Friday, 21 December 2012

University of San Diego
The University of San Diego is a Roman Catholic institution committed to advancing academi...
published: 24 Mar 2008
author: sandiegomike
Harry Potter Flashmob at University of San Diego
What happens when you and a group of your 19 closest friends decide to take over the quiet...
published: 15 Dec 2010
author: Club1341
University of San Diego Mr University 2009
University of San Diego. Mr U Mr. U Mr. University Mr University University of San DIego F...
published: 18 May 2009
author: thomas12x
San Diego State University Tour (Raynox 0.5X Wide Angle Test)
- Shot with Canon Vixia HF100 and Raynox 0.5X Wide Angle adapter. - Edited in Sony Vegas M...
published: 27 Jan 2009
author: phuocle
Breaking the Cycle of Violent Conflict with Johan Galtung
A noted pioneer in the field of Peace Studies, Johan Galtung makes the case for incorporat...
published: 21 Jan 2011
author: UCtelevision
The Show - San Diego State University Student Section
An excerpt from "A Sweet Season."...
published: 05 Jan 2012
author: goaztecscom
Inside the Olympic Dream
*** Follow @csylvester2012 on Twitter to hear about training, and the latest video progres...
published: 26 Jun 2011
Tommy the Clown & Miss Prissy @ San Diego State University
Tommy the Clown, Miss Prissy, Lil' Mama at SDSU Aztec Center March 2008...
published: 24 Mar 2008
DWTS College Dance Championship - UC San Diego Samba
UCSD Tritons ballroom dance team performs a samba....
published: 12 May 2010
author: danceyheart
UC San Diego (UCSD) Campus Tour
2008 tour of all 6 colleges (and Engineering/Business schools) at UCSD, ucsdtritons.wikisp...
published: 28 Mar 2008
author: Torrey Trust
San Diego State University, USA - universitetsportræt
Kom på rundtur på San Diego State University i Californien og se de lækre faciliteter. Læs...
published: 18 Mar 2011
author: EduDanmark
Smart, Self-Healing Hydrogel Developed by UC San Diego Bioengineers
San Diego, Calif., March 5, 2012 -- University of California, San Diego bioengineers have ...
published: 05 Mar 2012
The UCSD Microgrid - Showing the Future of Electricity ... Today
Rocky Mountain Institute visited the University of California, San Diego to study and docu...
published: 14 Jan 2012
UC San Diego - An Overview
A brief overview of UCSD told from a science and engineering perspective. Featuring stats ...
published: 07 Jul 2008
author: UCSanDiego
Youtube results:
Greek Life @ San Diego State Univeristy: You are always wearing your letters
Greek Life SDSU Fraternity & Sorority Greek Life: You are always wearing your letters. Fea...
published: 20 Mar 2012
author: Greek Aztecs
Match Day 2011 UC San Diego School of Medicine
For thousands of medical students across the country, including 127 students -- 66 women a...
published: 17 Mar 2011
Upcoming Shows for "Us" - Vienna, Seattle, Merced, San Diego, Florida! If you'd like to book "Us" for your next event, e-mail Us@HaveYouHear...
published: 25 Oct 2012
UC San Diego - Software Studies Initiative - Lev Manovich
San Diego, Jan. 9, 2009 -- High-performance computing and the humanities are connecting at...
published: 09 Jan 2009
author: Calit2ube