Emma Goldman Finishing School
Click Here to view the Emma Goldman's Image Gallery phone: 206/324-6822 address: 1309 13th Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98144 email: egfs@riseup.net web: egfs.org
Founded in 1996, the Emma Goldman Finishing School is an intentional community in the North Beacon Hill neighborhood of Seattle. Formerly known as the Beacon Hill House, we changed our name in November 2003. Our community is based on the principles of societal change, egalitarianism, non-violence, ecology, simplicity, community living. Our home is a fun and supportive place to live, and it is also an institution working to build economic, political, and cultural alternatives. We see ourselves as part of a growing infrastructure designed to oppose and replace the dominant system. As an egalitarian community, we value our labor equally. Some of us work more hours at jobs which bring in money, others work more around the house and on community projects. Regardless, we all contribute equal time. Every member is able to have all their basic needs met by the community, including food, shelter, transportation, health care, and retirement. Currently, the community consists of eight residents, five women and three men, ranging in age from their mid twenties to late forties. We are writers, musicians, socal workers, activists, gardeners, dancers, educators, anarchists, nurses, queers, geeks, unionists, kayakers ,artists, athletes, and revolutionaries. We currently have openings for 4 long-term members, and are especially interested in folks in their 30s, 40s, 50+s. Although we work to maintain gender and age balance and to preserve our community's values and politics, we welcome all ages, ethnicities, abilities, orientations, and class. For more detailed info about who we are, check out our website