- published: 22 Dec 2006
- views: 17891
- author: springwatch

Hen Harriers
Hen Harrier report from Scotland....
published: 22 Dec 2006
author: springwatch
Hen Harriers
Hen Harriers
Hen Harrier report from Scotland.- published: 22 Dec 2006
- views: 17891
- author: springwatch

Hen Harriers - Skydancers
Hen Harriers - Skydancers....
published: 20 Apr 2013
author: cowboicymraeg
Hen Harriers - Skydancers
Hen Harriers - Skydancers
Hen Harriers - Skydancers.- published: 20 Apr 2013
- views: 45
- author: cowboicymraeg

Hen Harrier Ireland.wmv
An introduction to the Hen Harrier in Ireland, including video, photographs and informatio...
published: 14 May 2012
author: HenHarrierIreland
Hen Harrier Ireland.wmv
Hen Harrier Ireland.wmv
An introduction to the Hen Harrier in Ireland, including video, photographs and information on ecology.- published: 14 May 2012
- views: 1151
- author: HenHarrierIreland

Hen harriers face extinction in England as nests fail
Hen harriers are close to extinction in England after the country's only two nesting pairs...
published: 09 Aug 2013
Hen harriers face extinction in England as nests fail
Hen harriers face extinction in England as nests fail
Hen harriers are close to extinction in England after the country's only two nesting pairs failed to breed, conservationists have said. The RSPB said it was the first time the species had not produced a chick in England since the 1960s. It said numbers of hen harriers, which prey on grouse, were being kept down by grouse moor managers. Jeff Knott, conservation officer at the RSPB told the BBC why he believed their numbers were in such severe decline. But the Moorland Association pointed out that some grouse moor managers, including one responsible for land next to the ill-fated Northumberland nesting site, were protecting grouse populations by providing nearby hen harriers with alternative food sources. "A very late and cold winter will have affected breeding patterns," association chairman Robert Benson added, describing the failure of the two hen harrier pairs to breed as disappointing. "We are working with Defra [the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs] and Natural England to ensure numbers of breeding harriers increase on grouse moors in a way that is compatible with ongoing grouse moor management," he said.- published: 09 Aug 2013
- views: 2

Hen harrier (marsh hawk) search flight
A female hen harrier (marsh hawk) systematically searches the area near a river in Warwick...
published: 14 Oct 2006
author: betacygni
Hen harrier (marsh hawk) search flight
Hen harrier (marsh hawk) search flight
A female hen harrier (marsh hawk) systematically searches the area near a river in Warwickshire on a mid-winter day.- published: 14 Oct 2006
- views: 15548
- author: betacygni

Hen Harrier Hunt
A Hen Harrier - scientific name: circus cyaneus, and known as Northern Harrier (or Marsh H...
published: 11 Feb 2009
author: betacygni
Hen Harrier Hunt
Hen Harrier Hunt
A Hen Harrier - scientific name: circus cyaneus, and known as Northern Harrier (or Marsh Hawk) in North America - spends a cold winter's day hunting over the...- published: 11 Feb 2009
- views: 13216
- author: betacygni

Hen Harrier & Pintail, Pegwell Bay - Jan 2013
Birds filmed at Pegwell Bay on the 26th January 2013 include thousands of Wigeon, Pintail,...
published: 27 Jan 2013
author: Keith Ross
Hen Harrier & Pintail, Pegwell Bay - Jan 2013
Hen Harrier & Pintail, Pegwell Bay - Jan 2013
Birds filmed at Pegwell Bay on the 26th January 2013 include thousands of Wigeon, Pintail, Stonechat, Reed Bunting, Goldfinch, Meally Redpoll, Hen Harrier, K...- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 87
- author: Keith Ross

Hen Harrier Brading Marsh, IOW
This lovely male Hen Harrier was flying around the marsh in late afternoon, a rare sight o...
published: 21 Mar 2013
author: WIGHT2000
Hen Harrier Brading Marsh, IOW
Hen Harrier Brading Marsh, IOW
This lovely male Hen Harrier was flying around the marsh in late afternoon, a rare sight on the Island. Pay particular attention to the last few seconds when...- published: 21 Mar 2013
- views: 178
- author: WIGHT2000

hen harrier edit
Hen harrier hunting over pasture in Peeblesshire....
published: 10 Jul 2012
author: KailzieWildlife
hen harrier edit
hen harrier edit
Hen harrier hunting over pasture in Peeblesshire.- published: 10 Jul 2012
- views: 94
- author: KailzieWildlife

Hen Harrier Facing Extinction BBC Inside Out
The Hen Harrier is now on the verge of extinction in England. Despite being protected as a...
published: 22 Nov 2013
Hen Harrier Facing Extinction BBC Inside Out
Hen Harrier Facing Extinction BBC Inside Out
The Hen Harrier is now on the verge of extinction in England. Despite being protected as a Bird of Prey, under The Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, the Hen Harrier has been subject to years of illegal persecution because of the habitat that it breeds in. A recent Government scientific study -- the Hen Harrier Framework -- suggested there is capacity in the English uplands for over 300 pairs of hen harrier, yet for the first time since the 1960s, hen harriers have failed to nest successfully in England. This study cited illegal persecution through shooting, trapping and disturbance as the main reason for the hen harrier's unfavourable conservation status in England. In 2011, the Government published 'Biodiversity 2020' (the revised England Biodiversity Strategy). In this strategy the Government made a clear commitment that there should be no extinction of an English wild species at the hands of man. However the tendency of hen harriers to eat red grouse means that some shooting estates feel they have to illegally kill or disturb these graceful birds of prey in order to protect their stock. A long-term study at Langholm Moor in Scotland has revealed potential through a technique known as diversionary feeding. Using this measure gamekeepers provide alternative prey during the nesting season when hen harriers are hunting intensively to feed their chicks. Martin Harper, RSPB's conservation director states: "We are aware of a small number of gamekeepers that have used this technique with great success and had the eggs hatched at the English nest, the local gamekeeper and landowner had agree to trial the technique. Unfortunately, these forward-thinking individuals appear to be the exception rather than the rule!". Please help to save this magnificent bird of prey and others like the Merlin, Peregrine, Buzzard and Golden Eagle that are subject to illegal persuction by signing this government e petition..... Licencing of upland grouse moors and gamekeepers. Responsible department: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Given the continuing levels of illegal persecution of birds of prey the Government is called upon to introduce a system of operating licences for upland grouse shoots.Following any proven offence of persecution on the shoot concerned, i.e. illegal trapping, use of poisons, shooting or the interference with or destruction of nests, the licence would be revoked for a period of not less than two years and commercial shooting activity cease. Linked to the above the Government is called upon to introduce an accreditation scheme or licencing system for all gamekeepers, be they employed in a full time or part time capacity. If an individual then has any proven involvement with raptor persecution, the licence would be withdrawn for a period of three years along with the right to hold a gun licence. Any repetition of an offence would result in the licences being withdrawn for life. See also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6VWlr8YWFg- published: 22 Nov 2013
- views: 27

An evening flight of a Hen Harrier.wmv
NikonD3 was a god camera! D4 will be on 16 feb....
published: 31 Jan 2012
author: yamaemu5959
An evening flight of a Hen Harrier.wmv
An evening flight of a Hen Harrier.wmv
NikonD3 was a god camera! D4 will be on 16 feb.- published: 31 Jan 2012
- views: 421
- author: yamaemu5959

Male Hen Harrier
A rare sighting of a male Hen Harrier filmed on 2nd May 2012 at Lancing in West Sussex. It...
published: 02 May 2012
author: digitalmagicvideos
Male Hen Harrier
Male Hen Harrier
A rare sighting of a male Hen Harrier filmed on 2nd May 2012 at Lancing in West Sussex. It was about 1/4 mile away - so footage isn't as sharp as I would hav...- published: 02 May 2012
- views: 554
- author: digitalmagicvideos

Hen Harrier - EcoEye Series 8
EcoEye Series 8 Episode 5 Part 1....
published: 10 Apr 2012
author: EPAIreland
Hen Harrier - EcoEye Series 8
Hen Harrier - EcoEye Series 8
EcoEye Series 8 Episode 5 Part 1.- published: 10 Apr 2012
- views: 32
- author: EPAIreland
Youtube results:

Hen Harriers at Beacon Fell
Lancashire County Council's report on the progress of Hen Harriers at Beacon Fell - July 2...
published: 04 Nov 2010
author: lancashirecc
Hen Harriers at Beacon Fell
Hen Harriers at Beacon Fell
Lancashire County Council's report on the progress of Hen Harriers at Beacon Fell - July 2008. For more information on Lancashire's Country Parks, visit our ...- published: 04 Nov 2010
- views: 443
- author: lancashirecc

Hen Harrier
Hen Harrier hunting over Bradda Head, IOM. From Sussex Scrapbook at: http://www.totally-cu...
published: 12 Aug 2007
author: Sussex Scrapbook
Hen Harrier
Hen Harrier
Hen Harrier hunting over Bradda Head, IOM. From Sussex Scrapbook at: http://www.totally-cuckoo.com.- published: 12 Aug 2007
- views: 1765
- author: Sussex Scrapbook

Hen Harrier - Circus cyaneus
A Digiscoping video of Hen Harriers coming into the magnificent bird of prey roost at the ...
published: 04 Dec 2011
author: Mark Andrews
Hen Harrier - Circus cyaneus
Hen Harrier - Circus cyaneus
A Digiscoping video of Hen Harriers coming into the magnificent bird of prey roost at the Hula Valley Nature Reserve, Israel during the Bird Festival week in...- published: 04 Dec 2011
- views: 317
- author: Mark Andrews

Male Hen Harrier
Male hen harrier hunting on a frozen January morning. Quality not so good due to extreme d...
published: 14 Feb 2011
author: Fraser39
Male Hen Harrier
Male Hen Harrier
Male hen harrier hunting on a frozen January morning. Quality not so good due to extreme distance. Hen Harriers often come down from upland moors in winter t...- published: 14 Feb 2011
- views: 1318
- author: Fraser39