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Thursday, 15 November 2012
ॐ OM Meditation ॐ
Om - Bhima's Theme
OM (aum)
Om Mantra
Eternal Om (full)
The Om
Tibetan Monks - Big OM of Tibet
Om - Gebel Barkal
Om Mani Padme Hum
Meditation: OM Chant 432 Hz


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The rain is on the roof
Hurry high butterfly
As clouds roll past my head
I know why the skys all cry
OM, OM, Heaven, OM
The Earth turns slowly round
Far away the distant sound
Is with us everyday
Can you hear what it say
OM, OM, Heaven, OM
The rain is on the roof
Hurry high butterfly
As clouds roll past my head
I know why the skys all cry

Eu já nem sei quem sou tão dedicado a ti um cobertor pro frio
queria ser teu "om" viver grudado, sim sempre ali, sempre ali
não sou nada indelével sou instável como a cidade
mas carrego pau e pedra só para ver-te mais à vontade
sem o mar a cobrir-te de sombras ou cores
livre pra amores desses que vêm e vão
sob o bronze da noite onde o mais são estrelas
todas ali para vê-la como fazer com os homens
ah! você que nasceu com o leito pro rio
que desafio querer-te acompanhar!...




Advaitic Songs
Released 2012

God Is Good
Released 2009

Conference of the Birds
Released 2006

Variations on a Theme
Released 2005

Instant Enlightenment
Released 1993

Make changes yourself !

ॐ OM Meditation ॐ
  • Order:
  • Duration: 19:46
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2012
‎"OM is Brahman. OM is all. He who meditates on OM attains to Brahman." ~ Taittiriya Upanishad You can download the full version of this meditation at the following link:
published: 13 Feb 2011
author: darysons1
views: 753905ॐ OM Meditation ॐ
Om - Bhima's Theme
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:34
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2012
Album: Pilgrimage
published: 03 Aug 2009
views: 146933 - Bhima's Theme
OM (aum)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 9:57
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2012
Quasistellar presents: OM "worldly fools search for exotic masters, not realizing that their own mind is the master." BODHIDHARMA " I haven't got any Buddhism.I live by letting things happen" DOGEN "If you wish to find the Buddha, first you must look into your own mind, outside of the mind,there is no Buddha." HAKUIN "Our Buddha-nature is there from the very beginning. It is like the sun emerging from behind clouds. It is like a mirror that reflects perfectly when it is wiped clean... ...and returned to its original clarity." HO-SHAN
published: 30 Oct 2007
views: 2100218 (aum)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02:59
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2012
Natural Mod. 432 Hz
published: 20 Mar 2011
views: 1082029 DELL' OM ( SINGING OM ) 432 Hz
Om Mantra
  • Order:
  • Duration: 15:27
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2012
Tibetan Buddhist Monks-OM Mantra Chant The most powerful mantra USE THE MANTRA EVERY TIME YOU NEED IT
published: 22 Mar 2011
author: supermente01
views: 813697 Mantra
Eternal Om (full)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 59:33
  • Updated: 15 Nov 2012
Sveta i veličanstvena mantra OM Kaskadno izvođenje - Robert Slap Produkcija Thornal Channel Sveto Kraljevstvo Magije
published: 14 Dec 2011
author: Alexanthorn
views: 841305 Om (full)
The Om
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:40
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2012
Brief description of the sacred mantra Om with Original Music from Isabella Rajotte (pregnant soul)
published: 31 Mar 2007
views: 1373878 Om
Tibetan Monks - Big OM of Tibet
  • Order:
  • Duration: 11:31
  • Updated: 12 Nov 2012
Big OM of Tibet
published: 19 Sep 2010
author: rootsdubman
views: 72552 Monks - Big OM of Tibet
Om - Gebel Barkal
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:41
  • Updated: 11 Nov 2012
Chillest. Song. Ever. Released :August 15, 2008 Recorded :March 8, 2008
published: 25 Jul 2009
views: 82205 - Gebel Barkal
Om Mani Padme Hum
  • Order:
  • Duration: 23:55
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2012
OM MANI PADME HUM ( OM MANI PEME HUNG ) The Jewel in the Lotus - The Mantra of Compassion This is the highest Mantra for mankind gifted to us by the thousand Buddhas out of their compassion for all sentient beings. It will protect us from all harm , sufferings , ill health , hell regions, It will purify us and free us from all our negative emotions of the Mind and speech. This mantra saves us from the hell regions and hungry ghosts which we have to encounter during and after death. Hence it is beneficial and a most valubale saviour not only during Life on Earth but also after Life , when we have to remain and pass through the six Hell regions in the Bardos. Each syllable in this six syllable Mantra liberates us from one realm of suffering out of each of the six realms of suffering filled existence. OM liberates and purifies us from the emotions of bliss and pride in the samsaric realm of the Gods. MA liberates and purifies us from the emotions of jealousy and lust for entertainment in the samsaric realm of Demi-Gods. NI liberates and purifies us from the emotions of passion and desire in the samsaric realm of Humans. PAD liberates and purifies us from the emotions of stupidity and prejudice in the samsaric realm of animals. ME liberates and purifies us from the emotions of poverty and possessiveness in the samsaric realm of hungry ghosts. HUM liberates and purifies us from the emotions of agression and hatred in the samsaric realm of hell. In this way by freeing our ...
published: 22 Feb 2011
views: 936299 Mani Padme Hum
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:33
  • Updated: 13 Nov 2012
few minutes of pure clear mind with om meditation viewing tibet landscape
published: 13 Dec 2006
author: ONEMIND4U
views: 527336 MEDITATION
Meditation: OM Chant 432 Hz
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:02:59
  • Updated: 14 Nov 2012
Why Not? NGO - Helping To Raise The Vibration Of Our Planet :)
published: 10 Apr 2012
author: WhyNot NGO
views: 319721 OM Chant 432 Hz
Om - Addis - Advaitic Songs 2012
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:37
  • Updated: 11 Nov 2012
Band - Om Album - Advaitic Songs [2012] Genre - Stoner Metal, Doom Metal facebook: myspace: lastfm: officialweb: preorder:
published: 27 Jul 2012
author: thanos937
views: 31381 - Addis - Advaitic Songs 2012
om mani padme hum
  • Order:
  • Duration: 33:41
  • Updated: 15 Nov 2012
published: 27 Jul 2008
author: batesaurio
views: 4043588 mani padme hum
  • ॐ OM Meditation ॐ...19:46
  • Om - Bhima's Theme...9:34
  • OM (aum)...9:57
  • CANTO DELL' OM ( SINGING OM ) 432 Hz...1:02:59
  • Om Mantra...15:27
  • Eternal Om (full)...59:33
  • The Om...5:40
  • Tibetan Monks - Big OM of Tibet...11:31
  • Om - Gebel Barkal...4:41
  • Om Mani Padme Hum...23:55
  • OM MEDITATION...2:33
  • Meditation: OM Chant 432 Hz...1:02:59
  • Om - Addis - Advaitic Songs 2012...5:37
  • om mani padme hum...33:41
‎"OM is Brahman. OM is all. He who meditates on OM attains to Brahman." ~ Taittiriya Upanishad You can download the full version of this meditation at the following link:
published: 13 Feb 2011
author: darysons1
views: 753905
ॐ OM Med­i­ta­tion ॐ
‎"OM is Brah­man. OM is all. He who med­i­tates on OM at­tains to Brah­man." ~ Tait­tiriya Upani...
pub­lished: 13 Feb 2011
au­thor: daryson­s1
Om - Bhima's Theme
Album: Pil­grim­age...
pub­lished: 03 Aug 2009
OM (aum)
Qua­sis­tel­lar pre­sents: OM "world­ly fools search for ex­ot­ic mas­ters, not re­al­iz­ing that the...
pub­lished: 30 Oct 2007
Nat­u­ral Mod. 432 Hz...
pub­lished: 20 Mar 2011
au­thor: dusty9918273645
Om Mantra
Ti­betan Bud­dhist Monks-OM Mantra Chant The most pow­er­ful mantra USE THE MANTRA EVERY TIME ...
pub­lished: 22 Mar 2011
Eter­nal Om (full)
Sveta i veličanstve­na mantra OM Kaskad­no izvođenje - Robert Slap Pro­duk­ci­ja Thor­nal Channe...
pub­lished: 14 Dec 2011
au­thor: Alex­an­thorn
The Om
Brief de­scrip­tion of the sa­cred mantra Om with Orig­i­nal Music from Is­abel­la Ra­jotte (pregn...
pub­lished: 31 Mar 2007
Ti­betan Monks - Big OM of Tibet
Big OM of Tibet...
pub­lished: 19 Sep 2010
au­thor: roots­dub­man
Om - Gebel Barkal
Chillest. Song. Ever. Re­leased :Au­gust 15, 2008 Record­ed :March 8, 2008...
pub­lished: 25 Jul 2009
Om Mani Padme Hum
OM MANI PADME HUM ( OM MANI PEME HUNG ) The Jewel in the Lotus - The Mantra of Com­pas­sion ...
pub­lished: 22 Feb 2011
few min­utes of pure clear mind with om med­i­ta­tion view­ing tibet land­scape...
pub­lished: 13 Dec 2006
au­thor: ONE­MIND4U
Med­i­ta­tion: OM Chant 432 Hz
Why Not? NGO - Help­ing To Raise The Vi­bra­tion Of Our Plan­et :) www.​butwhynot.​org www.​faceb...
pub­lished: 10 Apr 2012
au­thor: WhyNot NGO
Om - Addis - Ad­vaitic Songs 2012
Band - Om Album - Ad­vaitic Songs [2012] Genre - Ston­er Metal, Doom Metal face­book: www.​fac...
pub­lished: 27 Jul 2012
au­thor: thanos937
om mani padme hum
pub­lished: 27 Jul 2008
au­thor: bate­saurio
Vimeo results:
De­sign and Di­rec­tion : www.​weareom.​com Light­ing by David Lee : www.​davidleedop.​com Prod­uct...
pub­lished: 27 Sep 2009
au­thor: WeAre­Om
OM­COPTER - Ninja shoot with Epic
We shot this video to demon­strate the ca­pa­bil­i­ties of our OM­COPTER drone. It show­cas­es its...
pub­lished: 07 Feb 2012
au­thor: om­stu­dios
Just think of all those pen­nies you sim­ply dis­card ev­ery­day. THEY HAVE LIVES TOO! Awe­some...
pub­lished: 27 Apr 2011
au­thor: Olly New­port
Ex­per­i­men­tal Japan
Con­cept & Di­rec­tor of Pho­tog­ra­phy by www.​davidleedop.​com Stop Mo­tion An­i­ma­tion. Ad­ven­tur...
pub­lished: 15 Apr 2009
au­thor: Dave Lee

Youtube results:
im­ages and sounds for a med­i­ta­tion with the power of the OM...
pub­lished: 04 Sep 2007
au­thor: lbo­liv­er
Om - Flight of the Eagle
Track #2 from the 2006 album "Con­fer­ence of the Birds" As­cend. A light sky­ward to the fiel...
pub­lished: 16 Dec 2010
au­thor: Choriex­tremo
Om Mantra Chant­ing Sooth­ing Voice
OM mantra chant for re­lax­ation and med­i­ta­tion. Pre­sent­ed by-- ( www.​lifepositiveway.​com )....
pub­lished: 01 Aug 2009
Om "State of Non-Re­turn"
From the LP/Cass/CD "Ad­vaitic Songs", avail­able from Drag City. Di­rec­tor: Ter­rie Samundra....
pub­lished: 31 Oct 2012
au­thor: DragC­i­ty
Photo: US Army / Public Domain
File - Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen, commander of NATO and International Security Assistance Force troops in Afghanistan, gives a soldier assigned to Forward Operating Base Ghazni a thump on his body armor as he thanked him for his service and sacrifice.
Yahoo Daily News
13 Nov 2012
WASHINGTON - David Petraeus's downfall took another victim Tuesday as the current U.S. commander in Afghanistan seemingly saw his hopes to become head of NATO go up in smoke amid allegations he...

Photo: AP / Adel Hana
People gather around a wreckage of the car in which was killed Ahmed Jabari, head of the Hamas military wing in Gaza City, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2012.
The Star
14 Nov 2012
GAZA (Reuters) - Israel launched a major offensive against Palestinian militants in Gaza on Wednesday, killing the military commander of Hamas in an air strike and threatening an invasion of the...

Photo: USAF
Aerial view of the Antarctic coastline from a C-141C Starlifter returning to Christchurch, New Zealand, during Operation DEEP FREEZE 2001.
The Daily Telegraph
12 Nov 2012
The amount of ice in the Arctic may be at a record low but Antarctic sea ice is increasing, according to a new study. Antarctic sea ice cover has increased under the effects of climate...

Photo: US DoD / MCS1 Chad J. McNeeley
U.S. Army General David H. Petraeus reviews troops at his retirement ceremony and Armed Forces Farewell, Joint Base Meyer-Henderson Hall, Va., August 31, 2011. Petraeus is retiring after a 37-year career to become the director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
LA Daily News
14 Nov 2012
By Kimberly Dozier and Nancy Benac The Associated PressAssociated Press Posted: 11/14/2012 07:12:03 AM PST November 14, 2012 3:23 PM GMTUpdated: 11/14/2012 07:14:50 AM PST Jill Kelley...

Photo: AP / Khin Maung Win
In this photo taken on Monday, Nov. 12, 2012, a Buddhist monk walks in the debris after a pagoda was damaged by a strong earthquake, in Thabeikkyin township in Mandalay, Myanmar.
The Star
13 Nov 2012
YANGON: A powerful earthquake that struck Myanmar at the weekend has left 38 people dead or missing, the Red Cross said Tuesday as a new tremor rattled the government's showpiece capital Naypyidaw....

North Jersey The 11th annual Fall Spectacular 5k will take place on Saturday, Nov. 17 at 10 a.m. This year, walkers and runners will race toward more than a finish line. NJMG FILE PHOTO...(size: 11.8Kb)
Deccan Chronicle Yami Gautam, who shot to fame with the Hindi film ‘Vicky Donor’, has been roped in opposite actor Nitin in the upcoming...(size: 0.8Kb)
The Siasat Daily November 15: Child victims of sexual offences will now get swift and adequate compensation as well as immediate medical care and rehabilitaion with the Government today notifying new rules. As per the new rules under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, state governments shall pay...(size: 3.6Kb)
Jakarta Globe If the dangdut king wants to be president of Indonesia, then sultry dangdut singer Inul Daratista says she can be his vice president. But the singer and businesswoman, publicly known not to see eye-to-eye...(size: 1.5Kb)
The Guardian PARIS, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Second-placed Olympique Marseille will have to rely on team work to overcome the absence of a genuine striker when they visit Girondins Bordeaux in Ligue 1 on Sunday, coach Elie Baup said....(size: 10.5Kb)
The Times of India CHANDIGARH: There is politics in all pagris (turbans) in Haryana. With neighbouring Himachal Pradesh displaying a traditional trend of adding politics to the Himachali caps, Haryana politicians are also eyeing the headgear to drum up support. Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda and his...(size: 4.1Kb)
New Straits/Business Times CULTURAL CONSONANCE: Light teaches us that despite our differences, we are the same 1 / 1 YEARS ago, a Guru told me to look at the flame of the wick lamp at my family altar. I did. He said: "No matter how you hold the villaku (lamp), the flame will always turn upwards. So, always look...(size: 5.4Kb)
San Francisco Chronicle In the fast-growing world of Yoga and Activewear websites a new arrival is enjoying immediate success using social media., a Sacramento, California, startup has nearly 3500 new friends on its Facebook page since it launched in late August 2012. The company has put social media at...(size: 3.1Kb)
The Business Review New Mexico Business Weekly by Steve Ginsberg, Reporter Date: Wednesday, November 14, 2012, 2:01pm MST...(size: 8.7Kb)
Yahoo Daily News Rosacea Care (, which pioneered the use of willowherb in the treatment of rosacea and sensitive skin, has just added an 80th country to their customer base. Willowherb, the national flower of the Yukon, is one of the primary ingredients in their line of professional skin...(size: 9.7Kb)
The Times of India If you wanna look cool and chic, get inked because this is what everyone is doing these days. From kids to youngsters and even parents, everyone has been bitten by the oh-so-cool tattoo bug. And one of the major inspirations to be getting tattoos are our very own celebrities. With more and more...(size: 2.4Kb)
IMC Submitted by formcomiglayloo1974 on Wed, 2012-11-14 13:21 gif Sean cody movies Maya angelou graduation full text pdf Blog de narco videos fuerteslog de na...(size: 256.0Kb)
Cam for manroulette 14 Nov 2012
IMC Submitted by reattifetifu1980 on Wed, 2012-11-14 13:11 Elizabeth gillies fakes lizabeth gillies fakes Playmoshi.blogspot Jacques bourboulon gallery jacques bourboulon Free...(size: 256.0Kb)
The om symbol in Devanagari

Om or About this sound aum (written universally as ; in Devanagari as ओं oṃ [õː], औं auṃ [ə̃ũ], or ओम् om [õːm]) is a mystical sound of Sanskrit origin, sacred and important in various Dharmic religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The syllable is also referred to as omkara (ओंकार oṃkāra) or aumkara (ओंकार auṃkāra), literally "om syllable", and in Sanskrit it is sometimes referred to as प्रणव (praṇava), literally "that which is sounded out loudly".

Om is also written ओ३म् (ō̄m [õːːm]), where ३ is दीर्घ (dirgha, "three times as long"), indicating a length of three morae (that is, the time it takes to say three syllables)—an overlong nasalized close-mid back rounded vowel—though there are other enunciations adhered to in received traditions. It is placed at the beginning of most Hindu texts as a sacred incantation to be intoned at the beginning and end of a reading of the Vedas or prior to any prayer or mantra. It is used at the end of the invocation to the god being sacrificed to (anuvakya) as an invitation to and for that God to partake of the sacrifice.. The Māndukya Upanishad is entirely devoted to the explanation of the syllable. The syllable consists of three phonemes, a (Vaishvanara),[1] u (Hiranyagarbha), and m (Ishvara), which symbolize the beginning, duration, and dissolution of the universe and the associated gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, respectively.[2] The name Omkara is taken as a name of God in the Hindu revivalist Arya Samaj and can be translated as "I Am Existence"[citation needed].


Name, phonology and written representation[link]

The Sanskrit name for the syllable is, from a root nu "to shout, sound", verbal pra-nu- being attested as "to make a humming or droning sound" in the Brahmanas, and taking the specific meaning of "to utter the syllable om" in the Chāndogya Upanishad and the Shrauta Sutras. More rarely used terms are akṣara (lit. symbol, character) or ekākṣara (lit. one symbol, character), and in later times omkāra becomes prevalent.

Phonetically, the syllable is /aum/, which is regularly monophthongized to [õː] in Sanskrit phonology. It is sometimes also written with pluti, as o3m (ओ३म्), notably by Arya Samaj. When occurring within a Sanskrit utterance, the syllable is subject to the normal rules of sandhi in Sanskrit grammar, however with the additional peculiarity that after preceding a or ā, the au of aum does not form vriddhi (au) but guna (o) per Pāṇini 6.1.95 (i.e. 'om').

The om symbol Aum.svg is a ligature of Devanagari + (oṃ, encoded in Unicode at U+0950 , the Tibetan script variant at U+0F00, and the Chinese version at U+5535 or at U+543D).

Om in various scripts
The symbol om in the Grantha alphabet  
The symbol om in the Gujarati, Marathi, Devanagari (Nepali, Hindi) scripts  
The symbol Om in the Tamil script  
The symbol Om in Telugu and Kannada script  
The symbol Om in Oriya, Assamese and Bengali alphabet.  
The Balinese Om symbol  
The symbol Om in Tibetan alphabet  

In Hinduism[link]

An article related to




Hinduism Portal
Hindu Mythology Portal

The syllable om is first described as all-encompassing mystical entity in the Upanishads. Today, in all Hindu art and all over India and Nepal, 'om' can be seen virtually everywhere, a common sign for Hinduism and its philosophy and theology. Hindus believe that as creation began, the divine, all-encompassing consciousness took the form of the first and original vibration manifesting as sound "OM".[3] Before creation began it was "Shunyākāsha", the emptiness or the void. Shunyākāsha, meaning literally "no sky", is more than nothingness, because everything then existed in a latent state of potentiality. The vibration of "OM" symbolizes the manifestation of God in form ("sāguna brahman"). "OM" is the reflection of the absolute reality, it is said to be "Adi Anadi", without beginning or the end and embracing all that exists.[3] The mantra "OM" is the name of God, the vibration of the Supreme. When taken letter by letter, A-U-M represents the divine energy (Shakti) united in its three elementary aspects: Bhrahma Shakti (creation), Vishnu Shakti (preservation) and Shiva Shakti (liberation, and/or destruction).[3]

Early Vedantic literature[link]

The syllable is mentioned in all the Upanishads, specially elaborated upon in the Taittiriya, Chāndogya and Māndukya Upanishad set forth as the object of profound religious meditation, the highest spiritual efficacy being attributed not only to the whole word but also to the three sounds a (a-kāra), u (u-kāra), m (ma-kāra), of which it consists. A-kara means form or shape like earth, trees, or any other object. U-kāra means formless or shapeless like water, air or fire. Ma-kāra means neither shape nor shapeless (but still exists) like the dark energy content of the Universe. When we combine all three syllables we get AUM which is a combination of A-kāra, U-kāra, and Ma-kāra.[4]

The Katha Upanishad states:

"The goal, which all Vedas declare, which all austerities aim at, and which humans desire when they live a life of conscience, I will tell you briefly it is aum"
"The one syllable [evākṣara, viz. aum] is indeed Brahman. This one syllable is the highest. Whosoever knows this one syllable obtains all that he desires.
"This is the best support; this is the highest support. Whosoever knows this support is adored in the world of Brahma." (1.2.15-17)[5]

The Chāndogya Upanishad (1.1.1-1) states:

om ity-etad akṣaram udgītham upāsīta / aum iti hy udgāyati / tasyopavyākhyānam
"The udgi:tā ["the chanting", that is, the syllable om] is the best of all essences, the highest, deserving the highest place, the eighth."

The Bhagavad Gi:tā (8.13) states that:

Uttering the monosyllable Aum, the eternal world of Brahman, One who departs leaving the body (at death), he attains the Supreme Goal (i.e., he reaches God).

In Bhagavad Gi:tā (9.17): Lord Krishna says to Arjuna - "I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable Oḿ. I am also the Ṛig, the Sāma and the Yajur Vedas."

The Bhagvad Gi:tā (17.23) has:

om tatsatiti nirdesho brahmanstrividhah samratah
"OM, tat and sat has been declared as the triple appellation of Brahman, who is Truth, Consciousness and Bliss."

In the following sūtra it emphasizes, "The repetition of Om should be made with an understanding of its meaning".[6]

In the book Om Chanting and Meditation Amit Ray states:

Om is not just a sound or vibration. It is not just a symbol. It is the entire cosmos, whatever we can see, touch, hear and feel. Moreover, it is all that is within our perception and all that is beyond our perception. It is the core of our very existence. If you think of Om only as a sound, a technique or a symbol of the Divine, you will miss it altogether. ..... Om is the mysterious cosmic energy that is the substratum of all the things and all the beings of the entire universe. It is an eternal song of the Divine. It is continuously resounding in silence on the background of everything that exists. [7]

Puranic Hinduism[link]

The Om Parvat in Pithoragarh district. Its snow deposit is said to resemble the Om symbol.
God Ganesha is sometimes identified with the Om

In Purānic Hinduism, Om is the mystic name for the Hindu Trimurti, and represents the union of the three gods, viz. a for Brahma, u for Vishnu and m for Mahadev which is another name of Shiva. The three sounds also symbolize the three Vedas (Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda).

According to Hindu philosophy (see Māndukya Upanishad), the letter A represents creation, when all existence issued forth from Brahma's golden nucleus; the letter U refers to Vishnu the God of the middle who preserves this world by balancing Brahma on a lotus above himself, and the letter M symbolizes the final part of the cycle of existence, when Vishnu falls asleep and Shiva has to breathe in so that all existing things have to disintegrate and are reduced to their essence to him. More broadly, Om is said to be the primordial sound that was present at the creation of the universe. It is said to be the original sound that contains all other sounds, all words, all languages and all mantras.


File:Temple elephant 2.jpg
Aum symbol on a temple elephant's forehead

In Advaita philosophy it is frequently used to represent three subsumed into one, a triune, a common theme in Hinduism. It implies that our current existence is mithyā and maya, "falsehood", that in order to know the full truth we must comprehend beyond the body and intellect the true nature of infinity. Essentially, upon moksha (mukti, samādhi) one is able not only to see or know existence for what it is, but to become it. When one gains true knowledge, there is no split between knower and known: one becomes knowledge/consciousness itself. In essence, Om is the signifier of the ultimate truth that all is one.

In proper names[link]

When Om is a part of a place name (for example Omkāreshwar), or is used as a man's name, it is spelled phonetically using ordinary letters of whatever Indian alphabet is used in the area. The adherents of Arya Samaj always use the ordinary letters अ(Ah), ऊ(ooh) and म(ma) to write Om.

In Jainism[link]

Depiction of Om in Jain script

In Jainism, Om is regarded to be a condensed form of reference to the Pañca-Parameṣṭhi, by their initials A+A+A+U+M (o3m). The Dravyasamgraha quotes a Prakrit line:

ओम एकाक्षर पञ्चपरमेष्ठिनामादिपम् तत्कथमिति चेत "अरिहंता असरीरा आयरिया तह उवज्झाया मुणियां"
oma ekākṣara pañca-parameṣṭhi-nāmā-dipam tatkabhamiti ceta "arihatā asarīrā āyariyā taha uvajjhāyā muṇiyā"
"Om" is one syllable made from the initials of the five parameshthis. It has been said: "Arihant, Ashiri, Acharya, Upajjhaya, Muni" .

Thus, ओं नमः (oṃ namaḥ) is a short form of the Navkar Mantra.

In Buddhism[link]

Buddhists place om at the beginning of their Vidya-Sadaksari or mystical formulary in six syllables (viz., om mani padme hum) as well as most other mantras and dhāranis. As a seed syllable (bija mantra), it is also considered holy in Esoteric Buddhism.

The syllable is often written with the Chinese character (pinyin ǎn) or (pinyin wēng) in Buddhist texts of East Asian provenience.

A key distinction should be made here between Buddhism as it arose in Nepal and Buddhism after the migration of the teachings to Tibet under the guidance of Padmasambhava. In its original form, Buddhism in Nepal was characterized mainly by types of mindfulness meditation and did not involve the chanting of Om or of mantras.[8] Buddhism in Tibet after the merger with Bon Shamanism, and heavy Hindu influence, is now characterized by the AH bija and can be roughly translated as representing pure spirit (the fifth element in the Tibetan system).

Paying close attention to the calligraphic representation, the Vedic or Indian OM is what most Westerners are used to and the Tibetan script OM is less widespread in popular culture.[9] Even Tibetan handicrafts made in India tend to use the Nepali OM for recognizability.

"Onkar" in Sikhism[link]

Ik Onkar (One God)

Ik Onkar (Modern Punjabi ਇੱਕ ਓਅੰਕਾਰ, Ikk Oankar, iconically in the Gurmukhi script — a combination of the numeral one and the letter ūṛā with the vowel marker hōṛā — and sometimes written in full as ਏਕੰਕਾਰੁ,[10] ikonkar) is the statement of the uniqueness of God in Sikhism,[11] and is commonly translated simply as "one God".[12] Within the phrase, the figure , pronounced ik, is the numeral one, and the word onkar is a figurative reference to God: the Hindu concept of om being combined with ਕਾਰ, kar, to mean "creator of om"[13] — the word ਕਾਰ appearing several times in the Guru Granth Sahib, and meaning "create", "work", or "action".[14] Thus, although om is referenced, Sikhism uses it only to starkly emphasize its monotheism without subscribing to its philosophy in and of itself.[13]


  1. ^ Mandukya Upanishad
  2. ^ Werner, Karel (1994). A Popular Dictionary of Hinduism. Curzon Press. ISBN 0-7007-1049-3.
  3. ^ a b c Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda , The hidden power in humans, Ibera Verlag, page 15., ISBN 3-85052-197-4
  4. ^ Satyarth Prakāsh by Swāmi Dayānand Saraswati
  5. ^ :sarve vedā yat padam āmananti / tapām̐si sarvāṇi ca yad vadanti / yad icchanto brahmacaryaṃ caranti / tat te padaṃ saṃgraheṇa bravīmy / om ity-etat //
    etad dhy evākṣaraṃ brahma / etad dhy evākṣaraṃ param / etad dhy evākṣaraṃ jñātvā / yo yad icchati / tasya tat //
    etad ālambanaṃ śreṣṭham / etad ālambanaṃ param / etad ālambanaṃ jñātvā / brahmaloke mahīyate //
  6. ^ Yoga Su:tras of Patanjali, English translation by Bon Giovanni. (
  7. ^ Amit Ray,“Om Chanting and Meditation”, Inner Light Publishers, pp. 9-16, ISBN 81-910269-3-7
  8. ^ The Pali Canon (oldest known teachings attributed to The Buddha), and Visuddhimagga (ancient commentary on The Pali Canon). The chanting of "OM" is not mentioned even a single time in the Pali Canon or in Visuddhimagga. Types of meditation taught by The Buddha found in The Pali Canon and elaborated on in Visuddhimagga are listed, discussed and compared to Hindu Om chanting, beliefs and practice in detail here:
  9. ^ Messerle, Ulrich. "Graphics of the Sacred Symbol OM". 
  10. ^ "Sri Granth:Sri Guru Granth Sahib". Retrieved 2011-08-24. 
  11. ^ Wazir Singh, Aspects of Guru Nanak's philosophy (1969), p. 20: "the 'a,' 'u,' and 'm' of aum have also been explained as signifying the three principles of creation, sustenance and annihilation. ... aumkār in relation to existence implies plurality, ... but its substitute Ekonkar definitely implies singularity in spite of the seeming multiplicity of existence. ..."
  12. ^ Singh, Khushwant (2002). "The Sikhs". In Kitagawa, Joseph Mitsuo. The religious traditions of Asia: religion, history, and culture. London: RoutledgeCurzon. p. 114. ISBN 0-7007-1762-5. 
  13. ^ a b Doniger, Wendy (1999). Merriam-Webster's encyclopedia of world religions. Merriam-Webster. p. 500. ISBN 978-0-87779-044-0. Retrieved 2011-08-24. 
  14. ^ "Sri Granth: Advanced Gurbani Search". Retrieved 2011-08-24. 

External links[link]

Related pages:ṃÓmОм (мантра) (mantra) Om̐ओ३म्

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