
Rammstein - Los (rip from Völkerball)
Rammstein - Los live from Nimes...
published: 29 Nov 2006
author: altiyuzalti
Rammstein - Los (rip from Völkerball)
Rammstein - Los live from Nimes
published: 29 Nov 2006
views: 2405773

published: 24 Feb 2012
author: swaggaboylostv
WATCH AS MEEK MILL PUTS TOGETHER A BEAT WHICH MAKE HIM AND LOS GO IN ON A DOPE FREESTYLE SESSION!! DOWNLOAD The Crown Aint Safe: www.datpiff.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook; www.facebook.com
published: 24 Feb 2012
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 84302

Los - Fall For Your Type (Official Video)
Los - Fall For Your Type. Directed by John Colombo. After Platinum Records DOWNLOAD The Cr...
published: 17 Feb 2011
author: swaggaboylostv
Los - Fall For Your Type (Official Video)
Los - Fall For Your Type. Directed by John Colombo. After Platinum Records DOWNLOAD The Crown Aint Safe: www.datpiff.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook; www.facebook.com
published: 17 Feb 2011
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 675969

Los - LA Leakers Freestyle
Bad Boys newest signee stopped by to share some bars with the LA Leakers. Watch the kid fr...
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: LALeakers
Los - LA Leakers Freestyle
Bad Boys newest signee stopped by to share some bars with the LA Leakers. Watch the kid from Baltimore go for over 10 minutes.
published: 14 Feb 2012
author: LALeakers
views: 133261

Los - No Lie ( Freestyle ) ( With Download Link)
Download Here : www.hotnewhiphop.com Los - No Lie ( Freestyle ) ( With Download Link) Foll...
published: 19 Aug 2012
author: swaggaboylostv
Los - No Lie ( Freestyle ) ( With Download Link)
Download Here : www.hotnewhiphop.com Los - No Lie ( Freestyle ) ( With Download Link) Follow LOS on Twitter: twitter.com Like His PAGE on Facebook; www.facebook.com
published: 19 Aug 2012
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 136408

Los Freestyle Challenge
BecomingKing Coming Soon Follow LOS on Twitter: twitter.com LIKE His PAGE on Facebook; www...
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: swaggaboylostv
Los Freestyle Challenge
BecomingKing Coming Soon Follow LOS on Twitter: twitter.com LIKE His PAGE on Facebook; www.facebook.com
published: 13 Sep 2012
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 69805

Los - I Got You (ft The Weeknd) (Download Link)
Becoming King 11-29-12 Los - I Got You Ft The Weeknd With Download Link Download Link- www...
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: swaggaboylostv
Los - I Got You (ft The Weeknd) (Download Link)
Becoming King 11-29-12 Los - I Got You Ft The Weeknd With Download Link Download Link- www.hotnewhiphop.com Follow Los on Twitter: twitter.com LIKE Los on Facebook; www.facebook.com
published: 25 Oct 2012
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 23020

Los - Unstoppable [Official Video]
The Official Video for "Unstoppable" From The Mixtape/Album "Shooter" Download "SHOOTER" h...
published: 18 Dec 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
Los - Unstoppable [Official Video]
The Official Video for "Unstoppable" From The Mixtape/Album "Shooter" Download "SHOOTER" here: www.datpiff.com or www.hotnewhiphop.com SUBSCRIBE TO SWAGGABOYLOSTV!!! Twitter: twitter.com Facebook; www.facebook.com SUBSCRIBE TO SWAGGABOYLOSTV!!!
published: 18 Dec 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 227179

Yung Berg feat. Los - Trap
Check out WWW.BLKDMNDS.COM for all of our exclusive videos, pictures and behind the scenes...
published: 16 Jul 2012
author: BLKDMNDS
Yung Berg feat. Los - Trap
Check out WWW.BLKDMNDS.COM for all of our exclusive videos, pictures and behind the scenes. Music Video by Yung Berg featuring Los performing Trap. Directed by Daniel Czernilofsky - BLKDMNDS - Follow BLKDMNDS on Twitter: www.twitter.com Like BLKDMNDS on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow BLKDMNDS on Tumblr: BLKDMNDS.tumblr.com Follow BLKDMNDS on Instagram @BLKDMNDS - YUNG BERG - Follow Yung Berg on Twitter: twitter.com - LOS - Follow Los on Twitter: twitter.com
published: 16 Jul 2012
author: BLKDMNDS
views: 109358

DOWNLOAD The Crown Aint Safe: www.datpiff.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook; www.facebook....
published: 19 Dec 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
DOWNLOAD The Crown Aint Safe: www.datpiff.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook; www.facebook.com Follow Me On Twitter: www.twitter.com Friend Me On Myspace: www.myspace.com Find Me On Facebook: "Los Swaggaboylos" Check Out My Blog For Everything About Me: www.swaggaboylos.com SUBSCRIBE TO SWAGGABOYLOSTV
published: 19 Dec 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 848035

SUBSCRIBE TO SWAGGABOYLOSTV!!! DOWNLOAD The Crown Aint Safe: www.datpiff.com Twitter: twit...
published: 22 Mar 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
SUBSCRIBE TO SWAGGABOYLOSTV!!! DOWNLOAD The Crown Aint Safe: www.datpiff.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook; www.facebook.com
published: 22 Mar 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 367795

DOWNLOAD The Crown Aint Safe: www.datpiff.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook; www.facebook....
published: 23 Dec 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
DOWNLOAD The Crown Aint Safe: www.datpiff.com Twitter: twitter.com Facebook; www.facebook.com
published: 23 Dec 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 320580

Los - Run This Town
"Run This Town" From The Mixtape "Zero Gravity"...
published: 26 Apr 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
Los - Run This Town
"Run This Town" From The Mixtape "Zero Gravity"
published: 26 Apr 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 226891

3. Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)
Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)Moment 4 Life - Lo...
published: 20 Jul 2011
author: OGxSvvag
3. Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)
Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)Moment 4 Life - Los (Worth The Wait)
published: 20 Jul 2011
author: OGxSvvag
views: 22140
Vimeo results:

LA Light
Cinematography, direction, and editing by Colin Rich.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/c...
published: 03 Aug 2011
author: Colin Rich
LA Light
Cinematography, direction, and editing by Colin Rich.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/colinrich1
Music by the amazing Cinematic Orchestra (http://www.cinematicorchestra.com/)
Song is "To Build a Home" off of the Ma Fleur album.
Click to buy the album http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/ma-fleur/id255464394
I sought out to capture the electric radiance of Los Angeles at night and paint a portrait of my city.
It took me 6 months of on and off shooting to finish this project.
Shooting time lapses is a labor of love and a study in patience.
This video is dedicated to the memory of my Grandmother. She spent most of her life bettering the lives of others and was exemplary of what humanity can be in its purest form.
Our Production Company: http://www.pacificstarproductions.com
Produced by William Ahmanson
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=741029873

Lo Fi video experiments - tellnoone.co.uk
Track - Grizzly Man by Rockettothesky...
published: 24 Jun 2010
author: Tell No One
Lo Fi video experiments - tellnoone.co.uk
Track - Grizzly Man by Rockettothesky

The Art of Making, Alma Flamenca
Pieces of wood, love, knowledge and 299 hours of work, condensed in a 3 minute film.
The ...
published: 28 May 2012
author: Deep Green Sea
The Art of Making, Alma Flamenca
Pieces of wood, love, knowledge and 299 hours of work, condensed in a 3 minute film.
The ‘Art of Making’ series aspires to display and highlight people who go against the spirit of today’s pessimism and desperation. They dare to dream and create with zeal and imagination. Armed with passion for knowledge and emotion, they attempt to combine the precision of science with the elegance and resourcefulness of art. We thank them wholeheartedly for their contribution.
Directed & VFX - Spiros Rasidakis, Dimitris Ladopoulos
Director of photography - Nikos Mexis
Editing - Yiannis Kostavaras
Sound design - Nikos Tsines
Guitarist & composer - Edsart Udo De Haes www.edsartudodehaes.nl
Guitar maker - Vassilis Lazarides www.lazaridesguitars.com
visit film page at www.deepgreensea.net
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Κομμάτια από ξύλο, αγάπη, μεράκι, τεχνογνωσία και 299 ώρες εργασίας συμπυκνωμένα σε κάτι περισσότερο από 3 λεπτά.
Η σειρά ‘The Art of Making’ φιλοδοξεί να αναδείξει και να προβάλλει τους συναναθρώπους μας, οι οποίοι πέραν από το πνεύμα του καιρού, την απαισιοδοξία και την μοιρολατρία, επιμένουν να ονειρεύονται και να δημιουργούν με πάθος και φαντασία. Αυτοί οι εραστές της γνώσης και της συγκίνησης επιχειρούν να συνδυάσουν την οργάνωση και την ακρίβεια της επιστήμης με την κομψότητα, την λεπτότητα και την επινοητικότητα της τέχνης. Χρησιμοποιούν την τεχνολογία για να βελτιώσουν τους όρους παραγωγής των προϊόντων της εργασίας τους και να μας προσφέρουν κατασκευές και μορφές έκφρασης με αξία και χρησιμότητα. Η προσφορά τους ανεκτίμητη και τους ευχαριστούμε.
Σκηνοθεσία & VFX - Σπύρος Ρασιδάκης, Δημήτρης Λαδόπουλος
Διεύθυνση Φωτογραφίας - Νίκος Μέξης
Μοντάζ - Γιάννης Κωσταβάρας
Ηχητική επιμέλεια - Νίκος Τσινές
Κιθαρίστας / Συνθέτης - Edsart Udo De Haes www.edsartudodehaes.nl
Κατασκευαστής - Βασίλης Λαζαρίδης www.lazaridesguitars.com
Επισκεφθείτε την επίσημη σελίδα στο www.deepgreensea.net
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Pedazos de madera, amor, esmero, celo, conocimiento y 299 horas de trabajo, concentradas en una película de algo más de 3 minutos.
La serie “The Art of Making” pretende mostrar y promocionar a gente de nuestros días que, superando el fatalismo y el pesimismo del espíritu contemporáneo, se atreven, con pasión e imaginación, a seguir soñando y creando. Estos amantes del conocimiento y de la emoción, intentan combinar la organización y la precisión de la ciencia con la elegancia, la sutileza y el ingenio del arte. Utilizan la tecnología para optimizar las condiciones del fruto de su trabajo y nos ofrecen estructuras y formas de expresión valiosas y útiles. Su oferta es de un valor incalculable y se lo agradecemos profundamente.
Dirección y VFX: Spiros Rasidakis y Dimitris Ladópoulos
Dirección de fotografía: Níkos Mexis
Edición: Yiannis Kostavaras
Diseño Acústico: Nikos Tsines
Guitarrista y compositor: Edsart Udo de Haes www.edsartudodehaes.nl
Constructor de guitarras, luthier: Vassilis Lazarides www.lazaridesguitars.com
Visite el sitio oficial en www.deepgreensea.net

Summary > Chris Black possesses a power that could lead to the destruction of t...
published: 21 Apr 2010
Summary > Chris Black possesses a power that could lead to the destruction of the current regime, and they will stop at nothing to destroy him.
The chase is on as Chris runs for his life in this sci-fi thriller set in an alternate and futuristic Los Angeles.
Director : Ricardo de Montreuil
Producers: Ricardo de Montreuil & Eliz Eskeranli
Writers: Ricardo de Montreuil & Antonio Perez
Cinematographer: Andres Sanchez
Music by: Angelo Milli
Special Effects Supervisor: Aaron Burns
3D Modeling and Animation: Juan Somarriba and Francisco Concha
Visual Effects and Compositing: Ricardo de Montreuil
Editing: Ricardo de Montreuil
Color Correction: Santiago Padilla
Sound Design and Mixing: Martin Seltzer
Budget: $5k
Format: RED 1920x1080
Special thanks: Filmosonido, CO3 and Converse
You can find concept drawings, 3D models, storyboards and production stills at THE RAVEN facebook site:
Contact > ricardo[at]theravenfilm.com
Youtube results:

Los - Gucci Gucci (Lyrics)
Los - Gucci Gucci man it go teyana taylor, fiona apple, rihanna leona lewis, madonna, be h...
published: 18 Jul 2011
author: PackBreaks
Los - Gucci Gucci (Lyrics)
Los - Gucci Gucci man it go teyana taylor, fiona apple, rihanna leona lewis, madonna, be honored truest persona ivanka trump, and klhoe, zoe saldana, longoria, mendes, pigford jessica alba, jessica simpson, sarah jessica parker T-banks thats tyra, selita ebanks ciara, tiara lestari, got the best body gabriel union, pam anderson lookin very great and sassy let me see them twins no mary kate and ashley tatyana ali, halle, molly, kylie minogue, heidi klum scarlett johansson, janet, and paula patton katy perry allday beyonce, alicha, sade penelope cruz, milla, marrissa, mulher and trina selma hayek, shakira, amber and angelina lauren london, naomi campbell, stacy dash and audrina serena, giselle, megan fox, anna kournikova, angela bassett danica patrick when you add on lola thats just... one big room full of bad bitches one big room full of bad bitches one big room full of bad bitches one big room full of bad bitches one big room full of bad bitches one big room full of bad bitches one big room full of bad bitches one big room full of bad bitches she said los come fuck me and my bff boy you put a spell on me so last night i came between bestfriends like jealousy fuck you tellin me, play with my cake i bomb ya we beef over that cheese you gon think im makin lasagna you aint no g neither, im from where the de will take a quarter of your back and turn you to a receiver maybe if these rappers study me they wouldnt be lame i flips this motherfucker like a mattress with a p-stain ...
published: 18 Jul 2011
author: PackBreaks
views: 191901

Los - Wit My Hoodie On (Trayvon Martin Tribute) Official Video
Twitter: twitter.com Facebook; www.facebook.com DOWNLOAD Los - Wit My Hoodie On MP3 - www....
published: 06 Apr 2012
author: swaggaboylostv
Los - Wit My Hoodie On (Trayvon Martin Tribute) Official Video
Twitter: twitter.com Facebook; www.facebook.com DOWNLOAD Los - Wit My Hoodie On MP3 - www.hotnewhiphop.com DOWNLOAD The Crown Aint Safe: www.datpiff.com Directed By: Iroc Daniels (Marmera Films)
published: 06 Apr 2012
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 139872

Los - Angels Remix
published: 19 Jan 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
Los - Angels Remix
FIRST TRACK RELEASED OFF OF UPCOMING MIXTAPE "ZERO GRAVITY" ... FOLLOW LOS ON TWITTER @SWAGGABOYLOS Subscribe To SwaggaboyLosTV Follow Me On Twitter: www.twitter.com Friend Me On Myspace: www.myspace.com FInd Me On Facebook: "Los Swaggaboylos" Check Out My Blog For Everything About Me: www.swaggaboylos.com Subscribe To SwaggaboyLosTV
published: 19 Jan 2010
author: swaggaboylostv
views: 63819

WC - This is Los Angeles
William Loshawn Calhoun, Jr. (born in 1970), better known by his stage name WC (pronounced...
published: 08 Sep 2009
author: HipHopTV1000
WC - This is Los Angeles
William Loshawn Calhoun, Jr. (born in 1970), better known by his stage name WC (pronounced Dub-C), is an American rapper. He was born in Texas, but moved to Los Angeles at an early age.WC began his career with underground rap groups Low Profile and WC and the Maad Circle and later formed a supergroup Westside Connection, with Ice Cube and Mack 10. His 1998 solo debut The Shadiest One landed in the Top 20,[citation needed] featuring such singles as "Cheddar", "Just Clownin'" and "Better Days". The Ghetto Heisman followed in 2002 and featured the song "The Streets", which also landed in the Top 20. In 2007 WC released Guilty by Affiliation on Ice Cube's Lench Mob Records which featured The singles "This Is Los Angeles" Feat Ice Cube and West Coast VooDoo feat The Game. He's also known to collaborate with his friend and fellow west coast godfather Ice Cube. WC is also a member of the Crip's in the notorious south central area.
published: 08 Sep 2009
author: HipHopTV1000
views: 909761