- published: 01 Jun 2011
- views: 71372
- author: random804

Motorcycle Pursuit with Victorian Police - Melbourne, Australia
Motorcyclist tries to outrun police in Melbourne, Australia. But due to his stupidity he g...
published: 01 Jun 2011
author: random804
Motorcycle Pursuit with Victorian Police - Melbourne, Australia
Motorcyclist tries to outrun police in Melbourne, Australia. But due to his stupidity he gets caught in the end. Rider is riding a naked Honda 929. ;)
- published: 01 Jun 2011
- views: 71372
- author: random804

Victorian Police make pushes on Occupy Melbourne protestors down Swanston Street
Members of the Victorian Police, Riot Police, Dog Squad & Mounted Branch, make final pushe...
published: 22 Oct 2011
author: Dale Worthington
Victorian Police make pushes on Occupy Melbourne protestors down Swanston Street
Members of the Victorian Police, Riot Police, Dog Squad & Mounted Branch, make final pushes to move Occupy Melbourne protestors away from City Square and down the city through Swanson Street. Victorian Police can be seen using force to move aggressive protestors away from the mob and detain them. No protestors i saw was subjected to the dogs.
- published: 22 Oct 2011
- views: 3024
- author: Dale Worthington

Victoria Police Tribute
You think your job is stressful, try being a Police officer... Dedicated to all the hard w...
published: 11 Oct 2011
author: crimefighter006
Victoria Police Tribute
You think your job is stressful, try being a Police officer... Dedicated to all the hard working Police who work hard to keep us safe... All footage and pictures found through youtube and media sites.
- published: 11 Oct 2011
- views: 6307
- author: crimefighter006

Victoria Police Fitness Test Feb 2012
Preparing for the Victoria Police Fitness Test requires specialized training. Don't risk y...
published: 12 Feb 2012
author: primemotion
Victoria Police Fitness Test Feb 2012
Preparing for the Victoria Police Fitness Test requires specialized training. Don't risk your dream job by taking short cuts or being under prepared. Prime Motion Fitness are the leaders in helping Victoria Police applicants achieve their dream, come and join us!
- published: 12 Feb 2012
- views: 2103
- author: primemotion

Victorian police make public plea on road safety
February 23, 2013: A much loved father of four has become the sixth person to die on Victo...
published: 23 Feb 2013
author: International News Daily
Victorian police make public plea on road safety
February 23, 2013: A much loved father of four has become the sixth person to die on Victorian roads in just 36 hours, compelling Victoria Police to make a public plea for safer behaviour.
- published: 23 Feb 2013
- views: 5
- author: International News Daily

Footage of driver behind wheel of crashed car telling Victoria Police
iyi seyirler arkadaşlar fenomen99 blog: metin2cip.blogspot.com...
published: 25 Feb 2013
author: beraking kanal
Footage of driver behind wheel of crashed car telling Victoria Police
iyi seyirler arkadaşlar fenomen99 blog: metin2cip.blogspot.com
- published: 25 Feb 2013
- views: 21
- author: beraking kanal

Victoria Police Swift Sport
A day in the life of the Vic Police Multicultural Liason Unit in their unique Suzuki Swift...
published: 30 Aug 2011
author: suzukiaustralia
Victoria Police Swift Sport
A day in the life of the Vic Police Multicultural Liason Unit in their unique Suzuki Swift Sport police car - and how it's helping break down barriers for the valuable work the unit does.
- published: 30 Aug 2011
- views: 9580
- author: suzukiaustralia

Is this something to worry about? 2000 Ford Crown Vic (Police Interceptor)
Is this an issue? I never noticed it before, we stopped for gas and heard a gasping sound,...
published: 14 Oct 2012
author: GunWebsites
Is this something to worry about? 2000 Ford Crown Vic (Police Interceptor)
Is this an issue? I never noticed it before, we stopped for gas and heard a gasping sound, looked under the hood and saw this not turning as fast as the rest of the other pulleys.. Any mechanics out there have some ideas for us on this? Model: 2000 Ford Crown Vic (Police Interceptor) Thanks for your help
- published: 14 Oct 2012
- views: 6581
- author: GunWebsites

Victoria Police 2011 Dodge Charger Code 3
Victoria Police 2011 Dodge Charger Code 3 arriving to an accident for traffic....
published: 17 Sep 2011
author: youidiot222
Victoria Police 2011 Dodge Charger Code 3
Victoria Police 2011 Dodge Charger Code 3 arriving to an accident for traffic.
- published: 17 Sep 2011
- views: 49305
- author: youidiot222

published: 29 Mar 2012
author: Flavio Reboucas
- published: 29 Mar 2012
- views: 14853
- author: Flavio Reboucas

Crown vic 2003 police Interceptor rear axle fix
Tearing down a crown vic axle to see what causing leak...
published: 02 Oct 2011
author: Rod Simonian
Crown vic 2003 police Interceptor rear axle fix
Tearing down a crown vic axle to see what causing leak
- published: 02 Oct 2011
- views: 7950
- author: Rod Simonian

2004 Ford Crown victoria P-71 Interceptor Loaded vic Police Car 4.6
Ford Crown victoria P-71 Interceptor these are just some of the best cars ever made and se...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: CerealMarshmallows
2004 Ford Crown victoria P-71 Interceptor Loaded vic Police Car 4.6
Ford Crown victoria P-71 Interceptor these are just some of the best cars ever made and seem to just keep going and going. This one is fully loaded and even has power seats, The black interior and door panels really add some nice looks to it i think Classic Cars are a LOVE of mine If you are not Subscribed make sure you do that. My website is www.1ownercarguy.com and You can call me anytime about these cars Nathan Wratislaw 406 544 6919 Thanks for watching and check out My other Videos there are over 600 of them i have done on My Channel Cheers
- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 17212
- author: CerealMarshmallows

Saddle up with Victoria Police
Tarzan was rescued from drought stricken Victoria in 2007 and had what it took to join the...
published: 15 Dec 2011
author: VPBlueTube
Saddle up with Victoria Police
Tarzan was rescued from drought stricken Victoria in 2007 and had what it took to join the Victoria Police Mounted Branch. Do you have a horse that has what it takes? Victoria Police are looking for horses that are that display the following characteristics: - Over 16.1hh - Calm temperament - Over 4-years-old and under 10-years-old - Good/Sound conformation - Float well - Good trainability - Low flight response - Brave and obedient - Any breed and colour will be considered You can contact the Victoria Police Mounted Branch via ph: 9682 4733 or email: mountedbranch.tops@police.vic.gov.au
- published: 15 Dec 2011
- views: 4811
- author: VPBlueTube
Vimeo results:

Undressing the Truth
By Victoria Zade Castillo | Felix Varela Senior High School
Angie Varona, 17, had her Ph...
published: 22 Jul 2011
author: Trevor Green
Undressing the Truth
By Victoria Zade Castillo | Felix Varela Senior High School
Angie Varona, 17, had her Photobucket account hacked when she was 14, causing her world to turn upside down.
The image-hosting website held several inappropriate pictures, each one starring Varona in bikinis and lingerie wear. She never appeared naked.
“I had been notified by a close friend who had seen me in a porn site ad,” Varona said. “I spent the whole summer trying to take down all the pictures, but it was virtually impossible to track down who hacked me. I felt like crap knowing my life was going down the drain.”
After her schoolmates at John A. Ferguson Senior High found out, massive rumors spread like wildfire.
“I remember walking down the hallway, hearing people talk and watching people stare at me,” she said. “There were rumors that I was becoming a porn star.”
In reality, school was the least of her worries.
“I began getting real stalkers,” Varona said. “People from other states found out my address and took pictures of my house. They threatened to rape me.”
Three years later and now homeschooled, Varona is still coping.
“They’re not even getting my pictures from Photobucket anymore,” she said. “They’re getting them through my Facebooks. I can’t even have my real name. I’ve had like six Facebooks now.”
Her initial action of taking pictures for her boyfriend evolved into something she couldn’t imagine. Although her parents were supportive, they were disappointed at her for taking such sexual pictures and having them in the incapable hands of the Internet.
This popular trend of posting nude or sexual pictures has been practiced since cellphone cameras came on the scene.
“It’s everywhere, even where you least expect it – like on your teen’s computer, cellphone and game device,” Parry Aftab, a pioneering Internet law lawyer, said on her website.
“Forty-four percent of boys in coed high schools we polled reported seeing at least one image of a fellow female classmate in the nude,” said Aftab, who practices law in New Jersey. “Most saw images of more than just one girl. And many saw multiple images of each girl. Your daughter may be among them.”
A survey conducted by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy reveals that nearly one in five young people have sent nude pictures electronically or online.
“They’re posting these pictures trying to look older, cooler,” Aftab said. “They’re posing in their bras before they’re old enough to wear them. Now, when they’re passing the pictures from kid to kid afterwards, the kids that are passing them are being charged with child pornography.”
Because federal law doesn’t make any distinction about who creates the child porn, teens who take nude photos of themselves and child pornographers who abuse and exploit children can receive the same punishment.
That means that a child could spend up to five years in federal prison for simply possessing their own naked picture. Sending it out to others, however, can get a 15-year term.
Bryan Roussell, a detective in the Special Victims Unit of the Hollywood Police Department, has received many calls from parents who also don’t realize the consequences.
“[Parents] don’t understand that their daughter or their son is the one who started the crime by taking the picture of themselves and posting them on the Internet,” Roussell said.
“If a kid has a bunch of stored nude images [of minors] on his computer, he’ll be arrested for that and he’ll have to go through the judicial system like anybody else, whether he’s an adult or a child.”
Also, in many states, like Florida, if a person is convicted of a crime against children, it automatically registers him/her with the sex offender registry, a lifelong curse.
What really perturbs authorities and parents is why adolescents take these pictures. Therapist Ana M. Moreno, a licensed mental health counselor in Miami, believes self-esteem plays a role in these behaviors.
“The cases I have worked with that have engaged in this behavior are looking for outside validation. These teen girls feel that their sexuality makes them ‘popular’ and attracts attention,” Moreno said. “They may not feel good about their decision to share sexual pictures; however, if positive validation is received, they tend to feel content and sometimes elated with the feedback.”
Child pornography prosecutions skyrocketed in 2004, the same year as the creation of Facebook, creating a 650 percent increase from 1994.
“Those pictures are going to get out and you know how it is in school. Everyone will call these kids names. Now she becomes a ‘slut’ and she’s going to have to deal with that social issue,” Roussell said.
The trend is affecting people at all levels. Even celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Vanessa Hudges have been caught in the act of “sexting” and sending nude photos to people in confide

This Scene expresses- FEAR- noun: an emotion experience...
published: 22 Jun 2009
author: MANI NASRY
This Scene expresses- FEAR- noun: an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight). noun: a feeling of anxiety and agitation caused by the presence or nearness of danger, evil, pain, etc.; timidity; dread; terror; fright; apprehension. Terrify not your soul with vain imaginary fears. By realizing that you are the one feeding the fire, you can start to take control of your fears. Panic is a vicious cycle that can be broken. When you start to have irrational fears you need to take action quick. Eleanor Roosevelt once said: "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing, which you think you cannot do." We must stop running away from things that frighten us, face our fears head on, and do the thing we fear the most. Most of the time we'll find out that the "thing" was not that scary after all. Our imaginations had behaved like a super fertilizer and grown a grotesque monstrosity in our minds. Remember, our imaginations are incredibly powerful. They can work against us, creating horrible images that leave us paralyzed with fear and they can also work for us, building a world where everything we do is an adventure, a miracle. And the most amazing thing is that we hold the power to control our minds - we allow fear to dominate our lives or we choose to dominate fear. Those are our only two choices.
Links of Interest for Producers and Filmmakers
Canadian Film Exhibiton Listing http://www.aflick.ca
Festival Info - Worldwide
Box Office-theatrical box office figures
film releases - chronologically listing of theatrical releases
Coming Soon- trailer archive and other stuff
Indie WIRE -Independent film and dialy new
Academmy of Canadian Cinema - www.academy.ca
Toronto Film and Television Office (for permits, etc.) - www.toronto.ca
Canadian Filmmaker (great site for producers and independent film development) - canadianfilmmaker.com
Writer's Guild Development Funding link - www/wgc/ca
LIFT Film co-op - - www.lift.on.ca
Jobs-Crews - Indie Access - www.indieaccess.com
Mandy.com - Cast and Crew - www.mandy.com
National Screen Instistute - - www.nsi-canada.ca
Canadian Independent Film and Video Fund - - www.cifvf.ca
Ontario Media Development Corporation (former OFDC) www.omdc.on.ca/
Telefilm Canada http://www.telefilm.gc.ca
Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/ac-ca/progs/bcpac-cavco/index_e.cfm
Harold Greenberg Fund - - www.astralmedia.com
National Film Board http://www.nfb.ca
National Film Board - Seven week training for docs
BRAVO Fact fund - www.bravofact.com
Canadian Film and Televsion Production Association (CFTPA) http://www.cftpa.ca
Toronto Arts Council http://www.torontoartscouncil.org/
Ontario Arts Council http://www.arts.on.ca/?source=renaissancefaire.ca
Canada Council for the Arts http://www.canadacouncil.ca
Canadian Film Centre http://www.cdnfilmcentre.com
Directors Guild of Canada http://www.dgc.ca
Canadian Society of Cinematographers (CSC)
I.A.T.S.E.- Cameraman http://www.iatse667.com/
I.A.T.S.E.- Technicians http://www.iatse873.com
ACTRA http://www.actra.ca
Writers Guild http://www.writersguildofcanada.com
Canadian Copyright: Infringement, Fair Dealing, Ownership CIPO
Canadian Authors Association CAA
Music Rights and Licenses SOCAN
FilmToronto.com http://www.filmtoronto.com
Women in Film & Television (WIFT) http://www.wift.com
Internet Movie Database (imdb.com) http://www.imdb.com
Playback Magazine http://www.playbackmag.com
My Mediabiz http://www.mymediabiz.com
Links of Interest for Producers and Production Managers
Toronto Film Office - permits, etc.
Film Locations in Toronto
PS Production Services
William F. Whites
Sim Video
Video Scope
Digital video supplies
Film Stock - Kodak
MANI NASRY FILM AND TELEVISION RESUME Performer Profile Gender: Male Height: 5 feet 7 in Weight: 140 Age Range: 21 - 29 Physique: Athletic Hair Color: Brown Eyes: Brown Film Family Curse (2003 TV movie) Cast-Apr 01, 2003 SHADOW WALKERS PRODUCTIONS LTD Dawn of the Dead (2004) Cast-May 25, 2003/Jul 20, 2003 CORPUS VIVOS PRODUCTIONS INC Beautiful Girl (2003 TV movie) Cast-Aug 31, 2003 NEVER TIME PRODUCTIONS LTD New York Minute (2004/I) Cast-Sep 07, 2003 NY MINUTE FILMS INC Prom Queen: The Marc Hall Story (2004 TV movie) Cast-Oct 18, 2003 ADJUSTMENT BULLOCH Childstar (2004) Cast-Nov 23, 2003/Dec 07, 2003 RHOMBUS MEDIA The Coven (2004 TV movie) Cast-Dec 07, 2003 COVEN PRODUCTIONS CORP Man of the Year (2006) Cast-Feb 14, 2006 AXIUM ENTERTAINMENT SERVICES CANADA HOOKED ON SPEEDMAN Cast-Mar 08, 2006 PLAYING ARMY PRODUCTIONS INC "WHAT DO YOU SEE 1" Cast-Mar 14, 2006 ARNOLD WORLDWIDE CANADA Roa

GUARDIA REAL ESPAÑOLA. La Guardia Real más antigua del mundo.
Tomando como origen de estas unidades especiales, el tiempo en que los godos dominaron la
published: 20 Feb 2009
author: Jorge Molina Lamothe
GUARDIA REAL ESPAÑOLA. La Guardia Real más antigua del mundo.
Tomando como origen de estas unidades especiales, el tiempo en que los godos dominaron la
Península Ibérica, vemos que la guarda de la monarquía hispánica era encomendada al conde
Spathario, empleo palatino que tenia como misión principal el gobierno de las tropas
encargadas de la protección del soberano.
Cabe destacar que el último de los reyes godos tenia como empleado en la jefatura de su
guardia al duque de Cantabria, el infante Don Pelayo, hijo de Fabila y primero de los reyes
astures en iniciar la reconquista.
Quizás la más famosa de las guardas que aparecen en la Edad Media es la de los Monteros de
Espinosa, nacida en el condado de Castilla en los albores del Siglo Xi con cinco nobles
burgaleses (Sancho Espinosa, Flarcines Peláez, Armenter Tellois , Munio y Joanes Obequiz),
tiene un origen incierto que se situa en los enfrentamientos que el Conde Sancho García
mantuvo con el rey de Córdoba Muhamad ven Hixem ben Abdeljiabar ben Abderahman
Anasir, intitulado “El Mohdi”, y que D. Pedro de la Escalera y Guevara pretende clarificarnos
en su obra “Del origen de los Monteros de Espinosa”.
Lo que si queda recogido a través del historial de este Noble Cuerpo, es que para ser miembro
de la Corporación, había que ser natural de la villa burgalesa de Espinosa de los Monteros y
familiar de otro Montero además de Hidalgo. Destaca ser el único Cuerpo de Casa Real que
permaneció fiel a cualquiera de las dinastías reinantes en la Península hasta su disolución por
la II República en 1931.
Hoy en día esta recogido el nombre de esta nobilísima Corporación en una de las Compañías
del Grupo de Honores de la actual Guardia Real.
Durante la baja Edad Media coexistieron distintas tropas palacianas que, aun teniendo como
misión principal la salvaguarda de la Corona, hacían del mismo modo labores de Fuerzas de
Orden Público, así en tiempos de Pedro I “El Cruel” eran coetáneos de los Armigueros o
Escuaderos a Caballo, los Ballesteros de la Maza y los Ballesteros a Caballo.
Fernández de Oviedo en su obra “Batallas y Quincuagenas” recoge la reorganización que
después de las Guerras de Granada y en previsión de un futuro conflicto con Francia,
realizaron los Reyes Católicos, para lo cual crearon un cuerpo “de dos mil y quinientos
hombres de armas ordinarios de guarda” conocidos como “Guardas Viejas de Castilla”.
En la primera edición de la Novísima Recopilación se hallan varias leyes dadas por Carlos I y
fechadas desde 1523 a 1551, en las que desde la 15ª hasta la 24ª tratan sobre los privilegios,
exenciones y disciplina de esta unidad, mandando en la 23ª que una compañía de esta tropa,
residiera continuamente en palacio para su guardia, denominándola de los “Cien Continuos” y
que tienen su precedente en la privativa que D. Álvaro de Luna, en tiempos de Juan II de
Castilla, que mandó armar para el servicio permanente en el Regio Alcázar, cien ballesteros
montados que denominó “Continos”.
Después del atentado que Juan de Cañamares realizó en Barcelona contra el rey Fernando en
diciembre de 1492, y fallecida en Medina del Campo la Reina Isabel, el Católico Rey mandó
que los mozos de espuela le siguiesen con espada en mano, viendo el decoro que
acompañaba a estos mozos, ordenó en 1504 que se les armara de alabarda, pieza de origen
danés que la infantería Suiza extendió por el continente europeo.
A estos mozos de espuela los puso el Rey bajo mando del letrado y militar Gonzalo de Ayora,
primero en introducir en las tropas españolas el empleo táctico del paso simultáneo a compás
regular, cargo que ocupó el cronista cordobés hasta 1507, año en el que al volver Fernando el
Católico de Italia, vio que el Capitán de su guardia personal había tomado partido por los
príncipes Felipe y Juana, por lo que nombró como Jefe de los guardias armados de alabarda,
al Capitán que mandaba la nueva unidad traída de Italia, Francisco Valdés, natural de
Guadalajara que murió en la guerra de Navarra y al que sustituyó el Comendador D. Jerónimo
de Cabanillas, Maestresala y Jefe de la guardia hasta la muerte del Rey.
Esta unidad que vestiría al estilo suizo, “con sayos medio colorados y medio blancos”, sería
conocida en sus orígenes como “Guardia Española”, y a partir de Carlos I se la denominaría
“Guardia Amarilla”, por cambiar su vestimenta al estilo alemán, con colores amarillos y
blancos, introduciendo posteriormente el color carmesí, propio de la monarquía española.
En 1507, el Rey Católico trae de Italia otra guardia de características similares a la “amarilla”,
denominada “Estradiontes”, que al empezar a prestar servicio en Palacio junto a la anterior
cambiaría su nombre por el de “Guardia de la Lancilla”, tendría como peculiaridad el hacer
servicio de forma mixta, es decir, a pie o a caballo indistintamente.
Es con la Casa de Austria cuando las unidades que desempeñan la labor de la Guardia Real

The Chicago Conspiracy Trailer (Versión en Español)
Esto es un trailer para nuestro próximo documental largo metraje basado en Chile y las tie...
published: 08 Nov 2008
author: Subversive Action Films
The Chicago Conspiracy Trailer (Versión en Español)
Esto es un trailer para nuestro próximo documental largo metraje basado en Chile y las tierras indígenas Mapuche de Wallmapu. El concepto de la película nació con la muerte de un ex dictador militar, Augusto Pinochet. Su régimen asesinó miles y torturó decenas de miles después del golpe militar el 11 de septiembre de 1973.
La Conspiración de Chicago toma su nombre de aproximadamente 25 economistas chilenos que asistieron a la Universidad de Chicago y otras universidades prestigiosas a principios de los 60 para estudiar bajo la influencia de los economistas neoliberales Milton Friedman y Arnold Harberger. Después de abrazar las ideas neoliberales de Friedman, estos economistas regresaron para asistir a Pinochet en la imposición de estas nuevas políticas de libre mercado. Se privatizaron casi todos los aspectos de la sociedad, y Chile pronto se convirtió en un ejemplo típico del capitalismo de libre mercado bajo el cañón de un arma de fuego.
La Conspiración de Chicago es sobre hoy día. Empezamos este documental con la muerte de un dictador, pero continuamos con el legado de una dictadura.
La Conspiración de Chicago es sobre el Día del Joven Combatiente. En este día, dos jóvenes hermanos y militantes del MIR, Rafael y Eduardo Vergara, fueron asesinados a tiros por la policía en la población políticamente activa Villa Francia. El 29 de marzo no sólo es sobre los hermanos Vergara—es un día para recordar a todxs lxs jóvenes combatientes que murieron bajo la dictadura y el actual régimen democrático.
La Conspiración de Chicago es sobre los estudiantes que luchan contra una ley de educación que se dio inicio en el último día del régimen militar. Más de 700.000 estudiantes se declararon en paro durante el año 2006 para protestar contra un sistema educativo privatizado. La policía reprimió brutalmente las marchas y ocupaciones estudiantiles.
La Conspiración de Chicago es sobre los barrios de la periferia de Santiago. Originalmente fueron tomas de terreno, y más tarde se convirtieron en centros de resistencia armada contra la dictadura militar. Algunos de ellos, como la Victoria y Villa Francia, siguen como sectores de confrontación y descontento hasta el día de hoy.
La Conspiración de Chicago es sobre el conflicto Mapuche. El pueblo Mapuche resistió valientemente la ocupación española, y continúa resistiendo contra las corporaciones multinacionales y el Estado chileno que le roba territorio para plantaciones forestales, minas, represas y producción agrícola. El gobierno ha utilizado la ley antiterrorista de la época dictatorial para encarcelar a comunerxs Mapuches en lucha. Dos jóvenes Weichafes (guerrerxs Mapuches), Alex Lemún y Matías Catrileo fueron recientemente asesinados por la policía chilena—uno en 2002, el otro en 2008.
La Conspiración de Chicago es una respuesta a una conspiración global del neoliberalismo, el militarismo y el autoritarismo.
Con musica de SubVerso.
Youtube results:

Victoria Police officers charged with assault
There is more trouble for the Victoria Police Department. Two officers have been charged w...
published: 11 Mar 2010
author: ANewsVanIsland
Victoria Police officers charged with assault
There is more trouble for the Victoria Police Department. Two officers have been charged with assault relating to an incident that occurred in October 2008 Victoria's Police Chief disciplined the officers, but they remain on the job. /A\ News has learned the incident began in the 500 block of Yates Street on the morning of October 18 2008, when officers Brent Keleher and Ryan Young arrested two brothers for being intoxicated. Court records show the brothers were not charged, but the officers are accused of assault; one incident allegedly in the police car on the way to cells, the other in police cells. Graham ordered a criminal investigation but did not forward the file to crown counsel to see if charges were warranted. The Office of BCs Police Complaint Commissioner says police departments have discretion on whether to forward charges and so does the Commissioner. In this case, the Commissioner took the rare step of forwarding the case to prosecutors. The Victoria Police Department's treatment of prisoners has been under the microscope following several high profile incidents. First, there was Thomas Mackay, a 24 year old college student who suffered a severe brain injury after his head hit the floor in cells. Then there was Willow Kinloch, a 15 year old girl who was tethered for more than four hours while in custody. In January 2009, Chief Graham revealed the incident involving officers Keleher and Young. Graham also announced changes to the way his cells operate ...
- published: 11 Mar 2010
- views: 29542
- author: ANewsVanIsland

Chevy vs. Ford Cop-Car Thrash Battle! Roadkill Episode 12
On this episode of Roadkill, Freiburger and Finnegan are out to discover which used cop ca...
published: 08 Feb 2013
author: MotorTrend
Chevy vs. Ford Cop-Car Thrash Battle! Roadkill Episode 12
On this episode of Roadkill, Freiburger and Finnegan are out to discover which used cop car they like best, the Chevy Caprice 9C1 or the Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor P71. Of course you expect nothing but the most professional, scientific analysis from these guys, and that includes a day doing donuts and bashing into stuff on pavement, tire explosions, a road trip to the desert, camping, thrashing on dirt roads, and a finale that just might create a new form of low-buck off-road motorsport. Roadkill appears every fourth Friday on the new Motor Trend channel. www.youtube.com Subscribe now to make sure you're in on all the action! www.youtube.com Facebook - facebook.com & facebook.com Twitter - twitter.com & twitter.com Google+ - plus.google.com Website - www.motortrend.com & http
- published: 08 Feb 2013
- views: 322018
- author: MotorTrend

The Party's over - TAC Road Safety TV ad
The TAC has a long history of educating the Victorian public about the dangers of risky dr...
published: 21 Nov 2012
author: TACVictoria
The Party's over - TAC Road Safety TV ad
The TAC has a long history of educating the Victorian public about the dangers of risky driving and the potential consequences of death, serious injury or punitive consequences resulting from police detection. This year, the TAC will again work in partnership with Victoria Police, to ensure the community is aware of the increased enforcement activity over the Christmas and New Year holiday period, all aimed at making Victoria's roads safe for all road users. The Party's Over campaign challenges and engages the Victorian community. Developed in conjunction with Victoria Police and launched by the newly appointed Assistant Commissioner of Road Policing, Mr Bob Hill, the campaign plays on the party theme using voice overs and visual cues to challenge road user attitudes and perceptions. Transport Accident Commission Victoria. www.tac.vic.gov.au ====================== "Copyright in thematerial on this website is owned by the TAC and may only be used for non-commercial personal or educational purposes. You may not modify, transmit or revise the contents of this website without the prior written permission of the TAC." Comments may not be published if they do not add to the discussion, are offensive, repetitious, illegal or meaningless, contain clear errors of fact or are in poor taste.
- published: 21 Nov 2012
- views: 237368
- author: TACVictoria

Victoria Police - The Beep Test
www.primemotionfitness.com.au Victoria Police Training Experts. The Beep Test Victoria Pol...
published: 19 Jul 2011
author: primemotion
Victoria Police - The Beep Test
www.primemotionfitness.com.au Victoria Police Training Experts. The Beep Test Victoria Police Fitness Test. In this video you can see an example of The Beep Test run at one of Prime Motion Fitness's recent coaching program sessions. Follow the instructions team or you'll be disqualified! Let's keep the momentum going, hoping to see good results in the coming weeks!
- published: 19 Jul 2011
- views: 16054
- author: primemotion