
Radama 1er.Histoire des rois et reines de Madagascar.wmv
Raha ny tantara no jerena dia mpanjaka lehibe indrindra i Radama I.Satria nahatanteraka ny...
published: 03 Apr 2010
author: madaisland
Radama 1er.Histoire des rois et reines de Madagascar.wmv
Raha ny tantara no jerena dia mpanjaka lehibe indrindra i Radama I.Satria nahatanteraka ny didin'i Andrianampoinimerina rainy,dia ny hoe "Ny Ranomasina no valamparihako".Izy ihany koa no nanao ny teny malagasy,izy no nitondra ny fampiananarana maro samy hafa,ny tranom-printy,sns. Si nous regardons l'histoire de Madagascar, on peut qualifier le règne de Radama 1er comme une révolution.La société malgache et surtout celle d'Antananarivo a en effet connu un développement et une modernisation sans précèdent.Une armée redoutable,des écoles,des maisons d'imprimerie,des architectures plus belles et plus modernes. Radama the first was the first king of Madagascar.He made an alliance with the Britsh.Radama ivited LMS to establish schools and churches. The Society also brought a printing press and adapted the latin alphabet for the Malagasy language
published: 03 Apr 2010
views: 5113

Radama II. Histoire des Rois et Reines de Madagascar
Rehefa niamboha Ranavalomanjaka dia Rakotond'Radama Printsy no nahazo ny fahefahana, ka to...
published: 21 Jun 2010
author: madaisland
Radama II. Histoire des Rois et Reines de Madagascar
Rehefa niamboha Ranavalomanjaka dia Rakotond'Radama Printsy no nahazo ny fahefahana, ka tonga dia nitondra fiovana goavana lehibe teto Madagasikara. Foana ny fanamelohana ho faty, foana ny fampinomina tangena, malalaka ny safidy ara-pivavahana , malalaka ny fivezivezen'ny vahiny, afaka manan-tany ny vahiny.Nanao sonia ny "Chartre Lambert" i Radama II izay manome alalana an'i Andriamatoa Lambert ny hitrantranga ny harena ny faritra atsinana ny nosy. Tsy faly ny vahoaka sy ny governemanta. Noho izany dia novonoina i Radama II. Ary no fafana ny anarany tsy eo amin'ny listra ny mpanjaka ny Madagascar.
published: 21 Jun 2010
author: madaisland
views: 1131

Naruto Idol 4 With CheekyPikachu and Radama
Well it took a while but naruto idol 4 is finally here. Me and my sis have worked extremel...
published: 15 Mar 2008
author: CheekyPikachu
Naruto Idol 4 With CheekyPikachu and Radama
Well it took a while but naruto idol 4 is finally here. Me and my sis have worked extremely hard so i hope you enjoy it! songs as follow...WARNING DO NOT READ SONGS IF YOU WANT TO SEE WHO MADE IT BECAUSE IT WILL WRECK THE SUPRISE! Naruto:Animal I have become NejiTen:I never thought Sakura:All I need Sasuke:The reason
published: 15 Mar 2008
author: CheekyPikachu
views: 709

Naruto Idol 3 with CheekyPikachu and Radama
Songs I used: Naruto- Animal I Have Become NejiTen- I Never Thought Sakura- Heart of Every...
published: 02 Feb 2008
author: CheekyPikachu
Naruto Idol 3 with CheekyPikachu and Radama
Songs I used: Naruto- Animal I Have Become NejiTen- I Never Thought Sakura- Heart of Everything Ino- Ever Ever After Hinata- I'll Stand By You Sasuke- Numb
published: 02 Feb 2008
author: CheekyPikachu
views: 1941

Naruto Idol 2 with CheekyPikachu and Radama and Zard
this time my sister radama is filling in for satoshi due to his....uh...."accident". She i...
published: 03 Jan 2008
author: CheekyPikachu
Naruto Idol 2 with CheekyPikachu and Radama and Zard
this time my sister radama is filling in for satoshi due to his....uh...."accident". She is radamazard here on youtube and i'll be guest starring in her next idol so please watch that when she finishes it! i'll tell you when!
published: 03 Jan 2008
author: CheekyPikachu
views: 543

The Merina Madagascar Monarchy
King Andrianampoinimerina (1785--1810) and his son, Radama I (1810--1828) succeeded in uni...
published: 04 Apr 2011
author: novaskosia
The Merina Madagascar Monarchy
King Andrianampoinimerina (1785--1810) and his son, Radama I (1810--1828) succeeded in uniting nearly all of Madagascar under Merina rule. These kings and their successors descended from a line of ancient Merina royalty who ruled the lands of Imerina in the central Highlands of Madagascar since at least the 16th century. Even prior to their eventual domination and unification of the entire island, the political and cultural activities of Merina royalty were to leave an indelible mark on contemporary Malagasy identity. With the establishment of dominion over the greater part of the Highlands, Andrianampoinimerina became the first Merina monarch to be considered a king of Madagascar. The island continued to be ruled by a succession of Merina monarchs until the last of them, Ranavalona III, was deposed and exiled to Algeria by French forces who conquered and colonized the island in 1895. Angry at the cancellation of the Lambert Charter and seeking to restore property stolen from French citizens, France invaded Madagascar in 1883 in what became known as the first Franco-Hova War (Hova as a name referring to the Merina aristocrats). At the war's end, Madagascar ceded Antsiranana (Diégo Suarez) on the northern coast to France and paid 560000 gold francs to the heirs of Joseph-François Lambert. In Europe, meanwhile, diplomats partitioning the African continent worked out an agreement whereby Britain, in order to obtain the Sultanate of Zanzibar, ceded its rights over Heligoland ...
published: 04 Apr 2011
author: novaskosia
views: 2337

Madagascar Monarchs
The Merina were a dominant tribe in central Madagascar that succeeded by war and marriage ...
published: 16 Jul 2010
author: MadMonarchist
Madagascar Monarchs
The Merina were a dominant tribe in central Madagascar that succeeded by war and marriage in uniting the other tribes of the island under their rule to create the Merina Kingdom. King Radama I was recognized by the British as King of Madagascar after the Napoleonic wars. In the period that followed the kingdom shifted from one side to the other as Britain and France competed for control of the island. In the late 1880's France gained Madagascar, dethroned the last monarch, Queen Ranavalona III and exiled the royal family to Algeria. Madagascar has been a republic ever since.
published: 16 Jul 2010
author: MadMonarchist
views: 2428

How did I fall in love with you Goten......TruTen
published: 15 Dec 2009
author: radamazard
How did I fall in love with you Goten......TruTen
I DO NOT OWN THE SONG OR THE CLIPS USED IN THIS VIDEO! THEY BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS AND/OR CREATORS! Hi, Radama here! I am seriously appalled by the lack of support TruTen has in english speaking countries! (I'm sure it has a fair sized japanese fanbase as all yaoi couplings with two friends who look good do) So I decided to make a video to pay tribute to them...for it I spent days taking my own screen caps...the only ones I didn't take are the ugly gt ones(i strongly dislike gt) and the childhood ones, the rest are all mine baby! Anime: DBZ Song: How Did I Fall In Love With You Artist: The Backstreet Boys
published: 15 Dec 2009
author: radamazard
views: 125806

So You Think You Can Sing Naruto Style 1
Hello and welcome to a brand new fresh idol with none other than the famous radama and the...
published: 04 May 2009
author: CheekyPikachu
So You Think You Can Sing Naruto Style 1
Hello and welcome to a brand new fresh idol with none other than the famous radama and the famous CheekyPikachu! with two judges by the name of koiyuki and akito, WARNING THIS IDOL INCLUDES YURI AND YAOI...but of course heaps of hetro. I hope you enjoy this thrilling new idol which will leave you hanging onto the end of your seats!...XD
published: 04 May 2009
author: CheekyPikachu
views: 367

Rasoherina. Histoire des Rois et Reines de Madagascar
Azo lazaina fa tao aorina nahafatesan'i Radama II, dia niova ny fomba fitatanan'i fanjakan...
published: 24 Jun 2010
author: madaisland
Rasoherina. Histoire des Rois et Reines de Madagascar
Azo lazaina fa tao aorina nahafatesan'i Radama II, dia niova ny fomba fitatanan'i fanjakana. Ny mpanjaka vavy Rasoherina mantsy, izay nandimy an-dRadama II, dia tsy nanana ny fahefan'ireo mpanjaka teo aloha. Voatery nanambady ny praiministra izy, tsy nahazo nanapaka irery ny raharaha sy asa atao eo amin'ny firenena izy. Rasoherina dia tsy nanaiky ny Chates Lambert velively, ka izany no nanekeny ny hando vola mitentina 1.200.000 FF na 240 000 $ amin'ny fanjakana frantsay noho izany dia foana ity didy izay nataon'i dRadama niaraka tamin'ny Jean Laborde sy Lambert ity.
published: 24 Jun 2010
author: madaisland
views: 7989

Ranavalona 1ère.Histoire des rois et reines de Madagascar.wmv
Nanjaka nandritry ny 33 toana i Ranavalomanjaka.Tao anatin'izany fotoana izany dia niharo ...
published: 21 Apr 2010
author: madaisland
Ranavalona 1ère.Histoire des rois et reines de Madagascar.wmv
Nanjaka nandritry ny 33 toana i Ranavalomanjaka.Tao anatin'izany fotoana izany dia niharo foana izy mba itazoman'i Madagasikara ny fahaleovantenany. Nitondra fihovana be ihany koa teo amin'ny fiainan'i malagasy i Ranavalona.Nandritry ny nanjakany dia maro indusrie noforonina.Izy ihany koa no nanambotra ny lapan' ny manjakamiadana. Grande figure de la royauté malgache, la Reine Ranavalona était, est ,et restera un grand symbole du nationalisme et de la lutte pour l'indépendance de Madagascar.Durant son long règne de 33 ans elle ne cèdera aucune partie du territoire aux étrangers.Sous Ranavalona Madagascar comme les grands pays 'Europe entrera dans l'ère industrielle.Ranavalona se fera construire également un palais d'une taille colossale, le Palais de la Reine ou le Rova de Manjakamiadana. As European colonists scrambled for control of Africa, a leader arose in the red island of Madagascar, the Queen Ranavalona The ocean shall be the boundary of my realm, and I will not cede the thickness of one hair of my realm!"she said She rapidly undid most of Radama's reforms and terminated trade agreements with English and French representatives. During her long reign, she fought for the Madagascar's independance.
published: 21 Apr 2010
author: madaisland
views: 8028

A song listing Madagascan monarchs from the mid 18th century onwards, mostly based on a ch...
published: 04 Nov 2008
author: Blindingham
A song listing Madagascan monarchs from the mid 18th century onwards, mostly based on a childish delight in amusing sounding names. Oh well. All information taken from "Dynasties of the World" by John Morby (OUP 2002). Dates before Andrianamponimerina are, Professor Morby sternly warns, speculative.
published: 04 Nov 2008
author: Blindingham
views: 980

Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo a "Che tempo che fa"
Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo a "Che tempo che fa" presentano il film "La banda dei Babbi Natale...
published: 06 Dec 2010
author: raitvcinema
Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo a "Che tempo che fa"
Aldo Giovanni e Giacomo a "Che tempo che fa" presentano il film "La banda dei Babbi Natale" GUARDA GLI ALTRI VIDEO DI CINEMA SU RAI.TV www.rai.tv
published: 06 Dec 2010
author: raitvcinema
views: 94396

Claudio Bisio, Alessandro Siani e il cast di "Benvenuti al sud" ospite di Lorella Cuccarini
GUARDA TUTTI I VIDEO DI RAI.TV CINEMA SU www.rai.tv Claudio Bisio, Alessandro Siani, Angel...
published: 04 Oct 2010
author: raitvcinema
Claudio Bisio, Alessandro Siani e il cast di "Benvenuti al sud" ospite di Lorella Cuccarini
GUARDA TUTTI I VIDEO DI RAI.TV CINEMA SU www.rai.tv Claudio Bisio, Alessandro Siani, Angela Finocchiaro e Valentina Lodovini parlano con Lorella Cuccarini del film che prende in giro gli stereotipi regionali italiani
published: 04 Oct 2010
author: raitvcinema
views: 84947
Youtube results:

Parla con me - Luca Argentero intervistato da Serena Dandini
GUARDA TUTTI I VIDEO DI RAI.TV CINEMA SU www.rai.tv Luca Argentero, nelle sale cinematogra...
published: 23 Nov 2010
author: raitvcinema
Parla con me - Luca Argentero intervistato da Serena Dandini
GUARDA TUTTI I VIDEO DI RAI.TV CINEMA SU www.rai.tv Luca Argentero, nelle sale cinematografiche con il film "La donna della mia vita", ospite della Dandini. (da Parla con me del 19/11/2010)
published: 23 Nov 2010
author: raitvcinema
views: 18280

ShinoKiba...Is This Love Forbidden
Hi everyone, sorry to keep you all waiting, but I finally made another video! This is a ve...
published: 11 Sep 2009
author: CheekyPikachu
ShinoKiba...Is This Love Forbidden
Hi everyone, sorry to keep you all waiting, but I finally made another video! This is a very late birthday gift/request for my dear friend sweetsmcguire. She wanted a ShinoKiba pic, but I have art block so I can't draw, so I made her a video. You have no idea how long it takes to find good ShinoKiba art work out there XD; Anyway hope you all enjoy it. PS. Also then next edition of my naruto chatroom should be up and posted in about a week, so keep your eyes pealed for naruto chatroom 7! Another thing is that, I'm not sure when the idol will be up, as we have al ready completed it, but it has copyright issues, and I can't fix it until radama comes back from Japan, luckily she comes back on saturday september 12th, Well see you all later, bye! :)
published: 11 Sep 2009
author: CheekyPikachu
views: 659

Addio a Tom Bosley, il papà di Happy Days
Addio Tom Bosley, il papà di Happy Days GUARDA GLI ALTRI VIDEO DI CINEMA SU RAI.TV www.rai...
published: 20 Oct 2010
author: raitvcinema
Addio a Tom Bosley, il papà di Happy Days
Addio Tom Bosley, il papà di Happy Days GUARDA GLI ALTRI VIDEO DI CINEMA SU RAI.TV www.rai.tv
published: 20 Oct 2010
author: raitvcinema
views: 12246

Francesca Neri a "Parla con me"
Francesca Neri a "Parla con me" presenta "Una sconfinata giovinezza", il nuovo film di Pup...
published: 18 Oct 2010
author: raitvcinema
Francesca Neri a "Parla con me"
Francesca Neri a "Parla con me" presenta "Una sconfinata giovinezza", il nuovo film di Pupi Avati in cui l'attrice recita accanto a Fabrizio Bentivoglio. GUARDA GLI ALTRI VIDEO DI CINEMA SU RAI.TV www.rai.tv
published: 18 Oct 2010
author: raitvcinema
views: 5154