
Ongoing updates on the situation in Gaza: Activity at the crossings and tunnels, prices and shortages
November 19, 2012. Find here information about the situation in Gaza, specifically activity at the crossings and the tunnels, and prices and shortages. The information will be updated as it becomes available. (Read More)

What is the closure of Gaza?
November 19, 2012. In light of reports that lifting the closure of Gaza is part of negotiations for a ceasefire, Gisha clarifies what the closure of Gaza (yes, "closure" and not "blockade") consists of today. (Read More)

Sari Bashi: No to collective punishment
November 18, 2012. Gisha Executive Director Sari Bashi wrote an article in response to suggestions to restrict movement of people and goods into Gaza in order to apply pressure on the Strip’s population. (Read More)

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In Focus

Student travel between Gaza and the West Bank 101
September 2012. Gisha believes that Palestinian students have a right to study in the Palestinian universities established for their benefit, in Gaza and the West Bank. Israel should lift the 12-year old ban on student travel from Gaza and instead adopt a policy that reflects its obligations and long-term interests, as well as its security concerns. (Read More)

The Gaza Cheat Sheet - Real Data on the Gaza Closure
October, 2012. In this information sheet you will find concise answers to questions such as: What is the economic situation in Gaza today? Is there a lack of food in Gaza? What are the restrictions currently imposed on the movement of people and goods into and out of the Strip? The Gaza Cheat Sheet is updated regularly. (Read More)

Graphing 5 years of closure
June 2012. The following information sheet graphs the changes that have occurred over the past five years, providing context for those changes based on data about access before the closure and showing their impact on the economy. (Read More)

What is the “separation policy”? An info sheet
June 2012. When asked why restrictions on movement between Gaza and the West Bank remain in effect, security officials explain that they form part of the “policy of separation”. What is this policy and what is its purpose? (Read More)

Scale of Control: Israel’s Continued Responsibility in the Gaza Strip
November 2011. This position paper illustrates how despite recent developments, Israel continues to control Gaza’s airspace and territorial waters, the Palestinian population registry and passage of goods and people to and from Gaza. (Read More)

Gaza Strip Map
July 2011. A new and detailed map of the Gaza Strip. Source: Gisha (Read More)

Goods entering Gaza

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Gisha in Action

Eleven staff members of a multi-purpose center promoting the protection and empowerment of women and families receive permits to travel to the West Bank for professional training
Following Gisha’s intervention, the military allowed most of the center’s staff members to travel for professional training. Four security guards and the housemother did not receive permits, based on the claim they did not require training. (Read More)

Five years of solitude
The addresses listed in the K. family’s ID cards subjected them to five years of separation. Following Gisha’s intervention, the family was able to reunite in the West Bank. (Read More)

After 14 years apart, N. visits his family in the Gaza Strip
N., a resident of the West Bank, was afraid to visit his family in Gaza because he is registered in the Palestinian population registry as a resident of Gaza. Gisha helped him get a permit to visit Gaza and then return to his home in the West Bank. (Read More)

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