
Yogis Of Tibet (2002)- Full Movie
Support the movie-makers and buy a copy of their DVD : www.theyogisoftibet.com For the fir...
published: 01 Jul 2011
author: IAmHanuMan
Yogis Of Tibet (2002)- Full Movie
Support the movie-makers and buy a copy of their DVD : www.theyogisoftibet.com For the first time, the reclusive and secretive Tibetan monks agree to discuss aspects of their philosophy and allow themselves to be filmed while performing their ancient practices. Directed by Jeffrey M. Pill...
published: 01 Jul 2011
views: 307411

How long can Tibet burn?
Tibetan political leader Lobsang Sangay speaks out on the recent wave of self-immolations....
published: 02 Nov 2012
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
How long can Tibet burn?
Tibetan political leader Lobsang Sangay speaks out on the recent wave of self-immolations.
published: 02 Nov 2012
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
views: 5152

VOA Tibetan Headline News November 01, 2012
Headline News November 01, 2012 དྲ་བརྙན་གསར་འགྱུར། ༢༠༡༢ ཟླ་ ༡༡ ཚེས་ ༠༡...
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: VOAKunleng
VOA Tibetan Headline News November 01, 2012
Headline News November 01, 2012 དྲ་བརྙན་གསར་འགྱུར། ༢༠༡༢ ཟླ་ ༡༡ ཚེས་ ༠༡
published: 01 Nov 2012
author: VOAKunleng
views: 1136

The Lost World of Tibet (rare footage of Tibet in 1930s) Part 1/5
Like Thumbs Up + SHARE ! Click here for more Tibet videos : www.youtube.com China is incur...
published: 24 Apr 2011
author: TibetArchive
The Lost World of Tibet (rare footage of Tibet in 1930s) Part 1/5
Like Thumbs Up + SHARE ! Click here for more Tibet videos : www.youtube.com China is incurring huge expenditure in transferring and consolidating the Chinese population in Tibet. Massive investment has been made to build a network of modern highways all over Tibet. China can also boast of having laid the highest railway track in the world that connects Lhasa with Beijing. In fact, China often complains that its civilizing mission in Tibet is costing the government and people of China large amounts in terms of subsidies to an under-developed region. According to official Chinese statistics, the level of annual subsidies to the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR) in the late 1980s was around 1 billion yuan or $270 million. However, all the infrastructure that China has built in Tibet has not made the lives of the native Tibetans any better; it has only taken the exploitative apparatuses of the Chinese government deeper. How China is Plundering the Natural Resources of Tibet tinyurl.com Tibetan Centre for Human Rights & Democracy www.tchrd.org "Chinas Favorite Propaganda on Tibet & Why Its Wrong" http UnderCover in Tibet www.guba.com Tibet: Her Pain, My Shame chinadigitaltimes.net First Time I Feel Ashamed to be Han, and Lucky to Not Be a Party Member chinadigitaltimes.net
published: 24 Apr 2011
author: TibetArchive
views: 53564

Miss Tibet - China
For downloads and more information visit: www.journeyman.tv The Miss Tibet beauty pageant ...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: journeymanpictures
Miss Tibet - China
For downloads and more information visit: www.journeyman.tv The Miss Tibet beauty pageant claims to give women a platform to highlight Tibetan issues, drawing attention to the the plight of the its people as well as the brilliance of the lifestyle and culture. For Director Lobsang Wangyal, the event is not just a beauty pageant, but a political act, "celebrating our identity, our culture and our proud tradition", whilst "implicitly asserting" Tibet as a nation and Tibetans as a people. But does the pageant really empower its women, or simply exploit them further? Mark Gould
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: journeymanpictures
views: 26837

The Spirit of Tibet ◦ A Journey to Enlightenment ◦ Full Movie (1995)
~ ♥ ~ Namasté Dear Ones, Sacred Sangha of Earth ◦ Recognize who you truly are Beloved Bei...
published: 08 Aug 2012
author: Advaita Jivanmukti
The Spirit of Tibet ◦ A Journey to Enlightenment ◦ Full Movie (1995)
~ ♥ ~ Namasté Dear Ones, Sacred Sangha of Earth ◦ Recognize who you truly are Beloved Beings of Presence ◦ We are One ◦ Unified, we raise Humanity Embodiments of the Universe ◦ Sharing the Grace of Silence is our Duty Awakening the People of Earth for a Global Transformation of Human Life Step into the Light ◦ www.awakening.2freedom.com ◦ Be joyful ~ Blessings to You ~
published: 08 Aug 2012
author: Advaita Jivanmukti
views: 4830

Leaked Video of Tibet 2008 Monastery Night Raid & Seal-off in Chinese Language 中国语文
Click here for more Tibet videos www.youtube.com Chinese Security Forces Conducted Night R...
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: TibetArchive
Leaked Video of Tibet 2008 Monastery Night Raid & Seal-off in Chinese Language 中国语文
Click here for more Tibet videos www.youtube.com Chinese Security Forces Conducted Night Raid and Seal-off Drepung Monastery and Ramoche in Lhasa Capital of Tibet in 2008
published: 12 Oct 2012
author: TibetArchive
views: 1009

Why is Tibet Important to China?
Stratfor's Vice President of Strategic Intelligence Rodger Baker examines how ethnic confl...
published: 20 Feb 2012
author: STRATFORvideo
Why is Tibet Important to China?
Stratfor's Vice President of Strategic Intelligence Rodger Baker examines how ethnic conflict, fear of foreign intrusion and access to key freshwater sources will continue to keep China's attention focused on Tibet. For more, visit: www.stratfor.com
published: 20 Feb 2012
author: STRATFORvideo
views: 22425

Tibetan Sky Burial
In the high mountains of Tibet, where trees don't grow, natural resources scarce, and the ...
published: 02 Apr 2011
author: streetwisdombilly
Tibetan Sky Burial
In the high mountains of Tibet, where trees don't grow, natural resources scarce, and the land is harsh, Tibetan Buddhists do not bury their dead, nor waste precious resources cremating the body. From dust to dust, flesh to flesh, nothing is wasted. Human body flesh makes precious food for the vultures. Tibetan Buddhists feed their dead to the vultures. This is good karma.
published: 02 Apr 2011
author: streetwisdombilly
views: 74781

Tibet Part 1
A once-in-a-life-time trip to Tibet...
published: 04 Oct 2012
author: Jeremy Sayers
Tibet Part 1

Tibet is a relatively little known and mysterious land of snow high up in the Himalayas th...
published: 08 Mar 2012
author: TravelVideoStore
Tibet is a relatively little known and mysterious land of snow high up in the Himalayas that borders Nepal, Bhutan and India. It is protected by the highest mountains in the world and is a region that has developed a unique society whose philosophy, art and religious faith have earned much interest and respect. Lhasa is the capital of Tibet and also its largest city. The Barkhor Road extends for 800 meters around the Jokhang Temple and nearby Tsuklakhang Square. For the faithful, a visit to the Jokhang Temple is the highlight of a long and arduous pilgrimage. The Dalai Lama once sat in its inner courtyard during the monks' annual final examination, which was also a splendid festive event. On the other side of the Chokpori, a small mountain opposite Potala, is the seldom visited Sang Gya Thong Ku Temple that is somewhat hidden away and therefore, off the tourist trail. This 'Temple of a Thousand Images of God' is nevertheless very popular among devout Buddhists and is a place of silent prayer. The Yarlung Valley is full of history, such as possessing the oldest field in Tibet along with the oldest village that is located at the foot of the country's oldest fortress, Yumbu Lhakhang, the rock palace of the country's first mystic king. One of the largest monuments in Tibetan architecture is the unique Kumbum Chörten, a three-dimensional mandala that can be entered. Eyes decorate the upper part of the Stupa. The ritual walkabout begins on the lowest level with simple deities ...
published: 08 Mar 2012
author: TravelVideoStore
views: 433

Blessings: The Tsoknyi Nangchen Nuns of Tibet
This documentary captures the journey made by a group of Western women to the land of Tibe...
published: 02 Jul 2012
author: NewVideoDigital
Blessings: The Tsoknyi Nangchen Nuns of Tibet
This documentary captures the journey made by a group of Western women to the land of Tibet, led by their teacher, Tibetan Buddhist Tsoknyi Rinpoche III in 2005. Interested in knowing and understanding a group of 2000 Tibetan nuns, the women learn about the history of this unique people, and the deep spiritual feelings that drive their lives.
published: 02 Jul 2012
author: NewVideoDigital
views: 606

BBC News: The Human Torches of Tibet
As a wave of protests and self-immolations continues against the rule of China on the Tibe...
published: 28 May 2012
author: LondonNey
BBC News: The Human Torches of Tibet
As a wave of protests and self-immolations continues against the rule of China on the Tibetan plateau, Sue Lloyd-Roberts asks the Dalai Lama if the dream of increased independence for Tibet is dead.
published: 28 May 2012
author: LondonNey
views: 16063
Vimeo results:

Voices for Freedom
Ad Agency: Leo Burnett Iberia
Director: Oliver Durant
Art Director: Bruna Guerreiro
published: 11 May 2011
author: wearecaptive
Voices for Freedom
Ad Agency: Leo Burnett Iberia
Director: Oliver Durant
Art Director: Bruna Guerreiro
illustrator: Emiliano Ponzi
Animation: Oliver Durant, Bruna Guerreiro, Anne Calandre, Matthias Hoegg
Voiceover Artist: Adelaide de Sousa
Soundtrack: Jamie Masters
Sound Production: Leon Dixon-Goulden / Adelphoi Music
Voiceover recording/Mix: Indigo
Sign a petition in support of Dhondup or donate your voicemail here:
USA petition:
Portuguese petition:
Dhondup Wangchen's documentary:
Write a letter to Dhondup:

TCHANG - cortometraje completo on line del 10/11/2011 hasta 25/11/2011
Este link ha estado dedicado al estreno del cortometraje TCHANG en internet por tiempo lim...
published: 29 Oct 2011
author: Hugo Serra
TCHANG - cortometraje completo on line del 10/11/2011 hasta 25/11/2011
Este link ha estado dedicado al estreno del cortometraje TCHANG en internet por tiempo limitado.
La historia, inspirada en hechos reales y dirigida por Gonzalo Visedo y Daniel Strömbeck, muestra a dos montañeros vascos que tienen un accidente en Sierra Nevada y que son rescatados por una pareja del servicio de rescate en montaña de la Guardia Civil.
El corto estuvo disponible en internet SÓLO del 10 hasta el 25 de noviembre de 2011, para facilitar su visionado a muchos ciudadanos que lo solicitaron. Más de 100.000 visionados demostraron el interés que había suscitado esta historia. Ahora el mediometraje ha de seguir su trayectoria en festivales y concursos. En un futuro no muy lejano, lo volveremos a colgar en este mismo link.
TCHANG cuenta una historia épica de supervivencia y redención que tiene la montaña como contexto y el conflicto vasco como trasfondo. A lo largo de sus 27 minutos de duración, TCHANG muestra cómo el ser humano en una situación límite puede sacar lo mejor de sí mismo. El corto es una coproducción ambiciosa de más de 80.000 euros de presupuesto que se rodó durante 12 días entre marzo, abril y mayo de 2010 en Sierra Nevada, Madrid y Vitoria.
El corto está protagonizado por Martxelo Rubio, Juan Aroca, Gorka Lasaosa y José Luis Ayuso y coproducido por productoras de tres comunidades autónomas distintas con gran experiencia en el audiovisual —Dosdecatorce Producciones y BlueSouth Productions Esp. (Andalucía), Hugo Serra (Madrid) y Morituri (Euskadi)—.
El proyecto parte de un suceso real acaecido en diciembre de 2004 en Sierra Nevada y cuenta hasta
la fecha con una importante carrera en festivales de cine de todo el mundo. En total, más de 50.000
personas han podido disfrutar de TCHANG en lugares tan dispares como EE.UU, Reino Unido, Alemania,
Italia, Eslovaquia, Bulgaria, Polonia, Grecia y, por supuesto, España, donde ha sido reconocido
en prestigiosos certámenes nacionales como el 14º Festival de Málaga - Cine Español (Biznaga
de plata a la Mejor Dirección) que le llevan a estar preseleccionado para la próxima edición de los
Premios Goya de la Academia de Cine español.
TCHANG ha obtenido hasta la fecha media decena de premios y será exhibido en los próximos meses en festivales especializados en cine de montaña en Francia, Nepal o Bangladesh. El corto está distribuido tanto a nivel nacional como internacionalmente por la Agencia Freak.
El cortometraje ha contado con el apoyo de numerosas instituciones como el Instituto de Cinematografía
y de las Artes Audiovisuales (ICAA) del Ministerio de Cultura, la Estación de Esquí de Sierra Nevada, la Fundación Guardia Civil, la Fundación Cultura de
Paz, la Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía, el Departamento de Cultura del Gobierno Vasco, el Área de Cultura de la Diputación de Málaga y el Ayuntamiento de Monachil (Granada).
El título de la historia, TCHANG, remite al nombre del amigo chino que Tintín, el famoso reportero rubio dibujado por Hergé, conoció en una de sus primeras aventuras, Tintín y el Loto azul, y que, años más tarde, rescataría de una cueva en Tintín en el Tibet.
Toda la información del cortometraje está disponible en www.tchang.es y las noticias que se generan alrededor de él se actualizan también en el Facebook oficial (http://www.facebook.com/TchangCortometrajeShortFilm).
Gracias a tod@s por esta acogida y las críticas recibidas.

Nikon D90 in Tibet
Tibet clips shot on a Nikon D90 for a short on the Guardian website. Edited in Final Cut ...
published: 25 Sep 2008
author: Dan Chung
Nikon D90 in Tibet
Tibet clips shot on a Nikon D90 for a short on the Guardian website. Edited in Final Cut Pro and graded using magic bullet looks. Not perfect but I hope you can see what is possible with a DSLR in the future, it is certainly good enough for the newspaper's website right now.
You can see the finished report here http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2008/oct/01/tibet
All footage apart from the interviews and archive stuff was shot on the D90. Interviews were done on a Sony EX-1.

The Economics of Happiness - Official Trailer
Buy the DVD, find a screening, host a screening, read reviews and endorsements, and more: ...
published: 03 Nov 2010
author: The Economics of Happiness
The Economics of Happiness - Official Trailer
Buy the DVD, find a screening, host a screening, read reviews and endorsements, and more:
Web: www.theeconomicsofhappiness.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/theeconomicsofhappiness
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/econofhappiness
The Economics of Happiness describes a world moving simultaneously in two opposing directions. On the one hand, government and big business continue to promote globalization and the consolidation of corporate power. At the same time, all around the world people are resisting those policies, demanding a re-regulation of trade and finance—and, far from the old institutions of power, they’re starting to forge a very different future.
Both hard-hitting and inspiring, The Economics of Happiness demonstrates that millions of people across the world are engaged in building a better world – that small scale initiatives are happening on a large scale. The film shows that countless initiatives are united around a common cause: rebuilding more democratic, human scale, ecological and local economies – the foundation of an ‘economics of happiness’.
The film features a chorus of voices from six continents calling for systemic economic change, including David Korten, Bill McKibben, Vandana Shiva, Rob Hopkins, Richard, Heinberg, Juliet Schor, Michael Shuman, Helena Norberg-Hodge, and Samdhong Rinpoche - the Prime Minister of Tibet's government in exile.
"Helena Norberg-Hodge delivers a powerful message about globalization: It is the small, local economies around the world that are preserving traditions, cultures, and communities, and ultimately safeguarding our happiness." (Alice Waters, chef, author, and the proprietor of Chez Panisse)
"It is good news indeed to find so persuasive an explanation of our ailing world as 'The Economics of Happiness.' This film connects the dots between climate chaos, economic meltdown, and our own personal suffering--stress, loneliness, and depression. It presents the localization movement as a systemic alternative to corporate globalization, as well as a strategy that brings community and meaning to our lives." (Joanna Macy, author World as Lover, World as Self)
"'The Economics of Happiness' offers a unique global perspective on a movement that is often reduced as being too small. Not so. The film tells the story of a grassroots movement for localization that is bubbling up from the cracks of a faltering global economy, in every corner of the world. These are the real 'green shoots' to be hopeful about." (Anuradha Mittal, Executive Director, The Oakland Institute)
"I think this is the best, most holistic film I have seen on the subject." (Jacob Bomann-Larsen, Coordinator of Nordic New Economy Network)
"...it is a great honor for me to endorse such an historic work." (Samdhong Rinpoche, Prime Minister of Tibet's government in exile)
"A must-see film for the future of the planet." (Zac Goldsmith, Member of UK Parliament)
Youtube results:

Tibetans in Tibet Burn Fur to Show Loyalty to The Dalai Lama
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: urskhechok
Tibetans in Tibet Burn Fur to Show Loyalty to The Dalai Lama

The 22-year-old Tibetan girl showed true grit and stamina of steel to finish 14 seconds be...
published: 15 Aug 2012
author: TamdingArts4Freedom
The 22-year-old Tibetan girl showed true grit and stamina of steel to finish 14 seconds behind the new world record. Choeyang's performance at the grandest stage of all was also her career best. The Associated Press quoted Choeyang as saying that she as "extremely" honoured to have represented Tibetans at the games. "I'm extremely honored to take part as the first representative of the Tibetans at the Olympic Games and to win a medal," Choeyang was quoted as saying. A native of Tsochang in the traditional Tibetan province of Amdo, Choeyang, was ranked 10th in the world coming into London. Born on November 11, 1990, the Tibetan walking wonder began race walking in 2008. Two years later, she was selected in the Chinese national team. During the race, a number of Tibetan national flags could be seen flying along the 2 km course road. A banner reading, "You go girl...We Tibetans are with you," was also displayed. Soon after her win, Tibetans were abuzz on social network sites congratulating Choeyang and celebrating her achievements as a Tibetan.
published: 15 Aug 2012
author: TamdingArts4Freedom
views: 21580

Tibet News, China's Control Over Nepal & Mustang A Kingdom On The Edge
While Tibetan Buddhism is squeezed inside of China's borders, there is a place where it st...
published: 05 Nov 2011
author: TibetArchive
Tibet News, China's Control Over Nepal & Mustang A Kingdom On The Edge
While Tibetan Buddhism is squeezed inside of China's borders, there is a place where it still survives intact: Upper Mustang - a once forbidden kingdom high in the Nepalese Himalayas. Al Jazeera's Steve Chao travels there to document the fight to preserve an ancient culture, as China expands its influence into Nepal, and the modern world slowly creeps in.
published: 05 Nov 2011
author: TibetArchive
views: 23071

Tibetans have set themselves on fire to protest Chinese Rule inside Tibet
The journalists get chased out of Labrang (Amdo, Tibet) by Chinese secret police but first...
published: 18 Oct 2012
author: Sonam ten
Tibetans have set themselves on fire to protest Chinese Rule inside Tibet
The journalists get chased out of Labrang (Amdo, Tibet) by Chinese secret police but first they interview a Tibetan woman who says: "All countries in the world should pray together for the downfall of the Chinese Communist Party, so it's not here anymore." At least 55 Tibetans have set fire to themselves in Tibet since 2009; a staggering 42 since January 2012.
published: 18 Oct 2012
author: Sonam ten
views: 150