Why I am a christian Professor FF Bruce
Why I am a christian Professor FF Bruce
Samuel zwemer Theological seminary provides free online theological education the seminary blog is at www.samuelzwemertheologicalseminary.com email the seminary if you want to know more about the christian faith or to be encouraged in your walk with the Lord zwemer@hotmail.co.uk
What Scholars Say About the New Testament (Bible: Fact or Fiction?)
What Scholars Say About the New Testament (Bible: Fact or Fiction?)
Scholars such as William F. Albright, William Foxwell Albright, Sir Frederick Kenyon, and Dr. FF Bruce conclude that the Bible's substance is true and accurate. Join Josh as he discusses some of these scholars' statements regarding the New Testament.
William Webb on FF Bruce and other influences
William Webb on FF Bruce and other influences
William Webb, author of "Slaves, Women & Homosexuals", talks about books and authors that have influenced his life and thinking. www.Koinoniablog.net
Robert M. Bowman Jr. on Luther, Erasmus, and FF Bruce
Robert M. Bowman Jr. on Luther, Erasmus, and FF Bruce
Zondervan author, Robert Bowman, discusses books that help shape his Chrisitan worldview.
Coleccion teologica Contemporanea LBG.wmv
Coleccion teologica Contemporanea LBG.wmv
En esta "Colección Teológica Contemporánea", el lector y la lectora encontrarán una variedad de autores y tradiciones evangélicas de reconocida trayectoria. Algunos de ellos ya son conocidos en el mundo de habla hispana (como FF Bruce, GE Ladd y LL Morris). Otros no tanto, ya que aún no han sido traducidos a nuestra lengua (como NT Wright y R. Bauckham); no obstante, son mundialmente conocidos por su experiencia y conocimientos. Todos los autores elegidos son de una seriedad rigurosa y tratan los diferentes temas de una forma profunda y comprometida. Así, todos los libros son el reflejo de los objetivos que esta colección se ha propuesto: 1. Traducir y publicar buena literatura evangélica para pastores, profesores y estudiantes de la Biblia. 2. Publicar libros especializados en las áreas donde hay una mayor escasez. Por ejemplo, uno de los primeros libros que publicamos es un comentario exegético de la epístola a los Gálatas, de FF Bruce, aportando así una buena herramienta que antes no existía para el estudio serio de esta epístola. La "Colección Teológica Contemporánea" es una serie de estudios bíblicos y teológicos dirigida a pastores, líderes de iglesia, profesores y estudiantes de seminarios e institutos bíblicos, y creyentes en general, interesados en el estudio serio de la Biblia. La colección se divide en tres áreas: Estudios bíblicos Estudios teológicos Estudios ministeriales Esperamos que estos libros sean una aportación muy positiva para el mundo de habla <b>...</b>
Best Christian Books Ever Written
Best Christian Books Ever Written
Video trailer introducing the 100 best Christian books ever written - popular and academic - on discount at www.ptmin.org
"Hate" as it is defined in the bible
"Hate" as it is defined in the bible
What does the word "hate" mean under the following contexts?... "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I HATED." —Romans 9:13 "If anyone comes to me and does not HATE his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple." —Luke 14:26 Some "christians" would have you believe that one must literally hate or despise, since God elects those whom he supposedly loves and "hates" those whom He rejects. But God does not teach us to hate anyone but to love one another - it is a very important commandment... —Mark 12:30-31 To ancient Jews, the terms "love" and "hate" had several different meanings. Whenever bible texts are read without this understanding of the basic native Jewish language, they are easily misunderstood because the word translated has a cultural difference. The word, "hate" when translated to greek is, "miseo". "Miseo" is being willing to subordinate your love for others for your love of the Lord. While "miseo" to Greeks has a more narrow word content, to Semites (Hebrews) using miseo, the range was considerably wider, including the sense of 'leaving aside', 'renunciation', or 'abandonment' (cf. FF Bruce, The Hard Sayings of Jesus, Downers Grove: IVP, 1983, p.592.) The word "love" also meant "to choose". "Hate" also meant "to reject." DO NOT take this as meaning elect per se as a Calvinist would have you believe. When God chose Jacob over Esau, it was simply because God was able to forsee that Esau would <b>...</b>
Travels With the Apostle Paul
Travels With the Apostle Paul
How Jewish Was Paul? A person is either Jewish or not Jewish, and few actually believe that Paul was not. Hyam Maccoby is virtually alone in his opinion that Paul was a gentile. 1 However, if we can speak of the extent to which one demonstrates Jewish identity as that person's "Jewishness," perhaps it is Paul's Jewishness that people wish to call into question. Perhaps most telling is what Paul himself had to say about being Jewish. Here is how he described himself: "Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the He-brews; concerning the law, a Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is in the law, blameless." (Philippians 3:5-6) What did it mean to be "a Hebrew of the Hebrews"? Hebrews was a specialized term that referred to Jews who spoke Aramaic and worshiped at Hebrew-speaking congregations, as opposed to Hellenists who spoke and worshiped in Greek. A Hebrew of the Hebrews indicates an Aramaic-speaking, observant Jew whose parents were also Hebrews. Hebrews outside the land in places such as Tarsus-a city located in what today is Turkey-were immigrants who kept the more observant lifestyle of their place of origin. 2 Paul also wrote: "I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city [Jerusalem] at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers' law, and was zealous toward God as you all are today." (Acts 22:3) Paul was educated <b>...</b>
HAPPY RESURRECTION SUNDAY! - Does an Empty Tomb Really Matter?
HAPPY RESURRECTION SUNDAY! - Does an Empty Tomb Really Matter?
THIS IS RE-RELEASE of an earlier film from Pastor Carl Gallups on PPSIMMONS.Hear Carl Gallups (Narrator of this video) on Live talk radio on NW FL's TALK RADIO - 1330 WEBY AM - broadcasting to a 4 state area on the Gulf Coast - every Friday afternoon - 4-6 pm CT. www.hickoryhammockbaptist.org
AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE - What The History Channel Won't Show You! Part 1
AUTHORITY OF THE BIBLE - What The History Channel Won't Show You! Part 1
What The History Channel Won't Show YOU! Forget their Mockumentaries and the Jesus Seminar's parody as reputable scholars and gear up for what history really shows about the validity of the bible and it's history and its verifiable personages! Get Smart; Get with it! Check these sources: www.biblestudy.org Also see: New Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Jososh McDowell A Zeal For God: Not According to Knowledge by Eric V. Snow!
What Lies Beneath - Part One
What Lies Beneath - Part One
Part One of Pastor Kevin's Sunday Morning Message @ First Christian Church of Winterset, Iowa - 10/4/09 Sermon Sources: 1) Bible Works 5, Revision 2, (Bigfork, Montana: Hermeneutika Computer Bible Research Software, 2001). 2) James A. Brooks, A Students Commentary on the New Testament: Acts - Revelations (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Unpublished), 1994. 3) Clarence L. Bence, Romans, A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition (Indianapolis, Indiana: Wesleyan Publishing House), 1996. 4) FF Bruce, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, Volume 6: The Letter of Paul to the Romans, an Introduction and Commentary (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing Company), 1987. 5) Stuart Olyott, Welwyn Commentary Series: The Gospel as it really is, Romans simply explained (Webster, New York: Evangelical Press USA), 2006. 6) Frank Gaebelein Editor, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Volume 10: Romans - Galatians, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House), 1976. 7) Douglas J. Moo, The New International Commentary on the New Testament: The Epistle to the Romans (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans), 1996. 8) www.sermoncentral.com Sermons: 74133, 89131, 103637 9) en.wikipedia.org
Tough Questions: How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intellingently? PART FOUR
Tough Questions: How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intellingently? PART FOUR
NOTE: The last 25 minutes of the actual class held on March 28th, 2012 was not recorded. The camera reached the end of the tape. Some of the final concluding points have been dubbed in with a slide and voice over. Tough Questions was the 2012 Lenten study series at Christ Church, Fitchburg, MA. This session, "How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intelligently?" was the fifth and last in the series. It was also the only one that video recorded. Because of the size of the file, it has been uploaded to YouTube in FOUR parts. I drew heavily from two books by Anglican scholar and Bishop, NT Wright: "The Last Word," and "The Challenge of Jesus." Viewers are encouraged to purchase those books. This is a "Tough Question" because there are no easy answers. If you expect that you will be able to talk about the Bible intelligently simply by watching these video, you will be disappointed. What this session does is lay a foundation upon which students of Scripture can build on through further reading. Bible Study alone does not necessarily equip followers of Jesus to respond thoughtfully to skeptical onlookers. People have legitimate questions about Scripture's reliability and authority and they should not be dismissed with either a rigid, "The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it," answer on the one hand, or with a sort of, "It's true for me but not necessarily true for others," on the other. Christians would do well to familiarize themselves with the issues regarding the <b>...</b>
New World Translation - SECRET "TRANSLATORS" - Jehovah´s Witnesses
New World Translation - SECRET "TRANSLATORS" - Jehovah´s Witnesses
only a few of the comments of real biblical scholars (which the watchtower even dares to MISQUOTE in their favor!) on the New World Translation: Dr. JR Mantey (who is quoted on pages 1158-1159) of the Witnesses own Kingdom interlinear Translation): "A shocking mistranslation." "Obsolete and incorrect." "It is neither scholarly nor reasonable to translate John 1:1 'The Word was a god.'" - Mantey on NWT: www.youtube.com Dr. Bruce M. Metzger of Princeton (Professor of New Testament Language and Literature): "A frightful mistranslation." "Erroneous" and "pernicious" "reprehensible". "If the Jehovah's Witnesses take this translation seriously, they are polytheists." In this video he even goes to say that the NWT is a PERVERSION of the Bible: www.youtube.com Dr. Samuel J. Mikolaski of Zurich, Switzerland: "This anarthrous (used without the article) construction does not mean what the indefinite article 'a' means in English. It is monstrous to translate the phrase 'the Word was a god.'" Dr. Paul L. Kaufman of Portland, Oregon: "The Jehovah's Witnesses people evidence an abysmal ignorance of the basic tenets of Greek grammar in their mistranslation of John 1:1." Dr. Charles L. Feinberg of La Mirada, California: "I can assure you that the rendering which the Jehovah's Witnesses give John 1:1 is not held by any reputable Greek scholar." Dr. James L. Boyer of Winona Lake, Indiana: "I have never heard of, or read of any Greek Scholar who would have agreed to the interpretation of <b>...</b>
Tough Questions: How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intelligently? PART ONE
Tough Questions: How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intelligently? PART ONE
Tough Questions was the 2012 Lenten study series at Christ Church, Fitchburg, MA. This session, "How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intelligently?" was the fifth and last in the series. It was also the only one that video recorded. Because of the size of the file, it has been uploaded to YouTube in FOUR parts. I drew heavily from two books by Anglican scholar and Bishop, NT Wright: "The Last Word," and "The Challenge of Jesus." Viewers are encouraged to purchase those books. This is a "Tough Question" because there are no easy answers. If you expect that you will be able to talk about the Bible intelligently simply by watching these videos, you will be disappointed. What this session does is lay a foundation upon which students of Scripture can build on through further reading. Bible Study alone does not necessarily equip followers of Jesus to respond thoughtfully to skeptical onlookers. People have legitimate questions about Scripture's reliability and authority and they should not be dismissed with either a rigid, "The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it," answer on the one hand, or with a sort of, "It's true for me but not necessarily true for others," on the other. Christians would do well to familiarize themselves with the issues regarding the Bible's role in the Church's worship and doctrinal life and that is what this session attempts to entice people to do. The subjects covered in this session include: 1. The Battle Lines in the Bible Wars: Misreadings of <b>...</b>
Tough Questions: How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intelligently? PART TWO
Tough Questions: How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intelligently? PART TWO
Tough Questions was the 2012 Lenten study series at Christ Church, Fitchburg, MA. This session, "How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intelligently?" was the fifth and last in the series. It was also the only one that video recorded. Because of the size of the file, it has been uploaded to YouTube in FOUR parts. I drew heavily from two books by Anglican scholar and Bishop, NT Wright: "The Last Word," and "The Challenge of Jesus." Viewers are encouraged to purchase those books. This is a "Tough Question" because there are no easy answers. If you expect that you will be able to talk about the Bible intelligently simply by watching these video, you will be disappointed. What this session does is lay a foundation upon which students of Scripture can build on through further reading. Bible Study alone does not necessarily equip followers of Jesus to respond thoughtfully to skeptical onlookers. People have legitimate questions about Scripture's reliability and authority and they should not be dismissed with either a rigid, "The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it," answer on the one hand, or with a sort of, "It's true for me but not necessarily true for others," on the other. Christians would do well to familiarize themselves with the issues regarding the Bible's role in the Church's worship and doctrinal life and that is what this session attempts to entice people to do. The subjects covered in this session include: 1. The Battle Lines in the Bible Wars: Misreadings of <b>...</b>
Tough Questions: How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intelligently? PART THREE
Tough Questions: How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intelligently? PART THREE
Tough Questions was the 2012 Lenten study series at Christ Church, Fitchburg, MA. This session, "How Can I Talk About the Bible... Intelligently?" was the fifth and last in the series. It was also the only one that video recorded. Because of the size of the file, it has been uploaded to YouTube in FOUR parts. I drew heavily from two books by Anglican scholar and Bishop, NT Wright: "The Last Word," and "The Challenge of Jesus." Viewers are encouraged to purchase those books. This is a "Tough Question" because there are no easy answers. If you expect that you will be able to talk about the Bible intelligently simply by watching these video, you will be disappointed. What this session does is lay a foundation upon which students of Scripture can build on through further reading. Bible Study alone does not necessarily equip followers of Jesus to respond thoughtfully to skeptical onlookers. People have legitimate questions about Scripture's reliability and authority and they should not be dismissed with either a rigid, "The Bible says it. I believe it. That settles it," answer on the one hand, or with a sort of, "It's true for me but not necessarily true for others," on the other. Christians would do well to familiarize themselves with the issues regarding the Bible's role in the Church's worship and doctrinal life and that is what this session attempts to entice people to do. The subjects covered in this session include: 1. The Battle Lines in the Bible Wars: Misreadings of <b>...</b>
What Lies Beneath - Part Two
What Lies Beneath - Part Two
Part Two of Pastor Kevin's Sunday Morning Message @ First Christian Church of Winterset, Iowa - 10/4/09 Sermon Sources: 1) Bible Works 5, Revision 2, (Bigfork, Montana: Hermeneutika Computer Bible Research Software, 2001). 2) James A. Brooks, A Students Commentary on the New Testament: Acts - Revelations (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Unpublished), 1994. 3) Clarence L. Bence, Romans, A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition (Indianapolis, Indiana: Wesleyan Publishing House), 1996. 4) FF Bruce, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, Volume 6: The Letter of Paul to the Romans, an Introduction and Commentary (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing Company), 1987. 5) Stuart Olyott, Welwyn Commentary Series: The Gospel as it really is, Romans simply explained (Webster, New York: Evangelical Press USA), 2006. 6) Frank Gaebelein Editor, The Expositors Bible Commentary, Volume 10: Romans - Galatians, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House), 1976. 7) Douglas J. Moo, The New International Commentary on the New Testament: The Epistle to the Romans (Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans), 1996. 8) www.sermoncentral.com Sermons: 74133, 89131, 103637 9) en.wikipedia.org
When We Call on Jesus - Part One
When We Call on Jesus - Part One
Part One of Pastor Kevin's Sunday Morning Message @ FCC - 2/14/07 Sermon Sources: 1) Bible Works 5, Revision 2, (Bigfork, Montana: Hermeneutika Computer Bible Research Software, 2001). 2) James A. Brooks, A Students Commentary on the New Testament: Acts - Revelations, (Minneapolis, Minnesota: Unpublished, 1994). 3) FF Bruce, The Letter of Paul to the Romans: An Introduction and Commentary, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans Publishing Company), 1987. 4) Stuart Olyott, Welwyn Commentary Series: The Gospel as it Really Is, Romans simply explained (Webster, New York: Evangelical Press USA), 2006. 5) Clarence L. Bence, Romans, A Bible Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition (Indianapolis, Indiana: Wesleyan Publishing House), 1996. 6) Matthew Henrys Commentary on the Whole Bible, Volume VI: Acts to Revelation, (Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company). 7) www.sermoncentral.com Sermons 39906, 42859, 71553, 81766 8) dictionary.reference.com
Testimonianze su Gesù 2di2
Testimonianze su Gesù 2di2
Esistono numerosi documenti storici che parlano di Gesù di Nazaret, scritti in ambienti ebraici, ellenistici e anche romani, risalenti a pochi anni o pochi decenni dopo la vita di Gesù. Bibliografia di riferimento: Pagliarino Guido, "Gesù, nato nel 6 a. C., crocifisso nel 30: un approccio storico al cristianesimo" Prospettiva editrice 2003 G. Theissen, A. Merz, "Il Gesù storico. Un manuale", Editrice queriniana, 1998; FF Bruce, "Testimonianze extrabibbliche su Gesù, da Giuseppe Flavio al Corano", Claudiana, Torino 2003
Sara Suten Seti Debunked (1/2)
Sara Suten Seti Debunked (1/2)
Article: benstanhope.blogspot.com Footnotes: (1) Personal email correspondence that took place on 7/7/10. (2) Encyclopedia entry: i-cias.com (3) Seti is speaking here of the Greek featured reconstruction of Serapis that even Ray Hagins staunchly advertises was first commissioned by Ptolomy I (Hagins says this in his lectures on the Council of Nicaea which can be found on youtube.com). The Encyclopedia Britannica (as well as any other source) documents that this was the origin of the Greek reconstruction of the deity during the Hellenistic period: www.britannica.com In his article "On Raising Osiris in 1 Corinthians 15"(American Theological Association p.127) Nicholas Perrin PhD documents that "Following the initial success uder the early Ptolemies" and into the time of Paul "Osirian worship was at its low point." and "went into considerable decline. In the first century CE Mediterranean world." (4) Most sources hold an eighth century authorship of the Iliad (although the narrative is much older, it was this time that writing returned to Greece in a more alphabetical form). The following internet article from HistoryWorld.net is sufficient: www.historyworld.net (5) Gary R. Habermas and Michael Licona, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (Grand Rapids MI : Kregel Publications, 2004) 128. (Tiberius's number reduces from ten to nine since Luke is a Christian source.) (6) My correspondence with Ray Hagins: benstanhope.blogspot.com (7) Tectonics article addressing Serapis <b>...</b>
HAT JESUS WIRKLICH GELEBT? - Außerbiblische Quellen [1/3]
HAT JESUS WIRKLICH GELEBT? - Außerbiblische Quellen [1/3]
Videoquelle: youtube.com Quellen: Tacitus, Sämtliche Werke, Phaidon Verlag Essen, Unter Zugrundelegung der Übertragung von Wilhelm Bötticher neu bearbeitet von Andreas Schäfer, S. 609,S. 611 FFBruce, Das Neue Testament, glaubwürdig, wahr, verlässlich, 1943, 4. Auflage 1997, S.126 Wilmer Cave Wright, PH.D., Book I www.tertullian.org/fathers/julian_apostate_galileans_1_text.htm www.mc-rall.de