- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 54
EGYPT 524 - AMENEMHET III - (by Egyptahotep)
AMENEMHET III (or Amenemhat III ) was a pharaoh of the XII Dynasty . He ruled from c.1860 ...
published: 26 Aug 2013
EGYPT 524 - AMENEMHET III - (by Egyptahotep)
EGYPT 524 - AMENEMHET III - (by Egyptahotep)
AMENEMHET III (or Amenemhat III ) was a pharaoh of the XII Dynasty . He ruled from c.1860 BC to c.1814 BC, His reign is regarded as the golden age of the Middle Kingdom. He had to be coregent during 20 years with his father, SENSWOSRET III (or Sesostris III). Towards the end of his reign he instituted a coregency with his successor AMENEMHET IV, His daughter, SOBEKNEFERU, later succeeded AMENEMHET IV, as the last ruler of the XIIth Dynasty. He built 2 (two) Pyramids the first in Dahshur (the"Black Pyramid") but the construction had serious problems and was abandoned.Around Year 15 of his reign the king decided to build a new pyramid in Hawara. The pyramid at Dahshur was used as burial ground for several royal women. His mortuary temple in Hawara (Fayum), is accompanied with a pyramid that has an underground"Labyrinth". This pyramid contained some of the most complex security sistems, however , the king's burial was robbed in antiquity. His daughter or sister, Neferuptah, was buried in a separate pyramid 2 km southwest of the king's. The pyramidion of Amenemhet III's pyramid tomb was found toppled from the peak of its structure and preserved relatively intact; it is today located in the Cairo Egyptian Museum.- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 54
3d reconstruction of Medinet Madi Archaeological Park-02.avi.avi
Medinet Maadi is a site in the southwestern Faiyum region of Egypt where a temple of the c...
published: 19 Mar 2012
author: Mahmoud Mohamadin
3d reconstruction of Medinet Madi Archaeological Park-02.avi.avi
3d reconstruction of Medinet Madi Archaeological Park-02.avi.avi
Medinet Maadi is a site in the southwestern Faiyum region of Egypt where a temple of the cobra-goddess Renenutet (a harvest deity) was founded during the rei...- published: 19 Mar 2012
- views: 62
- author: Mahmoud Mohamadin
JustInEgypt.com - Ancient Egyptian statues in the Cairo Egyptian Museum - Egypt
http://JustInEgypt.com Ancient Egyptian statues in the Cairo Egyptian Museum - Egypt, Aken...
published: 24 Aug 2013
JustInEgypt.com - Ancient Egyptian statues in the Cairo Egyptian Museum - Egypt
JustInEgypt.com - Ancient Egyptian statues in the Cairo Egyptian Museum - Egypt
http://JustInEgypt.com Ancient Egyptian statues in the Cairo Egyptian Museum - Egypt, Akenaton, Akhenaten Ajenat n, Akhenaten statue, Akhenaten with blue crown, Amenemhat I Caire, Amenemhet III CG, Amenemhet IV CG, Amenhotep son of Hapu, Benermerut CG, Burger StariEgipt UpodobitevDela, Burger StariEgipt UpodobitevDela Pisar, CairoEgMuseumCheops, CairoMuseumNofret, CairoMuseumRahotep, CairoMuseumRahotepNofret, Chephren CG, Chephren CG Detail, Colossal Amenhotep III statue, Djoser, Djoser d, Djoser pedestal, Djoser statue, EgyptOsirisstatuette, EgyptThutmose IIIstatue, Egyptian Museum, Egyptian Museum Damaged statue in front, Egyptian Museum Damaged statue in front Hathor with head dress, Egyptian Museum Damaged statue in front black rock, Egyptian Museum Damaged statue in front sitting figure, Egyptian Museum Damaged statues in front, Egyptian Museum Damaged statues in front b, Egyptian Museum Damaged staute in front mother and child, Egyptian Museum Sphinx, EgyptianScribe, GD EG Caire Mus e, Goldener Falkenkopf aus Hierakonpolis, Granite head of queen Tiye, Hathor cow ThutmosisIII, Hathor cow ThutmosisIII right side, Hatshepsut, Hatshepsut large head, Head of Amarna princess, Heka god sm, Hidden treasures, Horus Caire, Ka Statue of horawibra, Khafra, Khafra Quefr n, Khafre statue, Khasehkemwey, Khasekhemwy, Khufu, Khufu CEM, Khufu statue, Kiya canopic jar lid, Kiya canopo, La salle dAkhenaton av JC Mus e du Caire, Late period unguent vessel, Menkauhor CG, Mentuhotep Closeup. Akenaton Image Source: Author Name: qwelk License Name: Public Domain License Url: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:public_domain Akhenaten Ajenat n Image Source: Author Name: José-Manuel Benito Author Url: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Locutus_Borg License Name: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2 License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/deed.en Akhenaten statue Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Akhenaten with blue crown Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Amenemhat I Caire Image Source: Author Name: Neithsabes Author Url: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Neithsabes License Name: Public Domain License Url: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:public_domain Amenemhet III CG Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Amenemhet IV CG Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Amenhotep son of Hapu Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Benermerut CG Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Burger StariEgipt UpodobitevDela Image Source: Author Name: Lander Author Url: http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Lander License Name: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3 License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en Burger StariEgipt UpodobitevDela Pisar Image Source: Author Name: Lander Author Url: http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Lander License Name: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3 License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en CairoEgMuseumCheops Image Source: Author Name: Roland Unger Author Url: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:RolandUnger License Name: Creative Commons 3 License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en CairoMuseumNofret Image Source: Author Name: Roland Unger Author Url: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:RolandUnger License Name: Creative Commons 3 Lice- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 1
MAZGHUNA: is an area at the south of Dashur, here are 2 Pyramids: Amenemhet IV and Sobekne...
published: 31 Oct 2012
author: Egyptahotep
MAZGHUNA: is an area at the south of Dashur, here are 2 Pyramids: Amenemhet IV and Sobeknefru, DASHUR IV: in this case you can see images of Amenemhet II Pyr...- published: 31 Oct 2012
- views: 272
- author: Egyptahotep
EGYPT 523 - AMENEMHET I - (by Egyptahotep)
AMENEMHET I : The First Pharaoh of the XII Dynasty:
Mentuhotep IV (last king of Dynasty XI...
published: 26 Aug 2013
EGYPT 523 - AMENEMHET I - (by Egyptahotep)
EGYPT 523 - AMENEMHET I - (by Egyptahotep)
AMENEMHET I : The First Pharaoh of the XII Dynasty: Mentuhotep IV (last king of Dynasty XI) had not offspring. but apparently named to Amenemhet I (who was his vizier) as his successor. So,Amenemhet I became the first pharaoh of the twelfth dynasty. Amenemhet I was pharaoh for nearly 30 years and during his reign Egypt was divided again in two, a period known as "The War of the Two Lands".(remember the X Dyn was Herakleoplolitan and later Mentuhotep (Dyn XI,theban Dinasty)ruled and unify the country but was still having problems) the north did not want to recognize the authority of the south,(and viceversa). that resulted in the assassination of Amenemhet I ,just before he could celebrate his first festival heb sed (30 years in the throne). Amenemhet Iwas assassinated by his bodyguard. the facts of his assassination are narrated in two later stories. one is called "the king Amenemhet's instructions" (which dates from the period of Senusret III) and the other is "the story of Sinue" (dated at the middle of the XII dynasty). The murder occurred just before the king could celebrate his first Heb-Sed, at night while he was sleeping, when the noise of fight between his personal guard against the conspirators (also part of his personal guard),Awoke Amenemhet I, Still sleepy the old man could take his weapons,but could not defend himself. The first pharaoh of the twelfth dynasty had just been assassinated. At that time his son and successor senusret I was in the battle front against the Libyans, and when he found out of these facts, he returned immediately to the court to organize the change of power. Senusret I got the reunification of Egypt and so finish "the war of the two lands" that had ended with his father, Amenemhet I and Senusret I built their pyramids in El Lisht- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 62
EGYPT 531 - FEMALE PHARAOHS - (by Egyptahotep)
FEMALE PHARAOHS - Ruling Queens of Ancient Egypt:
Usually when we think about Egyptian que...
published: 26 Aug 2013
EGYPT 531 - FEMALE PHARAOHS - (by Egyptahotep)
EGYPT 531 - FEMALE PHARAOHS - (by Egyptahotep)
FEMALE PHARAOHS - Ruling Queens of Ancient Egypt: Usually when we think about Egyptian queens, names like Hatshepsut and Cleopatra are most likely the first to spring to mind. But Egypt has been ruled by other women: Merneith,Nitocris, Sobekneferu, Hatshepsut and Twosret. Merneith possibly was the first Queen ever to rule Egypt but is too much disputed to be considered a ruling Queen without a doubt. Still she is mentioned here because she can't be ruled out. Although there are several types of queens in the history of ancient Egypt.The royal wifes usually were corregents,for example, Jentkhaus, Tetisheri, Ahhotep, Nefertiti (possibly she was Smenkhkare Ankheperure),Etc.But there were authentic female pharaoh who ruled in ancient Egypt. MERNEITH:(or MeritNit) was possibly the first female ruler of Egypt and she lived during the first dynasty of Egypt. Although the period of her reign is not exactly known it must have been around the 30th century BC. Her name means "beloved by Neith". Merneith was the Great Royal Wife of King Djet and the mother of King Den. MerNeith became Queen of Egypt because when King Djet died, her son Den was still thought to be too young to rule over Egypt. NITOCRIS, (or Nitiqret ) has been claimed to have been the last ruler of the sixth dynasty at the end of the Old Kingdom period and the start of the First Intermediate period. Little is known about the first female to rule over ancient Egypt, there not even clear proof she ever existed. But she is mentioned in the Histories of Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, and writings of Manetho, who was an Egyptian historian. The Histories of Herodotus tells us the story of Neithikret who in revenge of her brother's death kills all the people she holds responsible for this murder. SOBEKNEFERU (or Neferusobek) was a ruling queen during the 12th dynasty. Sobekneferu became queen of Egypt after the death of her husband and brother Amenemhat IV. Her name often appears with the addition Shedty which means "with Shedet", indicating she was involved in a religious movement in this town in Faiyum. There are very few records of her short reign that only lasted four years but some damaged (headless) statues of her have been found in the Delta. It is also known she extended the funerary complex of Amenemhat III at Hawara but she also build structures at Herakleopolis Magna. HATSHEPSUT: was the ruling queen with the longest reign in Egypt's history.She was the daughter of Thutmose I and Ahmose. Hatshepsut married her half-brother Thutmose II who became king of Egypt when his father died (1492 BC). Thutmose II was a son of Thutmose I and his minor wife lady Mutnofret. Since three of his older brothers died prematurely and Thutmose II was only a lesser son he had to marry his fully royal half sister to secure his claim of the throne and to secure his kingship. Because of the similarities in domestic and foreign policies that were pursued under her reign Hatshepsut is believed to be the real power behind the throne during the (short) time Thutmose II ruled over Egypt. Hatshepsut only gave birth to a daughter named Neferure.When Thutmose II died Thutmose III, son of Thutmose II and his lesser wife Iset (named after goddess Isis), was still an infant and too young to rule over Egypt so Hatshepsut acted as regent on his behalf.Hatshepsut become queen of Egypt Never claiming to have ruled with or for her husband Thutmose II, Hatshepsut used her bloodline and fabricated a co-regency with her father Thutmose I to legitimize her accession to the throne. Even before Hatshepsut had taken on the throne name Maatkare there was an inscription left at Aswan by the royal steward Senemut, naming her as "king's daughter, king's sister, god's wife, great royal wife. NEFERTITI Ruled Egypt during 2 years after Akhenaten died, She changed her name for Smenkhkare-Ankhkheperure,(i've included her in my video of XVIII dynasty) TWOSRET (or Tausret) was the last ruler of the 19th Dynasty When Seti II died after a reign of almost 6 years his son Saptah (Siptah) succeeded him. Saptah was not a child of queen Twosret, who is not known of having any children, but a child of Seti II and a Syrian concubine named Sutaila. CLEOPATRA VII Philopator was the last ruler of ancient Egypt. Cleopatra was born 69 BC and had two older sisters, Cleopatra VI Tryphaena and Bernice IV. During the reign of Ptolemy XII Cleopatra VI becomes very powerful and takes over the throne from her father who, together with Cleopatra VII, flees to Rome to seek help with regaining the rule over Egypt. While they are in Rome Cleopatra VI dies mysteriously, possibly poisoned by Berenice IV who seizes power and becomes the Queen of Egypt. The reign of Berenice IV was a short one, lasting only two years. In 55 BC, with the help of the Romans led by Aulus Gabinius, Ptolemy XII regains power and has Berenice IV beheaded.- published: 26 Aug 2013
- views: 136
JustInEgypt.com - Ancient Egyptian reliefs in the Cairo Egyptian Museum - Egypt
http://JustInEgypt.com Ancient Egyptian reliefs in the Cairo Egyptian Museum - Egypt, Akhe...
published: 24 Aug 2013
JustInEgypt.com - Ancient Egyptian reliefs in the Cairo Egyptian Museum - Egypt
JustInEgypt.com - Ancient Egyptian reliefs in the Cairo Egyptian Museum - Egypt
http://JustInEgypt.com Ancient Egyptian reliefs in the Cairo Egyptian Museum - Egypt, Akhenaten trial piece, Amarna princess, Amenemhat III IV, Amenemhat III Musee du Caire, Amenemhat III stela, Amenhotep III Ptah, Anedjib vase inscription, CairoMuseumMeidum, Chapelle Sheshonq Grand pr tre de Ptah, Den label, Disque solaire Caire, Djer stela, Djer stela Carschten, Djer stela retouched, Djeserty, Djet label, Egyptian Museum, Egyptian Museum Damaged statue in front Hathor, Egyptian Museum Damaged statues in front, Egyptian Museum Damaged statues in front a, Egyptian Museum Part of hieroglyph in front, Egyptian Museum Pyramid in front, Egyptian Museum Ramses II Ptah and Sekhmet, Egyptian Museum Statue in front of trio of figures, Egyptian Museum hieroglyph column in front, Egyptian Museum hieroglyph with cartouche, False door of seneb, GD EG Caire Mus e, Haremhab relief, Hathor Sokar Osorkon, Hesy Ra CG, Hesy Ra CG c, Hormin small, Hotepsekhemwy Vase, Iniuia, Intef I, Ipuia, Kay Amenemhat, Khasekhem, Khasekhemwy, Khasekhemwy name inscribed on door jamb, Khendjer, Kheperkheperure Ay, Menkaura, Merneferre Ay, Merneith stele, Merneptah Israel Stele Cairo, Musee Caire Niouserre, Naos sphinx Tanis, Narmer Palette Bull, NarmerPalette ROM gamma, NarmerPalettedetail, NarmerPallette Back, NarmerPallette Front, NectaneboI Stele, Nubia Queen of Meroe in Cairo Museum, Nubia Queen of Meroe in Cairo Museum c, Nynetjer, Obelisque R II Tanis, Obelisque Ramses II Tanis, Pepi I hed seb plate, Pepy II hed seb, Qa heb sed, Queen of Meroe, Ramesses Ptah Sekhmet, Rekhyt, Relief Athribis, Relief Nectanebo I, Saluki egypt, Semerkhet label, Siese relief, Snaaib, Snefru hed seb festival, Snefru stele, Snefru vase, Snofru Eg Mus Kairo, Snofru Eg Mus Kairo b, Stela of Ahmose Honouring Tetisheri Egyptian Museum CG, Stela of Ahmose Honouring Tetisheri Egyptian Museum CG d, Stela of Tuthmosis I, Stela of Tuthmosis I b, Stela of Tuthmosis I d, Stele Snefrou, Tetisheri Egyptian Museum CG, e stele Kamose. Akhenaten trial piece Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Amarna princess Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ Amenemhat III IV Image Source: Author Name: License Name: Creative Commons Attribution 2 License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en Amenemhat III Musee du Caire Image Source: Author Name: fr:user:Sebi Author Url: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/user:Sebi License Name: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3 License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en Amenemhat III stela Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Attribution 2 License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en Amenhotep III Ptah Image Source: Author Name: Neithsabes Author Url: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Neithsabes License Name: Public Domain License Url: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:public_domain Anedjib vase inscription Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Attribution 2 License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en CairoMuseumMeidum Image Source: Author Name: Roland Unger Author Url: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:RolandUnger License Name: Creative Commons 3 License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en Chapelle Sheshonq Grand pr tre de Ptah Image Source: License Name: Public Domain License Url: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:public_domain Den label Image Source: License Name: Creative Commons Attribution 2 License Url: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en Disque solaire Caire Image Source: Author Name: Neithsabes Author Url: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Neithsabes License Name: Public Domain License Url: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:public_domain Djer stela Image Source: Author Name: Udimu License N- published: 24 Aug 2013
- views: 0
EGYPT 462 - PHARAOHS II - (by Egyptahotep)
Video Dedicated to some of other Pharaohs Less Known or Unknown for the people. They also ...
published: 30 Jul 2012
author: Egyptahotep
EGYPT 462 - PHARAOHS II - (by Egyptahotep)
EGYPT 462 - PHARAOHS II - (by Egyptahotep)
Video Dedicated to some of other Pharaohs Less Known or Unknown for the people. They also belong to the history of ancient egypt. Here you can see: HUNI (III...- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 259
- author: Egyptahotep
3 7 3B 4 El Reino Medio La expansión bajo Senusert III y Amenemhat III, y el final de la dinas
published: 29 Oct 2013
3 7 3B 4 El Reino Medio La expansión bajo Senusert III y Amenemhat III, y el final de la dinas
3 7 3B 4 El Reino Medio La expansión bajo Senusert III y Amenemhat III, y el final de la dinas
- published: 29 Oct 2013
- views: 3
2B 3 La IV dinastía con Khufu organización y construcción del complejo funerario
published: 21 Oct 2013
2B 3 La IV dinastía con Khufu organización y construcción del complejo funerario
2B 3 La IV dinastía con Khufu organización y construcción del complejo funerario
- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 18
published: 20 Mar 2010
author: HiddenBlackHistory
FIRST 20 DYNASTIES 3200 BCE-1070 BCE (INTERMEDIATE PERIODS EXCLUDED) 1. Narmer: United the two lands and founded Egypt. 2. Nynetjer 3. Djoser: Built step pyr...- published: 20 Mar 2010
- views: 26373
- author: HiddenBlackHistory
Cleopatra's Needles Actually Point to Thutmoses Legend and History of the 18th Dynasty
A look at the meaning of the carving on the obelisks called the Cleopatra's Needle in New ...
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: Andre Wooten
Cleopatra's Needles Actually Point to Thutmoses Legend and History of the 18th Dynasty
Cleopatra's Needles Actually Point to Thutmoses Legend and History of the 18th Dynasty
A look at the meaning of the carving on the obelisks called the Cleopatra's Needle in New York and London which actually announce the conquests and legends o...- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 98
- author: Andre Wooten
Youtube results:
published: 05 Jun 2011
author: selahshalom120
- views: 5149
- author: selahshalom120
The Amenemhet III pyramid at Hawara. The Last Great Pyramid. The bricks were made by Hebrew slaves.
Amenemhet III was the 6th pharaoh of the 12th dynasty of Egypt. He built 2 pyramids; the B...
published: 09 Nov 2012
author: Nigel Hawkins
The Amenemhet III pyramid at Hawara. The Last Great Pyramid. The bricks were made by Hebrew slaves.
The Amenemhet III pyramid at Hawara. The Last Great Pyramid. The bricks were made by Hebrew slaves.
Amenemhet III was the 6th pharaoh of the 12th dynasty of Egypt. He built 2 pyramids; the Black Pyramid at Dashur and this one at Hawara. While the pyramids o...- published: 09 Nov 2012
- views: 323
- author: Nigel Hawkins
IV Expo Feria de Artesanos y Microempresarios - ACONCAGUA 2009
http://www.sanfelipedeaconcagua.cl ARTESANOS Y MICROEMPRESARIOS DEL VALLE DE ACONCAGUA....
published: 02 May 2009
author: Muni San Felipe
IV Expo Feria de Artesanos y Microempresarios - ACONCAGUA 2009
IV Expo Feria de Artesanos y Microempresarios - ACONCAGUA 2009
http://www.sanfelipedeaconcagua.cl ARTESANOS Y MICROEMPRESARIOS DEL VALLE DE ACONCAGUA.- published: 02 May 2009
- views: 587
- author: Muni San Felipe