
Wire Wrap Ring Tutorial , Celtic Style Band with a Love Knot
Wire Wrap Ring Tutorial , Celtic Style Band with a Love Knot
This is a really easy wire wrapped ring designed so that anyone can have a go at. This tutorial teaches you how to make you your own wire wrap ring in easy steps using basic tools and a minimum of wire produces a distinct and always different ring, that is comfortable to wear. www.yr-design.co.uk www.inthestudio.co.uk www.facebook.com Tools:- Flat/Snip nose pliers, snips, ring mandrel Materials 3 x approx 9 inch of 0.8mm or 20 gauge wire and a small piece of scrap wire Why not check out my other tutorials on my channel

Quick Tip Make a Celtic Knot With the Shape Builder Tool
Quick Tip Make a Celtic Knot With the Shape Builder Tool
An introduction to the new Shape Builder tool in Illustrator CS5. Illustrator tutorial by David Pasca, adapted from Cheryl Graham's tutorial for vector.tutsplus.com. Program: Adobe Illustrator CS5 Difficulty: Beginner Estimated Completion Time: 5 Minutes

native american artifacts,celts and axes
native american artifacts,celts and axes
axes and celts

A little journey through the ancient forest where stood one of the largest Celtic settlements of Europe. The archaeological site is located on mount Sorantri, that overlooks my village. Over the years were found many important archaeological items, including many celtic weapons and tools. Here you can see miles of fortified walls, ancient warriors graves and houses. The celtic people that inhabitated my area was called '' Carni '', which gives the name to the actual area where i live, Carnia, situated in the north of the Friuli region, bordering Austria.

13X40 Celtic Lathe, Inch/Metric
13X40 Celtic Lathe, Inch/Metric
13x40 Celtic Lathe, made in England. Looks like a Harrison Lathe knockoff. Nice Machine. This is a gap bed lathe. It will swing up to 20" Inch/Metric Includes: Thread Dial Drill Chuck Live center Aloris Tool post Jacobs rubber flex collet chuck Also includes 3 jaw chuck Assorted cutting tools 3 phase 3 hp motor, 208/440v 1 1/2" ID spindle bore

Celtic Jewellery - Creating Celtic Weave And Knot Rings In ArtCAM JewelSmith 2011
Celtic Jewellery - Creating Celtic Weave And Knot Rings In ArtCAM JewelSmith 2011
From our recent series of ArtCAM 2011 online demonstrations, this video shows some of the powerful enhancements to ArtCAM JewelSmith 2011 our professional jewllery design and cnc manufacturing software. Here we'll be taking some low-resolution artwork of a 'Celtic Knot' and 'Celtic Weave' to quickly and easily create a 3D relief model we can apply to a ring and further jewellery designs within ArtCAM. This video will explore: Creating A Celtic Knot Ring: 1.Using the Bitmap to Vector tools (Turning a lo-res image into vectors). 2.Using the Relief Clipart Library (Importing and modifying existing reliefs). 3.Paste Relief along a curve. 4.Wrapping relief artwork around a shank. Creating A Celtic Weave Ring: 1.Boundary From Relief (Using Height Range) 2.Relief Clipart Library (Importing and modifying existing reliefs) 3.Cookie Cutter 4.Paste Relief along a curve 5.Wrapping relief around a shank 6.Adding ring to Component Library Component Library: Importing and manipulating various shanks and settings from the component library to assemble a finished ring in seconds. For more information on ArtCAM JewelSmith 2011 please visit our website: www.artcamjewelsmith.com

altar tool the wand in brief
altar tool the wand in brief
Many pagans and witches find wands useful for focusing energy in spells and rituals. On an altar, this tool represents air. Although you can buy wands from New Age shops made from wood and crystals, making your own is a very personal magical experience that will make your workings more powerful. 1Take a walk in a natural place. Keep your eyes open for a stick or branch that has been laying on the ground and that is no shorter than 13 inches. Let it jump out at you, and follow your intuition. This stick should be appealing to you, as it could be a tool that you use for many years. If you feel drawn to a particular tree, connect with its energy and bless and thank the tree for what you're about to take from it, before removing any small branches. 2Scrape off the bark with a sharp blade or a wood burner. 3Carve down to your desired shape and style. 4Use charring to change the appearance or to amplify carvings. 5Personalize your wand with things yourself. It's YOUR wand pick exactly what you want. You can use feathers, crystals,runes and stones for the internal. Also adding any cords, metal wire, or symbol that is meaningful to decorate the external of the wand. Go with anything that comes to mind. Make it whatever you see it to be.

Vector Tuts+ Quick Tip — Make a Celtic Knot With the Shape Builder Tool
Vector Tuts+ Quick Tip — Make a Celtic Knot With the Shape Builder Tool
The Shape Builder in CS5 combines the best of Live Paint and the Pathfinder into one easy-to-use, intuitive tool. As we demonstrate in this video tip, the Shape Builder makes quick work of a complex Celtic knot.

Cornish Wicca Ritual Witch Craft Tools
Cornish Wicca Ritual Witch Craft Tools
www.zazzle.co.uk Visit my *NEW* Blog! www.malcorvus.blogspot.com The Cunning Pellar Witch Crafter (photos, videos, news feed & witchcraft items) These are contemporary Witch working tools of Mal Corvus Corone, a male Solitary Pellar Practioner in Cornwall, in the United Kingdom Wicca The original Old Middle English meaning of the word for 'Witch' pre-adoption as a generic term for the Wiccan religion, as initiated by Gerald Gardner 1954c .

How to Draw Celtic Knots 13 - Double Heart Triskele 1/3
How to Draw Celtic Knots 13 - Double Heart Triskele 1/3
Jason Bellchamber shows how to pencil and ink a Celtic Double Heart Triskele. This pattern is unique to an 8th century carved bone from county Meath, Ireland. At the time a metalsmiths apprentice would practice engraving bone before graduating to working on gold or silver. In this first of three segments, Jason Bellchamber shows how to construct the spine of the design in a 2 x 2 grid. Tools required are a pencil, eraser, straight edge-ruler and pen.

Indian Artifacts - Stone Tools I
Indian Artifacts - Stone Tools I
Indian Artifacts - Axes, Celts & Pestals

Seven Nations Performed @ The 2008 Irish Cultural Festival July 18-20, 2008 and performed "Tool Top".

How to Draw Celtic Knots 14 - Double Heart Triskele - 2/3
How to Draw Celtic Knots 14 - Double Heart Triskele - 2/3
In this second of three segments, Jason Bellchamber shows how to ink a knot around the penciled spine of this Celtic Double Heart Triskele. This pattern is unique to an 8th century carved bone from County Meath, Ireland. At the time a metalsmiths apprentice would practice engraving bone before graduating to working on gold or silver. Tools required are a pencil, eraser, straight edge-ruler and pen.

How to Draw Celtic Knots 15 - Double Heart Triskele - 3/3
How to Draw Celtic Knots 15 - Double Heart Triskele - 3/3
The final video of three segments has Jason Bellchamber inking the negative space in this Celtic illustration. If you are following along, be sure to draw slowly and rotate your drawing 90 degrees so that your illustration uses the same pen-strokes in each quadrant. Expect to draw this pattern a dozen times before it feels smooth. This pattern is unique to an 8th century carved bone from County Meath, Ireland. At the time a metalsmiths apprentice would practice engraving bone before graduating to working on gold or silver. Tools required are a pencil, eraser, straight edge-ruler and pen.

Luciano @ Ushuaia, Ibiza 2011-08-25 #07
Luciano @ Ushuaia, Ibiza 2011-08-25 #07
Donna Summer - I Feel Love D.Syro VS Luciano - Luis Conte (Celtic Tool)

Gold Celtic Cross │ Metal Wall Decor │ Irish Celtic Symbols
Gold Celtic Cross │ Metal Wall Decor │ Irish Celtic Symbols
stores.ebay.com The Celtic Cross is a known relic of religion. It's design is incredibly simply and yet it's a complex instrument. It measures angles and inclinations to an accuracy of 1 minute of arc or 1/60th of a degree. It can also take sidereal measurements. It could be used to find latitude and longitude. Which could explain the navigation skills of the Polynesians. It is said that it is possible that it was a tool used for geometry, mathematics, ancient astromony, map making and time keeping. It could accurately give detailed knowledge of astronomy and monthly star positions, ecliptic and zodiac observations. The cross appears to be much older than the pyramids since it is also responsible for the construction of Neolithic henges in Europe that predate the pyramids by thousands of years. It's amazing that with such little technology the ancient ones were able to understand so much. We just recently discovered new things, that the ancients already had knowledge on. In the 5th century Saint Patrick converted the Celts, the Iron Age invaders of Ireland, to Christianity, but many of the converts retained much of their Druidic religion. This Celtic cross near the Shannon River in Ireland, with its elaborate stylized relief of earth gods and woodland spirits, illustrates how the Celtic people preserved many of their Druidic beliefs.

Runescape Celtic Knot Puzzle Guide - Elite Treasure Trails
Runescape Celtic Knot Puzzle Guide - Elite Treasure Trails
At first glance, these puzzles look confusing as hell, a lot of other guides don't help much. So this is a simple, understandable, down-to-earth guide on how to solve the Celtic Knot without tearing your hair out and beating your head against the desk. August 7th, 2010 - video featured on Tip.It's elite tt guide page. Sept 2nd, 2010 - video reached 50k views

Ubi Caritas sung by Connie Dover (Beautiful Celtic sound)
Ubi Caritas sung by Connie Dover (Beautiful Celtic sound)
I have no idea what the words in this song mean. All I know is every time I hear it I nearly cry it's so lovely. This is sung by Connie Dover and all the art is from the Deviant Art web site. Just type in "Celtic" in the search tool and they will all come up.

Celtic Irish Dance
Celtic Irish Dance
The Celtic Gold Dancers performed their finale for our 2011 Shamrock Supply St. Patrick's Day Tool and Safety Faire. Go to www.shamrocksupply.com for our great deals and offers. Also visit us on Facebook and add our page to keep up to date on news, events and promotions.

Celtic Frost-Dethroned Emperor/Beyond the North Winds
Celtic Frost-Dethroned Emperor/Beyond the North Winds
Celtic Frost at its best. VISIT MY CHANNEL FOR MORE!!! =P

EasyPaver - A revolutionary new paving tool for Everyone
EasyPaver - A revolutionary new paving tool for Everyone
www.paversm8.com - Easy Pavers the fastest way to lay paving, one of the tricks is that Easy Paver helps you from start to finish, saving time and money at every stage. Designed by a Professional, for Professionals, but so easy anyone can use it. Visit www.paversm8.com or contact the inventor vince woodward at vincewoodward@vin-techindustries.com