to God, however they may think of Him or recognize Him, and whether He be realized through religion, through nature, through history, through science, art, or human life and character." Worship asserts the reality of its object and defines its meaning by reference to it.
An act of worship may be performed individually, in an informal or formal group, or by a designated leader.
In the New Testament various words are used for worship. The word proskuneo "to worship" means to bow down to Gods or kings.
Catholicism, Anglicanism, Oriental Orthodoxy, and Eastern Orthodoxy make a technical distinction between adoration or latria (Latin adoratio, Greek latreia, [λατρεια]), which is due to God alone, and veneration or dulia (Latin veneratio, Greek douleia [δουλεια]), which may be lawfully offered to the saints. The external acts of veneration resemble those of worship, but differ in their object and intent. Protestant Christians, who reject the veneration of saints, question whether such a distinction is always maintained in actual devotional practice, especially at the level of folk religion.
Joseph (Hebrew יוֹסֵף, "Yosef"; Greek: Ἰωσήφ) is a figure in the Gospels, the husband of the Virgin Mary and the earthly father of Jesus Christ (in distinction to God the Father, his "heavenly father"). In Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Anglican Christian traditions he is regarded as Saint Joseph.
The Pauline epistles, generally considered the earliest extant Christian records, make no reference to Jesus' father; nor does the Gospel of Mark, generally considered the first of the gospels. The first appearance of Joseph is therefore in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. Each contains a genealogy of Jesus tracing his ancestry back to King David, but the two are from different sons of David; Matthew follows the major royal line from Solomon, while Luke follows a minor line from Nathan, another son of David and Bathsheba. Consequently all the names between David and Joseph are different. According to Matthew "Jacob was the father of Joseph," while according to Luke, Joseph, or possibly Jesus, is said to be "of Heli." Some scholars reconcile the genealogies by viewing the Solomonic lineage as Joseph's major royal line, and the Nathanic lineage in Luke to be Mary's minor line.
You never worship, you never worship your life.
You never worship, you never worship your life.
You never worship, you never worship your life.
You never worship, you never worship your life.
You never worship, you never worship your life.
You never worship, you never worship your life.
All the while you're standing still, you all reach in the past.
You won't let the good times in, if you do, you make sure they won't last.
Can't you see the lights they're shining to lead you back again?
My heartbeats can be a silver lining, just listen well to them.
You never worship, you never worship your life.
You never worship, you never worship your life.
Never worship your life.
All the while you're standing still, you all reach in the past.
You won't let the good times in, if you do you make sure they won't last.
Can't you see the lights they're shining to lead you back again?
My heartbeats can be a silver lining, just listen well to them.
They will worship, they will worship your life.
They will worship, they will worship your life.
They will worship, they will worship your life.
They will worship, they will worship your life.
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
(Worship, worship, worship)
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
Gaze into His eyes, fantasize the last days
The last phase of God?s untouchable plan
Until then, worship His name
Through this black pen, writin? raps
Or anyway that I can, still praisin? God
'Cause that?s the way that I am, you might call me odd
But that?s aight, we are Souljahz of the Lord
And we are ready to fight, neva will we eva stop
We love Jesus from the bottom of our hearts to the top
Pumpin? God?s blood through our veins
Handcuffed to Jesus Christ and feet shackled in chains
And we don?t wanna be free, we just wanna see
The Savior and Creator of the heavens and seas
G?s not necessary because we
Only need two knees to bow down and worship G O D
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
(Worship, worship, worship)
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
When I come through I?m breakin? buildings
And I?m makin? walls fall
Sit back and relax 'cause we got more in store for y?all
So listen up and listen good
We gotta praise God through our whole neighborhood
I should slow it down, so you can understand
What this flow is all about
And we can break down these sounds and take time to meditate
On the word of God so your wisdom can escalate
When you gonna put your foot down, take a note now
Acceptin? God is your only hope now
Reach down, deep down in your heart
You talk the talk but do you walk the walk?
You say you love God but do you really love God?
Will you still love God when situations get hard?
Or will you walk away, or will you get down and pray
And worship the Lord almighty like we?
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
(Worship, worship, worship)
Workin? on really servin? Him in praise
The Lord almighty
Ain?t it odd people take God so lightly, check it
Satan is waitin? to fight me and you might say
That I?m dumb for walkin? away, I chose the right way
Despite the obstacles that stand
In my way don?t play praise God with two hands
Lift 'em up to the sky, head to the ground
Every knee will bow down, to Jesus don?t play around
And if you say you found God then prove it
Profess it with yo tongue you gotta mouth, son use it
Jesus is the name above all names
Forget a famous superstar, God possess all fame
He posses all thing around me, around me
Word, His Holy words neva seize to astound me
I am not the same anymore
A sadness reveals a mind shaken
The pieces of a core that's broken
By an intense
Inner suffering
And I want nothing
How clear must I be
What you have
What you are
I want nothing from you
I will use my throat to insult you
I will use my hands to rip you apart
I will use my eyes to watch your face
During this process
Someone will hurt
Should we decide to talk about morals
Should we decide to talk about the truth
Then let us step backwards and expose ourselves
Such a waste of time
Yet it is unavoidable
For you
My downfall is needed
For me
"I Will Praise Him"
I will praise Him
I will praise Him
Praise the Lamb for sinner's slain
Give Him glory all ye people
For His blood can wash away each stain
When I saw the cleansing fountain
Open wide for all my sin
I obeyed the Spirit's wooing
When He said, "Wilt thou be clean?"
(Repeat Chorus)
For His blood
Jesus blood
Yes His blood
For His blood, Jesus' blood
Yes His blood, Jesus' blood
For His blood has washed away each stain...
"As Long As I Live"
As long as I live
I will commit myself
To praise Your Holy Name
Forever more
As long as I live
You'll be delighted
You won't be lonely
Cause I've given you all the praise
As long as I live
You'll be delighted You won't be loney
Cause I've given you the praise
"Praise The Name of Jesus"
Praise the name of Jesus
Praise the name of Jesus
He's my rock
He's my fortress
He's my deliverer
In Him will I trust
I know no light
And no salvation
I can't remember how to live
I knew before
Now there's nothing
It blackens all
Fear is my temple
Crushing down
Burning me alive
Beyond all hope
I will not run - what for?
I bring my own darkness
Can't bring myself to look at the sky
I know it's no longer there
Est-ce la voie que j'ai choisi?
Tout n'est que noirs marécages
Et toutes ses sombres eaux
Ne pourront me sauver du bûcher
[Is this the way that I have chosen?
Everything is black swamp
And all its dark waters
Can not save me from the pyre]
Fear is my temple...
There dire corridors
Go right through me
My endless prison
Mountains of ages
Part to reveal a scar
That was forever here
And will to never lead
The rupture has come
Crown of parasites
No broken silence
Just breaking apart
We grew into the skies
On forgotten grounds
That shall tear down
Our monuments of sand
The rupture has come...
Grenzenlos das meer des flehens
Am ende der zeit
Geboren aus Wüsten der seele
Und wartenden jahren,
Blind suchend in weihioser nacht
Der Irren Wiederkunft -
Wie wasser aus stein
Nur mehr ein ewiges nein
Es war alles falsch
[Boundless sea of supplication
At the end of time
Born of the soul deserts
And waiting years,
Blindly searching in ???? night
The madman's return -
As water from stone
Only an eternal no more
An ocean without end torn by the clouds of storm
A distant sight doth freeze my blood
I saw the end
Shatter the dawn
The earth undone
Search in my eyes
As I run for my life
Sea and the skies collide
A shardstorm of the hourglass
Then deepest silence fell
Je vous mets en garde contre la fin annoncée
nous n'avons qu'un jour, tot au plus. Pourquoi
n'entendez-vous pas? De corps anéanti et d'esprit
brisé je l'ai perdu sur de lointaines falaises
Ea malgré tot, mon sermon apporte la divine
vérité épouvantable.
[I warn you against the announced end
we did a day earlier than. Why
do not you hear? Body and soul destroyed
I lost broken on distant cliffs
and even earlier, my sermon brings divine
terrible truth.]
I saw the end...
Vangaurd pariah
For the end to come
Shunned by my kin
Driven through the storm
Le néant s'est approché de trop prés
Hier m'appartenait, demain á la mort
La dévastation est mon salut
[Nothingness approached too close
Yesterday was mine, tomorrow a death
We were waste monuments
Blind vermin and deluded kings
We rise: We leave
Our shattered reign
Undone: We leave
And leave no trace
Forever we never had
We had grain we threw away
Le paysage se désagrége vers le étoiles, s'étirant
comme sortant d'un sommeil millénaire, comme
une feuilie immense dans les mains d'un dieu
que nous n'avons jamais eu. Et enfin je vois...
nous fûmes trop fous pour voir.
[The landscape disintegrates to the stars, stretching
as post-millennial sleep, as
???? huge one in the hands of god
that we never had. And finally I see ...
we were too crazy to see.]
Our fingers fail to hold on
To any morsel nothing shall last
We rise...
Nothing matters given time
Our fleeting towers blink of any eye
There is no atonement
No sense, no revelation
Our Last farewell
Two nuns
On the sea shore
Apart from one another
Black wood posts
By the sea god
One nun
With human failings
And weary legs
Sinks to the sand
And sits
like a child
A golden stripe appears
On the western horizon
A signal from the sea god
That he understands
One staunch sister
stays standing
And the sun
Take a look around this room
And tell me what you know
I want you to let it show
Don't guard the truth
Hesitate to draw the line
And I want you to let it shine
This light, this life
Are too much to try to handle
You don't have to worship me
Cause I said so
And you do know
That doing this will not show me that
I can be myself
Wasting time
Draw the line
Cause if you try to change me again
I might just put it up and let it slide
Take a look around this room
Cause you just might assume
I know it's hard
And oh,
I won't watch you fall
You'll just have to crawl
If you're gonna stay down like that
You don't have to worship me
Cause I said so
And you do know
That doing this will not show me that
I can be myself
Wasting time
Draw the line
Casue if you try to change me again
I might just put it up and let it slide
Worship the change (x3)
Worship the...
Worship the change (x3)
You don't have to worship me
Cause I said so
And you do know
That doing this will not show me that
I can be myself
Wasting time
Draw the line
Cause if you try to change me again
I might just put it up and let it slide
You don't have to worship me
Cause I said so
And you do know
That doing this will not show me that
I can be myself
Wasting time
Draw the line
Cause if you try to change me again
The son
the holy word
worship and adore
bow down
the taker
takes the image of the self
now strike for freedom
you're free at last
the demon
speaks forever
ecstacy and will
now execute
grant me what you fear
i lead the swarm
black soil
the earth is shaking
a sinister sun
now burn the wings
sacred scorn
ravage through the womb
you are here now
you're free at last
If the son therefore shall make you free,
you shall be free indeed
the mask is mine now
ways of the flesh
convoke the world
the hour is now
the mask is ours
praise the word
open the halls
you're free at last
cold blood semen
spit through the halls
now enter lifetime
it's what the image holds
burn the sun
a million years from now
conquest means victory
now speak the word
every beast on the field
leave the beauty dying
now is the hour
the curtain falls
never surrender
never to return
towards a new sun