- published: 12 Nov 2016
- views: 21830
Sól (Old Norse "Sun") or Sunna (Old High German, and existing as an Old Norse and Icelandic synonym: see Wiktionary sunna, "Sun") is the Sun personified in Germanic mythology. One of the two Old High German Merseburg Incantations, written in the 9th or 10th century CE, attests that Sunna is the sister of Sinthgunt. In Norse mythology, Sól is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.
In both the Poetic Edda and the Prose Edda she is described as the sister of the personified moon, Máni, is the daughter of Mundilfari, is at times referred to as Álfröðull, and is foretold to be killed by a monstrous wolf during the events of Ragnarök, though beforehand she will have given birth to a daughter who continues her mother's course through the heavens. In the Prose Edda, she is additionally described as the wife of Glenr. As a proper noun, Sól appears throughout Old Norse literature. Scholars have produced theories about the development of the goddess from potential Nordic Bronze Age and Proto-Indo-European roots.
In diesem Video seht ihr alle Wasserrutschen im Sunne Sommarland (Vattenlandet Sunne) in Schweden. Der Outdoor-Wasserpark hält eine stattliche Anzahl von Rutschen bereit, welche zum Großteil von Proslide stammen. Besonders die beiden Speedrutschen "Fritt Fall" (Free Fall) und "Långa Vågen" (Kamikaze) sind genial. --- In this video, we show you all water slides at Sunne Sommarland (Vattenlandet Sunne) in Sweden. The outdoor water park provides a large selection of awesome waterslides which are mostly made by Proslide. Especially the two speed slides "Fritt Fall" (Free Fall) and Långa Vågen (Kamikaze) are amazing! Rides included in the video: 00:16 Långa Vågen 00:31 Green Body Slide 01:02 Tube Racer 01:27 Green Serpentin 01:50 Yellow Serpentin 02:17 Family Slide 02:24 Blue Body Slide 02:49 ...
Music video by Sunne performing Your Body (feat. Quis). 2013 Who Needz Skool
En dokumentär om Sunne som är gjord av Alfred Holmberg och Dennis Grännsjö. Denna dokumentär skapades på en filmkurs under kulturveckan i Sunne år 2015. Dokumentären redigerades i Final Cut Pro X och filmades med en iPad 4. Kursledare: Pelle Jofjell Teknik: Region Värmland Licenserat av "Creative Commons", se länk nedan: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
Dabu Fantastic auf iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/ch/artist/dabu-fantastic/id280112720 Das zweite Video aus dem Album «Disco Titanic» von Dabu Fantastic. Das Album kam im November 2011 in eure Lautsprecher, das Video zu «Sunne» im Januar 2012. Hauptrolle: Patric Gehrig Regie: Annina Burkhalter Idee: Dabu Fantastic Regieassistenz: Nina Walder Kamera / Licht / Grading: Adriel Pfister Schnitt: Michel Kiwic Helfende Hände: Beni Fisch, Sarah Baumgartner, Simone Bünzli Klebende Hände: Kevin Merkle, Mensur Biqevci Die Swiss Music Award Gewinner Dabu Fantastic machen poetisch-melancholische Mundartmusik. Ihre Songs laden zum Tanz oder schmunzelndem Trauern ein. Meist aber vor allem zu etwas: zum vermeintlich letzten Glas Rum. Ihre am 4. November 11 erschienene CD «Disco Titanic» enterte die ...
Hejsan hörrni!!! :D Hoppas ni mår bra. I dagens video får ni följa med på en utekväll i sunne, så nu vet ni lite mer hur man kan festa här ;) Min snapchat: Feliciajohanna Min Instagram: feliciajohannaaa
Se http://www.sunndessert.no eller http://www.matbok.no for komplett oppskrift på sunne brownies som lages på kort tid (oppskrift på sunndessert.no kommer 15/05/14). Følg oss gjerne på: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/matbok.no Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/107713378447680105152 Twitter: https://twitter.com/matbok_no Brownies er godt og stort sett ikke så veeeeldig sunt. Men, det finnes unntak. Det mest fantastiske er at sunne brownies lages på bare noen få minutter. Ingen steking i ovn, kun 1-2 minutter i mikroen. Sunne bakervarer er ikke lett å få tak i. Oppskriften jeg fikk på sunne brownies var egentlig uten søtning. Jeg har likevel valgt å legge til lønnesirup og litt kokosolje. Jeg har også valgt å legge til cashewnøttsmør (kan fint bruke peanøttsmør eller ikke noe smør ...
Taken from CHEATAHS 'Sunne' EP. Out now on Wichita Recordings. Order now: http://www.wichita-recordings.com/shop/category/cheatahs/ Watch more videos by Cheatahs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9IBaD4YBA-OSVl4MaThjuXKW5DR8b-Ro Subscribe to Wichita Recordings -https://www.youtube.com/user/wichitarecordings http://wichita-recordings.com/ http://cheatahs.net/
Paramotor över Sunne augusti 2009. Ganska stabilt i luften men relativt blåsigt, inversionsskikt vid 1000 meter, ovan det lugnt men kallt. filmat med canon hv 20
Took my GoPro to Sunne sommarland and made a little movie out of it Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Song: Lensko - Circles [NCS Release] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztvIhqVtrrw NCS ➞ Spotify http://bit.ly/SpotifyNCS ➞ SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/nocopyrightsounds ➞ Facebook http://facebook.com/NoCopyrightSounds ➞ Twitter http://twitter.com/NCSounds ➞ Google+ http://google.com/+nocopyrightsounds ➞ Instagram http://instagram.com/nocopyrightsounds_ Lensko: ➞ SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/lensko ➞ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Lenskoofficial ➞ Twitter https://twitter.com/LenskoNorway ➞ YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/LenskoOf...
Sunne ist ein Ort (tätort) in der schwedischen Provinz Värmlands län und der historischen Provinz Värmland. Er ist der Hauptort der gleichnamigen Gemeinde. Der Ort liegt am See Fryken an der Engstelle zwischen den Seen Mellan Fryken und Övre Fryken. Der Ortsname begründet sich auf die Lage an diesem Sund. Das zugehörige Fryksdal liegt parallel zum Tal des Klarälven, westlich von diesem. Heute ist Sunne ein Touristenort, in dem vor allem auf den Wintersport Wert gelegt wird. Es gibt ein Skizentrum, das Värmlands größte Liftkapazität und Europas modernste Skilanglaufstation aufzuweisen hat. (källa Wikipedia)
Away i fall to you
To stay silent no more
Anyone with a clue wouldn't do as i've done
But the fear that you know is the fear you become to love
I want to say
I want to go
I'm so afraid
To be alone
All right, it's time for the truth
My love means more than i ever will
Anyone this confused needs someone show them the way to
If i just find the strength to forget myself
I want it all
I want nothing
I'm so afraid
I'm so afraid
I want to stay
I want to go
I'm so afraid
To be alone
Is this how my life is supposed to be
It's not enough, but too much for my heart to hold
Is this how my life is supposed to be