Diatomaceous Earth Detox - Silapure Silica Supplement - Heavy Metal Detox
www.LiquidVitaminsLeader.com Watch 720 HD - Silapure is the only silica supplement availab...
published: 26 Oct 2011
author: liquidvitaminsleader
Diatomaceous Earth Detox - Silapure Silica Supplement - Heavy Metal Detox
www.LiquidVitaminsLeader.com Watch 720 HD - Silapure is the only silica supplement available with both diatomaceous earth and orthosilicic acid (organic silica). What is Silica Mineral? There are 3 beneficial forms, including 2 bio-available forms; horsetail herb and orthosilicic acid which is known as organic silica; and one inorganic form, commonly referred to as Diatomaceous Earth. Silica is a versatile mineral and has a wide range of benefits as a nutritional anti-oxidant. Acting as a wildcard to protect against many degenerative diseases, it also plays an essential role for radiant health, recovery, and rejuvenation. One of Silica's main benefits is the ability to improve the absorption and utilization of key nutrients, which stimulates cellular repair and regeneration. Organic Silica is naturally found within the bloodstream and is the secret to internal tissue restoration. Orthosilicic acid allows for faster repair and rebuilding of the body's fast growth tissue areas and cells, where Large quantities are found in the beauty elements; skin, hair, nails, teeth, and bone structure. Diatomaceous Earth, which is between 80-90% silica, is Known as the "The Grass of the Sea" -- and is made from the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one celled plants called Diatoms. Even though diatoms are microscopic, single-celled algae, they are the basic food of all higher aquatic life forms. The Diatom shells resemble a cylinder full of symmetrical cages shaped like ...
published: 26 Oct 2011
views: 17029
This might help many of you... Sea-salt helps with dizziness and silica supports our physi...
published: 21 Oct 2011
author: AmethystChrystal
This might help many of you... Sea-salt helps with dizziness and silica supports our physical body during the transformation... We are transforming from carbon based organisms to silica-based crystalline beings... If you can get Himalayan salt, that is even better. Please share this with your friends. ((( LOVE )))
published: 21 Oct 2011
author: AmethystChrystal
views: 916
Silica Gel in Water
Ever find those little white packets that say "throw away" and "Do Not Eat"? They are sili...
published: 18 Feb 2009
author: tyl3Z
Silica Gel in Water
Ever find those little white packets that say "throw away" and "Do Not Eat"? They are silica gel beads and they absorb like 60% of their mass in water. But, When they are dropped in water, they tend to absorb too much water. This causes them to "Crack" like ice sometimes does when you put it in a glass of water. Believe it or not but these "Gels" are used in making glass. You might have heard of the Chemical, Silicon Dioxide or SiO2. This is what these gels are.
published: 18 Feb 2009
author: tyl3Z
views: 115620
What is Silica and why do I need it?
published: 07 Apr 2012
author: Mineralifeonline
What is Silica and why do I need it?
Making silica aerogel at home
I followed instructions in the silica TMOS recipe from www.aerogel.org and successfully pr...
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: Ben Krasnow
Making silica aerogel at home
I followed instructions in the silica TMOS recipe from www.aerogel.org and successfully produced some small pieces of aerogel in my home shop. The two main difficulties are 1. Getting TMOS or TEOS (the key chemical ingredient), and 2. Building a supercritical drying chamber. The components for the chamber can be bought from www.mcmaster.com or another source of industrial pipe fittings. You'll also need a supply of liquid carbon dioxide. I used a 20-lbs cylinder, which I bought from a local welding store. Most of the cost is in the cylinder itself, since a refill costs only $20 to $30. You may find a welding supply shop that will rent the cylinder. Getting the TMOS is difficult since chemical suppliers are generally unwilling to sell to individuals. The process to make aerogel is 1. Mix TMOS, methanol, and ammonium hydroxide. Pour this mixture into molds, and wait for a gel to form. 2. Submerge the gel in methanol, and wait a day for the remaining water in the gel to diffuse into the methanol. 3. Discard the methanol, and replace with fresh methanol. Wait a day, and repeat. Repeat this process a few times over three days. 4. Transfer the gel into the supercritical drying chamber, and fill the chamber with methanol. 5. Add liquid CO2, then open the chamber's bottom valve to remove the methanol. Make sure the gels are always covered with liquid CO2. 6. Wait a day for methanol to diffuse into the liquid CO2. 7. Open the bottom valve and remove more methanol. 8. Repeat the ...
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: Ben Krasnow
views: 114825
Horsetail herbs is Silica
www.walmart.com Exfoliating pad up close: www.walmart.com FYI ON SILICA: www.jashbotanical...
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: HairNailsBeautytips
Horsetail herbs is Silica
www.walmart.com Exfoliating pad up close: www.walmart.com FYI ON SILICA: www.jashbotanicals.com ALVITA: www.alvita.com Benefits of Horsetail: www.liveandfeel.com
published: 28 Sep 2010
author: HairNailsBeautytips
views: 5543
Don't Let Silica Dust You!
During the summer of 2011, the Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) interns Miche...
published: 07 Sep 2011
author: nsacrame
Don't Let Silica Dust You!
During the summer of 2011, the Occupational Health Internship Program (OHIP) interns Michelle Santizo and Cassandra Porchas went on a quest to look at the usage of dust control tools and methods since the adoption of the Cal/OSHA regulation on controlling silica dust in the construction industry. Through funding from CPWR, NIOSH, and the CA Dept of Public Health and working with San Francisco Bay Area Bricklayers and Roofers Unions along with their Apprentice Programs and Contractors, Michelle and Cassandra produced a report that describes the usage of controls and identifies some of the enablers and barriers toward achieving greater usage. Despite having little knowledge of video filming and editing at the beginning of their internship, they became budding videographers and editors and developed "Don't Let Silica Dust You!", as a way to increase awareness of silica dust issues and controls.
published: 07 Sep 2011
author: nsacrame
views: 1214
Strengthening Bone with Silica Nanoparticles
Tiny particles of silicon dioxide -- essentially, extremely fine sand -- can strengthen bo...
published: 18 Jan 2012
author: EmoryUniversity
Strengthening Bone with Silica Nanoparticles
Tiny particles of silicon dioxide -- essentially, extremely fine sand -- can strengthen bones when introduced into animals, researchers at Emory University School of Medicine have discovered. The particles stimulate the generation of bone-forming cells and inhibit other cells that break down bone. The findings could someday form the basis for an alternative treatment for osteoporosis. The results were published recently in the journal Nanomedicine. The paper represents a collaboration between the laboratories of George Beck and Neale Weitzmann, both in the Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Lipids. The project started when Jin-Kyu Lee, now at Seoul National University, came to Beck's lab with silica nanoparticles he had developed that contained fluorescent dyes. This allowed researchers to track the particles within the body and within cells.
published: 18 Jan 2012
author: EmoryUniversity
views: 575
Silica - Children and adults needing Silica are prone to lingering infections for instance...
published: 12 Aug 2011
author: SchoolofHomeopathy
Silica - Children and adults needing Silica are prone to lingering infections for instance in the site of wounds, scars, rotten teeth and vaccinations. They also find it difficult to throw out splinters; they yield to foreign bodies, until they are give potentised Silica to wake up their dormant resistive powers. In Silica persons, these intrinsic 'resistive powers', although quiescent, are great: enough, for instance, to stimulate the body to throw out embedded shrapnel from old war wounds. We see this in the mental sphere also where the physical properties are mirrored. Silica people are outwardly mild and seemingly yielding, yet have an inner resistance; they stand firm, and may obstinately maintain their point of view. They do this because of inner determination as much as a concern about what others may think about them: that the image they project should be perfect. Adults and also children can give us a refined, almost aristocratic impression: inwardly assured (hard) yet outwardly polite (yielding). This characteristic can remind us of Staphisagria. Whenever there is a possibility of their image being lost, for instance while appearing on stage or meeting new people, or at the time of exams, Silica people develop tremendous anxiety with a great fear of failure. Silica may appear like Lycopodium, because Lycopodium also has lack of confidence. But in Lycopodium, it is whether they are capable of doing the action that bothers them, while in Silica it is their image ...
published: 12 Aug 2011
author: SchoolofHomeopathy
views: 2050
HPV vaccine - aluminium toxin and silica antidote
Censored by NHS Choices and STEMNET. Grace Filby explains that the aluminium in HPV cervic...
published: 13 Sep 2010
author: Grace Filby
HPV vaccine - aluminium toxin and silica antidote
Censored by NHS Choices and STEMNET. Grace Filby explains that the aluminium in HPV cervical cancer vaccines is a nerve poison. Some girls are getting serious and long-term side effects. Scientists at Keele University have shown that silica-rich mineral water is a natural antidote. More info: www.relax-well.co.uk
published: 13 Sep 2010
author: Grace Filby
views: 2855
Use Silica Gel to Dry Flowers
There are several ways to dry plants and flowers to preserve them for dried flower arrange...
published: 07 Sep 2010
author: UIExtension
Use Silica Gel to Dry Flowers
There are several ways to dry plants and flowers to preserve them for dried flower arrangements and other presentations. This video discusses using silica gel to dry plant material.
published: 07 Sep 2010
author: UIExtension
views: 37273
Silica Exposure
Download high quality version here: tinyurl.com Silica is a common substance found in sand...
published: 20 Jul 2010
author: WorkSafeBC
Silica Exposure
Download high quality version here: tinyurl.com Silica is a common substance found in sand, rock, and building materials such as concrete and brick. Cutting, grinding, or drilling these materials releases dangerous crystalline silica dust into the air. This video shows how breathing in silica dust can cause permanent damage to the lungs.
published: 20 Jul 2010
author: WorkSafeBC
views: 17528
Silica Gel
Hübner Silica Gel contains silicon. Silicon, found naturally in the human body, provides s...
published: 10 Sep 2010
author: ourfhp
Silica Gel
Hübner Silica Gel contains silicon. Silicon, found naturally in the human body, provides strength and support to nails, hair, skin, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments. Available at www.OurFavoriteHealthProducts.com & www.AMAZON.com
published: 10 Sep 2010
author: ourfhp
views: 6814
Youtube results:
SPF, Silica, and Flash Photography: Studio Tips
*Lots more info below!* Pro makeup artist Jordan Liberty gives insider tips on the effects...
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: givegoodface
SPF, Silica, and Flash Photography: Studio Tips
*Lots more info below!* Pro makeup artist Jordan Liberty gives insider tips on the effects of SPF and silica (aka HD powder) in flash photography. Say goodbye to this dated myth with a full camera test based on your requests! Check out the unretouched test shots on our facebook page at www.facebook.com I actually believed that SPF flashed back for 6 years. Until David (creator of OCC and total genius) totally schooled me! Proof that you're never too old to learn, or be put in your place! He's an awesome dude, which is why I love OCC products. ------------------------------ Disclaimer: We use professional makeup artistry brands. Because of the poor quality of some drugstore foundations, we can't say that you won't get flashback with them. However, if you're using even the most inexpensive of professional brands, our techniques and advice will almost always apply! In either case, if you have doubts, you can always test by taking a photo with a point-and-shoot digital camera (with the flash on) from 8-10 feet away. Good luck! ------------------------------ Ingredients that DO flashback: People tend to blame SPF and silica, but nowadays, most flashback is caused by one of 3 things. Mineral foundation (loaded with reflective silver mica), blush or bronzer with a high reflectivity, or cheap foundations loaded with fillers. Amateur artists rush to blame the SPF, when it is usually some other culprit. A note on CAMERAS: Point-and-shoot consumer cameras have non-adjustable flashes ...
published: 03 Jul 2012
author: givegoodface
views: 19183
How to make your own silica desiccant packs
Keeping moisture away from firearms and ammunition is key to their condition and safety. H...
published: 06 Mar 2012
author: DrFaulken
How to make your own silica desiccant packs
Keeping moisture away from firearms and ammunition is key to their condition and safety. Here's how to save money by making your own desiccant packs.
published: 06 Mar 2012
author: DrFaulken
views: 2252
Silica Gel
The older type (1) and newer type (2) Silica gel subjected to a moisture test. Type (1). B...
published: 26 Dec 2011
author: RODALCO2007
Silica Gel
The older type (1) and newer type (2) Silica gel subjected to a moisture test. Type (1). Blue, changes to orange when moisture is absorbed. Type (2). Orange, changes to bluish green when moisture is absorbed. Si-Gel is used to prevent moisture ingress in high voltage oil circuit breakers and transformers. It is also used in packaging for electronic equipment. A lot of heat is generated during the exothermic process. I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (www.youtube.com
published: 26 Dec 2011
author: RODALCO2007
views: 10490
Botanicare Silica Blast Video
www.botanicare.com - Botanicare's Silica Blast is a supplement that helps plant defense ag...
published: 23 Mar 2012
author: botanicare
Botanicare Silica Blast Video
www.botanicare.com - Botanicare's Silica Blast is a supplement that helps plant defense against extreme temperature and drought.
published: 23 Mar 2012
author: botanicare
views: 2002