
Common Sense EP#1-A
Directed By Firass Khan Thisshow is all about your common sense.... it is heard that commo...
published: 19 Feb 2011
Author: HealthtvPakistan
Common Sense EP#1-A
Directed By Firass Khan Thisshow is all about your common sense.... it is heard that common sense is not very common... so if you wanna gain your common sense do watch this show every Sunday at 5pm and 11pm only on HEALTH TV... Pakistan's first satellite HEALTH CHANNEL

Common - I Used To Love HER
I used to love her too......
published: 11 Oct 2007
Author: johnniejade
Common - I Used To Love HER
I used to love her too...

Common - Resurrection
Classic video from '95...
published: 09 Feb 2006
Author: Nunmuch
Common - Resurrection
Classic video from '95

Common Sense "Soul By The Pound"
This is a video for the "Thump Mix" version of "Soul By The Pound", a ...
published: 11 Apr 2007
Author: MissConception1717
Common Sense "Soul By The Pound"
This is a video for the "Thump Mix" version of "Soul By The Pound", a song from Common's first album "Can I Borrow A Dollar?" (1992)

"Common Sense" by Thomas Paine - Sparked the Revolution
Common Sense by Thomas Paine - Sparked the American Revolution. Where is our modern day Re...
published: 25 Sep 2008
Author: TheConstitutionMan
"Common Sense" by Thomas Paine - Sparked the Revolution
Common Sense by Thomas Paine - Sparked the American Revolution. Where is our modern day Revolution? It is desperately needed! Buy the book here: www.amazon.com

Few Pakistani People Have Zero Common Sense Must Watch
A pakistani tv show revealed that few pakistani people dont have any common sense. must wa...
published: 22 Aug 2011
Author: lethalxsingh
Few Pakistani People Have Zero Common Sense Must Watch
A pakistani tv show revealed that few pakistani people dont have any common sense. must watch. just take it as fun and dont fight please.

Common Sense - Take it Easy
From Common's debut album "Can I Borrow A Dollar" back in '92. As I'...
published: 28 Jul 2007
Author: pbase36
Common Sense - Take it Easy
From Common's debut album "Can I Borrow A Dollar" back in '92. As I've been told by commenters, the other guy is YNot.

10. Common Sense
The American Revolution (HIST 116) This lecture focuses on the best-selling pamphlet of th...
published: 19 Mar 2011
Author: YaleCourses
10. Common Sense
The American Revolution (HIST 116) This lecture focuses on the best-selling pamphlet of the American Revolution: Thomas Paine's Common Sense, discussing Paine's life and the events that led him to write his pamphlet. Published in January of 1776, it condemned monarchy as a bad form of government, and urged the colonies to declare independence and establish their own form of republican government. Its incendiary language and simple format made it popular throughout the colonies, helping to radicalize many Americans and pushing them to seriously consider the idea of declaring independence from Britain. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Introduction: Voting on Voting 01:40 - Chapter 2. On Paine's Burial 05:52 - Chapter 3. Colonial Mindset during the Second Continental Congress 12:28 - Chapter 4. Serendipity and Passion: The Early Life of Thomas Paine 21:53 - Chapter 5. Major Arguments and Rhetorical Styles in Common Sense 33:45 - Chapter 6. Common Sense's Popularity and Founders' Reactions 39:16 - Chapter 7. Social Impact of the Pamphlet and Conclusion Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: open.yale.edu This course was recorded in Spring 2010.

No Christian Can Vote For Obama
No Christian Can Not Vote For Obama, That's Right I Said It, Obama is for Abortion, Ob...
published: 12 Sep 2012
Author: Whateverhappentocomm
No Christian Can Vote For Obama
No Christian Can Not Vote For Obama, That's Right I Said It, Obama is for Abortion, Obama Is For Same-Sex marriage, Obama Is For Lying, Obama Is For Laziness, Obama Hates Jesus, Obama Hates God, Obama Is Not A Christian, Obama is a deceiver, There is nothing Christian About Obama, Get Over Fake Christian, You are A So-called Christian, Any Preacher That Supports Obama IS A Damn Fraud, How About That This week's show is "Islam, Terrorism, and Racism". Check out the Radio Show At www.blogtalkradio.com September 12, 2012 @ 8:00 PM Central Get The Book Whatever-Happen-Common-Sense-On Kindle Now www.amazon.com Buy the Book "Whatever Happen To COMMON Sense" @ goo.gl Or www.createspace.com - Buy the EBook "Whatever Happen To COMMON Sense" @ store.payloadz.com - Also Available: If you want to be happy, buy the new Ebook for only $3.99 called "How to Use Common Sense for a Happy Life" @ store.payloadz.com Email: (Realmenwork@gmail.com Website: www.whateverhappentocommonsense.com Twitter Commonsense39

Common - The 6th sense (1999)
Old School Monday. Album : Like water for chocolate....
published: 08 Mar 2010
Author: Daafsel
Common - The 6th sense (1999)
Old School Monday. Album : Like water for chocolate.

Common Sense Audiobook by Thomas Paine (February 4, 1776)
Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed ca...
published: 28 Mar 2012
Author: CCProse
Common Sense Audiobook by Thomas Paine (February 4, 1776)
Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Bob Neufeld. Common Sense free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org Common Sense free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org Common Sense at Wikipedia: goo.gl View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com

Obama Is Destroying Blacks and They Are Mad At Me
Obama Is Destroying Blacks and They Are Mad At Me, Get over your damn self, How is that li...
published: 14 Sep 2012
Author: Whateverhappentocomm
Obama Is Destroying Blacks and They Are Mad At Me
Obama Is Destroying Blacks and They Are Mad At Me, Get over your damn self, How is that liberal plan working, how is hope and change working, teenage pregnancy amongst blacks, Aids, Welfare among blacks, Take care of your own damn kids, what has Obama done for blacks, you are some stupid Negros the black community is worst under Obama, black on black crime Check out the Radio Show At www.blogtalkradio.com Every Wednesday @ 8:00 PM Central Get The Book Whatever-Happen-Common-Sense-On Kindle Now www.amazon.com Buy the Book "Whatever Happen To COMMON Sense" @ goo.gl Or www.createspace.com - Buy the EBook "Whatever Happen To COMMON Sense" @ store.payloadz.com - Also Available: If you want to be happy, buy the new Ebook for only $3.99 called "How to Use Common Sense for a Happy Life" @ store.payloadz.com Email: (Realmenwork@gmail.com Website: www.whateverhappentocommonsense.com Twitter Commonsense39

Common Sense Is Worthless in Science
Common sense is lauded as a virtue. But is it really? Only within the narrow range of expe...
published: 02 Aug 2009
Author: C0nc0rdance
Common Sense Is Worthless in Science
Common sense is lauded as a virtue. But is it really? Only within the narrow range of experiences we grow up with. It's often more harmful than helpful in the scientific process. How far should we trust common sense? When does it steer us wrong? Why do we find common sense so appealing? Please feel free to share in the comments your own favorite counter-intuitive scenario that is nevertheless true. en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org

TOK Presentation - Common Sense
My TOK Presentation. Enjoy....
published: 10 Aug 2009
Author: EdibilityHSP
TOK Presentation - Common Sense
My TOK Presentation. Enjoy.
Vimeo results:

Color Correction Tutorial After Effects [The Right Way!]
An in-depth tutorial on color correction using Curves inside of After Effects and Photosho...
published: 24 Aug 2010
Author: ☞ Michael DeVowe
Color Correction Tutorial After Effects [The Right Way!]
An in-depth tutorial on color correction using Curves inside of After Effects and Photoshop. This method explains how to color correct most any footage "by the numbers". It's a bit of a science that requires only a minimum amount of understanding of RGB values.
Please bestow a ♥ like or leave a ✉ comment if you have questions!
You can skip the introduction if you so choose:
0:45 - Before and After (Full Color Correction Example Here: http://vimeo.com/14400218)
1:09 - Color Correction After Effects Tutorial Start
12:37 - Edit your color corrected footage in Premiere! (Dynamically Link the CC'ed Footage)
Using Photoshop for color correction is really a lot easier than you may think. In this tutorial, the method is very simple and fast - NO rendering multiple frames, NO importing video files into Photoshop, and easy access to making color changes.
This tutorial is a tad long at 15 minutes - please bear with me as I fully explain the techniques here! (It was recorded it in the middle of the night. :) Hopefully you will find the techniques in this After Effects Color Correction Tutorial helpful. UPDATE 3/31/11 - I have re-uploaded this tutorial as I have redone the intro.
✏ Choose areas that are large enough to sample and don't contain color casts or Chromatic Aberration
✏ Remember to use common sense. If the colors are just not looking right, either sample a different area or adjust to your liking.
✏ Your footage may have different areas of brightness or color shifts throughout the video. Animate your Levels for differing brightness, and animate your Curves for differing color where needed.
✏ Sometimes having crushed blacks or blown highlights are okay - especially in video. Keep this in mind when working with the Levels effect and don't worry if you have either of those in your final result.
✏ If you have the opportunity, use a gray card somewhere in the image - so that later in post, you can reference that neutral gray midtone for color correction.
✏ IMPORTANT: If you are using CS5, make sure you are using the Eyedropper Tool, NOT the Color Sampler Tool. Thanks to Ryan Yakich for the heads up.
RGB Color Correction Values Reference (also at 9:54):
Highlights ✏ 245
Midtones ✏ 135
Shadows ✏ > 12
☞ After Effects Color Correction Tutorial Example: http://vimeo.com/14400218
To see other After Effects tutorials (including 60p to 24p Slow Motion Conversion, SUPER Slow Motion, Anamorphic Widescreen Tutorial, and more), go to:
Audio: Zoom H4n + Redhead Windscreen

Sea Bites (english subtitles)
Sea Bites: The line between bravery and fear for a bite out of the sea.
A short documenta...
published: 09 Jan 2012
Author: enpiedeguerra
Sea Bites (english subtitles)
Sea Bites: The line between bravery and fear for a bite out of the sea.
A short documentary by David Beriain.
The wind roars. The sea crashes against the cliff. Two meters of rock, that is the strip of water and oxygen where the goose barnacle grows. Two meters where the sea shows no mercy, and beats with millenary strength. A line of waves and foam where Serxo and his comrades fight for a bite out of the sea.
A line between bravery and fear. Between recklessness and common sense. Two meters without margin of error. That is where the barnacles live. Where Serxo lives.
SEA BITES is the battle against the sea from some warriors that don't consider themselves heroes.
Sea Bites en español:

Bicycles, Rolling Stops, and the Idaho Stop
The Oregon legislature is considering passage of a law that would allow bicycle riders to ...
published: 13 Apr 2009
Author: Spencer Boomhower
Bicycles, Rolling Stops, and the Idaho Stop
The Oregon legislature is considering passage of a law that would allow bicycle riders to treat stop signs as yield signs. These "rolling stops" would allow bike riders to preserve some of the momentum they depend upon for efficient travel, just so long as they don't infringe on the safety and rights of others.
The law is based on one that's been successful in Idaho for the last 27 years, so it's come to be known as the "Idaho Stop" law.
There's some controversy - and whole lot of misunderstanding - surrounding the proposed Idaho Stop law. I thought I could clear some of it up with the magic of animation.
Music: "Celebrated Shoo Fly Galop" by W.L. Hayden, performed by Lucas Gonze (soupgreens.com and gonze.com). Used under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license.
UPDATE: This particular piece of legislation failed to make it to a vote: http://bikeportland.org/2009/04/20/no-idaho-stops-in-oregon-law-fails-to-win-necessary-support-17477 However, the notion of lightening regulation on bikes hasn't gone away entirely, most recently turning up in the "gut and stuff" placeholder language of a law that would allow people on bikes to proceed were a stoplight not to sense them: http://bikeportland.org/2011/02/02/false-alarm-on-idaho-stop-law-47209
And the idea of Idaho Stop has proven popular all over the world, as is indicated at least in part by the continued spread of this video, which was originally meant only for the eyes of Oregon legislators and citizens, to convince them of the common sense behind this law.

Bubble Wrap
I feel bad uploading this because it portrays Jake as a naive four year old with no common...
published: 19 Oct 2007
Author: Amir
Bubble Wrap
I feel bad uploading this because it portrays Jake as a naive four year old with no common sense. He's a simpleton, but maybe that's why I would die for him.
Youtube results:

Computers versus Common Sense
Google TechTalks May 30, 2006 Douglas Lenat Dr. Douglas Lenat is the President and CEO of ...
published: 23 Jul 2007
Author: Google
Computers versus Common Sense
Google TechTalks May 30, 2006 Douglas Lenat Dr. Douglas Lenat is the President and CEO of Cycorp. Since 1984, he and his team have been constructing, experimenting with, and applying a broad real world knowledge base and reasoning engine, collectively "Cyc". Dr. Lenat was a professor of computer science at Carnegie-Mellon University and at Stanford University. His interest and experience in national security has led him to regularly consult for several US agencies and the White House. ABSTRACT It's way past 2001 now, where the heck is HAL? For several decades now we've had high hopes for computers amplifying our mental abilities not just giving us access to relevant stored information, but...

The Second American Revolution
Thomas Paine, author of "Common Sense," returns to modern times to plea for a se...
published: 01 Aug 2008
Author: Funbobbasso
The Second American Revolution
Thomas Paine, author of "Common Sense," returns to modern times to plea for a second revolution to take back America, Now!

The Federal Reserve Is Buying Bad Debt
The Federal Reserve Is Buying Bad Debt, We Must Stop The Federal Government, Whatever Happ...
published: 14 Sep 2012
Author: Whateverhappentocomm
The Federal Reserve Is Buying Bad Debt
The Federal Reserve Is Buying Bad Debt, We Must Stop The Federal Government, Whatever Happened To Common Sense, The Angry Black Man, Stand Up, Stop being A Coward, Ben Bernanke, $40 Billion of Bad Debt, You Can't Fix Stupid, Get Your Hands Out Of My Pocket Check out the Radio Show At www.blogtalkradio.com Every Wednesday @ 8:00 PM Central Get The Book Whatever-Happen-Common-Sense-On Kindle Now www.amazon.com Buy the Book "Whatever Happen To COMMON Sense" @ goo.gl Or www.createspace.com - Buy the EBook "Whatever Happen To COMMON Sense" @ store.payloadz.com - Also Available: If you want to be happy, buy the new Ebook for only $3.99 called "How to Use Common Sense for a Happy Life" @ store.payloadz.com Email: (Realmenwork@gmail.com Website: www.whateverhappentocommonsense.com Twitter Commonsense39

Common Sense by Flunk
Album: This Is What You Get (2009) Label: Beatservice Records Today I lost my common sense...
published: 07 Sep 2010
Author: Shermanwashere
Common Sense by Flunk
Album: This Is What You Get (2009) Label: Beatservice Records Today I lost my common sense It slipped away on the corner of Pike and 10th I guess it happened on purpose Because lately it's been getting quite intense You blow my mind, and I'll blow yours I've seen the force of your pretty smile, now baby do it one more time Today I lost my sense of pride Hiding out somewhere it wasn't supposed to hide It might be gone for a while Like music that suddenly just goes out of style Today I lost my sense of time It disappeared, like anything you just can't find I guess I don't really care I've been running behind now, year after year