Breaking down the election and looking at how reproductive rights played a role in how it all went down. Also, Jennifer Nelson will be on to talk about the complex relationship between women’s magazines and their audiences.

Nov 14, 5:52pm

From the October 24th episode: Rachel Maddow explains that recent outrageous remarks about rape by Republicans Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock are not isolated but part of an extreme rightward veer by the Republican Party at the state and federal level since the 2012 midterm election. (Excuse the election info, outdated at this point!)

Nov 13, 1:36pm

Rachel Maddow reviews the litany of Republicans who made the mistake of expressing their offensive ignorance about rape and/or women's bodies out loud in public and notes that the American voting public rejected them at the ballot box.

Nov 11, 12:32pm

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor gives Sesame Street character "Abby" career advice, encouraging young girls everywhere to educate themselves on all available opportunities for their futures and breaking gender stereotypes.


Birth control opponents are up at arms that someone has the audacity to suggest being able to prevent pregnancies should be something to encourage.


Citing escalating harassment at clinic entryways, the city council has voted to keep protesters at least 20 feet from doors and alleys.


Speaker of the House Mike Flood will run to replace the current governor of Nebraska.


When your citizens vote pro-woman, it must be time to cut the family planning money.


Even for a woman with means, in a state as large as Alaska, an abortion is nearly impossible to access. But it doesn't have to be.


In an unsigned per curiam opinion the Supreme Court allowed a group of anti-choice activists to rely on a civil rights statute to recover attorney fees in a challenge to attempts to shut their protests down.


In a new lawsuit Planned Parenthood claims the state unconstitutionally cut funding to three Tulsa clinics.


Anti-choice groups don't think their candidates are too extreme, they just need to be better trained.


One LiveAction columnist boils the anti-choice policy to its most basic argument: You can't trust women.


Without a clinic that provides abortions to protest at, one group of anti-choice protesters just go where ever they can find women.


The party continues to struggle for its own identity.

A new study comes out strongly against the use of anti-depressants during pregnancy which is causing controversy as many experts believe that depression itself is even more dangerous; an unrelated study suggests that stressed and depressed women don't use birth control consistently, and researchers find a link between literacy and teen childbearing.


There's a lot of new research this week including studies that show people who wait longer to have sex for the first time may have happier relationships in adulthood; dads who talk about sex can have a positive impact on their children's behavior, and size may actually matter. 

A study finds that the HPV vaccine doesn't lead to more sex; another confirms that women who stop using condoms when they start hormonal birth control and don't go back to condoms if they stop hormonal methods.

A new study has found that the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, is safe. A New Jersey lawmaker wants to ban reparative therapy for minors. And Memphis schools respond to Tennessee's new sex-ed law.

California Gov. Jerry Brown calls reparative therapy quackery as he signs a law banning the practice of changing teens' sexual orientation; syphilis rates spike in Houston; and Big-Apple guys choose big condoms. 

The Irish government has yet to regulate access to life-saving abortions in Ireland, despite the fact that such medical interventions have been legal in that country for two decades. The situation has created fear in both women and the medical profession alike.

Recent press about the death of Savita Halappanavar, admitted to a hospital in Ireland with medical complications in a 17 week pregnancy, is a grim reminder about the impact of abortion restrictions on women's lives.

Women and gay people of Texas, take heart: Tea Partying state senator Dan Patrick has not forgotten you! No, taking away your rights and privileges as human beings is still a cause as near and dear to him as ever. His recent actions give us Texans a peek into what we can look forward to in state politics in 2013.

Numerous questions have arisen in the wake of Savita's case. Why did this happen? Doesn't Ireland, a country with otherwise draconian abortion laws, allow abortion to save the life of the mother? Was there any doubt an abortion was necessary to save Savita's life? Can this happen in the United States? And here are my answers.

While Elizabeth Warren is viewed as a threat to the banks, she is just one Senator. Congress is still rife with members, both Republican and Democrat, who rely heavily on the banks for their campaigns.

Last month, a Catholic hospital in Ireland effectively murdered a pregnant woman by denying her a life-saving abortion. Anti-choicers in the United States are trying to impose the same policies on women in the United States. This must be stopped. 

The relatively liberal town of Austin just cancelled a play about Roy and Silo, two male penguins who get together to raise a baby chick. A book based on the couple has been the most challenged book in the country for at least four of the past six years. What is it about gay penguins that gets parents so upset and school districts twisted in knots?

In granting review of Shelby Co. v. Holder the Roberts Court sent signals the Voting Rights Act is in real trouble.

Think conservatives have given up on their constitutional challenges to the individual mandate? Think again.

Data shows that transgender people are more likely to be uninsured, face discrimination in health care, be HIV positive and suffer from depression and attempted suicide.

Is the state's anti-choice faction taking its revenge on the women of Ohio?


A panel of judges heard arguments Monday on Arizona's 20 week abortion ban and didn't appear convinced the state had made its case.