
Natural blond hair Asian of ethnic Hmong. San Miao vs Yuezhi (Tocarian) European Mummies T...
published: 24 Oct 2011
author: niamtxiv
Natural blond hair Asian of ethnic Hmong. San Miao vs Yuezhi (Tocarian) European Mummies The Hmong have always known that their people have black hair and yellow hair. Note: The Hmong are not Europeans. Like the red head of Europe, the Hmong people do have blond head. BTW, they are not albino.
published: 24 Oct 2011
views: 7737

Yuezhi Zhao | School of Communication | SFU
Yuezhi Zhao, an Associate Professor for the School of Communication, focuses her research ...
published: 19 Jan 2011
Yuezhi Zhao | School of Communication | SFU
Yuezhi Zhao, an Associate Professor for the School of Communication, focuses her research on political economy of global communication. She looks at the role of media and information technology in shaping the political economy order, media representations of the world, and how information technologies have played a role in the rise of China. www.fcat.sfu.ca
published: 19 Jan 2011
views: 1148

SFU Professor Yuezhi Zhao - Political Economy of Global Communication
Professor Yuezhi Zhao is a world class researcher and professor at the School of Communica...
published: 14 Aug 2012
author: FCATatSFU
SFU Professor Yuezhi Zhao - Political Economy of Global Communication
Professor Yuezhi Zhao is a world class researcher and professor at the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University.
published: 14 Aug 2012
author: FCATatSFU
views: 46

Hungarians or Uyghurs - the real scythians
The royal scythians who ruled altaic, uralic, iranic elements were the ugurs or yuezhi or ...
published: 11 Mar 2011
author: HungarianHistory
Hungarians or Uyghurs - the real scythians
The royal scythians who ruled altaic, uralic, iranic elements were the ugurs or yuezhi or tocharians (uyghurs,hungarians, bulgarians, chuvashes, tatars) They are from 5 scythian folks the sabir, daha,chus and hun, avar. And these folks are from sumerian, subartuan and elamite expansions to Caspian Areas (Khwarezm-turán) The Middle Eastern civilizations are from Europe (Vinca, Trypillia, Kurgan cultures) Ugur realms: Bactria, Parthia, Xiongnu (in Xiongnu lived the mongolic and manchu elements too) Kushan and next White hunnic Empire, Euro hunnia.
published: 11 Mar 2011
author: HungarianHistory
views: 10988

Rhye's and Fall of Civilization: Asia: Yuezhi
Starting year: 645 BC Unique Units: Yabgu Archer (Archer) Unique Buildings: Caravanserai (...
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: Tral Mal
Rhye's and Fall of Civilization: Asia: Yuezhi
Starting year: 645 BC Unique Units: Yabgu Archer (Archer) Unique Buildings: Caravanserai (Market) Unique Power: The Power of the Silk Road: Cotton and Gems can be traded via Silk Road Historic Victory Goals: I: Build a route to China by 100 AD II: Own at least 3 camel resources by 400 AD III: Construct 2 Buddhist wonders by 450 AD
published: 13 Apr 2012
author: Tral Mal
views: 48

The Structural Transformation of Chinese Communication - Past Trajectories and Future Directions
Dec. 14, 2009: The Structural Transformation of Chinese Communication - Past Trajectories ...
published: 15 Dec 2009
author: USCAnnenberg
The Structural Transformation of Chinese Communication - Past Trajectories and Future Directions
Dec. 14, 2009: The Structural Transformation of Chinese Communication - Past Trajectories and Future Directions Moderator Clayton Dube, University of Southern California Panelists Zhengrong Hu, Communication University of China Bingchun Meng, London School of Economics & Political Science Yuezhi Zhao, Simon Fraser University The Structural Transformation of Chinese Communication - Past Trajectories and Future Directions story: annenberg.usc.edu For more information about Clayton Dube: www.usc.edu For more information about Zhengrong Hu: mediaresearchhub.ssrc.org For more information about Dr. Binchun Meng: www2.lse.ac.uk For more information about Yuezhi Zhao: pages.cmns.sfu.ca
published: 15 Dec 2009
author: USCAnnenberg
views: 494

Great Uyghur Civilization -The Tarim Mummies and Tocharians
In the late 1980's, perfectly preserved 3000-4000 year old European looking mummies began ...
published: 19 Aug 2008
author: Pantekin
Great Uyghur Civilization -The Tarim Mummies and Tocharians
In the late 1980's, perfectly preserved 3000-4000 year old European looking mummies began appearing in Taklamakn desert ,east turkistan(xinjiang). some western archeologist calim these Mummies were "Europeans" ,and later they called them as "tocharians" ,even though there is no evidence that can prove these mummies related to tocharians or chinese called "yuezhi" people,who appared in historical records 2000 years later and speak a indo-european languge . but this is not the important problem here .the most rediculous thing is some chinese scientisit (if they can be called as scientisit) claim that these white people "had been totaly slaughtered", "have been excavated" ,or "Was swallowed up by desert" . it is clear that they are trying to seperate these Tarim mummies from the indigneus Uyghur people . why? please read this : "..In the preface to the 2002 book, "Ancient Corpses of Xinjiang," written by Chinese archeologist Wang Huabing, the Chinese historian and Sanskrit specialist Ji Xianlin soundly denounced the use of the mummies by Uighur separatists as proof that Xinjiang should not belong to China. "What has stirred up the most excitement in academic circles, both in the East and the West, is the fact that the ancient corpses of "white (Caucasoid/Europid) people' have been excavated," Jin wrote. "However, within China a small group of ethnic separatists have taken advantage of this opportunity to stir up trouble and are acting like buffoons, (styling) themselves the ...
published: 19 Aug 2008
author: Pantekin
views: 13362

Heart sutra in Sanskrit by Chinese singer Imee Ooi
The Heart of Perfect Wisdom Sutra or Heart Sutra or Essence of Wisdom Sutra (Sanskrit: प्र...
published: 10 Jan 2010
author: SJisBack
Heart sutra in Sanskrit by Chinese singer Imee Ooi
The Heart of Perfect Wisdom Sutra or Heart Sutra or Essence of Wisdom Sutra (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञापारमिताहृदय Prajñāpāramitā Hṛdaya) is a well-known MahāyānaBuddhist sutra that is very popular among Mahayana Buddhists both for its brevity and depth of meaning. The Heart Sutra is made up of 14 shlokas in Sanskrit; a shloka composed of 32 syllables. In Chinese, it is 262 Chinese characters, while in English it is composed of sixteen sentences. The Heart Sutra has generally been thought to have probably been composed in the first century CE in Kushan Empire territory, by a Sarvastivadin or ex-Sarvastivadin monk. The earliest record of a copy of the sutra is a 200-250CE Chinese version attributed to the Yuezhi monk Zhi Qian. It was supposedly translated again by Kumarajiva around 400CE, although John McRae and Jan Nattier have argued that this translation was created by someone else, much later, based on Kumarajiva's Large Sutra. Zhi Qian's version, if it ever existed, was lost before the time of Xuanzang, who produced his own version in 649CE, which closely matches the one attributed to Kumarajiva. Xuanzang's version is the first record of the title "Heart Sutra" (心經xīnjīng) being used for the text, and Fukui Fumimasa has argued that xinjing actually means dharani scripture. According to Huili's biography, Xuanzang learned the sutra from an inhabitant of Sichuan, and subsequently chanted it during times of danger in his journey to the West. Sung by Chinese ...
published: 10 Jan 2010
author: SJisBack
views: 48084

Old-Europe, Fertile Cerscent, Pontic neolitic Hassuna-Samarra, Halaf-Ubaid, Uruk-Jemdet Na...
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: HungarianHistory2
Old-Europe, Fertile Cerscent, Pontic neolitic Hassuna-Samarra, Halaf-Ubaid, Uruk-Jemdet Nassr Daha (dacian, tocharian, kushan, thracian, yuezhi, ugur, sarmata) Hun (massagethe, thyssagethe, getae, xiongnu, hephtalite, kun, chunni) Uz (türk, oghuz, assyr, kassite, osman, osset, assi, jassi, yazig, alan) Avar (abaorte, aparni, parni, parsi, persi, persa, parthian, bactrian, var, obor) Sabir (magyar, mada, mitanni, suwar, chuwash, bolgar, subartuan, hurri, khur, kurd, khar, urartu, median)
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: HungarianHistory2
views: 111

Saka Rauka - Europa Barbarorum Intro
Saka Rauka - Europa Barbarorum Intro Introduction video of the Saka Rauka faction of the R...
published: 09 Oct 2008
author: ArtoriusMaximus777
Saka Rauka - Europa Barbarorum Intro
Saka Rauka - Europa Barbarorum Intro Introduction video of the Saka Rauka faction of the Rome: Total War modification, Europa Barbarorum. Credits to the Europa Barbarorum Team for all footage in this video. I am only uploading it to YouTube, I am not an EB Team member or developer.
published: 09 Oct 2008
author: ArtoriusMaximus777
views: 11467

Kingdom of the Kushan
I Kusana o Yuezhi erano il popolo Indo-europeo più orientale di probabile origine Scita, i...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: FilippoilBelloIV
Kingdom of the Kushan
I Kusana o Yuezhi erano il popolo Indo-europeo più orientale di probabile origine Scita, infatti hanno vissuto nelle aride pianure del Bacino del Tarim (oggi Xinjiang). Il Yuezhi raggiunsero il regno greco-ellenico Battriano (nel nord Afghanistan e Uzbekistan) circa 135 BC. Le dinastie greche sfollate si reinsediarono a sud-est in zone dell'Hindu Kush e del bacino dell'Indo (Pakistan ai tempi di oggi), che occupa la parte occidentale del Regno indo-greco. I Kusana fecero loro molti elementi della cultura ellenica della regione della Battriana, in cui si erano insediati. Adattarono l'alfabeto greco (spesso alterandolo) per rispondere alle esigenze del loro linguaggio (sviluppando la lettera Þ "sh", come in "Kushan") e ben presto cominciarono a coniare monete di foggia greca. Fino ai primi anni del regno di Kanishka sulle monete venivano usate combinazioni di leggende in greco e Kharoshthi, in seguito leggende in lingua Kusana combinate con quelle in greco, tutte scritte in alfabeto greco. Dai tempi di Wima Takto, iniziarono ad adottare la cultura indiana come gli altri gruppi nomadi che avevano invaso l'India. Il primo grande imperatore Kusana sembra avesse adottato lo Śivaismo, come indicato dalla sue monete. I successivi imperatori incarnarono un'ampia varietà di dei Indiani o dell'Asia Centrale, così come Buddha. The Kushan or Yuezhi were the people most eastern Indo-European origin, probably Scythian, in fact, have lived in the arid plains of the Tarim Basin (now ...
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: FilippoilBelloIV
views: 19

Obama to Starship: You didn't build that city, somebody else made that happen
(Mark Steyn) On the evidence of last week's Republican campaign events, President Obama's ...
published: 21 Jul 2012
author: SDAMatt2a
Obama to Starship: You didn't build that city, somebody else made that happen
(Mark Steyn) On the evidence of last week's Republican campaign events, President Obama's instant classic -- "You didn't build that" -- is to Mitt Romney what that radioactive arachnid is to Spider-Man: It got under his skin, and, in an instant, the geeky stiff was transformed into a muscular Captain Capitalism swinging through the streets and deftly squirting his webbing all over Community-Organizerman. Rattled by the reborn Romney, the Obama campaign launched an attack on Romney's attack on Obama's attack on American business. First they showed Romney quoting Obama: "He said, 'If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.'" And then the Obama team moved in for the kill: "The only problem? That's not what he said." Indeed. What Obama actually said was: "If you've got a business, you, you didn't build that. [Interjection by fawning supporters: "Yeeaaaaah!"] "Somebody else made that happen." Since the president is widely agreed to be "the smartest guy ever to become president" (Michael Beschloss, presidential historian), the problem can't be "what he said" but that you dummies aren't smart enough to get the point he was trying to make. According to Slate's David Weigel, the "you didn't build that" bit referred back to something he'd said earlier in the speech -- "somebody invested in roads and bridges." You didn't build those, did you? Or maybe he was referring back to "this unbelievable American system we have that allowed you to thrive ...
published: 21 Jul 2012
author: SDAMatt2a
views: 11070
Youtube results:

bc 37 000-ad 907 hungarians have 3 ancestors the carpathian common people the sabir and on...
published: 04 Sep 2010
author: HungarianHistory
bc 37 000-ad 907 hungarians have 3 ancestors the carpathian common people the sabir and onogur rulers and the 4th the joined türkic tribes carpathians: paleolitic hunters, neolitic farmers, writers,invaders of animat tracktion, bronze age cultures, the scyhitoid immigrants. onogurs or yuezhi, scythians under xiongnu, kushans, Atillas huns, Irnik's onogurs, Onogurs under avars in Hungary, and Khazars in Levédia. sabirs: ancinet people from subar, hurrians, mitanni, mada or med, next unter persians, selecuids. parthians, sassanid's elite cavalry, the savarans, they made by dentü -mogyer, and Hungary. joined asian türkic tribes 16% in Xth. century: -avars -gök türks -oghuz -pecheneg? -cumans
published: 04 Sep 2010
author: HungarianHistory
views: 3961

published: 03 Oct 2010
author: HungarianHistory

Scythians the agglutinative speaker, runic writer, R1a1 people
The scythians called themselves as daha, sabir, hun, chus, avar. They were rautochton East...
published: 20 May 2011
author: HungarianHistory
Scythians the agglutinative speaker, runic writer, R1a1 people
The scythians called themselves as daha, sabir, hun, chus, avar. They were rautochton East european and Tartar population, under Subartuan, Sumerian and Elamite Ruler dinasties! the iranic tribes joined third in khwarezmia.
published: 20 May 2011
author: HungarianHistory
views: 3383