
Sabina Saad''s Yellow Badge Dreidel
Yellow Badge Dreidel סביבון הטלאי הצהוב של סבינה סעד סרטם של זאב ושיר ברקן Music by Chris ...
published: 18 Dec 2009
author: Zeev Barkan
Sabina Saad''s Yellow Badge Dreidel
Sabina Saad''s Yellow Badge Dreidel
Yellow Badge Dreidel סביבון הטלאי הצהוב של סבינה סעד סרטם של זאב ושיר ברקן Music by Chris Alexander THE HOLOCAUST ARRIVAL AT THE CAMP Anne Frank...- published: 18 Dec 2009
- views: 1560
- author: Zeev Barkan

Kay Ivey's Yellow Badge of Courage
Save Alabama PACT parents try to convince Treasurer (and candidate for governor), Kay Ivey...
published: 21 Aug 2009
author: leftinalabamavid
Kay Ivey's Yellow Badge of Courage
Kay Ivey's Yellow Badge of Courage
Save Alabama PACT parents try to convince Treasurer (and candidate for governor), Kay Ivey, to allow them to include information about the organization in fu...- published: 21 Aug 2009
- views: 178
- author: leftinalabamavid

Mirror with a Yellow Badge
Video clip by Zeev & Shir Barkan about a Mirror with a Yellow Badge fixed by Sabina Saad a...
published: 16 Apr 2010
author: Zeev Barkan
Mirror with a Yellow Badge
Mirror with a Yellow Badge
Video clip by Zeev & Shir Barkan about a Mirror with a Yellow Badge fixed by Sabina Saad at the entrance to her "Dialogue with a Symbol" art exhibit in Raana...- published: 16 Apr 2010
- views: 1142
- author: Zeev Barkan

A Holocaust Victim - Yellow Badge 1474
This is how humanity chooses to implement the lesson of the holocaust, by continuing the N...
published: 30 Jan 2010
author: TheAnimalHolocaust
A Holocaust Victim - Yellow Badge 1474
A Holocaust Victim - Yellow Badge 1474
This is how humanity chooses to implement the lesson of the holocaust, by continuing the Nazi legacy with a new race theory. Shameful. Embarrassing. Outrageo...- published: 30 Jan 2010
- views: 2287
- author: TheAnimalHolocaust

Paul Jacob and His 'Yellow Badge' Head to California
The California Legislature seems set on restricting citizen petition rights in the state. ...
published: 22 Jun 2011
author: CitizensInCharge
Paul Jacob and His 'Yellow Badge' Head to California
Paul Jacob and His 'Yellow Badge' Head to California
The California Legislature seems set on restricting citizen petition rights in the state. A bill passed by the Senate and currently waiting for a vote in the...- published: 22 Jun 2011
- views: 271
- author: CitizensInCharge

yellow badge taxi demo 18th december 2012
yellow badge taxi demo december 2012....
published: 20 Dec 2012
author: jack jill
yellow badge taxi demo 18th december 2012
yellow badge taxi demo 18th december 2012
yellow badge taxi demo december 2012.- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 44
- author: jack jill

Yellow Badge-Self Observation
Copyright: Sabina Saad - סבינה סעד נייד: 052-5844597 Phone: 972-8-9410231 Moshav Ramot-Mei...
published: 10 Jun 2011
author: Zeev Barkan
Yellow Badge-Self Observation
Yellow Badge-Self Observation
Copyright: Sabina Saad - סבינה סעד נייד: 052-5844597 Phone: 972-8-9410231 Moshav Ramot-Meir,76832, Israel סבינה סעד חוקרת דרך האמנות את המשמעות של סמל הטלאי ...- published: 10 Jun 2011
- views: 274
- author: Zeev Barkan

Yellow badge taxi demo 18th december 2012 to hot for tv
On the way to public carraige office....
published: 20 Dec 2012
author: silvertaxy
Yellow badge taxi demo 18th december 2012 to hot for tv
Yellow badge taxi demo 18th december 2012 to hot for tv
On the way to public carraige office.- published: 20 Dec 2012
- views: 76
- author: silvertaxy

Free 2D Intro Sony Vegas Pro - FVD Yellow Badge Template
Hi everyone! Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and COMMENT. Let us know you like our videos and want ...
published: 27 Nov 2013
Free 2D Intro Sony Vegas Pro - FVD Yellow Badge Template
Free 2D Intro Sony Vegas Pro - FVD Yellow Badge Template
Hi everyone! Please SUBSCRIBE, LIKE and COMMENT. Let us know you like our videos and want us to make new ones. Here's another 2D Sony Vegas Pro Intro Template by Free Video Designs. Hope you like it! This template should work in SVP 10, 11 and 12. NO PLUGINS REQUIRED Download this template form our blog here: http://freevideodesigns.blogspot.com/2013/11/free-2d-intro-sony-vegas-pro-fvd-yellow.html For more free videos visit: http://freevideodesigns.blogspot.com ------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL CREDITS: Royalty Free Music from: www.teknoaxe.com- published: 27 Nov 2013
- views: 100

The Yellow Badge of Cowardice (Halo 3 Machinima) Trailer
The Yellow Badge of Cowardice was created under Microsofts Game Content Usage Rules using ...
published: 20 Jul 2009
author: FishOnABicycleInc
The Yellow Badge of Cowardice (Halo 3 Machinima) Trailer
The Yellow Badge of Cowardice (Halo 3 Machinima) Trailer
The Yellow Badge of Cowardice was created under Microsofts Game Content Usage Rules using assets from Halo 3, © Microsoft Corporation. http://www.xbox.com/en...- published: 20 Jul 2009
- views: 308
- author: FishOnABicycleInc
Vimeo results:

Sawnee Mountain Preserve center in Cumming Ga
Video production by your power videos. http://yourpowervideos.co...
published: 01 Jul 2009
author: YPV productions
Sawnee Mountain Preserve center in Cumming Ga
Video production by your power videos. http://yourpowervideos.com
Tools of the trade.
Sony Hdr-fx7, edited with Sony Vargas pro 9 with lens filter and with color correction.
Sawnee Mountain preserve visitor center in Cumming Ga.
Sawnee Mountain Stands! For thousands of years the mountain we call Sawnee has stood as a highly visible landmark and an anchor to inhabitants of North Georgia. It is arguably the southernmost summit in the Blue Ridge range, making it the first link in the Appalachian chain, which reaches all the way to Maine.
On the eastern ridge, runoff from boulders balanced on a rock outcropping slowly carved three uniform depressions in the stone. Those boulders eventually weathered, split and toppled down the north face, exposing what we now call the Indian Seats. The seats and the adjacent natural clearing may have served some ceremonial purpose for Native American inhabitants (Woodlands culture, later replaced by Mississippian, Muscogean, Creek and Cherokee) dating as far back as c. 500 B.C.E.
When white settlers entered the area in the early 1800’s, a minor chief of the Cherokee Nation welcomed them. A skilled carpenter and farmer, Sawnee helped them build their homes in the area around present-day Cumming. Settlers agreed that Sawnee was one of the kindest and most giving people they had ever known. When he died, the grateful local citizens named the mountain in his memory.
Even before the major strike at Auraria in 1829, gold had been discovered all over them thar hills and at several sites in present day Forsyth County. As late as the early 1900s, white settlers sunk pits and dug caves all over Sawnee Mountain looking for the yellow metal. The only promising sites were along the south face of the eastern ridge, but mining efforts were eventually abandoned because of the enormous cost of extracting the gold.
As the county grew, Sawnee Mountain remained virtually untouched by development until AT&T; built a long line microwave transmission tower in the 1950s. Later, the Barker family built a home on the saddle of the west summit, and several more homes were eventually built.
Sawnee Mountain has survived fires, tornadoes, timber clearing, development and the search for gold. In the midst of whirlwind growth, Sawnee stands unchanged -- preserved for county residents and visitors to enjoy for generations to come.
Hike the Trails
There are over 3 miles of interconnected natural surface trails on Sawnee Mountain. Currently there are two trail heads with parking; one at 2500 Bettis Tribble Gap Road and one at the new Visitor Center located at 4075 Spot Road. Gates to the parking areas are open from 8:00a - dark. See above for our trail map. Hikers can choose the gentler Yucca Trail, the panoramic Indian Seats Trail or the challenging Laurel Trail. Trails are for foot traffic only! Dogs and horses are not allowed. Please help keep the scenic beauty of these trails by packing-out what you pack-in and picking up your trash when you leave. Leave only footprints, take only pictures and kill only time.
click to enlarge.
Environmental Education
IWe offer school and group classes year round as well as public programs. Classes may range from plant identification, art or gardening to wildlife studies, geology or local history. Programs have both indoor and outdoor components and take advantage of the resources in our classroom/laboratory and resource library.
Public Programs
Nature hikes, workshops and parent-tot classes are just some examples of our public programs. Browse our Calendar of Events page for current offerings.
School & Home School Programs
We are happy to offer low cost field trips for your class. All programs are aligned with the Georgia Performance Standards, and our staff will work with you on accommodating specific needs of your group. The cost will be lowered to $5/student starting in 2009. Learn more about School and Home School programs here.
Scout Programs
Bring your Den or Troop to Sawnee Mountain to satisfy some of the science and outdoor badge requirements ($5/scout), or arrange for a group tree climb or canopy walk class ($20/participant).
And a lot more http://sawneemoubtain.org

Gartner, Like A Boss - ITSM Weekly Podcast Episode 73
published: 29 Sep 2011
author: ServiceSphere
Gartner, Like A Boss - ITSM Weekly Podcast Episode 73
**CIO Headlines Market News, Business Report, SIM**
Independent research for banking and commission Link – Financial CIO’s WATCH OUT!
Productivity in the workforce! CIO.com has a headline about cleaning your office!
Home Office Photos of the Podcast Staff
Tasks and calendaring
Picture of Chris’ Calendar
**Practitioner, Service Desk**
Fusion11 is here and Gone!
Beran’s flavor savor
Connect Learn Grow Podcast from itSMF USA
Consumerist Story on Target Site going DOWN!
Italian Designer brings down site
CSI Blog from IT Skeptic
Retweets are out of control!
**Social Media, Tools and Vendors**
FreshDesk, Another Help Desk 2.0 Vendor
Zendesk donates 1 million dollars children’s hospital
Zendesk phone integration
Brazen & visualize.me Infographic Resume
Whrrl CEO is now with Groupon
Geotagging LBS, Hyper Local
iOS 5 Tasks are Location Based!
Twitter and Self Promotion; Part III of the Twitter Trilogy
Minimal viable product is an ITSM lesson!
Jeffrey M. Brooks
Jarod Greene
Gartner Research Notes
Jeff Brooks Appearance on ITSM Weekly Episode
ITSM Weekly Listener Growth
FOC’s (Friends of Chris)
Retirement of ITSM Service Desk Gartner Magic Quadrant Tweet
What is the life cycle of a Magic Quadrant and what does it mean for ITSM Service Desk Retirement
1.3 Billion Dollar Market for ITSM Service Desk Tools
Commoditization of the Service Desk Tools lead to retirement
What were / are the criteria for Magic Quadrant ITSM Service Desk?
Is the Service Desk Space Dead?
Social vs. Collaboration on the ITSM Service Desk
How does research and community get conducted when it comes to gathering data?
Jim Cramer Financial Analyst is a lot like a technical Analysts
Service Management and Community Research Paper
Socializing the IT Service Desk Research Paper
Gartner is opening up
Gartner Blog Network
Gartner on Twitter, Jarod and Jeff
Analyst as a consultant
The technology never was supposed to achieve excellence
What is a Gartner research meeting like?
The idea of the “T” shaped analysts. Broad in one area and DEEP in others.
George Spafford on Twitter
Where is the line between billable IP and 140 characters of text?
Other Analysts on Twitter (twitter list)
When is it ok to give away the farm
Gartner on Twitter answered my concerns three years ago
What should IT professionals be thinking about with the current trends and future?
Service Desk has a turnover rate in tools that is NOT seen in other tools sets like CRM, ERP.
Do Gartner IT analysts get to talk to the CEO leadership Analysis?
DevOps is an area that is worth looking at for the next 12 months.
Proactive Support, Watch Problem Management over the next 12 months
HDI launches new problem management class
With 775 Gartner Analysis how do you guys collaborate internally?
Ignore the number of followers you have, just have the RIGHT followers.
Chris and Jarrod (It’s like trading places)
Special thank you to Hornbill Software for providing the entire audience this show!
ITSM Weekly, the podcast bringing you news, insight analysis and information from the world of IT service management. Your hosts, Matthew Hooper, Chris Dancy and Matt Beran. IT Service Management Weekly. The podcast starts now.
Hornbill's very proud to be sponsoring our favorite show: ITSM Weekly, the podcast. Hornbill support works enables ITSM with the human touch, helping service desks to deliver a better customer service experience. If you don't know about Hornbill, look out for the ITSM extreme makeover, where, alongside our partners, we'll be demonstrating the value of effective IT service management to the entire community.
Proving your worth, that's the future of the service desk. Visit us at Hornbill.com.
Welcome to ITSM weekly, the podcast, a very special podcast brought to you by Hornbill Software. We'd like to send a big shout out to Hornbill. I know you just heard their intro, but a big shout out. Hornbill did what I was unable to do through my begging and pleading, and actually made it possible for our today's guests, esteemed guests. I guess it official.
We've talked to Jeff Brooks before, but he wasn't anointed at that point. I'd like to welcome to Mr. Jarod Greene and Mr. Jeff Brooks to the show from Gartner. So guys, we've got Gartner on the show now. I mean, it's not, you aren't Gartner. I mean, you are Jeff and Jarod. How are you feeling?
It's a really exciting time. We've got some great research stuffs that we're working on. We're really tracking the service desk market, talking to vendors, talking to clients all the time, and always expanding our body of knowledge as well as being

1988/1992 Léa Francis "Ace of Spades"
1988/1992 Léa Francis "Ace of Spades"
Les voitures de cette vieille marque anglaise figu...
published: 20 Oct 2009
author: Patrice De Bruyne
1988/1992 Léa Francis "Ace of Spades"
1988/1992 Léa Francis "Ace of Spades"
Les voitures de cette vieille marque anglaise figurent dans le palmarès des voitures ayant marqué le deuxième millénaire.
LEA-FRANCIS, marque aussi rarissime que Bristol ou AC, possède une histoire très intéressante qui intéresse au plus haut point les amateurs de voitures d'époque.
LEA-FRANCIS était avant tout une des marques favorites d'une race de pilotes de course à jamais éteinte que l'on appelait "gentlemen-drivers".
Dilettantes fortunés, appartenant souvent à des familles bien nées, ces étranges personnages pouvaient se permettre de dépenser des fortunes pour une voiture "racée".
Ces messieurs sportifs et distingués étaient comblés lorsqu'ils pouvaient parler de leur LEA-FRANCIS en fumant un bon cigare et dégustant un porto des meilleures années dans leur Club favori.
Entendons-nous bien, les LEA-FRANCIS ne furent jamais les voitures de monsieur tout-le-monde.
Même pendant les pires années de crise des années 1930, il fallait toujours commander sa voiture à l'avance et attendre avec une philosophie toute anglaise que le constructeur daigne bien mettre en chantier votre "Ace of Spade" préférée.
On pouvait bien entendu choisir la couleur de la belle, soit "Wedgewood blue", "English racing green", "Beige-Pâle-Yellow" ou un "Two-tone Primrose and marroon" du dernier chic.
Sur ce, une fois au volant de votre "Ace of Spades" il fallait vous précipiter au Tourist Trophy ou au Rallye de l'Ulster afin de bien noyer votre LEA-FRANCIS sous des gerbes de boue.
Confidentielles, les LEA-FRANCIS l'on toujours été.
Ce qui n'a pas empêché la petite firme de Coventry d'aligner une "Ace of Spades" 1500 cc double arbre à cames en tête au 24 Heures du Mans 1928.
Cette voiture, conduite par un privé, K.S. Peacock, a terminé en 8ème position l'épreuve mancelle en couvrant la distance de 1383,63 milles à la vitesse de 57 mph de moyenne (en 1928 !!!).
La vitesse de pointe de ces voitures frisait les 75,6 mph et dans la classe de voitures sport de 1,500 cc, les LEA-FRANCIS étaient quasiment seules à pouvoir tenir tête à la nouvelle Alfa-Romeo 1,500 cc.
Un duel mémorable eut lieu lors du Grand Prix d'Irlande où l'Alfa de Iwanowsky termina l'épreuve en tête, suivi de S.C. Davis sur Lea-Francis à 66 secondes après un duel de 300 milles à la vitesse de 74,65 mph !
Le début des années 1930 vit la poursuite de la lutte entre les Alfa-Romeo et les Lea-Francis dans les grandes courses d'endurance européennes, en particulier dans les Tourist Trophy et les rallyes d'endurance.
Mais l'arrivée de l'Alfa-Romeo 1750 sonna le glas des "Ace of Spades".
Les Lea-Francis n'étaient désormais plus compétitives.
L'ingénieur Van Eugen de Lea-Francis décida qu'il était temps pour la firme de Lower Ford Street de produire ses propres moteurs, abandonnant ainsi une longue relation avec les moteurs Meadows.
Le nouveau moteur était un 6 cylindres de 1,991 cc simple arbre à cames en tête entraîné par chaîne.
La nouvelle "Ace of Spade" était née et bien née.
Elle se tailla une remarquable renommée parmi la "gentry" anglaise prête à payer le double du prix d'une Talbot "Roesch" ou d'une Riley "Monaco" pour le plaisir de rouler dans une voiture plus exclusive qu'une Rolls ou une Daimler.
Si la 6 cylindres était le nec plus ultra on ne vit que très peu de Lea-Francis dans des rallies internationaux et encore moins sur les circuits.
Les LEA-FRANCIS s'étaient embourgeoisées, dépassées par les Riley, Alvis et Talbot "Roesch".
La marque faillit disparaître dans la tourmente de la crise de 1929 et s'il n'eut été deux têtes brûlées qui avaient quitté Riley Motors en claquant la porte, l'histoire de LEA-FRANCIS aurait été terminée à l'automne de 1934.
George Harold Leek et Raymond Hugh Rose avaient tous deux travaillé pour Humber, puis Riley et enfin pour Hillman avec le fameux Louis Coatelen, personnage haut en couleur mais au caractère impossible.
Hugh Rose avaient dessiné pour Riley un nouveau moteur à 4 cylindres et double arbres à cames en tête dont les performances étaient nettement au-dessus de la moyenne de l'époque.
Riley a du reste construit ce moteur jusqu'en 1954 où il disparut dans la fusion catastrophique de Riley avec le nouveau groupe BMC.
Ce moteur, retouché par Leek et Rose permit à LEA-FRANCIS non seulement de survivre jusqu'au début du deuxième conflit mondial avec deux modèles extrêmement populaires (selon les critères de Lea-Francis!) et environ 280 voitures, (4cyl. et 6cyl confondues) sortirent des usines de Lower Ford Street à Coventry entre 1935 et 1939, dont environ une douzaine de très beaux roadsters carrossés par Corsica.
La guerre et les contrats d'approvisionnement pour le Gouvernement Anglais permirent à Lea-Francis de se remplumer substantiellement.
Dès la fin de la guerre, Lea-Francis reprit ses activités automobiles, les premières Saloon furent mises

Nas ft. Large Professor - Loco-motive (+Lyrics)
42nd street terminal
[Verse 1]
Yo, yo, I live it and I speak it
My religion is re...
published: 02 May 2013
author: Cristiano Cardoso (B)
Nas ft. Large Professor - Loco-motive (+Lyrics)
42nd street terminal
[Verse 1]
Yo, yo, I live it and I speak it
My religion is reefer
Big money and the most
Uninhibited freak to sleep with
My visions are realistic
Nothing is figurative
I can wish it into existence
God want this nigga to live
Blunt big as a dread
I get high and forget who bled
Who we stomp-kicked in the head and who we left for dead
Who are you niggas
Why argue niggas
The truth is the truth
I really put my scars on niggas
They wear them lifetime, they tell they hoes, Nas did this
Pointing to they scars like
Right here, baby, really Nas did this
Like a badge of honor, not bragging I'm just honest
War stories we tell them, nothing's realer than karma
Sip prohibition liquor, prohibition whiskey
Rap Jack Dempsey, matte black Bentley, pimply
Shatterin' your silence, passing round the chalice
Due to my Indian ancestry at the weed dispensery
Official kings and gents is who I mix and mingle with
Fuck your ice
I rock rubies, amethyst
I'll fuck your wife cause she a groupie, scandalous
This for my bad hood bitches, ghetto glamorous
[Break: Large Professor]
Yo, what we talking bout niggas
What we talking bout niggas
This is Nas, what, Nas
What, Nasty, what recollect fucker
[Verse 2: Nas]
At seventeen I made seventeen thousand living in public housing
Integrity intact, repping hard
They asking how he disappear and reappear back on top
Saying Nas must have naked pictures of God or something
To keep winning is my way like Francis
As long as I'm breathing, I'll take chances
A soldier comin' home, twenty years old with no legs
Sayin' there's no sense to cry and complain, just go head
So much to write and say, yo I don't know where to start
So I'll begin with the basics and flow from the heart
I know you think my life is good cause my diamond piece
But my life been good since I started finding peace
I shouldn't even be smiling, I should be angry and depressed
I been rich longer than I been broke, I confess
I started out broke, got rich, lost paper then made it back
Like Trump being up down up, play with cash
[Break: Large Professor]
My nigga's like a locomotive
Nas, we push it, mush 'em
Queensbridge to Bushwick
All that
You ain't even supposed to be here
You know where you at
[Verse 3]
At night, New York, eat a slice too hot
Use my tongue to tear the skin hanging from the roof of my mouth
Shit was felicissimo melting pot, city sweltering hot
Staggering, drunker than those cops that 2Pac shot
I was a crook by the train with that iron thing, concealed
Reaching, soon as I heard them iron wheels screeching
When it came to a halt whoever walked off got caught
Token man safe behind a locked door for sure
Minor thief shit, minor league shit, beasting
Looking for the juks young, but now we older chiefing
In my truck, play The Greatest Adventures of Slick Rick
Bugging on how his imagination was so sick
It's ghetto beef, sinister niggas snicker through yellow teeth
Alcohol aging my niggas faster than felonies
How dare I
Must be, something in the air that corrupts me
Look at my upkeep, owned and sublease
I'm here y'all
This for my trapped in the 90's niggas
For my trapped in the 90's niggas
Ha for y'all niggas
Youtube results:

Remarkable Coincidence - Swastika vs Yellow badge - Power Logo
difference of 30 degrees. 90 degree turning results in swastika, while 120 degrees results...
published: 20 Jun 2010
author: Waruzjan Shahbazian
Remarkable Coincidence - Swastika vs Yellow badge - Power Logo
Remarkable Coincidence - Swastika vs Yellow badge - Power Logo
difference of 30 degrees. 90 degree turning results in swastika, while 120 degrees results in a yellow badge. 1. Move forward 3 units and turn right 2. Move ...- published: 20 Jun 2010
- views: 119
- author: Waruzjan Shahbazian

The yellow badge of courage
This video was uploaded from an Android phone....
published: 29 Nov 2011
author: SirTAylorF
The yellow badge of courage
The yellow badge of courage
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.- published: 29 Nov 2011
- views: 31
- author: SirTAylorF

SNNB (Yellow Badge) Teachers' Day Performance 2012
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: Rachel Song
SNNB (Yellow Badge) Teachers' Day Performance 2012
SNNB (Yellow Badge) Teachers' Day Performance 2012
OPPA GANGNAM STYLE.- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 104
- author: Rachel Song