
John Wesley - Christian Movie
Doctrinal Regeneration is just as dangerous and damning as Decisional Regeneration. Althou...
published: 07 Apr 2011
author: FreeTheMasons
John Wesley - Christian Movie
Doctrinal Regeneration is just as dangerous and damning as Decisional Regeneration. Although John Wesley was Semi-Pelagian Arminian doctrinally. This movie reveals Wesley's struggle with the fruit by-produce of Arminianism and what it produces, with the description in Scripture of the work of the Holy Spirit. The ultimate proof to you of your salvation is in the continual witness of the Holy Spirit presence produced by the hearing of abiding in the doctrine of Christ 2 John 1-9-11. This testifying to us, our love for God's Word. Which in turn, God's Holy Word the Bible, witnesses back to us the life of the Holy Spirit witness, and the calling of Christ. Without this continual witness of the Holy Spirit, mans fleshly wisdom and carnal mind is all that is known. Man's natural mind trying to interpret Scripture will inevitably bring the leaven and spread of man made doctrines. This movie also reveals that Wesley's mental assent to information about the Gospel, concerned Wesley's Father enough to confront His son about truly not being continually saved. Arminianism and it's mantra prayers of "repeat after me" do not produce continual salvation abiding living faith, which is the proof and fruit of true abiding salvation. The abundant evidence of dicisional prayers that abide, stay and reamin in the continual practice of sin, is enough proof that salvation is, and belongs solely to the Lords prerogative work. Jesus' salvation for the few that are chosen, among the many called ...
published: 07 Apr 2011
views: 101204

John Wesley - the Evangelical Revival
John Wesley and the Evangelical Revival. A clip from Great Christian Revivals. George Whit...
published: 07 Sep 2009
author: job293
John Wesley - the Evangelical Revival
John Wesley and the Evangelical Revival. A clip from Great Christian Revivals. George Whitefield also. 72 minute dvd. www.byfaith.org
published: 07 Sep 2009
author: job293
views: 17990

Strangely Warmed: John Wesley's Spiritual Journey
Here's the final version of my digital story telling about John Wesley's spiritual journey...
published: 23 Mar 2009
author: WildcatTech
Strangely Warmed: John Wesley's Spiritual Journey
Here's the final version of my digital story telling about John Wesley's spiritual journey, which culminated in one of the most celebrated conversion experiences in church history ~ his "Aldersgate" experience. Over a dozen Christian denominations today consider him to be a spiritual father, and it's only because of this life-transforming experience of his, early in his ministry, that we know about him. In this story, find out the "secret to his success." I created this for a "Digital Storytelling" class at Emporia State University in the "Instructional Design & Technology" graduate studies program and this is the final version I turned in for a grade. However, multimedia projects are never really "done" ~ I'm sure there's more I can improve, so I welcome feedback and suggestions (only the most usefuly will be published, however).
published: 23 Mar 2009
author: WildcatTech
views: 27418

JC Ryle - John Wesley and His Ministry ( Audio Book Reading / Biography ) 1 of 10
JC Ryle playlist: www.youtube.com JCRyle - John Wesley and His Ministry video playlist: ww...
published: 16 Jul 2010
author: stack45ny
JC Ryle - John Wesley and His Ministry ( Audio Book Reading / Biography ) 1 of 10
JC Ryle playlist: www.youtube.com JCRyle - John Wesley and His Ministry video playlist: www.youtube.com John Wesley - (1703-1791), preacher, theologian and founder of the Methodist Church The Wesley family was made famous by the two brothers, John and Charles, who worked together in the rise of Methodism in the British Isles during the 18th century. They were among the ten children surviving infancy born to Samuel Wesley (1662 - 1735), Anglican rector of Epworth, Lincolnshire, and Susanna Annesley Wesley, daughter of Samuel Annesley, a dissenting minister. John Wesley was born June 28, 1703, died Mar. 2, 1791, and was the principal founder of the Methodist movement. His mother was important in his emotional and educational development. John's education continued at Charterhouse School and at Oxford, where he studied at Christ Church and was elected (1726) fellow of Lincoln College. He was ordained in 1728. After a brief absence (1727 - 29) to help his father at Epworth, John returned to Oxford to discover that his brother Charles had founded a Holy Club composed of young men interested in spiritual growth. John quickly became a leading participant of this group, which was dubbed the Methodists. His Oxford days introduced him not only to the rich tradition of classical literature and philosophy but also to spiritual classics like Thomas a Kempis's Imitation of Christ, Jeremy Taylor's Holy Living and Dying, and William Law's Serious Call. In 1735 both Wesleys accompanied ...
published: 16 Jul 2010
author: stack45ny
views: 9203

John Wesley Sermon: Thoughts on War
Mark Topping as John Wesley. Taken from the DVD dramatising significant moments in his lif...
published: 28 Apr 2008
author: methodistchurchofgb
John Wesley Sermon: Thoughts on War
Mark Topping as John Wesley. Taken from the DVD dramatising significant moments in his life. See www.revjohnwesley.com to order. For more about the Methodist Church of Great Britain see www.methodist.org.uk
published: 28 Apr 2008
author: methodistchurchofgb
views: 41931

Young Holy Team-Dr.John Wesley
A Brief Description about YHT-Rajahmundry...
published: 13 Apr 2010
author: youngholyteam
Young Holy Team-Dr.John Wesley

John Wesley - Pretty Lives
John Wesley is the touring guitarist and background vocalist for Porcupine Tree. As a solo...
published: 08 Feb 2010
author: FOSroadkill
John Wesley - Pretty Lives
John Wesley is the touring guitarist and background vocalist for Porcupine Tree. As a solo artist, he has written and recorded five studio albums and performed live all over the world. This is the song Pretty Lives, from the 2005 Shiver album. Most of his music is available for download, 100% free of charge, on his website: www.john-wesley.com
published: 08 Feb 2010
author: FOSroadkill
views: 12058

John Wesley Biography Trailer
A re-release of the J. Arthur Rank historical classic made in 1954. This cinema drama foll...
published: 31 Mar 2009
author: visionvideocom
John Wesley Biography Trailer
A re-release of the J. Arthur Rank historical classic made in 1954. This cinema drama follows the life of Wesley from when he was saved out of a burning house as a child and thereby marked for life as a "brand from the burning." His Oxford days, a disastrous mission to America, his decisive Aldersgate experience, his bringing the Gospel into the daily lives of alienated masses, the founding of Methodism, and his astounding role in raising the moral and religious climate in 18th century England, and much more are set forth with careful dependence on the historical sources. John Wesley was one of the most influential ministers in all of Christian history, and this old but still potent film provides an excellent introduction to the major events in his life and the many obstacles he had to overcome. You can purchase this DVD at www.visionvideo.com
published: 31 Mar 2009
author: visionvideocom
views: 14377

Tribute to John Wesley - Robin Mark
Tribute to John Wesley written and performed by Robin Mark. Dedicated to the Methodists fr...
published: 22 Aug 2009
author: CCUMC13209
Tribute to John Wesley - Robin Mark
Tribute to John Wesley written and performed by Robin Mark. Dedicated to the Methodists from up north dressed in red shirts this night. Recorded live on July 24, 2009 at North Syracuse Baptist Church in Syracuse New York. this is an exclusive that is approved by Robin for display on you tube. John Wesley, Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, and Paul Baloche and Robin Mark appear through special permission of the main man. Looking of meaning to life, link to www.ChristCommunityUMC.com Complete sing along lyrics included. This video shows Robins sense of human and genuine personal communication with his audiences. Robin and Band played a 90 min concert on this night. This is the location where Robin recorded his 2009 live CD. Many say this is his finest CD to date. complete lyrics: John Wesley by Robin Mark Michael W. Smith writes a very nice song So does Steve Curtis Chapman he moves it along And that nice Paul Baloche with his neat well trimmed beard But my favorite of all, is John Wesley Well the orchestra played and the choir sweetly sang A song about freedom and losing your chains So I strolled to the front when the service had ended Saying who wrote that song? Why John Wesley So I asked Reverend Bob if it would be alright For John to lead worship on some Sunday night And surprisingly he agreed that it might He said go ahead son, book John Wesley. So John Wesley is coming to my church On the third Sunday night in July Reverend Bob gave me a telephone number I rang ...
published: 22 Aug 2009
author: CCUMC13209
views: 17201

John Wesley, the famous founder of the Methodist religion, lacked faith in the God he prea...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: CAnswersTV
John Wesley, the famous founder of the Methodist religion, lacked faith in the God he preached. "I do not love God. I never did ... I have never believed ... I am only an honest heathen ... I have no direct witness ... of anything ... invisible or eternal" said John Wesley in a letter to his brother Charles Wesley in June 1766. Wesley's confession to his brother was long after his supposed "conversion" to Christianity. Larry Wessels, director of Christian Answers of Austin, Texas/ Christian Debater (see YouTube channel: CANSWERSTV; see our 19 playlists on numerous topics at www.youtube.com websites: www.BIBLEQUERY.ORG, http & www.MUSLIMHOPE.COM) presents this theological analysis of the Roman Catholic mystical background of John Wesley, Wesley's hybrid brand of Arminanism taken from James Arminius & Wesley's own claim to be a non-Christian "heathen." For more on the "Arminian" question see our playlist " Dealing with Predestination, Arminianism & Calvinism" (54 videos) at http In a letter to his brother Charles in June 1766, the hybrid Arminian evangelist John Wesley, now in his sixties, confesses that he does not and never did love God, believe or have the direct witness of divine sonship or even of things invisible or eternal. Here's his testimony: "In one of my last [letters] I was saying that I do not feel the wrath of God abiding on me; nor can I believe it does. And yet (this is the mystery), I do not love God. I never did. Therefore I never believed, in the ...
published: 08 Jun 2012
author: CAnswersTV
views: 21321

John Wesley of Porcupine Tree talks about Babicz Guitars
John Wesley reflects on how the revolutionary Babicz Adjustable Neck system helps his musi...
published: 05 Jul 2007
author: BabiczGuitars
John Wesley of Porcupine Tree talks about Babicz Guitars
John Wesley reflects on how the revolutionary Babicz Adjustable Neck system helps his musical performance. Buy Babicz Online at: www.jeffbabiczguitars.com or call Toll Free: 877-856-0780 www.porcupinetree.com www.john-wesley.com
published: 05 Jul 2007
author: BabiczGuitars
views: 19447

John Wesley - A Heartwarming Story by youth of First United Methodist Church Mercedes
A humorous rendition of the life of John Wesley up to the time of his heartwarming experie...
published: 25 Apr 2009
author: mercedesfumc
John Wesley - A Heartwarming Story by youth of First United Methodist Church Mercedes
A humorous rendition of the life of John Wesley up to the time of his heartwarming experience at Aldersgate, done in the style of a silent movie. The actors are the members of the 2008-2009 confirmation class of First United Methodist Church of Mercedes, Texas, down in the Rio Grande Valley. Sara Goodman and Ben Hinojosa is the cinematogropher and Devlon Goodman is the producer. We hope you enjoy and learn from this delightful snippet of United Methodist History!
published: 25 Apr 2009
author: mercedesfumc
views: 5896

"Kay" 1978 (re-release) by John Wesley Ryles
"Kay" 1978 (re-release) Written by Hank Mills Performed by John Wesley Ryles © '68 Johnny ...
published: 24 Jan 2009
author: twilliams870
"Kay" 1978 (re-release) by John Wesley Ryles
"Kay" 1978 (re-release) Written by Hank Mills Performed by John Wesley Ryles © '68 Johnny Bienstock Music, BMI en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org Kay with all your singing talent back in Houston Nashville's all you talked about I sold everything I owned to bring you here now you'll be famous there's no doubt Last week you knocked 'em out in New York tonight Chicago's going wild Kay Your new record on the jukebox don't sound bad Kay I'm living yet I'm dying staring out at Music City from my cab Caution lights blink out their warning some old faithful Big Ben clock chimes three am Starving hound dogs search the trash can my gas tank could stand a dollars worth again All those chuckholes here on Main Street jar my rib cage I can cuss Kay The crowd of nightlife people look so sad Kay I'm living yet I'm dying staring out at Music City from my cab Two young soldiers from Fort Campbell told me how they fought a war they never won Sirens echoed through an alley and some woman said some fellow stabbed a man I rushed Miss Teenage to the doctor she begged to give the child my name Ive lost count of cups of coffee that I've had Kay I'm living yet I'm dying staring out at Music City from my cab Three rose petals on my front seat fallen from the bouquet Jimmy took to June Jim kept mumbling through his teardrops God she'll leave this world with flowers in her room Kay I showed some drunk your picture and he made some smart remark So I hit him in the mouth for was I mad Kay I'm living yet ...
published: 24 Jan 2009
author: twilliams870
views: 39463
Vimeo results:

Sacred Marriage 2: The Refining Fire (How to Make a Great Rub)
We are all in the gutter, but some of us look at the stars-Oscar Wilde
They dream in court...
published: 03 Nov 2009
author: Jim Tompkins
Sacred Marriage 2: The Refining Fire (How to Make a Great Rub)
We are all in the gutter, but some of us look at the stars-Oscar Wilde
They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake…Alexander Pope
Because marriage, more than any other relationship, reflects God’s involvement with us and bears more potential to draw our hearts to heaven, it can more readily give us a taste of hell (Dan Allender & Tremper Longman III)
We all associate the image of fire with hell. And many marriages in American have gone through this fire of Hell. Whether the marriage ends or the couple stays together, marriage is seen by some as hell on earth.
The Apostle Peter was well acquainted with fire.
He denied Jesus while warming his hands over fire. Jesus questioned his love while fish were roasting over fire. In both cases he associated fire with a test. One he failed another he passed. I think that is why he wrote these verses in 1 Peter 4:12-13 (NLT):
1 Peter 4:12-13 (NLT) Dear friends, don’t be surprised at the fiery trials you are going through, as if something strange were happening to you. Instead, be very glad—for these trials make you partners with Christ in his suffering, so that you will have the wonderful joy of seeing his glory when it is revealed to all the world.
1 Peter 1:6-7 (NLT) So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
Fire is certainly viewed as destructive and dangerous. Fires destroy forests, but fires also lead to renewal. Fire burns away the dross surrounding certain metals and reveals the pure gold or silver. The fires of life can destroy our marriage, or, if survived, purify our marriage. The fires of our marriage can draw our hearts to heaven or leave us with the taste of hell.
In the movie Fireproof
Captain Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a firefighter in Albany, Georgia. His seven-year marriage to Catherine is falling apart. Neither one understands the pressures the other faces, and after a heated argument in which Caleb screams in Catherine's face, she declares she wants out of the marriage, and takes off her wedding ring.
While Caleb claims to his friends and co-workers that Catherine is over-sensitive and disrespectful, Catherine simultaneously claims to her peers that Caleb is insensitive to her needs and doesn't listen to her. Further catalyzing Catherine's motivation for divorce is Caleb's addiction to Internet pornography and a large sum of money ($24,000, to be exact) he has saved up for a fishing boat he intends to buy, ignoring the fact that Catherine's disabled mother is in need of hospital equipment that she cannot afford, and which insurance refuses to cover. Caleb tells his father John about the impending divorce, and John challenges Caleb to commit to a 40-day test called, "The Love Dare." Caleb reluctantly agrees to do the test, but more for the sake of his father than his marriage. Catherine initially sees through Caleb's half-hearted attempts to win back her heart, which deepens Caleb's frustration. But with his father's encouragement, Caleb continues with The Love Dare, and eventually makes a life-changing commitment to God, unbeknownst to Catherine.
The movie has some various twists but the end result is Caleb and Catherine realize they need each other, and at the end they renew their vows in an outdoor ceremony, this time as a covenant with God. Their marriage is FIREPROOF.
Marriage is a Covenant
Did you see your marriage vows as a marriage Covenant? Did both you and your spouse get married knowing you were making a covenant before God! You did, whether you realized it or not.
Definition: a binding and solemn agreement to do or keep from doing a specified thing; compact
We know of Covenants from the Bible. God put a rainbow in the sky as a covenant that He would never destroy the world by rain. He made a Covenant with Abraham, He made a Covenant with David, He made a Covenant with all who by faith believe in Jesus Christ. That Covenant was sealed by the blood and body of Jesus.
When we get married, we enter into a covenant before God. In a Covenant, you make a binding agreement to stay with this woman or man until they die. In that Covenant we also promise to do so and so.
Most people believe “Well, my husband broke his promise to love me, or take care of me or so and so, so it’s OK for me to break my promise to him.” Or, well my wife is no longer the person I married, so my vow does not apply.
WE draw a line in our marriage
“I’ll keep my end of the covenant as long as you don’t cross over this line.” I’ll keep my word as long as you don’t … … … But as soon as you do, that’s it, I’m out of here!
That would be OK if marriage

Last of the Great Unknown - Trailer #1
The Grand Canyon is an immense place, almost unfathomable in scale, and one of the last pl...
published: 04 Mar 2012
author: Dan Ransom
Last of the Great Unknown - Trailer #1
The Grand Canyon is an immense place, almost unfathomable in scale, and one of the last places in the American West to be explored. John Wesley Powell called it the "Great Unknown," having no idea what rapids, falls, or canyons awaited him on his first descent of the river in 1869. In the decades since, the Canyon has been a playground for dozens of explorers. River runners, backpackers, routefinders, lithic hunters, and peakbaggers have all laid claim to the Canyon's iconic landmarks, often seeking out the prestigious "firsts." While many significant points of interest were being explored, there was one feature that was left almost entirely ignored: the Canyon's innumerable technical slots.
Deep within this vast wilderness are secret and intimate tributaries rarely visited by man, hiding some of the Canyon's most remarkable features. The barrier to entry is steep. To explore them, one must have a knowledge of backpacking, packrafting, rappeling, anchor building, and off-trail navigation. The Last of the Great Unknown is the story of these slots, the canyoneers who systematically explored their drainages, and the secrets hidden deep within their walls.
The film will premiere the last week of April, 2012. Check the official website for updates!
Official Website - http://www.lastofthegreatunknown.com/
Follow on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Last-of-the-Great-Unknown/183869008384960
Directed by Dan Ransom - http://www.danransom.com
Original Score by Amy Stolzenbach - http://www.amystolzenbach.com

Official Video "Pick Your Poison" Diplo and Datsik Featuring Kay
Buy Pick Your Poison (beatport.com)
published: 16 Sep 2011
author: Justin Herazo
Official Video "Pick Your Poison" Diplo and Datsik Featuring Kay
Buy Pick Your Poison (beatport.com)
"Pick Your Poison"
By Diplo and Datsik Featuring Kay
Mad Decent
Asphyxia Noir, Skin Diamond, and Hella Bootsy
Director: P. Justin Herazo
Producer: John Paul Pike
Director of Photography : Jesus Barrios
Editor: P. Justin Herazo
Grip/PA: Brian K. Utter
Shot at the San Francisco Armory http://www.armorystudios.com/
Poison Girls
Sparky Sin Claire
Sophie Monroe
Fairy Dust
Special thanks to
Wesley Pentz
Peter Acworth
Thanks everyone else involved
Debra Pitz
Norris aka Steak Mountain
Burton Vargas Chambers and his team
Tim Lewis
Darryl "aka Keanu"
Mike Gudz
Ken Guru
And anybody else I may have forgotten lots of love to all of you!

Dame Lo - Mexicans With Guns
This is an Experimental Short Film/Music Video called
"Dame Lo"
for more info on the rele...
published: 31 Jul 2010
author: System D-128
Dame Lo - Mexicans With Guns
This is an Experimental Short Film/Music Video called
"Dame Lo"
for more info on the release,
check here:
And here is the Youtube Version*
SXSW Version
This Video was Produced,Directed & Edited by Ðueý FṀ (aka System D-128)
My 1st Short Film is dedicated and in memory of Frank Frazetta 1928-2010 one of the best artists to ever live, thank you for all the inspiration and strength you have given me since I was a kid yo..
What doesnt kill you makes you stronger*
Depression is a real disease that in fact is extremly deadly, millions of people suffer from it everyday, to everyone that deals with it to this day and has lost their lives over it, this video is for you*
Try to find your personal solutions that will make you happy and do whatever it takes to get you through the madness*
This film has allowed me to kill myself and live afterwards, I saw the pain and kept going after I saw myself die, I feel my demons have left my mind and my body and have got trapped within this film forever.
Thank you to everybody that has helped me achieve this*
System D-128
Credits for "Dame Lo"
Main Characters - Pedro Luera & Felicia Michelle
Additional Actors,Actress's,Models -
Nick Merry, Araon Pena,Tiffany Hover,
Ralph Rodriguez, Brian Torres Korlofsky,
Clint Hansen, Alex Rubio, Alissandria Munoz,
John Walker, Miguel Nelson,
Nirav Bhakta, Eddie Felan, Jessica Ramirez,
Sarah Gabriella, Ariel Bryan,
Chasity Morales, Jesseka Almanza,
Party Dawg aka Weezy
Kumbia Kween and
Magic Cowboy aka Vaquero Magico
1st DP - Dustin Wenger
2nd DP - Jayme Sanchez
SFX - Manuel Cantu at Altered Vision Studios
Stylist & Make Up - Devyn Gonzales
Dame Lo Typography and Text - Aerosyn Lex Mestrovic
Additional Graphics and Penciling - John Fitzpatrick
Thanks to: Ernesto Gonzales, The Mexicans With Guns, Monessa Esquivel for your work with Casting and holding me down, Seth Archambault which has helped work as my assistant on portions of this project*
Also,thank you to Taco Land, Rest In Peace Ramiro Ram Ayala > If you were left out, Sorry and shoot me a email* systemd128@gmail.com
Additional Thank You's for the early inspiration:
mid 80's to late 90's Rap Videos I used to catch on
Rap City and Yo! MTV Raps,
Rest in Peace Ted Demme*
Ralph Mcdaniels Video Music Box and The Box*
Midnight Movies*
The people that have helped me learn about 8mm,16mm,35mm,shooting,lighting,etc.
Wesley Pentz,Leandro HBL,Ben Blaze Harris,
Shane Annas,Kevin Chung,Alec Sutherland,
The Consultants and Death By Electric Shock*
Alex Colina for building me my 1st computer,
Teresa Camposeco, everyone at Friends Of Sound Records,
Missy for putting me up on Oskar Fischinger, Naim June Paik and so many other great Video Artists,
I Love Video and Vulcan Video in Austin Texas,
Tim League,Zack and Lars at the Alamo Drafthouse, thanks for showing the
Dimension Pictures "Sweet Sugar" on 35mm*
My Boricua side of the family coming through with the last minute support,
Gladys Torres,Miriam Torres, Nelie Hernandez,
James Ortiz, Emilia & Marcos Torres Rest in Peace*
Once again the man that made this film stick like glue*
Brian Torres Korlofsky,
all my people at Mad Decent, Mishka, Innovative Leisure, Stones Throw and the Directors of the Past,Present and Future that have and continue to push the envelope and boundries of Music Videos and Filmaking*
If I didnt give you a shout out, get my Check One Two DVD when it comes out* Im still Workinonit'
And last but not least San Antonio Texas,
Larger than Jim Backus It's The Cactus*
Duey Due Todo Representando
Youtube results:

Welsh Revival Evan Roberts, John Wesley, Hebridean Revivals (from dvd)
Great Christian Revivals DVD -the Welsh, Hebridean & Evangelical Revival -Evan Roberts, Du...
published: 29 Apr 2009
author: job293
Welsh Revival Evan Roberts, John Wesley, Hebridean Revivals (from dvd)
Great Christian Revivals DVD -the Welsh, Hebridean & Evangelical Revival -Evan Roberts, Duncan Campbell, John Wesley, George Whitefield. 72 Minute Documentary From www.byfaith.org Great Christian Revivals is an emotional, inspirational and uplifting account of some of the greatest revivals in church history. Set to a historic soundtrack, including Parry's Jerusalem, the viewer is taken on location to witness the actual places where many special outpourings came to pass. Drawing upon archive information, the stories of these Christian revivals are brought to life through the testimony of those who witnessed the events first-hand. Using computer animation, historic photos and depictions, the events of the past are weaved into the present, as the old and new are blended together to bring the stories alive. Discover in a brand new light, the amazing accounts of the Welsh Revival, the Hebridean Revival and the Evangelical Revival. Weep with Evan Roberts as he pleads with God to change a country, join Duncan Campbell as the Holy Spirit visits a community and remember John Wesley and George Whitefield, as twenty-five percent of the nation gets saved! "In times of evangelism, the evangelist seeks the sinner, in times of revival the sinner comes chasing after the Lord." - J. Edwin Orr. The Christian Revivals "Revival is a going of God among His people and an awareness of God laying hold of the community." - Duncan Campbell. The Welsh Revival 1904 - 1905. The Welsh Revival is ...
published: 29 Apr 2009
author: job293
views: 36613

Stories of the Century JOHN WESLEY HARDIN full length episode
www.westernsontheweb.com westernsonline for free. This is another episode of Stories of th...
published: 04 Nov 2011
author: westernsontheweb
Stories of the Century JOHN WESLEY HARDIN full length episode
www.westernsontheweb.com westernsonline for free. This is another episode of Stories of the Century starring Jim Davis as Railroad detective Matt Clark .This public domain episode is from season 1 episode 12 original air date was March 11 of 1954 . This series won an Emmy Award in 1955 for Best Western Adventure. Fillming locations were Iverson Ranch and Republic Studios. Hosted by Bob Terry of Americas toy cap gun maker Wild West Toys. Shop with Wild West Toys online at http
published: 04 Nov 2011
author: westernsontheweb
views: 3913

John Wesley Exposed as a Heretic by Baptist preacher
This an excerpt from the sermon, "Historic Fundamentalism?" preached by Pastor Steven L An...
published: 10 Jul 2008
author: sanderson1611
John Wesley Exposed as a Heretic by Baptist preacher
This an excerpt from the sermon, "Historic Fundamentalism?" preached by Pastor Steven L Anderson at Faithful Word Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona. The entire sermon is available for free download at www dot faithfulwordbaptist dot org.
published: 10 Jul 2008
author: sanderson1611
views: 15541

Encounters with John Wesley Trailer
John Wesley set 18th-century Britain on fire with his open-air preaching. The Methodist so...
published: 02 Apr 2009
author: visionvideocom
Encounters with John Wesley Trailer
John Wesley set 18th-century Britain on fire with his open-air preaching. The Methodist societies he organized and nurtured grew with phenomenal speed. Encounters with John Wesley brings to life the legendary preachers search for faith, his tireless traveling, the violent opposition he faced, and his passionate, single-minded drive to do what good I can. Join Mark Topping as John Wesley in this action-packed docudrama as we follow Wesley around the English countryside, meeting the people and preaching the Gospel. Filmed on location at the New Room, Bristol, the oldest Methodist chapel in the world and at Charles Wesleys House, also in Bristol. DVD Features: Interview with Mark Topping A look at the New Room Dramatized versions of four Wesley Sermons: - Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth - Awake, thou that sleepest - Thoughts on Slavery - Thoughts on War You can purchase this DVD at www.visionvideo.com
published: 02 Apr 2009
author: visionvideocom
views: 6978