- published: 04 Dec 2008
- views: 557990

The Midden Music or something
The Midden spielen am Samstag, den 28. Juli ab 10.30 Uhr im British Empire in Nürnberg! Ge...
published: 07 Apr 2011
The Midden Music or something
The Midden spielen am Samstag, den 28. Juli ab 10.30 Uhr im British Empire in Nürnberg! Gerüchten zufolge haben sie eine neue CD im Gepäck.
Falls Euch das Marmite ausgegangen sein sollte und Ihr diese Band noch nicht gehört habt, dann ist das genau das richtige Konzert für Euch.
- published: 07 Apr 2011
- views: 823

Skyrim [Part 77] - Down In the Midden
BOOM! SKYRIM IN YO FACE! Join Jesse as he ventures into the magical world of Skyrim to rig...
published: 05 Sep 2012
Skyrim [Part 77] - Down In the Midden
BOOM! SKYRIM IN YO FACE! Join Jesse as he ventures into the magical world of Skyrim to right the wrongs, redo the undone, and loots all that is to be looted! We're not stopping this playthrough til we do everything there is to do!
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- published: 05 Sep 2012
- views: 86677

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - The Midden Relic Quest How to Complete
Circular Gaming Present's: This is a walk-through of a quest that ...
published: 15 Nov 2011
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - The Midden Relic Quest How to Complete
Circular Gaming Present's: This is a walk-through of a quest that I found that looked strangely odd at the mage's guild in winterfold college in the basement areas's of the college itself called the midden you may need to go through some of the quests to access this but I had just come across it naturally so here are the step to steps I done here.
There's a journal and a key near the relic, the latter of which opens a chest in Winterhold College's library (on the ground at a northern wall). Be sure to sneak when taking the four rings inside as it's considered theft. As for using the rings, each one does indeed fit on a finger of the relic, they just need to be in the correct order.
They are:
Treoy's Ring
Katarina's Ring
Pithiken's Ring
Balwen's Ring
You put each ring on the following fingers:
Index - Katarina
Middle - Treoy
Ring - Balwen
Little - Pithiken
It's not hard to figure out because you can't put the wrong ring on the wrong finger. The only ring each finger will accept is the above combination. The order that you put the rings on the fingers don't matter.
After doing that, the gauntlet hand will close and four floating skulls will appear that converge into a portal. A dremora named Velehk Sain will emerge and talk to you. You can choose to release him or kill him. If you release him, he'll give you a treasure map. If you kill him (he's pretty weak), you'll only find some useless equipment on him (although you CAN get a dremora heart pretty early on this way).
The Skyrim exit nearby puts you in a good position to walk/swim over to where the treasure is hidden.
Here is a link to an image to the location of the treasure
Here is what I found in the stash (it may differ from player to player):
Gold (60)
Gold (59)
Potion of Healing
Iron Greatsword
Amulet of Talos
Flawless Garnet
Silver Garnet Ring
Dibella Statue
Goblet (2)
Coin Purse (33)
Coin Purse (34)
Coin Purse (16)
Imperial Sword of Scorching
Gold Ingot (6)
This clip (and the game it represents) remains the copyright property of Bethesda Zenimax Media All rights remain with Betesda Zenimax Media, for more information please visit: http://www.bethsoft.com/
To visit the Official "Skyrim" Website visit: http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim
I - the author of the YouTube channel '/CircularGaming' - accept that I own no rights or property to this video. The above text is constructed by myself (the author) and applies to the video shown on this page (http://youtu.be/8Gi6-2BkozY) only, and no other page.
- published: 15 Nov 2011
- views: 175088

Skyrim: The Midden Relic Puzzle + Treasure
The Midden Relic puzzle + treasure (Voice)
Took some time to find out, so please like the...
published: 20 Nov 2011
Skyrim: The Midden Relic Puzzle + Treasure
The Midden Relic puzzle + treasure (Voice)
Took some time to find out, so please like the video.
- published: 20 Nov 2011
- views: 73127

The Midden - Scottish Music from Glasgow
Ausschnitt eines Konzertes in der Wolfenbütteler Kommisse, veranstaltet vom Kulturverein B...
published: 20 May 2012
The Midden - Scottish Music from Glasgow
Ausschnitt eines Konzertes in der Wolfenbütteler Kommisse, veranstaltet vom Kulturverein Bluenote e.v.
- published: 20 May 2012
- views: 247

Skyrim Roleplay - Part 80 - The Midden
Yngvarr and Lydia go below the College, into The Midden, looking for Augur of Dunlain. But...
published: 25 Feb 2012
Skyrim Roleplay - Part 80 - The Midden
Yngvarr and Lydia go below the College, into The Midden, looking for Augur of Dunlain. But before they get down there, they have a fight in their hands at the courtyard. Yngvarr discovers the focal points he's been cleansing have filled his body with magicka, and he's able to cast endless stream of spells without exhausting himself. This comes useful, as there are more dangerous enemies down in The Midden.
Click 'Like' and 'Add to... Favorites' if you like this video. Helps me make more!
And tell me what you think in the comments below.
See the full show:
- - - -
Let's Play Skyrim [Roleplay] w/ Zemalf [HD] [1080p]
Slow-paced, "serious" roleplay with a Breton Mage (pure mage).
Difficulty: Master, permanent death (Dead is Dead, no reloading).
Playlist (all episodes): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD306A7CBFF7373EC
Playlist (only books): http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7DEB7DA0A18A9E34
Played, recorded and uploaded on PC, ultra graphics (+ additional tweaks via the ini-files, mods and NVidia control panel) and 1920x1080. All videos on the playlist are uploaded with high quality 1080p Full HD.
I'm using several graphical enhancements mods and HD textures that enhance the looks of the game while staying true to Bethesda's designs and Elder Scrolls lore and keeping the game playable as I'm recording in 1080p.
For List of Mods, Intro, Background and More, Check Out the Blog Post at http://zemalf.blogspot.com/2011/12/lets-role-play-skyrim.html
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is published and designed by Bethesda Softworks. It's available on PS3, Xbox 360, & PC 2011. http://www.elderscrolls.com/skyrim/
ESRB Warning: This title is rated "M" for Mature Audiences (PEGI 18)
- - - -
Gameplay and commentary by Zemalf
"Occasionally thoughtful, slow-paced let's play videos"
CHANNEL: http://www.youtube.com/thezemalf
WEB: http://zemalf.blogspot.com
LIVESTREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/zemalf
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/zemalfplays
TWITTER: http://twitter.com/Zemalf
- - - -
- published: 25 Feb 2012
- views: 2441

Animatiefilm 'Transitie van de Jeugdzorg Midden Brabant in beweging'
In Midden Brabant is er door de samenwerkende gemeenten en K2 Brabants Kenniscentrum Jeugd...
published: 15 Oct 2012
Animatiefilm 'Transitie van de Jeugdzorg Midden Brabant in beweging'
In Midden Brabant is er door de samenwerkende gemeenten en K2 Brabants Kenniscentrum Jeugd een animatiefilm gemaakt die u op heldere wijze informeert wat de transitie van de jeugdzorg inhoudt, welke ambitie deze gemeenten hebben ten aanzien van de nieuwe jeugdhulp en hoe zij aan de slag gaan. Meer informatie bij José Vianen, procesadviseur- en begeleider, 073 7501643 of jose.vianen@k2.nl.
- published: 15 Oct 2012
- views: 6213

Midden in de marine: deel 1 van 7
De documentaire MIDDEN IN DE MARINE laat het leven van zes jongens en meiden aan boord van...
published: 02 Mar 2011
Midden in de marine: deel 1 van 7
De documentaire MIDDEN IN DE MARINE laat het leven van zes jongens en meiden aan boord van een marineschip zien.
Aflevering 1: "Bij de Marine begint een reis met inslingeren, iedereen moet wennen aan het huishouden op zee. Maar er staat een avontuurlijke reis voor de boeg."
Decor is Hr. Ms. Tromp in de Golf van Aden, tijdens de 90 dagen durende deelname aan de anti-piraterij missie ATALANTA. De serie vertelt in zeven korte afleveringen over de individuele beleving van Jack, Nora, Andrew, Rieke, Kimberly en Brian. Op een openhartige manier komen avontuur, angst, samenwerking en het missen van achtergebleven familie aan bod. De documentaire biedt de mogelijkheid om de marine van dichtbij mee te maken.
Kijk voor meer informatie op http://www.middenindemarine.nl.
De documentaire is een productie van oud- Filmacademie studenten en is ondersteund door de Koninklijke Marine.
- published: 02 Mar 2011
- views: 40959

God is in ons midden - Sela - CD/DVD Live in Gouda
De CD/DVD Live in Gouda van Sela is met koor en strijkers live opgenomen in de Sint Janske...
published: 07 Sep 2012
God is in ons midden - Sela - CD/DVD Live in Gouda
De CD/DVD Live in Gouda van Sela is met koor en strijkers live opgenomen in de Sint Janskerk in Gouda. Sela schrijft nieuwe liederen voor de kerk van nu, God is in ons midden is een voorbeeld van zo'n lied.
Live in Gouda is verkrijgbaar via www.selamusic.nl
- published: 07 Sep 2012
- views: 12891

Midden in de Winternacht
Fragment uit de uitzending 'Het schitterende zand van Bethlehem' (zie hele uitzending hier...
published: 05 Dec 2012
Midden in de Winternacht
Fragment uit de uitzending 'Het schitterende zand van Bethlehem' (zie hele uitzending hier: http://www.uitzendinggemist.nl/afleveringen/1119387 )
- published: 05 Dec 2012
- views: 1437

Velehk Sain - Daedric Gauntlet Relic - Midden Dark - TES V: Skyrim HD
A little video detailing the Daedric Gauntlet Relic found in the Midden Dark and how to re...
published: 01 Dec 2011
Velehk Sain - Daedric Gauntlet Relic - Midden Dark - TES V: Skyrim HD
A little video detailing the Daedric Gauntlet Relic found in the Midden Dark and how to release the Dremora Velehk Sain and find his treasure. Also included: treasure location, dead goats, misc tomfoolery in 1080p
*Note - you receive better "stuff" if you release Velehk and find his treasure. You don't get much if you kill him and look his body. My opinion.
1. Go to NE corner of Midden Dark and find room with the Daedric Gauntlet Relic. Grab book and key from desk in room. Chill with dead goat.
2. Go to Arcanaeum. Enter, take left, find chest after third set of bookcases. Hide and steal the four rings from the chest.
3. Go back to Gauntlet room. Put rings on fingers - Pithiken's ring on little finger, Balwen's ring on ring finger, Treoy's ring on middle finger, and Katarina's ring on index finger.
4. Enjoy the dremora. If so inclined you should release him in exchange for his treasure map.
5. Find treasure on small island WSW of College. Skill book up by statue at top of hill.
- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 145637
Youtube results:

Augur of Dunlain Location & The Midden - TES V: Skyrim
I struggled to find this one myself. hopefully this can help someone out....
published: 07 Dec 2011
Augur of Dunlain Location & The Midden - TES V: Skyrim
I struggled to find this one myself. hopefully this can help someone out.
- published: 07 Dec 2011
- views: 20626

Meisje in het midden
Een videoclip op het liedje van Kinderen voor Kinderen. Studio Supersoof © 2011 | www.stud...
published: 01 Jul 2011
Meisje in het midden
Een videoclip op het liedje van Kinderen voor Kinderen. Studio Supersoof © 2011 | www.studioSupersoof.nl
- published: 01 Jul 2011
- views: 78817

Let's Play Skyrim pt 62- Creepy hand in the Midden and Atronachs!
We complete the two unmarked quests in the Midden!
Playlist for playthrough: http://www.y...
published: 08 Jan 2012
Let's Play Skyrim pt 62- Creepy hand in the Midden and Atronachs!
We complete the two unmarked quests in the Midden!
Playlist for playthrough: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5F41666ECA82C251
- published: 08 Jan 2012
- views: 9132