published: 08 Mar 2012
views: 92605
Die Cis Scum
Raphael comments on the e-controversy over the popular phrase "Die Cis Scum" and tells you...
published: 08 Mar 2012
author: BlackLipstckBuxomBoy
Die Cis Scum
Raphael comments on the e-controversy over the popular phrase "Die Cis Scum" and tells you why all the cissies should calm the fuck down.
Star Wars- The CIS's Vehicles/Starships
Here are the names in order: 1). Vulture-Class Droid Starfighter 2). STAP (Single Trooper ...
published: 20 Apr 2008
author: Merhawk102
Star Wars- The CIS's Vehicles/Starships
Here are the names in order: 1). Vulture-Class Droid Starfighter 2). STAP (Single Trooper Aerial Platform) 3). AAT (Armored Assault Tank) 4). Trade Federation Core Ship 5). OG-9 Homing Spider Droid 6). Lucrehulk-Class Droid Control Ship 7). GAT (Ground Armored Tank) 8). Munificent-Class Banking Clan Star Frigate 9). Banking Clan Transport 10). Belbullab-22 Starfighter 11). C-9979 Landing Craft 12). Diamond-Class Cruiser 13). Flitknot Speeder 14). IG-227 Hailfire-Class Droid Tank 15). HMP (Heavy Missle Platform) 16). Invisible Hand 17). Mankvim-814 Light Interceptor 18). MTT (Multi-Troop Transport) 19). NR-N99 Persuader-Class Droid Enforcer 20). Trade Federation Troop Carrier 21). Recusant-Class Light Destroyer 22). Solar Sailer 23). Droid Tri-Fighter 24). Tsmeu-6 Personal Wheel Bike 25). HAG (Heavy Artilery Gun) 26). Advanced Droid Starfighter 27). C-73 Tracker Starfighter 28). Commerce Guild Advanced Bomber 29). E-STAP Droid Starbomber 30). Ginivex-Class Starfighter 31). Nantex-Class Territorial Defense Starfighter/Geonosis Starfighter 32). Sabaoth Starfighter 33). Scarab-Class Droid Starfighter 34). Lucrehulk-Class Battleship 35). Muunilinst Gun Platform 36). Recusant-Calss Light Destroyer 37). Sabaoth Destroyer 38). Hardcell-Class Interstellar Transport 39). Sheathipede-Class Transport Shuttle 40). VAC (Vehicle Armored Carrier) 41). Dreadnought Battletank 42). LM-432 Crab Droid 43). MUT (Multi-Utility Transport) Music by John Williams: The Droid Invasion Theme Extra ...
published: 20 Apr 2008
views: 62425
Stuff Cis People Say To Trans People
TransFix! Share. Create. Build. We organize small to large trans-specific and centric even...
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: TransFixNorcal
Stuff Cis People Say To Trans People
TransFix! Share. Create. Build. We organize small to large trans-specific and centric events in the SF Bay Area. Contact: for more info Visit: Hugh Jasoll and Black Dahlia Parton starring in the first of a possible series of "Stuff Cis People say..." videos. Music: Kevin MacLeod
published: 10 Jan 2012
views: 63200
Questions... for Cis People?!?
Red Durkin dares to turn the power of questions against the cisgender world that hounds he...
published: 07 Nov 2009
author: daedsider
Questions... for Cis People?!?
Red Durkin dares to turn the power of questions against the cisgender world that hounds her! With the natural order unbalanced, what will non-trans people do?! Music by: Ladyhawke
published: 07 Nov 2009
views: 10538
Epson Inkjet Printer Continuous Ink System CIS CISS
Epson Inkjet Printer Continuous Ink System CIS CISS...
published: 24 Oct 2008
author: tdneon
Epson Inkjet Printer Continuous Ink System CIS CISS
Epson Inkjet Printer Continuous Ink System CIS CISS
published: 24 Oct 2008
views: 67196
Navy CIS - NCIS Theme
A tribute to NCIS! The Theme is performed by Numeriklab. Enjoy!...
published: 13 Mar 2008
author: SabrinellaPdO
Navy CIS - NCIS Theme
A tribute to NCIS! The Theme is performed by Numeriklab. Enjoy!
published: 13 Mar 2008
views: 175893
Part 1 - What is CIS?
What is computer information systems? How does it differ from other programs, including co...
published: 05 Nov 2009
author: CISatMTSU
Part 1 - What is CIS?
What is computer information systems? How does it differ from other programs, including computer science?
published: 05 Nov 2009
views: 169
CSI|Season 9|For Warrick|My Promo|
Spoliers!! My own season 9 promo =) I own nothing! OMG WHAT! A honour!! It must have been ...
published: 14 Jun 2008
author: roogirl2000
CSI|Season 9|For Warrick|My Promo|
Spoliers!! My own season 9 promo =) I own nothing! OMG WHAT! A honour!! It must have been a pretty bad video day... #80 - Top Favorites (Today) - Film & Animation - United Kingdom No no wait!! TWO HONOURS!!! =D #88 - Top Favorites (This Week) - Film & Animation - United Kingdom
published: 14 Jun 2008
views: 26719
CIS - Campionato Italiano Skateboard 2009 Montebelluna.
Prima data de CIS "Campionato Italiano di Skateboard" 2009 tenutasi presso la città di Mon...
published: 08 Oct 2009
author: PastaDos
CIS - Campionato Italiano Skateboard 2009 Montebelluna.
Prima data de CIS "Campionato Italiano di Skateboard" 2009 tenutasi presso la città di Montebelluna (TV) Tanti Riders,tanti tricks, tanto divertimento! Ci vediamo alla prossima tappa in dicembre, al Trinity Skatepark di Milano! Buona Visione!
published: 08 Oct 2009
views: 48543
cis trans isomers
naming cis trans alkenes...
published: 05 Oct 2009
author: chemIIpickens
cis trans isomers
CrossTalk: CIS Thy Neighbour
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, most of the former republics of the USSR j...
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: RussiaToday
CrossTalk: CIS Thy Neighbour
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, most of the former republics of the USSR joined the CIS. Commonwealth of Independent States. What is its record to date? Is it, as some have claimed, Russia's bid to reconstruct a non-communist Soviet Union? What is its primary goal -- political, economic, security? Can it ever become something like the EU? And what does each member country gain from membership? CrossTalking with Stephen Cohen and Nikolai Petro on Nov. 9. CT on FB:
published: 12 Dec 2011
views: 3132
Pesca Cis - Pintado de plomos - Practico y barato
En este video vemos como pintar nuestros plomos de pesca en funcion del fondo que vayamos ...
published: 04 Oct 2011
author: grupocis
Pesca Cis - Pintado de plomos - Practico y barato
En este video vemos como pintar nuestros plomos de pesca en funcion del fondo que vayamos a pescar y la especie a capturar , bien sea atrayente o que pase desapercibido
published: 04 Oct 2011
views: 8371
Vimeo results:
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Opening Titles
Opening titles designed,animated and produced at Blur Studio.
Personal behind the scenes...
published: 07 Jan 2012
author: Onur Senturk
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Opening Titles
Opening titles designed,animated and produced at Blur Studio.
Personal behind the scenes
Creative Director
Tim Miller
CG Supervisor
Jerome Denjean
Editor & Layout
Franck Balson
Animation Supervisor
Derron Ross
FX Supervisor
Kirby Miller
Design & Type Animation
Jennifer Miller
Onur Senturk
Tobin Kirk
Executive Producer
Al Shier
Production Coordinator
Jean Ho
Jeff Fowler
Douglas Lassance
David Nibbelin
Derron Ross
Nick Whitmire
Character Modeling
Shaun Absher
Mathieu Aerni
Alessandro Baldasseroni
Chris Grim
Zbyneˇk Kysela
Desiree Lunsford
Laurent Pierlot
Rigging Lead
Enoch Ihde
Steven Alley
Chris Boylan
Justin Callanan
Ben Durkin
Jennifer Hendrich
Brent Wiley
Kyle Gaulin
Warren Grubb
Jason Hendrich
Jeremiah “Izzy” Izzard
Oliver Parcasio
William “Rocky” Vanoost
Jon Vener
Brian Whitmire
Nick Whitmire
Cloth Simulation
Steve Guevara
Hair Sim
Danny Young
Prop Modeling
Zack Cork
Jinho Jang
Lighting & Compositing
Chris ‘Bedrock’ Bedrosian
Colin James
Tom Nemeth
David Stinnett
Onur Senturk
Daniel Trbovic
Dan Woje
Daniel Chamberlin
Ian Clemmer
Seung Jae Lee
Johanes Kurnia
John Kosnik
Ole Lemming
Matt Radford
Brandon Riza
Brandon Young
Additional FX Supplied by
Fusion CI Studios
Spatial Harmonics Group
Concept Design
Jason Felix
Norn Jordan
Sean McNally
Jared Purrington
Onur Senturk
Joshua Shaw
Tom Zhao
Motion Capture TDs
Anthony Romero
Brian McKee
Mocap Talent
Derron Ross
Sheila Atkinson
Programming and Systems Administration
Jeremy Donahue
Paul Huang
Matt Newell
Duane Powell
Peyton Kirk
Tess Masters
Scanning Services Provided by
The Nicholas VFX Group
12 Drawings a Day - 12 Dessins par Jour
During 3 years (2008-2011) i have been drawing 12 drawing of animation every day, it make ...
published: 06 Dec 2011
author: Denis Chapon
12 Drawings a Day - 12 Dessins par Jour
During 3 years (2008-2011) i have been drawing 12 drawing of animation every day, it make one second of film. I had no plans what so ever before starting the first drawing. And then, each of the folowing days, I took the 3 last drawing from the day before and kept on animating. I use a none erasable pen, and drew on the back side of used A4 paper.
Pendant 3 ans (2008-2011) j'ai fait 12 dessins d'animation chaque jour. Ce qui équivaut à une seconde de film. Je n'avais pas de plans précis quand j'ai fait le premier dessin. Puis, les jours suivant, je prenais les 3 derniers dessins de la veille et continuais à animer. J'ai utilisé un stylo non-effaçable et je dessinais au verso de feuilles A4 déjà utilisées.
L'homme 100 têtes by JUL & MAT All rights reserved
Directed by Jul & Mat - All rights reserved
Demandes de diffusion, ou utilisation du conce...
published: 30 Oct 2008
author: JUL & MAT
L'homme 100 têtes by JUL & MAT All rights reserved
Directed by Jul & Mat - All rights reserved
Demandes de diffusion, ou utilisation du concept :
Facebook :
Twitter :
web :
100 and one faces. 101 faces
Playing off the theme of a recent video contest, « Transformation : Live and React », JUL & MAT (France) explored the human face, the most exposed and personal part of the human body. Their dynamic portrayal of 1000 and one faces is a mosaic of portraits and emotions that plays off of the power of faces seen close up. Julien Fargo composed the melody that encapsulates the film.
All rights reserved L'homme 100 têtes
Demandes de diffusion, ou utilisation du concept :
L'uomo dalle 100 teste.
Per un concorso video per il quale il tema era "Trasformazione:Vivere-Reagire". JUL & MAT si sono interessati al viso, parte più personale e più esposta del nostro corpo. Questo quadro in movimento delle "1000 e una faccia" ci offre un mosaico di ritratti ed emozioni che giocano sulla potenza dei visi in primo piano.
In più, Julien Fargo è il compositore di questa melodia in cui si racchiude l'essenza di questo film.
All rights reserved L'homme 100 têtes
Demandes de diffusion, ou utilisation du concept :
El hombre 100 de cabezas.
Para un concurso cuyo tema era "Transformación: vivir-reaccionar", JUL & MAT (France) se interesaron por el rostro, el más personal y más expuesto de las partes de nuestro cuerpo. Esta pintura agitada de los " 1000 y uno rostros" nos ofrece un mosaico de retratos y de emociones que se aprovecha del poder de los rostros en primer plano. Por último, Julien Fargo es el quien compuso esta melodía, verdadero joyero para esta película.
All rights reserved L'homme 100 têtes
Demandes de diffusion, ou utilisation du concept :
L'homme 100 têtes.
Pour un concours vidéo dont le thème était "Transformation:Vivre-Réagir", JUL & MAT se sont intéressés au visage, la plus personnelle et la plus exposée des parties de notre corps. Ce tableau mouvementé des « 1000 et une faces » nous offre une mosaïque de portraits et d'émotions qui joue sur la puissance des visages en gros plan. Enfin, c'est Julien Fargo qui a composé cette mélodie, véritable écrin pour ce film. Future pub Apple ou Benetton ?
La Queue de la Souris
Dans une forêt, un Lion capture une souris pour la dévorer. Mais celle ci lui propose un m...
published: 19 Apr 2012
author: Reineke
La Queue de la Souris
Dans une forêt, un Lion capture une souris pour la dévorer. Mais celle ci lui propose un marché...
Youtube results:
Cis-Trans and EZ Naming Scheme for Alkenes
Learn more: Cis-Trans and EZ Naming Scheme for Alkenes...
published: 11 Aug 2010
author: khanacademy
Cis-Trans and EZ Naming Scheme for Alkenes
Learn more: Cis-Trans and EZ Naming Scheme for Alkenes
published: 11 Aug 2010
views: 108283
Navy CIS LA Chinatown part 01
published: 19 Mar 2011
author: 2909dominik
Navy CIS LA Chinatown part 01
published: 19 Mar 2011
views: 40080
Pesca Cis - Eliminar oxido en las anillas
En este video vemos la manera de como eliminar el oxido que se produce en las anillas de l...
published: 04 Oct 2011
author: grupocis
Pesca Cis - Eliminar oxido en las anillas
En este video vemos la manera de como eliminar el oxido que se produce en las anillas de las cañas de pesca , sobre todo producido por el relente de la noche
published: 04 Oct 2011
views: 6347
Oefening CIS-bataljon Koninklijke Landmacht
Het 101 Communicatie- en Informatiesystemen (CIS)-bataljon van de Koninklijke Landmacht he...
published: 17 Feb 2010
author: defensie
Oefening CIS-bataljon Koninklijke Landmacht
Het 101 Communicatie- en Informatiesystemen (CIS)-bataljon van de Koninklijke Landmacht heeft in februari 2010 op meerdere plaatsen in Nederland geoefend voor een van haar speciale nationale taken. Het bataljon heeft permanent een aantal eenheden paraat voor inzet in Nederland bij calamiteiten. Deze eenheden kunnen op zeer korte termijn worden ingezet om civiele autoriteiten te ondersteunen wanneer communicatiemiddelen, zoals telefoon en computer, niet meer werken. Het CIS-bataljon verzorgt het opzetten, bedienen en onderhouden van data- en telecommunicatie en computernetwerken. Hierdoor kunnen civiele autoriteiten bij rampen of crises blijven communiceren met de buitenwereld. Regelmatig oefenen De militairen van deze speciale eenheid oefenen regelmatig zelfstandig of samen met hun potentiële gebruikers. Frequent samen oefenen is voor beide partijen leerzaam en nodig om sneller inzetbaar te zijn voor de Nederlandse bevolking. De ministers van Binnenlandse Zaken en Defensie hebben enkele jaren geleden concrete afspraken gemaakt over de rol en mogelijkheden van Defensie bij het ondersteunen van de civiele autoriteiten. Deze afspraken zijn geclusterd in de Intensivering Civiel- Militaire Samenwerking (ICMS). Defensie is daardoor een structurele partner bij crisisbeheersing en rampenbestrijding.
published: 17 Feb 2010
views: 7556