
Beginner Investing : What Is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a company stock index made up of 30 American companies...
published: 09 Feb 2009
Beginner Investing : What Is the Dow Jones Industrial Average?
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a company stock index made up of 30 American companies that have been around for a long time. Discover how the Dow Jones is used as a snapshot reference of the market on any given day withhelp from a registered financial consultant in this free video on investments and personal finance. Expert: Patrick Munro Contact: www.northstarnavigator.com Bio: Patrick Munro is a registered financial consultant (RFC) with outstanding sales volume of progressive financial products and solutions to the senior and boomer marketplace. Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC
published: 09 Feb 2009

Stock Market History Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
www.stockmarketfunding.com "Stock Market HistoryDow Jones Industrial Average Index&qu...;
published: 28 Feb 2010
Stock Market History Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
www.stockmarketfunding.com "Stock Market HistoryDow Jones Industrial Average Index" "Stock Market History" "Dow Jones Industrial Average Index" "Dow Jones History" "History Dow Jones" "Dow Jones Market Commentary" Stock Market History Dow Jones Industrial Average Index 10 Year Bear Market History djia, dow jones history, djia chart, djia historical, dow jones average history The Dow Jones Industrial Average, also referred to as the Industrial Average, the Dow Jones, the Dow 30, or simply the Dow, is one of several stock market indices created by Wall Street Journal editor and Dow Jones & Company co-founder Charles Dow. The average is named after Dow and one of his business associates, statistician Edward Jones. It is an index that shows how 30 large, publicly-owned companies based in the United States have traded during a standard trading session in the stock market.[1] It is the second oldest US market index after the Dow Jones Transportation Average, which Dow also created. The Industrial portion of the name is largely historical, as many of the modern 30 components have little or nothing to do with traditional heavy industry. The average is price-weighted, and to compensate for the effects of stock splits and other adjustments, it is currently a scaled average. Tags "Stock Market History Dow Jones Industrial Average Index" "Stock Market History" "Dow Jones Industrial Average Index" "Dow Jones History" "History Dow Jones" "Dow Jones Market Commentary"
published: 28 Feb 2010
author: StockMarketFunding

Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) Stock Market Astrology Forecast 2013-2018 - Market Prediction
2012 2013 Dow Jones Index (^DJI) Prediction Stock Market Index Forecast www.trineaspect.co...
published: 05 Aug 2012
Dow Jones Industrial Average (^DJI) Stock Market Astrology Forecast 2013-2018 - Market Prediction
2012 2013 Dow Jones Index (^DJI) Prediction Stock Market Index Forecast www.trineaspect.com 2013 Stock Market Forecast, 2014 Stock Market Prediction, 2015 Market Astrology Forecast, 2016 Astrology Market Prediction, 2017 Dow Jones Composite Average Market Fall, 2018 s&p standard & poor's 500 market rise. Nasdaq, ^ixic, QE3, QE Burst, QE bubble.
published: 05 Aug 2012
author: Trine Aspect

Dow Jones Industrial Average 4-year High
www.StockMarketFunding.com Dow Jones Industrial Average 4-year High Technical Analysis 201...
published: 04 Feb 2012
Dow Jones Industrial Average 4-year High
www.StockMarketFunding.com Dow Jones Industrial Average 4-year High Technical Analysis 2012 Bull vs Bear Trends. In this live "stock index" video on the Dow Jones we'll cover the 2012 market rally current support and resistance levels. The broad-based gains on solid trading volume also sent...
published: 04 Feb 2012
author: StockMarketFunding

Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Biggest Correction Since 2002
www.StockMarketFunding.com Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Biggest Correction Since 200...
published: 11 Jun 2011
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Biggest Correction Since 2002
www.StockMarketFunding.com Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Biggest Correction Since 2002. The Dow Jones industrial average fell below 12000 for the first time since March and the Nasdaq gave back all of this year's gains in late morning trading Friday. Growing concerns about the global...
published: 11 Jun 2011
author: StockMarketFunding

Thanksgiving Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Weekly Analysis
www.StockMarketFunding.com Thanksgiving Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Weekly Technica...
published: 24 Nov 2011
Thanksgiving Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Weekly Analysis
www.StockMarketFunding.com Thanksgiving Dow Jones Industrial Average Index Weekly Technical Analysis 2011 Special Video. Happy Thanksgiving! The Dow Jones dropped -236 points Wednesday to close at 11258. Wall Street falls for the six trading day as stocks suffered another large distribution...
published: 24 Nov 2011
author: StockMarketFunding

Stock Market Trends 2012 Dow Jones Technical Analysis S&P; 500
www.StockMarketFunding.com Stock Market Trends 2012 Dow Jones Technical Analysis S&P 5...
published: 28 Apr 2012
Stock Market Trends 2012 Dow Jones Technical Analysis S&P; 500
www.StockMarketFunding.com Stock Market Trends 2012 Dow Jones Technical Analysis S&P 500. Stock market technical analysis trading education video on recent moves in "us stocks". Learn to trade equity trends and understand the recent "economic trends" in worldwide financial markets. The Dow...
published: 28 Apr 2012
author: StockMarketFunding

Dow Jones 30 Technical Analysis for October 19, 2012 by FXEmpire.com
www.fxempire.com - October 19, 2012 index daily technical analysis for the Dow Jones 30 IN...
published: 19 Oct 2012
Dow Jones 30 Technical Analysis for October 19, 2012 by FXEmpire.com
www.fxempire.com - October 19, 2012 index daily technical analysis for the Dow Jones 30 INDEX. Find more information about Forex and Commodities News (www.fxempire.com Technical Analysis (www.fxempire.com Fundamental Analysis (www.fxempire.com and Brokers (www.fxempire.com on FX Empire (www.fxempire.com
published: 19 Oct 2012
author: FXEmpirecom

Dow Jones Industrial Average - Wiki Article
The Dow Jones Industrial Average , also called the Industrial Average, the Dow Jones, the ...
published: 20 Oct 2012
Dow Jones Industrial Average - Wiki Article
The Dow Jones Industrial Average , also called the Industrial Average, the Dow Jones, the Dow 30, or simply the Dow, is a stock market index, and one of several indices created by Wall Street Journal... Dow Jones Industrial Average - Wiki Article - wikiplays.org Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: en.wikipedia.org Author: * Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:Creative Commons ASA 3.0, Creative Commons License Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported This work is in the public domain in the United States. Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org Licensed under:This image is ineligible for copyright and therefore is in the public domain, because it consists entirely of information that is common property and contains no original authorship., This work is in the Public Domain., This work is in the public domain in the United States. ...
published: 20 Oct 2012
author: WikiPlays

Dow Jones Industrial Average vs Austerity Measures Greece & Italy
www.StockMarketFunding.com Dow Jones Industrial Average vs Austerity Measures Greece &...
published: 19 Nov 2011
Dow Jones Industrial Average vs Austerity Measures Greece & Italy
www.StockMarketFunding.com Dow Jones Industrial Average vs Austerity Measures Greece & Italy. Greece submits austerity budget, but political differences surface in coalition. Greece's new government took a first step on Friday towards meeting terms of an international bailout needed to avoid bankruptcy, submitting a budget bill that foresees no new austerity measures next year as long as reforms are enacted. The draft predicted the Mediterranean state would face a fifth year of recession but said a plan to convince private creditors to take a 50% loss on bond holdings could cut the fiscal deficit by more than a third. Economists said years of swingeing tax hikes, public salary and pension cuts and other belt-tightening measures could send the economy deeper into contraction and the draft spending plan's forecasts are probably too optimistic. The budget draft forecasts the 220-billion-Euro economy to shrink 2.8% in 2012, versus 5.5% this year. But analysts point to a rift between parties in technocrat Prime Minister Lucas Papademos's unity coalition caused by jockeying for position by the conservative New Democracy party ahead of an election slated for Feb. 19. Papademos must win pledges from the rival parties that they will do what it takes to meet bailout terms or Greece's lenders will withhold an 8-billion-Euro aid tranche Athens needs to dodge default next month, plus longer-term financing later. As part of that process, representatives from the "troika" of the <b>...</b>
published: 19 Nov 2011
author: StockMarketFunding

Mixed Market Messages: Will Good Stock Market News Translate into More Jobs?
The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly broke 13000. Good news? Maybe not. With vexing un...
published: 24 Feb 2012
Mixed Market Messages: Will Good Stock Market News Translate into More Jobs?
The Dow Jones Industrial Average briefly broke 13000. Good news? Maybe not. With vexing unemployment numbers, and surging oil and gas prices, could worse economic days lie ahead? Find out as Allen Barton, Terry Jones and Tim Cavanaugh bring you the good and bad news about the latest market and economic news. See more at www.pjtv.com
published: 24 Feb 2012
author: Pajamasmedia

Dow and S&P500; Have Worst Stretch in Years
The Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor's 500 index have finished...
published: 03 Jun 2011
Dow and S&P500; Have Worst Stretch in Years
The Dow Jones industrial average and the Standard & Poor's 500 index have finished their fifth straight week of losses. For the Dow, it's the longest losing stretch since July 2004. the S&P hasn't had it this bad since mid-2008. (June 3)
published: 03 Jun 2011
author: AssociatedPress

Stock Index Technical Analysis Dow Jones S&P; 500 Nasdaq 100
www.StockMarketFunding.com Stock Index Technical Analysis Dow Jones S&P 500 Nasdaq 100...
published: 14 May 2012
Stock Index Technical Analysis Dow Jones S&P; 500 Nasdaq 100
www.StockMarketFunding.com Stock Index Technical Analysis Dow Jones S&P 500 Nasdaq 100. We'll cover all the live stock trading action and how to take advantage of wholesale pricing in the equity and options market. Stock exchange support and resistance video for "trading room" stock traders...
published: 14 May 2012
author: StockMarketFunding

Dow Jones Industrial Average Down Over 400 Points on Italy Debt Crisis
www.StockMarketFunding.com Dow Jones Industrial Average Down Over 400 Points on Italy Debt...
published: 09 Nov 2011
Dow Jones Industrial Average Down Over 400 Points on Italy Debt Crisis
www.StockMarketFunding.com Dow Jones Industrial Average Down Over 400 Points on Italy Debt Crisis. The "italy debt crisis" continues as we saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index fall over 400 points intraday before snapping back and pairing some of the losses. Watch this live analysis and market trading video on the "Dow Jones" Yields on Italian 10-year debt jumped to 7.4%, a record for the euro era and a level at which other EU members, notably Ireland, Portugal and Greece have required bailouts. Please like, share, subscribe & comment! Google +1 http Video RSS Feed feeds.feedburner.com Free Trial Signup onlinetradinginvesting.eventbrite.com Trading Community (Free to Join) http Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Tags "dow jones" stocks market markets "italy debt crisis" news business economy "Dow Jones Industrial Average" Analysis Finance Italy Stock Trading Forex Technical Gold Dollar Investment Financial Bloomberg Futures Options Euro Bank Economic Government System "Stock Market" Education Charts Nasdaq Index
published: 09 Nov 2011
author: StockMarketFunding
Vimeo results:

"History of the Dow Jones Industrial Average" by Jin Haeng
published: 15 Feb 2011
Author: Ross School
"History of the Dow Jones Industrial Average" by Jin Haeng

Listening to the Dow
This is noise made from the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing prices and volumes starti...
published: 19 May 2011
Author: Justin Joque
Listening to the Dow
This is noise made from the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing prices and volumes starting in the late 1920s through 2011.

How credit agencies work
On Aug. 5, America’s credit rating was cut from AAA to a AA+ by the ratings agency Standar...
published: 08 Aug 2011
Author: Marketplace
How credit agencies work
On Aug. 5, America’s credit rating was cut from AAA to a AA+ by the ratings agency Standard & Poor’s. The following Monday, the Dow Jones Industrials Average fell more than five percent. That’s got people wondering exactly what a ratings agency is, and why it’s so powerful. Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch explains.

Dow Jones Breaks 13,000
(Image Source: The Wall Street Journal)
After weeks of flirting with...
published: 21 Feb 2012
Author: NewsyVideos
Dow Jones Breaks 13,000
(Image Source: The Wall Street Journal)
After weeks of flirting with 13,000 points, the Dow Jones Industrial Average kissed the coveted mark early in the trading day Tuesday before falling back slightly. CNN explains why 13,000 is such a psychologically significant number.
“Some people look at the Dow for confidence as far as how good the economy is doing...the Dow has come a long way from where it’s been. It’s really made up a lot of ground.”
The Dow hasn’t touched 13,000 points since right before the 2008 financial crisis. With all the talk surrounding the indices’ potential to reach the benchmark, what finally pushed it over the edge? The Economic Times reports, it had to do with conflict across the Atlantic.
“U.S. stocks got help from a long-awaited bailout deal for Greece, aimed at preventing a potentially catastrophic default, and from strong corporate earnings reports at home.”
Strong corporate earnings are only the half of it.
The New York Times reports, a number of factors are providing momentum for the market.
“Economic data has been on a positive trend … the jobs market ... showed a gain of 243,000 jobs in January, and the lowest unemployment rate since early 2009. In addition, corporate balance sheets are flush with cash and interest rates are low, with the prospect of such rates continuing to remain that way through 2014 ... fuelling hopes that the housing market would benefit.”
While many are celebrating the Dow’s surge to 13,000, one trader says the gain isn’t worth the hype.
Those on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange put more weight on the Standard and Poor’s 500 index. Still, he admits the Dow’s climb will boost confidence for another segment of the population.
“It’s significant for the public outside this building. It’s a headline that’ll draw people back into the equity markets that have had their money parked in the bond funds saying, ‘look what’s going on, it’s real.’”
While it might not be enough to make investors toss confetti, one trader says the historic mark does prove one thing.
“At the very least anybody who said that QE 1 and QE2 didn’t work, we’re at 13,000 on the Dow. You print enough money, you’ll get stock prices and asset prices right back toward the highs.”
Now the question is, will it last? An analyst on Fox Business speculates.
“Right now, we think we’re in an upward trend so I’d be buying at this point. When you look at it, we think we’re in a cyclical bull market inside a continuing bear market, so I would not suggest this is something you hold for a couple of years.”
The Street notes the Dow still has a long way to go before breaking its all time high of 14,164 points.
Youtube results:

S&P; 500 Nasdaq Dow Jones - Markets End Worst Week of 2012 Market Commentary Video
www.StockMarketFunding.com S&P 500 Nasdaq Dow Jones - Markets End Worst Week of 2012 M...
published: 04 May 2012
S&P; 500 Nasdaq Dow Jones - Markets End Worst Week of 2012 Market Commentary Video
www.StockMarketFunding.com S&P 500 Nasdaq Dow Jones - Markets End Worst Week of 2012 Market Commentary Video - Markets End Worst Week of 2012 "Commentary S&P 500 Nasdaq Dow Jones" Stock Market Index Commentary S&P 500 Nasdaq Dow Jones Jops Report Disappoints. April brought more of the same....
published: 04 May 2012
author: StockMarketFunding

Stock Market Crash Prediction - Fall 4000 Points In 2012? - Joseph Granville
Dow Jones Industrial To Fall 4000 Points In 2012? - Joseph Granville Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) -...
published: 25 Jan 2012
Stock Market Crash Prediction - Fall 4000 Points In 2012? - Joseph Granville
Dow Jones Industrial To Fall 4000 Points In 2012? - Joseph Granville Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Joseph Granville, a technical analyst who has been publishing the Granville Market Letter from Kansas City, Missouri, for more than 40 years, talks about the outlook for the US stock market. He speaks with Adam Johnson on Bloomberg Television's "Street Smart." (Source: Bloomberg) Tuesday, January 24, 2012 Joe Granville Predicts Another Earthquake: "Dow Jones INDU to 8000" Earlier this morning I was told that our most popular post on Monday was "Long-time bear joins bulls: Controversial Joe Granville says Dow could rise 800 points"* from August 2008. Joe was wrong on that one. Here's his latest via BusinessWeek, Jan. 23, 2012: Granville Says Dow Industrial May Drop Toward 8000 in 2012 Joseph Granville, whose "sell everything" call in 1981 sparked a decline in US stocks, said the Dow Jones Industrial Average will drop toward 8000 this year because of waning momentum and volume. "Volume precedes prices," Granville, 88, a technical analyst who has been publishing the Granville Market Letter from Kansas City, Missouri for about 50 years, said in an interview on "Street Smart" on Bloomberg Television. "You are seeing much lower volume. That tells you that prices are going to go much lower, much lower than most people think possible and very few people have projected." The Dow average has gained 4 percent this year to 12708.82 at 4 pm in New York. The Standard & Poor's 500 Index has <b>...</b>
published: 25 Jan 2012
author: SurvivalWithBushcraf

Stock Index Market Commentary Update European Debt Crisis S&P; 500 Dow Jones Nasdaq
www.StockMarketFunding.com Stock Index Market Commentary Update European Debt Crisis S&...;
published: 08 Dec 2011
Stock Index Market Commentary Update European Debt Crisis S&P; 500 Dow Jones Nasdaq
www.StockMarketFunding.com Stock Index Market Commentary Update European Debt Crisis S&P 500 Dow Jones Nasdaq. (Sorry for the static) Markets Sell Off VIX Spikes, European Debt Crisis Headlines Hit (VIDEO) European Central Bank cuts key rate, says it has no existing plan to step up bond...
published: 08 Dec 2011
author: StockMarketFunding

Dow Jones Industrial Average 2011 Correction Weekly Analysis
www.StockMarketFunding.com Dow Jones Industrial Average 2011 Correction Weekly Technical A...
published: 13 May 2011
Dow Jones Industrial Average 2011 Correction Weekly Analysis
www.StockMarketFunding.com Dow Jones Industrial Average 2011 Correction Weekly Technical Analysis & Market Commentary for May 2011. Live stock market training and education on "Dow Jones Industrial Average 2011" trend and how to trade it based on weekly technical analysis. US stocks drop;...
published: 13 May 2011
author: StockMarketFunding