Ron Paul 2016

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“Ron Paul Would Have Beaten Obama”

Unfortunately Ron Paul didn’t win the 2012 GOP primary because the GOP establishment cheated him out of his well-deserved victory. But in 2016, things will be different if the liberty movement keeps gaining ground within the GOP. And while Ron Paul said that he is retiring from politics, a groundswell of support might motivate him to run again.

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Countering the Mainstream Media’s Bias Against Ron Paul

The corrupt mainstream media will continue to ignore or downplay Ron Paul’s growing appeal. The media is part of the military-industrial complex and they stand to lose their corporate welfare checks when Ron Paul becomes President! We need to work even harder at getting the message out at the grassroots level! Tell 5+ people about Ron Paul today… and tomorrow… and every day!

Ron Paul can win… Ron Paul must win… Ron Paul will win! Please do everything you can to help us spread the message and reach our goal! Thanks for your support!

3,201 responses to “Ron Paul 2016”

  1. Angelic Laughter

    Both my boyfriend and I from California wrote Ron Paul in. Paul was the only candidate to have real solutions. He was the only honest candidate, he told it straight & didn’t flip flop like the others. I trust Ron Paul as the most intelligent candidate. We really need him to lead our great country. He is a true leader, not an appeaser. I didn’t waste my vote on one of the lesser of two evils, I voted with a clear conscience. If only there were more people that would think for themselves rather than being swayed by the title of a party. Ron Paul was for ALL of our rights, not just for a select few. The world of sheep is not yet ready for a self thinker, they follow the puppets, & it’s a shame. He was everything that people claimed they wanted. Ron Paul will always have my full respect. Think about this, he was the only candidate that served in the military & the only one that didn’t feel that war is the answer to everything. He holds high regard for human lives, because that is what he does, as a doctor, he saves lives.

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  2. Abel Ekonomakos

    Mr. Paul,
    First off I would like to thank you for you’re dedicated efforts to fight for the American principles this country was founded on. I would also like to apologize for my late enlightenment, previous to knowing about your campaign I was completely disgusted with politics and our elected officials, and had given up hope. I can honestly say that your campaign has restored some of my hope for the future and I sincerely hope that you will run for president in 2016, many of the people may not wake up, but enough might.

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  3. michael

    how ron paul can still be elected president of the us in january of 2013: Barack Obama has not yet been re-elected president. Yes, the election is over – but remember, a presidential election in America is not by popular vote. We vote for the candidate, but what we are really doing is voting for the electors who will meet on the Monday after the second Wednesday in December. That is when the actual re-election of the president occurs. Is there a way to stop this? Yes, there is. And the best part – this is totally constitutional. The 12th Amendment of the Constitution as well as Article II of the Constitution govern the Electoral College. According to the 12th Amendment, for the Electoral College to be able to select the president, it must have a quorum of two-thirds of the states voting. If enough states refuse to participate, the Electoral College will not have a quorum. If the Electoral College does not have a quorum or otherwise cannot vote or decide, then the responsibility for selecting the president and vice president devolves to the Congress. The House of Representatives selects the president and the Senate selects the vice president.
    Since the Republicans hold a majority in the House, presumably they could vote for Ron paul if people phone then and email them telling them they want them to vote that way , and if they do he would be elected president. Can this work? Sure it can.Democrats have actually set this precedent of refusing to participate to deny Republicans a quorum. They did this in Wisconsin and in Texas. Why can’t we do this with the Electoral College? So how do we do this? Mitt Romney carried 24 states. We need to have conservative activists from all over the nation contact the electors, the Republican Party and the secretary of state in all of these states and tell them not to participate in the Electoral College when it meets on Dec. 17. If we can get 17 of those states (just over one-third) to refuse to participate, the Electoral College will have no quorum. Then, as the Constitution directs, the election goes to the House of Representatives. That is how we can still pull this election out and make Ron paul president in January of 2013.

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  4. David's house

    I do not like liers. I am tired of this worldly system. I do believe Ron Paul has our backs in his best instrest. He is sincer and full of integaty. What he Say’s he does regardless of the othere people in concress and the media. I have a strong suspicion that if we could see the real write in results from all the states, Ron Paul maybe would have come close to winning this election. Ron Paul is the only American politician I trust. I know I can sleep at night knowing the way my house voted. RON PAUL for 2016 I will vote if Jesus does not come soon.

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  5. Katherine Stevens

    I have only just discovered Ron Paul and have fallen madly politically in love with him. I can not stop looking and listening to his youtube videos again and again. I am a UK citizen and can not stop telling people about him. His English counterpart is Nigel Farage of the United Kingdom Independence Party, who is also a libertarian. The same problem exists here he does not get enough coverage on our news channels why are decent men which are so very few and far between treated like this. I fully believe now that the world is run by corrupt and evil people. My biggest fear for Ron Paul is if he succeeds he will be assassinated as sure as God made little green apples. Good luck Ron Paul you are a wonderful human being!

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  6. Harry Florent

    My wife and I both wrote in Ron Paul in Maryland, I would never be able to live with myself if I voted otherwise. I have a strong suspicion that if we could see the real write in results from all the states, Ron Paul maybe would have come close to winning this election, I don’t believe the media they lie like dogs. The system hides things like Nazis from the pubic and can not be trusted. What a way of thinking about our government but truth is truth. Ron Paul is the only American politician I have ever trusted, but in this country only the puppets win elections, not real men like Ron Paul. At least I know I can sleep at night doing the right thing.

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