- Order:
- Duration: 13:26
- Published: 23 May 2011
- Uploaded: 23 May 2011
- Author: ThePcddb
Molecular Dynamics on Stapled Peptide - Computational Drug Design
Molecular Dynamics on Stapled Peptide - Computational Drug Design
Probing the α-helical structural stability of stapled p53 peptides using replica exchange molecular dynamics. Zoujun Guo, Udayan Mohanty, Justin Noehre, Tomi Sawyer, Woody Sherman, and Goran Krilov. Background Biology: Mdm2 is a negat...
1.8 m and 0.6 m dipole magnets rotation test in Hsinchu
1.8 m and 0.6 m dipole magnets rotation test in Hsinchu
This clip is much more clear than the previous one. The 1.8 m dipole magnet has been shipped to Hsinchu NTHU and setup with correct configuration. In this clip I test it to 5 rps with the original 0.6 m to 7 rps....
Dr. George Sawatsky, UBC Celebrate Research Gala Honoree 2009
Dr. George Sawatsky, UBC Celebrate Research Gala Honoree 2009
Dr. George Sawatsky is a newly elected UBC faculty to the Royal Society of London for his major contributions to the understanding of the important transition metal oxides and pioneering new spectroscopic methods to study these materials. T...
Introduction to BioTools, Inc.
Introduction to BioTools, Inc.
BioTools is a world leader in providing instrumentation and services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in several niche markets. We concentrate in the areas of biopharmaceuticals and chiral-organic drugs. Our unique products are...
Pleochroism of Epidote Crystal
Pleochroism of Epidote Crystal
Pleochroism is the dependence of color of crystals from the direction from where its vieved. Here you see the changing from green to red on a extreme example. This is a Tawmawite a Cromium rich Epidote from Tawmaw. First i move the camera o...