Congressional Budget Office defends the stimulus
June 7, 2012 - Douglas Elmendorf, the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, fields ...
published: 07 Jun 2012
author: jecarter4
Congressional Budget Office defends the stimulus
June 7, 2012 - Douglas Elmendorf, the Director of the Congressional Budget Office, fields questions about the stimulus from Congressman Bill Flores (R-TX) during a meeting of the House Budget Committee. There seems to be a disagreement on the facts.
published: 07 Jun 2012
views: 73
CBO: Non-partisan number crunchers
The facts can be hard to come by in Washington, which is why many politicians turn to the ...
published: 30 Jul 2011
author: CBS
CBO: Non-partisan number crunchers
The facts can be hard to come by in Washington, which is why many politicians turn to the non-partisan, number crunchers of the Congressional Budget Office. Whit Johnson reports on the CBO - DC's truth squad.
published: 30 Jul 2011
author: CBS
views: 297
Con Job - GOP Budget Exposed By CBO
MSNBC host Cenk Uygur on a CBO analysis showing that Republican Congressman Paul Ryan's pl...
published: 08 Apr 2011
author: TheYoungTurks
Con Job - GOP Budget Exposed By CBO
MSNBC host Cenk Uygur on a CBO analysis showing that Republican Congressman Paul Ryan's plan to cut 4 trillion dollars from the federal budget would actually increase the deficit.
published: 08 Apr 2011
author: TheYoungTurks
views: 24131
NewsBusted 9/28/12
TOPICS: --Congressional Budget Office --Obamacare --President Obama --Muslim Botherhood --...
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: newsbusted
NewsBusted 9/28/12
TOPICS: --Congressional Budget Office --Obamacare --President Obama --Muslim Botherhood --Obama Flag --Rupert Everett --Facebook --Applebee's Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your email? Visit newsbusters.org to sign up for free!Starring: Jodi Miller Production: Dialog New Media Feeling generous? Text 'NewsBusters' to 85944 to make a $10 contribution to keep 'Busted going strong. NewsBusted is a comedy webcast about the news of the day, uploaded every Tuesday and every Friday. If you like the show, be sure to tell your friends and family! Feel free to post your comments on this video, we love them. We also love seeing how many people won't read this disclaimer and realize the laughtrack is a joke itself. Think you're funny? Send your (short) jokes to newsbusted at dialognewmedia.com. If we use them, we'll pay you USD $50 for each one.
published: 28 Sep 2012
author: newsbusted
views: 78002
CBO: President's "Stimulus" Hurts Long-Term Economic Growth
WASHINGTON, November 15--In a Budget Committee hearing today, Congressional Budget Office ...
published: 15 Nov 2011
author: BudgetGOP
CBO: President's "Stimulus" Hurts Long-Term Economic Growth
WASHINGTON, November 15--In a Budget Committee hearing today, Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Elmendorf admitted that his agency's long-term projections about President Obama's first stimulus bill show a negative long-term effect on economic growth. As a centerpiece of his current economic agenda, the president is proposing a new, half-trillion dollar stimulus bill.
published: 15 Nov 2011
author: BudgetGOP
views: 5285
CBO: President's Speech Not A Serious Budget Plan
To learn more: budget.house.gov On February 15, the President submitted his Fiscal Year 20...
published: 23 Jun 2011
author: HouseBudgetCommittee
CBO: President's Speech Not A Serious Budget Plan
To learn more: budget.house.gov On February 15, the President submitted his Fiscal Year 2012 budget. The disappointing proposal was roundly rejected across the political spectrum for its lack of seriousness given the fiscal and economic challenges before us. On March 18, the CBO offered a preliminary analysis of the President's budget, noting that under the President's budget: - Federal spending never falls below 23 percent of GDP -- Washington will spend over $46 trillion over the next decade; - Cumulative deficits are $2.3 trillion higher than OMB estimated; - The debt increases by $1.8 trillion more than OMB estimate, nearly tripling the debt at the end of the budget window. On April 13, the President gave a speech in which he offered his opinion on The Path to Prosperity -- a budget that brought an unprecedented level of seriousness to Washington's budget debate. The President and spoke generally of deficit reduction proposals that his administration has sold as a new budget plan. But the President has not submitted a new budget to Congress. The President's initial budget proposal remains his budget plan for the United States. While many have falsely framed his April 13 speech as a new budget plan, Congress has not received from the Office of Management and Budget any of the proposals mentioned in the speech. All that the Obama Administration has produced is a list of talking points issued by the White House Press Office. As CBO Director Doug Elmendorf confirmed today ...
published: 23 Jun 2011
author: HouseBudgetCommittee
views: 30873
CBO Director: Debt Poses Great Risk If Left Unaddressed
WASHINGTON, February 3--At a Budget Committee Hearing yesterday, Congressional Budget Offi...
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: BudgetGOP
CBO Director: Debt Poses Great Risk If Left Unaddressed
WASHINGTON, February 3--At a Budget Committee Hearing yesterday, Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf agreed with Sen. Sessions that high and unsustainable debt in the US is hurting economic growth right now. Elmendorf stated: "We think that the deleveraging process is holding consumer spending now, and that is part of why the recovery is proceeding slowly. How long it will go on for is very difficult for us to know."
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: BudgetGOP
views: 306
Top 1% Doubled Income In Last 30 Years - CBO Report
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office reports that over the last 30 years the top o...
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: TheYoungTurks
Top 1% Doubled Income In Last 30 Years - CBO Report
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office reports that over the last 30 years the top one percent of Americans more than doubled their share of the income. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down. www.nytimes.com The Young Turks on Current TV: current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Support TYT for FREE: bit.ly
published: 27 Oct 2011
author: TheYoungTurks
views: 19688
CBO Confirms Health Care Law Destroys Jobs
800000 jobs!...
published: 10 Feb 2011
author: HouseBudgetCommittee
CBO Confirms Health Care Law Destroys Jobs
CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf on Medicare Advantage
CBO Chief Douglas Elmendorf on Medicare Advantage...
published: 23 Sep 2009
author: hypocrisywatch09
CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf on Medicare Advantage
CBO Chief Douglas Elmendorf on Medicare Advantage
published: 23 Sep 2009
author: hypocrisywatch09
views: 5227
'Ultra-rich rule Western nations'
A new study shows that current plans aimed at reducing the budget deficit in the United St...
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: PressTVGlobalNews
'Ultra-rich rule Western nations'
A new study shows that current plans aimed at reducing the budget deficit in the United States will cause recession and increase unemployment. The study conducted by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said on Wednesday that the political deal on the budget deficit last year will cause the economy to shrink by 0.5 percent in 2013. Press TV talks with Arun Gupta, editor of The Indypendent, regarding the issue.
published: 23 Aug 2012
author: PressTVGlobalNews
views: 1221
Full Show - 1/27/11. CBO Deficit Forecast, Healthcare, Koch Conference
The Congressional Budget Office says the US deficit will reach a record $1.5 trillion doll...
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: TheBigPictureRT
Full Show - 1/27/11. CBO Deficit Forecast, Healthcare, Koch Conference
The Congressional Budget Office says the US deficit will reach a record $1.5 trillion dollars this year. Thom talks about the two opposing taxation and spending philosophies on Capitol Hill. Then, a Vietnam Veteran was dropped from his health insurance after underpaying his bill by 2 cents. Thom talks to Wendell Potter, Jeff Santos, and Sam Seder about the need for further reform in our healthcare system. Also, do Supreme Court justices and right-wing fundraisers mix? A new report suggests the answer is indeed yes. Thom talks to Lee Fang and John Sellers about this.
published: 28 Jan 2011
author: TheBigPictureRT
views: 1467
Obamacare's Broken Promises: Do New Budget Numbers Show True Cost of Health Care Legislation?
The Congressional Budget Office released new numbers this week showing that Obamacare will...
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: Pajamasmedia
Obamacare's Broken Promises: Do New Budget Numbers Show True Cost of Health Care Legislation?
The Congressional Budget Office released new numbers this week showing that Obamacare will cost twice as much as originally thought and that 20 million Americans could lose their insurance. Are we just now seeing the true costs of this horrible piece of legislation? Allen Barton and the Front Page regulars discuss. See more at www.pjtv.com
published: 17 Mar 2012
author: Pajamasmedia
views: 2194
CBO: Recession in 2013 If No Action by Congress
The US economy will slide into recession in 2013 if Congress fails to act to maintain curr...
published: 22 Aug 2012
author: WSJDigitalNetwork
CBO: Recession in 2013 If No Action by Congress
The US economy will slide into recession in 2013 if Congress fails to act to maintain current tax rates and avert deep cuts to federal spending, the Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday. Nell Henderson has details on Lunch Break.
published: 22 Aug 2012
author: WSJDigitalNetwork
views: 877
Youtube results:
Capital Account TV Exclusive Interview of CBO Mortgage Fraud Whistleblower!
Follow us @ twitter.com twitter.com Welcome to Capital Account. On today's show, we have a...
published: 30 May 2012
author: CapitalAccount
Capital Account TV Exclusive Interview of CBO Mortgage Fraud Whistleblower!
Follow us @ twitter.com twitter.com Welcome to Capital Account. On today's show, we have a story you may have not heard before, from a person that you have definitely not heard from before. It's a story about America's financial crisis, its mortgage crisis, and the foreclosure fraud that enveloped the United States during the past decade. That person is Lan T. Pham, the famous CBO whistleblower who was fired from her job for telling the truth about systemic fraud and corruption in America's mortgage market and financial system. In the past century, real estate law and transactions related to real estate and mortgage financing in the US have been subject to state regulations, with mortgage documents recorded at the county level. This worked relatively well in the traditional mortgage market that we had for most of America's history; the bank that issues the mortgages keeps the loan on its books until maturity. However, this made difficult, if not impossible, the type of financial engineering of mortgages that we saw during the securitization and refinancing credit boom of the past decade. This refers, of course, to the slicing and dicing, the repackaging and selling of homes into mortgage backed securities (MBS) and collateralized debt obligations (CDO'S) that underpinned the credit bubble of the 2000's that end with the financial crisis of 2008. The reason why traditional mortgage practices made securitization difficult is, in part, because every time a financial product ...
published: 30 May 2012
author: CapitalAccount
views: 14501
3 Reasons Conservatives Should Cut Defense Spending Now!
The Congressional Budget Office projects that if we keep spending the way we have been, fe...
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: ReasonTV
3 Reasons Conservatives Should Cut Defense Spending Now!
The Congressional Budget Office projects that if we keep spending the way we have been, federal debt held by the public will grow from around 60 percent of GDP to a whopping 82 percent of GDP over the next decade, with no end in sight. That's the sort of borrowing that can ruin a country's economy. Conservative Republicans are happy to talk about cutting spending on the poor, education, and cowboy poetry readings, but they insist that spending on defense and homeland security be increased. Given that spending on defense and homeland security accounts for a whopping 20 percent of the government's budget, that's a non-starter. As with every other legitimate function of government, we need to squeeze spending down to the lowest level possible that still gets the job done. Here are three reasons conservatives -- and all other red-blooded Americans -- should cut defense spending now. 1. War is Over! Didn't we just win -- or at least end -- the war in Iraq? And aren't we winding down in Afghanistan? After World War II, Vietnam, and the end of the Cold War, military spending got cut, as it should have been. More to the point, spending on the military and homeland security grew by 90 percent in inflation-adjusted dollars since 2000. If al Qaeda and most international terrorists groups have been largely vanquished, we should not just be bringing the troops home, but dollars too. Unless, that is, conservatives want to seriously argue that nearly doubling outlays for the past decade ...
published: 10 Jan 2012
author: ReasonTV
views: 14112
Congressional Budget Office leaks Healthcare bill Catastrophe
Congressional Budget Office leaks Healthcare bill Catastrophe...
published: 20 Mar 2010
author: christysgoodlife
Congressional Budget Office leaks Healthcare bill Catastrophe
Congressional Budget Office leaks Healthcare bill Catastrophe
published: 20 Mar 2010
author: christysgoodlife
views: 387
300 Horsepower Rocket: Audi's 2013 S3 - Autoline Daily 976
A new study says batteries in the Nissan LEAF degrade faster in hot climates. The Congress...
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: AutolineDetroit
300 Horsepower Rocket: Audi's 2013 S3 - Autoline Daily 976
A new study says batteries in the Nissan LEAF degrade faster in hot climates. The Congressional Budget Office says that federal subsidies for manufacturing and purchasing EVs will cost taxpayers around $7.5 billion through 2019. Audi revealed the 2013 S3 which gets a walloping 300 horsepower from a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine. All that and more, plus a preview of Autoline This Week about whether using ethanol in gasoline hurts our food supply.
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: AutolineDetroit
views: 1155