published: 02 Mar 2012

2012 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium - Session 1
Video recording of 2012 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium held in Pauley Ballroom, U...
published: 02 Mar 2012
2012 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium - Session 1
Video recording of 2012 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium held in Pauley Ballroom, UC Berkeley. This years symposium focused on "Big Data at Berkeley". Featured talks were "Big Data and Autonomous Flying Vehicles" by Claire Tomlin, "Big Data and Security" by David Wagner and "Big Data and Machine Learning" by Michael Jordan.

EECS 413: Monolithic Amplifier Circuits
This is one of the 8 Major Design Experience courses for Electrical Engineering....
published: 28 Jul 2010
EECS 413: Monolithic Amplifier Circuits
This is one of the 8 Major Design Experience courses for Electrical Engineering.
published: 28 Jul 2010
author: EECSatUM

EECS the cartoon rat gets killed again?
Eecs the Rat is Kaiser Permanente's "Everlasting Eliminator of Customer Service.&...
published: 06 Jan 2009
EECS the cartoon rat gets killed again?
Eecs the Rat is Kaiser Permanente's "Everlasting Eliminator of Customer Service." In this clip from a training video, Eecs is introduced. Animation: Don Mangan andArtie Romero of ARG! Cartoon Animation Studio. See thousands more ARG! cartoons and animations at: ARG! Cartoon Animation is a division of CityStar Group, Inc., the publisher of the National Website Directory. ARG! was launched in 1994, serves over 600 animation clients, and its websites get up to 73 million hits a month worldwide. The parent company can be found at: Get cool T-shirts and stuff: Artie's blog and podcasts: Enjoy!
published: 06 Jan 2009
author: argstudio

Panel discussion of BEARS 2011 (Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium)
BEARS 2011 panel discussion with Greg Heinzinger(Qualcomm), Humphrey Chen(Verizon), Alan M...
published: 19 Feb 2011
Panel discussion of BEARS 2011 (Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium)
BEARS 2011 panel discussion with Greg Heinzinger(Qualcomm), Humphrey Chen(Verizon), Alan Messer(Samsung), and Eric Brewer(Professor of EECS, UC Berkeley), led by Professor Kurt Keutzer.
published: 19 Feb 2011
author: UCBerkeleyEvents

Berkeley EECS Super Extreme Virtual Wall Ball Omega
This video showcases the final project we, Ashik Raj Manandhar and Danny Bazo, made for ou...
published: 09 Dec 2010
Berkeley EECS Super Extreme Virtual Wall Ball Omega
This video showcases the final project we, Ashik Raj Manandhar and Danny Bazo, made for our UC Berkeley Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) 125 Robotics course we took in Fall 2007 taught by Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy and Dr. Vincent Duindam. It is an interactive game system composed of a digital camera, a laptop computer, a video projector, and a standard classroom white board. The projector displays a virtual game environment onto the white board with which players can interact by drawing with dry-erase markers. First the camera captures an image of the white board, then the software segments the image by color, then the game is projected on to the board, taking into account interactions between the drawn shapes and the virtual game environment. We decided use a white board as the interface for human interaction because white boards are large, re-useable drawing surfaces with which most potential players (students) are familiar. Our project focused on using computer vision to segment user input with color markers from the white background of the white board. During our development, we implemented several different types of segmentation algorithms to varying success. Our project also dealt with elements of game and interface programming--we had to evaluate frames efficiently, and provide a compelling, intuitive interface for the user.
published: 09 Dec 2010
author: ashikmanandhar

Talks of BEARS 2011 (Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium)
This year's focus is the "Berkeley View of bringing intelligence to tomorrow'...
published: 19 Feb 2011
Talks of BEARS 2011 (Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium)
This year's focus is the "Berkeley View of bringing intelligence to tomorrow's client/cloud computing platform" in four coordinated and integrated talks on Big Data (Ion Stoica), and Natural Language Processing (Dan Klein), Augmenting Reality via Client/Cloud Platforms (Avideh Zakhor), and Sensor Swarms (Kris Pister and Jan Rabaey).
published: 19 Feb 2011
author: UCBerkeleyEvents

EECS 427: VLSI Design I
A brief introduction to the major design experience course, VLSI Design I (EECS 427)...
published: 25 Oct 2010
EECS 427: VLSI Design I
A brief introduction to the major design experience course, VLSI Design I (EECS 427)
published: 25 Oct 2010
author: EECSatUM

#942 - Nesteq EECS 700 Watt Ultra Quiet Power Supply
CHECK PRICES: "The Nesteq EECS 700 Watt Ultra Quiet Power Sup...
published: 11 Apr 2008
#942 - Nesteq EECS 700 Watt Ultra Quiet Power Supply
CHECK PRICES: "The Nesteq EECS 700 Watt Ultra Quiet Power Supply has all the right ingredients. First and foremost it's got quality, efficient power and enough of it to juice high end computer systems. It also has lots of leads, compact size, ultra quiet 135mm fan and a modular design. This product even comes with EECS or Enhanced Easy Connection System which is on the SATA and molex leads. It's basically a 6pin female connector that allows other cables or adapters to be connected to it. It's a fantastic idea since it can be used to extend the cable length to reach those out of reach places or just to add a floppy power adapter. Watch the video to find out more and check out the bloopers at the end."
published: 11 Apr 2008
author: 3DGAMEMAN

Panelist: EECS and Cognitive Sciences, UC Berkeley
Jose M. Carmena, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer ...
published: 13 Aug 2008
Panelist: EECS and Cognitive Sciences, UC Berkeley
Jose M. Carmena, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute Program in Cognitive Science University of California, Berkeley
published: 13 Aug 2008
author: citrisuc

2012 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium - Session 2
Video recording of 2012 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium held in Pauley Ballroom, U...
published: 06 Mar 2012
2012 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium - Session 2
Video recording of 2012 Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium held in Pauley Ballroom, UC Berkeley. This years symposium focused on "Big Data at Berkeley". Featured talks were "Big Data and Autonomous Flying Vehicles" by Claire Tomlin, "Big Data and Security" by David Wagner and "Big Data and Machine Learning" by Michael Jordan.
published: 06 Mar 2012
author: UCBerkeleyEvents

EECS 373 Touchpad MIDI Sequencer (SchMIDI-box)
Collin Scott, Andrew Putman, and Eric Schmidt's final project for EECS 373 at the Univ...
published: 09 Dec 2008
EECS 373 Touchpad MIDI Sequencer (SchMIDI-box)
Collin Scott, Andrew Putman, and Eric Schmidt's final project for EECS 373 at the University of Michigan.
published: 09 Dec 2008
author: sircollinofscots

EECS 203 Project 8 - Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles
EECS 203 Project 8 - Hamiltonian Paths and Hamiltonian Cycles Kumar Kallurupalli Thomas Lo...
published: 17 Apr 2012
EECS 203 Project 8 - Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles
EECS 203 Project 8 - Hamiltonian Paths and Hamiltonian Cycles Kumar Kallurupalli Thomas Lovett Aaron Podell Jesse Ripper Horace Wang Matthew Ramirez
published: 17 Apr 2012
author: tklovett

EECS 203 - Functions: Injection, Surjection, and Bijection
This is a video project for EECS 203 at the University of Michigan. This video covers func...
published: 12 Feb 2012
EECS 203 - Functions: Injection, Surjection, and Bijection
This is a video project for EECS 203 at the University of Michigan. This video covers functions, domain and codomain, injective functions, surjective functions, and bijective functions.
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: Ben Oztalay
Vimeo results:

Hijacking Power and Bandwidth from the Mobile Phone's Audio Interface - Integrated Prototype
Ye-Sheng Kuo, Thomas Schmid, Prabal Dutta
We endow the digital mobile phone wi...
published: 26 Aug 2010
Author: Thomas Schmid
Hijacking Power and Bandwidth from the Mobile Phone's Audio Interface - Integrated Prototype
Ye-Sheng Kuo, Thomas Schmid, Prabal Dutta
We endow the digital mobile phone with an analog interface that can parasitically power external peripherals and transfer data to and from them using the existing headset interface. Our design delivers several milliwatts at 3 V to a load and offers a bidirectional communications channel at a data rate of 8.8 kbaud. We demonstrate a simple oscilloscope application using this new functionality
For more info see

EEC meets Avicii at Sfera - Melle
EEC meets Avicii at Sfera - Melle...
published: 19 Apr 2011
Author: EEC
EEC meets Avicii at Sfera - Melle
EEC meets Avicii at Sfera - Melle

EEC im T2 Club Hamburg
EEC im T2 Club Hamburg...
published: 19 Apr 2011
Author: EEC
EEC im T2 Club Hamburg
EEC im T2 Club Hamburg

Elite Event Company meets Fedde Le Grand - Sfera Melle 21.01.2011
Elite Event Company meets Fedde Le Grande at the Grand Club Sfera in Melle!...
published: 10 Feb 2011
Author: EEC
Elite Event Company meets Fedde Le Grand - Sfera Melle 21.01.2011
Elite Event Company meets Fedde Le Grande at the Grand Club Sfera in Melle!
Youtube results:

EECS 203 Project 2 - Proof by Contradiction
EECS 203 Project 2 - Proof by Contradiction Kumar Kallurupalli Thomas Lovett Aaron Podell ...
published: 07 Feb 2012
EECS 203 Project 2 - Proof by Contradiction
EECS 203 Project 2 - Proof by Contradiction Kumar Kallurupalli Thomas Lovett Aaron Podell Jesse Ripper Horace Wang
published: 07 Feb 2012
author: tklovett

EECS 373 demo1: Postal Service
This was made as part of University of Michigan's EECS 373: Embedded systems course De...
published: 17 Dec 2008
EECS 373 demo1: Postal Service
This was made as part of University of Michigan's EECS 373: Embedded systems course December 2008 Group members: Andrew Putman Eric Schmidt Collin Scott Under supervision of: Mark Brehob, Matt Smith Program on the fly 64-beat electronic loops, sound generated by midi keyboard. Allows for 8 "pages" of different 8 beat samples, freely program midi instrument to each page. Adjust BPM on the fly. Start/Stop, restart, clear all functions implemented. Made with: 3M ClearTek Touch pad Standard LCD VGA display MPC823 processor XILINX Spartan 3 FPGA Midi keyboard (allows for midi input)
published: 17 Dec 2008
author: aputman

Injections, Bijection, and Surjections: EECS 203 Team A18
For EECS 203 Project 3. Injections, Surjections and Bijections: Definitions and Examples f...
published: 13 Feb 2012
Injections, Bijection, and Surjections: EECS 203 Team A18
For EECS 203 Project 3. Injections, Surjections and Bijections: Definitions and Examples for every student in EECS 203.
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: eecs203teamA18again

Logical Equivalences - EECS 203
Here we discuss laws of logical equivalence and go through two examples from Rosen's &...
published: 30 Jan 2012
Logical Equivalences - EECS 203
Here we discuss laws of logical equivalence and go through two examples from Rosen's "Discrete Mathematics and its Applications," 7th Edition.
published: 30 Jan 2012
author: MegaKevcar