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Saturday, December 8 2012 1:27am ET - U.S. Markets Closed.
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·Aerospace/Defense - Major Diversified
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Today's Top Performing Industry
Toy & Hobby Stores
Composite Value: 769.0
Today's Change: +7.20%
S&P 500: +0.29%
chart for
[Toy & Hobby Stores (^YHOh846)]
Analyst Favorites With Strong Buyback Activity: Build-A-Bear Workshop Ranks As a Top Pick
Mon Dec 3 (at
A study of analyst recommendations at the major brokerages shows that Build-A-Bear Workshop Inc (NYSE: BBW) is the #27 broker analyst pick among those stocks screened by The Online Investor for strong stock buyback activity. To make that list, a stock must have repurchased at least 5% of its outstanding [...]
Today's Industry Highlights
Top Performing Industries% Change
Toy & Hobby Stores +7.20%
Office Supplies +2.41%
Copper +1.58%
Cement +1.49%
Silver +1.38%
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Worst Performing Industries % Change
Personal Computers -2.48%
Movie Production, Theaters -2.30%
Computer Based Systems -1.83%
Processing Systems & Products -1.34%
Business Software & Services -1.13%
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HotJobs Top Industries
1. Retail
2. Health Care
3. Other
4. Sales
5. Technology
* Based on number of new job listings reported by HotJobs.
Leaders & Laggards
Highest Dividend Yield
Copper 15.65%
Highest Market Capitalization
Money Center Banks $112821.0 B
Highest Net Profit Margin (mrq)
Publishing - Periodicals 53.10%
Highest P/E Ratio
Medical Laboratories & Research 202.80
Highest Return on Equity
Office Supplies 154.00%

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