Wednesday, 23 January 2013

How Small is a Nanometer? Choose your favorite!
We asked 3 Museum of Science staff to give us their favorite analogies for the size of a n...
published: 01 Dec 2006
author: NanoNerds
How small is a nanometer?
published: 11 May 2012
author: Naazir Ra
meters nanometers conversions
Meter-Nanometer Conversions...
published: 18 Nov 2010
Just How Small is 25 Nanometers?
Kevin Kilbuck describes the most recent advancement in Micron's NAND flash process technol...
published: 25 Jan 2010
How small is a nanometer?
How small is a nanometer? Professor Clive Roberts from the University of Nottingham explai...
published: 11 Apr 2008
32 nanometer high-k metal gate chips
IBM and its joint development partners -- AMD, Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd.,...
published: 10 Dec 2007
author: jgluckibm
Intel's new 45 nanometer transistors
Not since the late 1960s have computer chips seen as dramatic an improvement as Intel's ne...
published: 27 Jan 2007
author: Jack Cook
Lighting Series: Nanometer Range (Spectrum)
This video is done on the lighting parameter know as, the Nanometer Range or often called,...
published: 17 Jul 2011
author: AquariumTech
How Small Is Nano?
What is a nanometer? What things are measured in nanometers? Is a red blood cell bigger or...
published: 27 Sep 2010
author: NISENet
Luiz Fernando Zagonel - Nanometer Scale Spectral Imaging of Quantum Emitters in Nanowires
We report the spectral imaging in the UV to visible range by cathodoluminescence with nano...
published: 14 Sep 2012
Light Concentration at the Nanometer Scale
In this video, Ramón Alvarez-Puebla, Luis M. Liz-Marzán, and F. Javier García de Abajo fro...
published: 01 Sep 2010
author: AmerChemSoc
#268 - Q&A;: Is lower nm (nanometer) better?
I was just wondering what the advantages of chips with a lower nm are? Ie, what is the adv...
published: 24 Aug 2009
author: 3DGAMEMAN
Stefan Hell on nanometer-scale microscopy in biophotonics Using stimulated emission depletion microscopy and other techniques, Stefan Hell ...
published: 12 Apr 2011
author: SPIETV
45 Nanometer: The Trailer
Watch the first trailer for the amazing new offering from Intel Films. Action has a new me...
published: 12 Dec 2007
author: channelintel
Youtube results:
A Mini Lesson: How Small is a Nanometer?
How many adults fit inside a Mini Cooper? How many cheerleader dolls? And, finally, how ma...
published: 22 Dec 2009
author: NanoNerds
Getting down to the nanometer
UC Berkeley scientists, in collaboration with the Los Alamos and Lawrence Berkeley nationa...
published: 02 Sep 2011
Checking Blood Sugar: ACCU-CHEK Nano Meter Video
See how to test blood glucose with the ACCU-CHEK Nano meter and ACCU-CHEK SmartView test s...
published: 19 Jun 2012
author: accuchekUS
457 Nano Meter Chill
457NanoMeterChill comes on slow, cold and quiet. Don't fear it and don't love it. Understa...
published: 22 Apr 2012
author: My Kol