- published: 08 Oct 2009
- views: 370215
- author: Ian Collier

How It's Made Yogurt
published: 08 Oct 2009
author: Ian Collier
How It's Made Yogurt
- published: 08 Oct 2009
- views: 370215
- author: Ian Collier

Homemade Yogurt (Dahi)
For the detailed recipe: www.showmethecurry.com...
published: 15 Feb 2008
author: ShowMeTheCurry
Homemade Yogurt (Dahi)
For the detailed recipe: www.showmethecurry.com
- published: 15 Feb 2008
- views: 231117
- author: ShowMeTheCurry

How to Make Greek Yogurt at Home
A classics professor shows you how to make perfect Greek yogurt every time using your ordi...
published: 06 Feb 2010
author: Dale Grote
How to Make Greek Yogurt at Home
A classics professor shows you how to make perfect Greek yogurt every time using your ordinary kitchen utensils. You can't fail.
- published: 06 Feb 2010
- views: 215787
- author: Dale Grote

Most Yogurt Is Not A Health, Diet Or Weight Loss Food
Yogurt contains more sugar than Mountain Dew! Yogurt is not a healthy food. Yogurt should ...
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: Bryan Marcel
Most Yogurt Is Not A Health, Diet Or Weight Loss Food
Yogurt contains more sugar than Mountain Dew! Yogurt is not a healthy food. Yogurt should not be a part of your weight loss diet. Dannon activia and Yoplait both market themselves as essential to your diet and good for your health. They are not good for your diet, weight loss or your health. The amount of sugar that yogurt contains will make you fat. Yes, yogurt contains acidophilus, but the amount of acidophilus is unknown. A probiotic is more effective than yogurt and costs less. Healthy bacterial are required for weight loss, but the sugar in yogurt only benefits the unhealthy bacteria. www.BryanMarcel.com
- published: 02 Aug 2011
- views: 12204
- author: Bryan Marcel

Homemade Yogurt
This is a video demonstrating how to make homemade yogurt. What you need: large pot milk (...
published: 23 Sep 2011
author: TheMikmaqMama
Homemade Yogurt
This is a video demonstrating how to make homemade yogurt. What you need: large pot milk (I use 2%) measuring cup candy thermometer wooden spoon yogurt culture or starter (or us can use 1/2 cup of plain yogurt ~ from the store or from your previous batch) yogurt maker *note: if use use store bought plain yogurt as your starter, make sure there is no added flavor or sugar For the homemade granola recipe, visit my website. ********************* website: www.mikmaqmama.weebly.com facebook: www.facebook.com/mikmaqmama twitter: @mikmaqmama
- published: 23 Sep 2011
- views: 7062
- author: TheMikmaqMama

How To Make Your Own Yogurt
Making Yogurt is easy, it's just timing. Yogurt is very good for you and making it at home...
published: 05 Oct 2009
author: Yankeeprepper
How To Make Your Own Yogurt
Making Yogurt is easy, it's just timing. Yogurt is very good for you and making it at home can save you alot of money. Yogurt is really good for your digestive system and even lactose intolerent people can eat dairy this way.
- published: 05 Oct 2009
- views: 66956
- author: Yankeeprepper

How To Make Yogurt
Do the Green thing! and make your own yogurt! It's fun, easy and healthy. And, you'll be s...
published: 26 Mar 2009
author: Naraszuhra
How To Make Yogurt
Do the Green thing! and make your own yogurt! It's fun, easy and healthy. And, you'll be saving the earth from all those little plastic cups!
- published: 26 Mar 2009
- views: 156638
- author: Naraszuhra

The Easiest Homemade Yogurt Ever!
Dr. Anastasia from healthymamainfo.com is making the easiest homemade yogurt ever! You nee...
published: 11 Oct 2011
author: healthymamainfo
The Easiest Homemade Yogurt Ever!
Dr. Anastasia from healthymamainfo.com is making the easiest homemade yogurt ever! You need i cup of organic plain probiotic-rich yogurt and five cups of organic hormone-free milk. You also need a thick towel
- published: 11 Oct 2011
- views: 19219
- author: healthymamainfo

SHOP.life-regenerator.com * http *BLENDERS BLEND.life-regenerator.com *SHOP in our amazon ...
published: 09 Aug 2010
author: liferegenerator
SHOP.life-regenerator.com * http *BLENDERS BLEND.life-regenerator.com *SHOP in our amazon store http *AMAZON direct shopping SHOP-FOR-ANYTHING.life-regenerator.com ❤ COCONUT ALMOND YOGURT RAW LIVING FOOD RECIPE ❤ * I ngredients * — 1 cup Germinated Really Raw Almonds* (to germinate them, first soak them in water for 24 hours, rinsing them and changing the water every 8 hours...then STRAIN the water away before using them in this recipe) *TO ORDER REALLY RAW ALMONDS cost is $60 for a 5 pound bag INCLUDING shipping! e-mail Bruce, the almond guy rawbunch@hotmail.com OR call (949) 922-0919 & please tell Bruce that Dan sent you! — 2-3 Thai Young Coconuts (2-3 Young Coconut Meats + 1-2 Young Coconut Waters) — ¼ cup Nutritional Essentials from NCP (Natural Choice Products) http — 1 heaping scoop of Probiotic Blend Powder from NCP (Natural Choice Products) PROBIOTICS.life-regenerator.com * P rep * — 1) Toss the strained germinated really raw almondsinto your Vita-mix blender, or whatever blender is the best blender for you BLEND.life-regenerator.com — 2) Open the young coconuts to get the coconut water out—watch this vid if you need help bit.ly Pour the young coconut water out of each coconut and set aside for use later in this recipe. — 3) Using a melon baller or a spoon, scoop the young coconut meats out of the coconuts and toss them into the Vitamix or blender on top of the strained germinated really raw almonds. — 4) Add the NCP (Natural Choice Products) Nutritional ...
- published: 09 Aug 2010
- views: 67448
- author: liferegenerator

Homemade yogurt - Dahi -Curd
I've made yogurt at home about a thousand times now, and it's pretty easy, fun and economi...
published: 22 Nov 2009
author: SuperVeggieDelight
Homemade yogurt - Dahi -Curd
I've made yogurt at home about a thousand times now, and it's pretty easy, fun and economical. And there's something gratifying about making a cultured food ...Yogurt is a wonderful snack and can be even more healthy if you make it yourself. Here is some quick easy steps that will help you make your own home made yogurt. There are so many good things about homemade yogurt that it's tough to think of a good excuse not to make it!
- published: 22 Nov 2009
- views: 169108
- author: SuperVeggieDelight

curd yogurt
how to make yogurt Curd is a dairy product made by curdling milk with rennet or and edible...
published: 18 Sep 2007
author: vahchef
curd yogurt
how to make yogurt Curd is a dairy product made by curdling milk with rennet or and edible acidic substance like lemon juice or vinegar. Curd is also popularly known as Yoghurt. The liquid portion called whey is drained off. Milk that has been left to sour (raw milk alone or pasteurized milk with added lactic acid bacteria or yeast) will naturally produce curds. The increased acidity causes the milk proteins to tangle into solid masses, or curds. The rest, which contains only whey proteins, is the whey. In cow's milk, 80% of the proteins are caseins. Curd products vary by region and include cottage cheese, quark (both curdled by bacteria and sometimes also rennet) and paneer (curdled with lemon juice). The word can also refer to a non-dairy substance of similar appearance or consistency, though in these cases a modifier or the word curdled is generally used (eg, bean curds, lemon curd, or curdled eggs). In Asia, a curd is essentially a vegetarian preparation using yeast to ferment the milk. In few places of Indian subcontinent, particularly in North India, buffalo milk is used for curd due to its higher fat content, making a thicker curd. The quality of curds depends on the starter used. The time taken to curdle also varies with the seasons, taking less than 6 hours in hot weather and up to 16 hours in cold weather. In the industry, an optimal temperature of 43 °C for 4--6 hours is used for preparation. In India, the word curd is frequently used to mean yoghurt. In South ...
- published: 18 Sep 2007
- views: 185209
- author: vahchef

Frozen yogurt machine
Multi-Mix from Bio-Gourt Internationale Inc. Multi-Mix, the name says it all, mixes all th...
published: 21 Nov 2008
author: alians4
Frozen yogurt machine
Multi-Mix from Bio-Gourt Internationale Inc. Multi-Mix, the name says it all, mixes all the ingredients that you wish, the only limit is your imagination; fresh frozen fruits, cookies, nuts, etc. Contact us ! www.bio-gourt.com
- published: 21 Nov 2008
- views: 124011
- author: alians4

What is Yogurt? How to Make Homemade Yogurt Recipe
In Today's What's This Food, Daniel Delaney explores Yogurt, an ancient milk based product...
published: 20 Feb 2011
author: danieldelaney
What is Yogurt? How to Make Homemade Yogurt Recipe
In Today's What's This Food, Daniel Delaney explores Yogurt, an ancient milk based product, and present day breakfast favorite. He explores the history of the fermented food, and explains how you can make yogurt yourself. Today's episode is sponsored by Leite's Culinaria. Visit them online at leitesculinaria.com ---- What's This Food?! (WTF?!) is a daily cooking show, with a new episode posted every day of 2011. Learn more at http Facebook - danieldelaney.com Twitter - twitter.com Email Newsletter - eepurl.com
- published: 20 Feb 2011
- views: 3225
- author: danieldelaney

How to Make Yogurt - Homemade Yogurt Video 1 of 3
Learn how to make yogurt with these step-by-step instructions. This video is #1 of 3, and ...
published: 10 Nov 2009
author: Michael Reeps
How to Make Yogurt - Homemade Yogurt Video 1 of 3
Learn how to make yogurt with these step-by-step instructions. This video is #1 of 3, and it covers the ingredients and equipment you will need to start making your own homemade yogurt. Making yogurt does not require a yogurt maker, and you likely have everything you need to make yogurt in your kitchen already. This video is a companion to my homemade yogurt website: www.makeyourownyogurt.com
- published: 10 Nov 2009
- views: 43420
- author: Michael Reeps
Youtube results:

Squirrel Stuck in Yogurt Cup
WYFF 4 Photojournalist rescues a squirrel who got his head stuck in a yogurt cup....
published: 10 Jul 2009
author: wyfftv
Squirrel Stuck in Yogurt Cup
WYFF 4 Photojournalist rescues a squirrel who got his head stuck in a yogurt cup.
- published: 10 Jul 2009
- views: 421589
- author: wyfftv

Noreen's Homestead How-To: Yogurt
Greetings! Since I was making yogurt today, I thought I would share how I do it with you. ...
published: 28 Mar 2011
author: atticus9799
Noreen's Homestead How-To: Yogurt
Greetings! Since I was making yogurt today, I thought I would share how I do it with you. So simple and so easy and requires so few ingredients you will not believe it. Now, most of us love yogurt. I know I do and my kids do too. It's a great source of protein and when you make it yourself you can add protein to it and you can control everything else that goes into it as well. I used sugar this time, but have had success with honey, maple syrup and agave nectar as well. I would refrain from using the artificial sweeteners, but that is your choice. I first learned how to make yogurt from a video put up by Yankeeprepper as well as Michigansnowpony. They both inspired me to do it myself and I hope that I can inspire you to make your own now as well. I have posted links below to the other videos that were my inspiration. Simple formula for this yogurt is as follows: For each quart of milk you need 1/2 cup of dry milk and 1/3 cup of sweetener of your choice. If using agave nectar cut this amount in half and go by taste, you can always put more sweetener on the prepared yogurt when it is served, but you cannot take it out. ALSO: You can choose to leave the sweetener out all together should you wish to use this as a sour cream substitute or make yogurt cheese. I will show you how to do that in another video soon. Bring the milk, sugar & dry milk and 1 tablespoon of gelatin (if you choose) to a temperature of 160 degrees, don't boil! Place into sterilized jars and allow to come ...
- published: 28 Mar 2011
- views: 7516
- author: atticus9799

How to make Greek Yogurt
Ingredients, equipment, and an easy technique to make delicious Greek-style, extra-thick y...
published: 16 Feb 2007
author: tjcrebs
How to make Greek Yogurt
Ingredients, equipment, and an easy technique to make delicious Greek-style, extra-thick yogurt treats. Recipe: 1) Stirring continuously so it doesn't scald, heat 1/2-gallon organic milk (4% fat or better) to a temperature of 185°F (84°C) or when small bubbles-froth appears on surface of the milk or just before it boils; 2) Let milk cool to a luke-warm temperature of 108-112°F (42-44°C), then mix in 1/2-3/4-cup of plain yogurt (eg, my daughter calls this step "immortalizing" the yogurt) and/or 10 grams (2 tsp) of yogurt starter into the luke-warm milk. 3) Cover milk mixture and place in a 100°F oven for 6-to-14 hours. 4) Afterwards, the yogurt has "set", but I prefer it thicker and creamier. So I pour the yogurt into a cheese-cloth-lined collander within a large bowl and strain out the whey (clear milk liquid). 4b) Optional-- For Greek Yogurt (Γιαούρτι), I put the collander/bowl set-up in the oven at 100°F for 30-to-90 minutes to strain out more whey. This optional step makes the yogurt extra thick and creamy or "Greek-style". 5) Pour yogurt from collander into a container (with a tight lid); cover and refrigerate. I like to stir or mix the yogurt at this stage which makes it extra creamy in my opinion. Yogurt will thicken even more in the refrigerator. Use within two weeks after refrigerating. NOTE: Greek Yogurt is traditionally flavored with honey and fruit, but this Greek-American prefers adding Mexican agave nectar and Canadian blueberries to flavor our yogurt. Καλή ...
- published: 16 Feb 2007
- views: 96549
- author: tjcrebs

Yogurt ice cream - recipe
The yogurt ice cream is ideal for a fresh snack or a light dessert, and you can make it at...
published: 29 Aug 2011
author: yellowsaffron
Yogurt ice cream - recipe
The yogurt ice cream is ideal for a fresh snack or a light dessert, and you can make it at home using plain or fruit yogurt. *** A nice yoghurt ice cream is ideal for a fresh snack or a light dessert. You can make it at home with plain or fruit yoghurt, let's see together the ingredients! We'll need: • just over ½ cup (120 g) of white sugar • 2 cups (500 ml) of whole milk yoghurt • 1 ¼ tsp (10 g) of glucose syrup • less than 1 tbsp (5 g) of carob powder • ½ cup (125 ml) of heavy cream • ½ cup (125 ml) of fresh whole milk Let's prepare together the yoghurt ice cream: In a saucepan, combine the heavy cream and the milk... the white sugar... the carob powder... and the glucose syrup. Stir... and bring the mixture to 185° degrees Fàhrenheit (85°C). The carob powder is a natural thickener, that you can buy at health food stores or pharmacy; so, it helps make your ice cream thicker, but if you can't find it, you can avoid it. When the mixture reaches the right temperature, chill it quickly by placing the bowl in an ice and water bath. Once it's cold, let it rest in the fridge for a couple of hours. After taking the mixture out of the fridge, add the yoghurt... of course, both the yoghurt and the mixture must be very cold. Mix everything... and let it cool for another hour in the fridge. Now pour the mixture into the ice cream maker, and let it run until the ice cream is thick and firm. The ice cream is ready, all we have to do is transfer to a food container with lid and keep ...
- published: 29 Aug 2011
- views: 34606
- author: yellowsaffron