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A Heartfelt Wish/DVD


London campaign against law-breaking Veolia nears December deadline

The North London Waste Authority is considering tenders for the massive job of waste disposal in North London. People who are concerned about the responsible disposal of waste are equally concerned about respect for international law and human rights. As Veolia flouts these laws in Israeli settlements local campaigns against Veolia getting this contract have become intense. Check here for updates.

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Baskin explains the truce that was killed along with al-Jabari

Gershon Baskin’s long experience as an unofficial negotiator with the Palestinians has enabled him to see a new pragmatism in Hamas leaders. From this came the plan of Israel-Hamas co-operation in preventing outbreaks of violence from Gaza. An inreview with the Huffington Post.

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Cover your ears and cling to Israel

In the din of war and the internet’s deluge of information Robert Cohen tries to make sense of what’s going on. He does not regret his own uncertainties – but is angered by the British Jewish establishment’s betrayal of the Judaic tradition. It has nothing to say but ‘we are with you Israel’.

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Predictions of an all-out war

In a bleak assessment, George Friedman sees little chance of a negotiated truce; the issues of difference between Hamas and the Israeli government are too large to be contained by any such agreement, and the new power of Hamas’ Fajr-5 rockets too great to be left in hiding. 2nd, Iran denies supplying the rockets.

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Veolia dumps its sponsorship of photography exhibition!

In a terse statement in the trade media, Veolia announces that it has ended its 4-year sponsorship of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year Competition. The petition against this wildly inappropriate sponsorship by a law-breaking, waste-dumping company was started by Richard Kuper and JfJfP. 1,175 had signed by 18 Nov – the petition is still running!

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Pretending Hamas does not exist and a peace process does

International relations are based on a peace process which does not exist and a denial of Hamas’s authority, which does. It would be farcical were not the weapons lethal, the killings horrible, the imbalance of power palpable. Thus are Egypt, Turkey and Qatar, which recognise Hamas, handed the key role.

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This attack is all to do with Likud and the election

Adam Chandler of the Tablet magazine asks Nathan Thrall of the International Crisis Group why this attack, why now? and what can possibly change? Answers, the Israeli election, the election, and nothing. Plus the fog of Pillar of Defence and Pillar of Cloud cleared up.

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Global protests against attack on Gaza

Protests being organised round the world – many in the UK. JfJfP condemns the assassination. Palestine Solidarity Campaign rally on Saturday outside Israeli embassy see under London ; PSC also held a protest demonstration outside the Israeli embassy on Thursday 15th November. Comment by Uri Avnery.

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Israel, you had a choice!

Dahlia Scheindlin takes apart the Israeli excuse of ‘we had no choice’ and looks at the roads not taken. Amira Hass says though Israel may have learned some propaganda lessons from Cast Lead, it has learned nothing politically.

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UN Security Council struck dumb by Gaza-Israel fire

The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting on Wednesday 14 November to discuss the upsurge in violence between Gaza and Israel. After deliberation, it had no statement to make. Although Hamas can launch rockets, it has no political power, unlike US-backed Israel. 11 Palestinians and 3 Israelis had been killed by Thursday 15 November.

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Jabari held draft of truce agreement when assassinated UPDATE

According to experienced negotiator Gershon Baskin, Israeli intelligence knew that the draft of a truce agreement between Hamas and Israel had reached al-Jabari shortly before he was assassinated by Shin Bet. UPDATES: Mark Perry recounts a similar Israeli killing on the eve of a truce in 2002, Baskin on al-Jabari.

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Operation Pillar of Defence, pictures and voices

Operation Pillar of Defence sounds more manly, less lethal than Operation Cast Lead. But as the IDF know well, their recent airstrikes could only be indiscriminate, causing damage to civilian people and property as well as the supposed targets of armed resistance. Pictures and protests from three sources.

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Oust Abbas – or recognise Palestinian state; leaked Israeli paper

In the second internal Israeli Foreign Ministry document to have been leaked recently, officials say ‘toppling’ Pres. Abbas is the only option if the UN offers the PA observer status – but also suggest that Israel should recognise Palestinian statehood as a lure to them to give up the bid later this month. Plus background article on Lieberman’s proposal for getting rid of Abbas as PA President.

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Protests mount in region calling for unity against Israel

While cynics mutter that at last Netanyahu has got his pre-election war, voices on the street, from Istanbul to Cairo so far, are loudly denouncing any accommodation with Israel and demanding that they speak with a common voice.

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Targeted killings safer option than another Cast Lead

From the point of view of international opinion, any option seems better than another Operation Cast Lead; this Ha’aretz story of how the IDF plans to respond to rocket fire from Gaza implies that Israel knew it could rely on US/EU tolerance of the lethal offensive against Gaza civilians. Reports from Reuters and NY Times suggests this is optimistic.

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If American Jews abandon Israel….

Who is going to support the minority of Israeli Jews like Akiva Eldar, who judge Israel to be ‘an occupying, belligerent and racist country’? While there have been several reports on diaspora Jews turning their backs on Israel, few journalists have found signs that many American Jews support anti-Occupation Israelis.

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World Bank forces fantasy economics on Palestinians

The World Bank has one idea: private sector growth in a free market in a democratic state. Even when it acknowledges there is no free market or democratic state, as in the oPt, it still presses its policy. An Al-Shabaka brief picks apart its recommendations.

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UK acts with Israel and USA to stop PA bid

Formally, the world holds one view: Israel and the PA should negotiate two states into existence. So unilateral moves that diverge from this view – such as settlement building or this week’s bid by the PA for UN observer status – are condemned by the big players. A Sunday night call with Obama confirms his opposition.

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Benny Morris, from new historian to anti-Palestinian

Benny Morris was a ‘new historian’ who rejected the Zionist foundation narrative with his account of the forced expulsion of Palestinians. Since then, he has re-positioned himself within the camp which sees all Palestinians as being, like the Israeli right, determined to take over the whole land. Interviews LA Times, YUP.

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EU members condemn Israel for new settlement building

The announcement by Israel’s Housing Ministry of tenders for new settler homes in East Jerusalem was quickly condemned by Lady Ashton, the UK, France and Germany. The EU, like the USA, is committed to negotiations for 2 states which settlement building makes impossible.

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