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The latest Gaza catastrophe

The media double standards in the West on the new and tragic Israeli escalation of violence directed at Gaza were epitomised by an absurdly partisan New York Times front page headline: “Rockets Target Jerusalem; Israel girds for Gaza Invasion” (NYT, Nov 16, 2012). Decoded somewhat, the message is this: Hamas is the aggressor, and Israel [...]

VOTE FOR JONATHAN FRYER AS MEP – A London Liberal Voice for Palestine in Europe?

The cause of justice for Palestinians would receive a boost if writer, lecturer and broadcaster Jonathan Fryer becomes a member of the European Parliament. In 2004 and 2009, as Number 2 on the LibDem list for London, he narrowly missed out on being elected. To get there this time he needs to be Number 1! [...]

An Open Letter to Sarah Ludford MEP

Dear Sarah, ACAA Israel-EU Agreement We are writing to make a final appeal to you to change your position on the ACAA, and to vote against it when it comes before the plenary session of the European Parliament next week. If you feel unable to do so, we believe you have no alternative in conscience [...]


26 November 2012

103 of the 158 people killed in Gaza by Israeli military action this month were civilians. 30 were children, 12 of whom were under the age of 10. Even if Israel’s self-defence argument is accepted, this was disproportionate and therefore a war crime. Israel also targeted and destroyed civilian infrastructure in Gaza. That was also [...]

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Britain must atone for its sins in Palestine

15 November 2012

Ever since the Balfour Declaration of 1917, Britain has denied our people their rights Over the past few weeks, British diplomats have stated that they are doing all they can to discourage Palestine’s bid for “observer state” status in the UN General Assembly. If this is an official British position, then it is reprehensible, yet [...]

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The New Palestinians: Angry young men and women are proposing a radical new paradigm

15 November 2012

It’s not the economy, stupid, that’s shaking the foundations of the Palestinian Authority. On the contrary: For the new, angry, disillusioned young generation of Palestinians, the economy is a tool Israel uses to perpetuate PA President Mahmoud Abbas’s tottering regime. They see Israel periodically injecting funds into the ailing authority’s empty veins in an effort [...]

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My President Is Busy

15 November 2012

ISRAELI friends have been asking me whether a re-elected President Obama will take revenge on Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu for the way he and Sheldon Adelson, his foolhardy financier, openly backed Mitt Romney. My answer to Israelis is this: You should be so lucky. You should be so lucky that the president feels he has [...]

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Correspondence with Sarah Ludford MEP

23 October 2012

Everyone who cares about the Palestinian People should read this correspondence with Sarah Ludford MEP. Letter to Sarah Ludford 16 October 2012 Letter from Sarah Ludford 19 October 2012 Letter to Sarah Ludford 21 October 2012 Letter from Sarah Ludford 22 October 2012   share using:

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Salam Fayyad, the World Bank and the Oslo game

23 October 2012

Most Palestinian analysts maintain that the Oslo agreements are to blame for the collapse of the Palestinian economy. Triggered by gas-price increases, tens of thousands of Palestinian taxi, truck and bus drivers in the West Bank observed a one-day strike, effectively shutting down cities. This, as Al Jazeera reported, was the culmination of several days of [...]

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2,279 calories per person: How Israel made sure Gaza didn’t starve

23 October 2012

State forced to release ‘red lines’ document for food consumption in the coastal Strip following legal battle; official: state has right to determine who it assists. After a three-and-a-half-year legal battle waged by the Gisha human rights organization, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories has finally released a 2008 document that detailed its [...]

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The Triumph and Tragedy of Greater Israel

10 October 2012

Henry Siegman | The National Interest | September 6, 2012 Ma’ale Adumim, an Israeli settlement in the West Bank.The Middle East peace process is dead. More precisely, the two-state solution is dead; the peace process may well go on indefinitely if this Israeli government has its way. The two-state solution did not die a natural [...]

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Time for one state, says key Liberal Democrat

10 October 2012

Liberal Democrat deputy leader Simon Hughes has said that the opportunity for a two state solution to the Israel-Palestine dispute is now “near to the end” and the international community should consider a “one state solution”. Speaking on the eve of his party conference, the veteran Lib Dem politician said he believed a single federated [...]

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The anti-Semitism that goes unreported

17 September 2012

The daily dose of terror inflicted on these Semites isn’t noticed by most Jews – even though the incidents resemble stories told by our grandparents. Here’s a statistic that you won’t see in research on anti-Semitism, no matter how meticulous the study is. In the first six months of the year, 154 anti-Semitic assaults have [...]

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