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Welcome to the NCDD Resource Center!

If you’re looking for resources on dialogue, deliberation and public engagement, boy have you come to the right place! Here are some of the things you can find in NCDD’s Resource Center…

Our Beginner’s Guide

New to dialogue & deliberation (D&D), new to the NCDD site, or new to the breadth of D&D approaches out there? Check out the Beginner’s Guide and start familiarizing yourself with some great resources, including…

Latest Resources Added

New resources are added every couple days by NCDD and members of the NCDD community (via our Add-A-Resource form), and here are the very latest (see more)…

Popular Categories and Tags

For over 10 years now, NCDD’s leaders have been collecting the best resources we can find on dialogue and deliberation — and developing some of our own. The categories and tags help you find the resources you need to practice, teach and research this work, like…

  • Participatory Practices, details on over 150 tools and methods used for public participation
  • Big Picture Tools, resources that help you understand the broader D&D field
  • Case Studies & Stories, nearly 100 articles, books, and reports that share success stories and case studies
  • Great for Public Managers, which features resources created specifically for public decision-makers
  • Assessment Tools, where we’ve collected 40 tools to help you measure your success
  • D&D Methods, meaty descriptions of dozens of the most well-known dialogue and deliberation approaches, many written and submitted to NCDD by the creator of the method

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The online Resource Center of the National Coalition for Dialogue & Deliberation (NCDD), at www.ncdd.org/rc, is your gateway to over 2,600 resources on group process… dialogue guides, D&D methods, videos, case studies, evaluation tools, articles, books, programs and more.  Includes NCDD’s must-see beginner’s guide, D&D glossary and Resource Guide on Public Engagement.

Find it at: www.ncdd.org/rc
See list of latest posts at:
RSS feed: http://ncdd.org/rc/feed/rss
Feedburner emails: receive new posts via email

And a Few More Gems…

These resource lists combine tags and categories to display resources our members and site visitors look for regularly. You can also use the sidebar feature that says “I’m looking for…” to search within 1 category and 1 tag.
