
The Isha Prayer
A detailed video of how the Isha prayer is performed. Please contact IISNA @ www.iisna.com...
published: 10 Jan 2008
Author: UiKViDs
The Isha Prayer
A detailed video of how the Isha prayer is performed. Please contact IISNA @ www.iisna.com for more information on Islam. Please click here to download the Fully Interactive DVD - www.islamictorrents.net

Isha Foundation - Inner Engineering Video
"As we have physical science to create external well-being there is a whole inner dim...
published: 08 Feb 2008
Author: mndheenathayalan
Isha Foundation - Inner Engineering Video
"As we have physical science to create external well-being there is a whole inner dimension of science to create inner well being. I call it Inner Engineering." - SADHGURU Inner Engineering - the peak of wellbeing Inner Engineering is offered as an intensive program for personal growth. The program and its environment establish the possibility to explore the higher dimensions of life and offers tools to re-engineer one's self through the inner science of yoga. Once given the tools to rejuvenate, people can optimize all aspects of health, inner growth and success. For those seeking professional and personal excellence, this program offers keys for meaningful and fulfilling relationships at work, home, community, and most importantly, within one's self. Inner Engineering can be thought of as a synthesis of holistic sciences to help participants establish an inner foundation and vision for all dimensions of life and find the necessary balance between the challenges of a hectic career and the inner longing for peace and well being. The approach is a modern antidote to stress, and presents simple but powerful processes from yogic science to purify the system and increase health and inner well being. Program components include guided meditations and transmission of the sacred Shambhavi Maha Mudra. When practiced on a regular basis, these tools have the potential to enhance one's experience of life on many levels. Health * Optimize health and vitality * Reduce stress * Promote <b>...</b>

Spiritual music - Sounds of Isha - 'The Seed'
'The Seed' Album: Sounds of Isha www.ishafoundation.org...
published: 26 Jul 2008
Author: PRyde16
Spiritual music - Sounds of Isha - 'The Seed'
'The Seed' Album: Sounds of Isha www.ishafoundation.org

isha life
Isha Foundation, founded by Sadhguru in 1992, is a volunteer-run, international nonprofit ...
published: 11 Mar 2010
Author: TheIshalife
isha life
Isha Foundation, founded by Sadhguru in 1992, is a volunteer-run, international nonprofit organization dedicated to cultivating human potential. The Foundation is a human service organization that recognizes the possibility of each person to empower another - restoring global community through inspiration and individual transformation. Isha Foundation is operated by over 250000 volunteers from more than 150 city-based centers spread worldwide. The Foundation is headquartered at Isha Yoga Center, set in the lush rainforest at the base of the Velliangiri Mountains in southern India, and at the Isha Institute of Inner Sciences on the spectacular Cumberland Plateau in middle Tennessee, USA. At the core of the Foundation's activities is a customized system of yoga called Isha Yoga. Isha Yoga distills powerful, ancient yogic methods for a modern person, creating peak physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. This basis of total wellbeing accelerates inner growth, allowing each individual to tap the wealth of vibrant life within oneself. Sadhguru's introductory program, Inner Engineering, introduces Shambhavi Maha Mudra - a simple but powerful kriya (inner energy process) for deep inner transformation. Isha Foundation also implements several large-scale human service projects to support individual growth, revitalize the human spirit, rebuild communities, and restore the environment. The Sacred land of India has been witness to the lives of countless siddhas ¹, seers, saints <b>...</b>

Isha Judd: embracing your greatness
Brought to you by www.whywalkwhenyoucanfly.com With a presence and wisdom that provoke pro...
published: 11 Jan 2008
Author: ishasystem
Isha Judd: embracing your greatness
Brought to you by www.whywalkwhenyoucanfly.com With a presence and wisdom that provoke profound understanding, and a charisma and freshness that present her vision in an inspiring and accessible context, Isha's words reach beyond all boundaries to touch the chords that resonate at the core of humanity. Urging all to take responsibility for the changes they wish to see in today's society, she constantly reminds us of the only place where true change can take place: within ourselves. "The only way to experience world peace is to elevate consciousness. Until everyone realizes that we are all one, the violence will continue. Until everyone realizes that there is no scarcity, that there is nothing to protect - no fanaticism, no religion, or belief systems - until everyone realizes that they are not their ideas, and that ultimately we are all unconditional love, this cycle will continue, eternally. It might appear a little more civilized, it might be better masked, but until we heal the separation we experience within ourselves, we will continue to witness destruction and conflict, in a society based in fear. I am working towards global change, through elevating the consciousness of humanity. I understand their anguish, because I went through the same experiences, the same suffering, yet once that suffering is no longer within you, you perceive their pain with a new clarity: you can see that it is an illusion, that it is something that can be healed and replaced with love, joy <b>...</b>

Isha Foundation - Mt. Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2007
www.ishafoundation.org I have been to many truly sacred places, I have been to many truly ...
published: 14 Jun 2008
Author: mndheenathayalan
Isha Foundation - Mt. Kailash Manasarovar Yatra 2007
www.ishafoundation.org I have been to many truly sacred places, I have been to many truly powerful places. I have seen many powerful beings, when I bow down to them I am genuine, but I bow down to them a little less than I would bow down to my Guru, always. Now when I bow down to Kailash I bow down to it the same way that I would bow down to my Guru. Never before have I done that in my whole life. - Sadhguru To see the grandeur of a mountain one must keep one's distance; to understand its form one must move around it; to experience its moods one must see it at sunrise and at sunset. But to truly know it, one must journey the mountain with a Master, an Enlightened Being. Regarded as the spiritual centre of the universe, Mt. Kailash is revered by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Bonpos alike. For Hindus it is on top of this wondrous peak that Lord Shiva resides in an eternal state of meditation, creating the sustaining force that holds the universe together. Tibetans have aptly named this mighty rock as 'The Precious Jewel of The Snow". It is here that the great Tibetan mystic, saint, and poet Milerapa wrote a hundred thousand poems on Buddhism. For Jains, Mt. Kailash is the site where their first prophet achieved enlightenment. For the ancient religion of Bon, it is where their founder descended from the heavens. Legend according to Tibetan tradition has it, that whenever a certain number of realized beings gather in this location, Gautama Buddha physically manifests himself <b>...</b>

Isha Hata Yoga Teacher Training Program
We are excited to announce the Isha Hata Yoga Teacher Training program beginning on July 3...
published: 23 Apr 2012
Author: ishafoundation
Isha Hata Yoga Teacher Training Program
We are excited to announce the Isha Hata Yoga Teacher Training program beginning on July 3rd, 2012. The 21-week program, devised by Sadhguru, to be held at the Isha Yoga Center is a wonderful opportunity for one to receive training in classical Hata Yoga. Open to meditators and non-meditators, it is an unparalleled possibility to experience and acquire a complete understanding of the yogic system and also transmit it to others. Upon completion of training, students will be qualified to establish their own studio or teach private Hata yoga lessons. For more information, please contact +91 8008602626 (India) or ishahatayoga.india@gmail.com Information Packets and Application Forms available at: www.ishayoga.org

Isha Sharvani
Sinuous, supple, she leaps, she bends, she contorts, she slithers, she flies. A sizzling b...
published: 12 Jul 2011
Author: dsdanceco
Isha Sharvani
Sinuous, supple, she leaps, she bends, she contorts, she slithers, she flies. A sizzling bundle of molten flesh, she spans the ground and the skies in a breathtaking sweep. As Isha Sharvani storms the Indian dance scene with an unconscious electric sensuality, she leaves her audience gasping. Here is vital versatility that can only be found in youth. She raises gymnastics to sheer art. At last, a new star is born.... - S. Kalidas, India Today. This review comes alive in this promo, edited by Mr. Vikram Balagopalan.

Isha - L'énigme Miyaga - Bd Bande Annonce
Quelque part en Afrique centrale. Isha vit avec son père Kalisa, qui l'é...
published: 19 Feb 2012
Author: KumiEdition
Isha - L'énigme Miyaga - Bd Bande Annonce
Quelque part en Afrique centrale. Isha vit avec son père Kalisa, qui l'élève seul à la campagne, loin des péripéties de la ville. Kalisa décide d'emmener Isha et son meilleur ami Kizito voir les Grands Lacs. Une vraie expédition pour ces enfants qui ne connaissent que les collines! L'aventure de leur vie, pensaient-ils. Mais plus rien ne sera pareil... Kalisa ne peut plus nier l'évidence : Le temps est venu de faire face au passé. Effrayée par ce qu'elle apprend, Isha sera soutenue par Kizito. Ils tenteront de saisir le sens de l'étrange découverte. Mais en mesurent-ils réellement l'enjeu? La vérité a un prix... Isha - L'énigme Miyaga - Sébastien Laroche & Déborah Umutoni - Kumi Edition - www.isha-bd.com

Isha Sharvani's surreal moves
Vanity No Apologies! - Reveals the chinks and secrets of a 'model' life....
published: 10 Dec 2008
Author: ndtvgoodtimes
Isha Sharvani's surreal moves
Vanity No Apologies! - Reveals the chinks and secrets of a 'model' life.

Isha Judd: Guilt from the perspective of Enlightenment
In this extract from her new DVD, "Consciousness Revolution - Darshans I", Isha ...
published: 04 Oct 2007
Author: Sankaraisha
Isha Judd: Guilt from the perspective of Enlightenment
In this extract from her new DVD, "Consciousness Revolution - Darshans I", Isha Judd speaks about the origin of guilt, and humanities addiciton to suffering. From the experience of enlightenment, she explains how this habit changes and is replaced with the experience of unconditional love. Enlightenment in the Modern World. www.whywalkwhenyoucanfly.com

Isha Judd: Freedom from depression
Brought to you by www.whywalkwhenyoucanfly.com In this extract from her new DVD, "Dar...
published: 01 Jul 2008
Author: ishasystem
Isha Judd: Freedom from depression
Brought to you by www.whywalkwhenyoucanfly.com In this extract from her new DVD, "Darshan I", Isha Judd speaks about depression and the lifelong habits that keep us locked in suffering. You can order the complete DVD online at www.whywalkwhenyoucanfly.com

Spiritual music - Sounds of Isha - 'Trapped'
'Trapped' Album: Sounds of Isha www.ishafoundation.org...
published: 28 Jul 2008
Author: PRyde16
Spiritual music - Sounds of Isha - 'Trapped'
'Trapped' Album: Sounds of Isha www.ishafoundation.org

Isha Sharvani Out Of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Season 5 ?
Isha Sharvani speak about her accident while rehearsing for the dance reality show Jhalak ...
published: 04 Sep 2012
Author: moviezaddachannel
Isha Sharvani Out Of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa Season 5 ?
Isha Sharvani speak about her accident while rehearsing for the dance reality show Jhalak Dikhla Jaa 5. Get more updates on Bollywood here: www.faceboook.com
Vimeo results:

Animated Musicvideo for dutch duo Baskerville
"A ...
published: 21 Nov 2010
Author: marieke v
Animated Musicvideo for dutch duo Baskerville
"A scientific experiment goes terribly terribly wrong"
Song: Reloaded by Baskerville
Written & Directed by: Marieke Verbiesen
DOP: Steven Frederickx
Puppetdesign: Neeltje Sprengers
Assistants: Demian Geerlings Vincent de Gooijer Mieke Driessen
Intern: Angel De Haro
Making Off: Isha Kersten Paul Segers
Thanks to: Ton Beetz Maaike Sietzema Maik Hagens Tim van der Heijden Joan Dunham Jeff Williams Wiepko Oosterhuis Snode Vormgevers De Fabriek Eindhoven Plaza Futura BEK 1.0 Tax Videoclipfonds
Supported by TAX videoclipfonds http://www.videoclipfonds.nl

Filmed in Lima, Peru at Batallon Callao home, Oct, 1993....
published: 20 Jun 2011
Author: John Hayes
Filmed in Lima, Peru at Batallon Callao home, Oct, 1993.
Youtube results:

Isha Sharvani JDJ 5 19 Ali Maula Full Performance Semi Final
Isha Sharvani performing the Rope Mallakhamb Isha gets a standing ovation from the Judges ...
published: 26 Sep 2012
Author: Isha Sharvani
Isha Sharvani JDJ 5 19 Ali Maula Full Performance Semi Final
Isha Sharvani performing the Rope Mallakhamb Isha gets a standing ovation from the Judges and the audience. A truly breath taking performance. Scores- 10/10/10=30 VOTE FOR ISHA type ISH - 56882

Isha Sharvani - Performance at Event
www.erosentertainment.com Bollywood.. Anytime, Anywhere!...
published: 11 Jan 2008
Author: bollywoodbabes
Isha Sharvani - Performance at Event
www.erosentertainment.com Bollywood.. Anytime, Anywhere!

Sacred Chants - Isha Upanishad (Verses 1 - 2)
Shlokas from the Ish Upanishad, set to instrumental music. itunes.apple.com www.amazon.com...
published: 04 Jan 2009
Author: sacredverses
Sacred Chants - Isha Upanishad (Verses 1 - 2)
Shlokas from the Ish Upanishad, set to instrumental music. itunes.apple.com www.amazon.com www.emusic.com market.android.com addkiosk.in Track: Verses 1 - 2 Artist: Pt. Ganesh Vidyalankar Album: Ish Upanishad The Ish Upanishad is contained in the final chapter of the Shukla Yajurveda. It consists of 17 two-line verses covering a wide spectrum of philosophy, religion, ritualism and metaphysics in a concise manner. It assumes a Lord (Ish) of the universes who has the capacity to know everything infinitely, including everything that can be known about a character such as his/her thoughts, feelings, fears, desires etcetera. The Ish Upanishad is also called the Ishavaasyoponishad. It derives this name from the first word of the first verse, which reads. Ishaavasyam idam sarvam Yat kinha jagatyam jagat Tena tyaktena bhujitha Ma gridhah kasya svida dhanam Swami AC Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada has very succinctly given the meaning of this verse as thus: "Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept only those things necessary for oneself, which are set aside as one's quota, and refrain from accepting other things, knowing full well to whom they truly belong." In other words, "This universe is enveloped by the Lord". This explanation is what forms the gist of the Ish Upanishad.

Isha Herbal natural products launch
Sadhguru and H. Ramesh launch Isha Herbal natural products at Isha Institute of Inner-scie...
published: 29 Oct 2011
Author: ishafoundation
Isha Herbal natural products launch
Sadhguru and H. Ramesh launch Isha Herbal natural products at Isha Institute of Inner-sciences.