
How To Build a Yurt
HOW TO BUILD A MONGOLIAN Yurt? This is a short edit on how to put up a Mongolian yurt up. ...
published: 19 Oct 2009
author: mongoyurts
How To Build a Yurt
HOW TO BUILD A MONGOLIAN Yurt? This is a short edit on how to put up a Mongolian yurt up. MongoYurts imports Authentic Mongolian Yurt and retails in US. This is a instrcutional video on how to out put up an yurt. You can find out more at www.mongoyurts.com, also be sure to check our blog for news/updates, and contact us for pricing and any other info.
published: 19 Oct 2009
views: 40345

How to put up a yurt
A guide for how to put up a yurt. Visit www.tfairloveyurts.co.uk for more information or t...
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: FairloveYurts
How to put up a yurt
A guide for how to put up a yurt. Visit www.tfairloveyurts.co.uk for more information or to hire a yurt. Music by Shpongle - 'Dorset Perception', Album: Tales of the inexpressible
published: 12 Dec 2011
author: FairloveYurts
views: 1455

30 Foot Pacific Yurt Assembly
We've compiled a slideshow of the construction of our 30' display model- from the ground u...
published: 25 Nov 2009
author: pacificyurts
30 Foot Pacific Yurt Assembly
We've compiled a slideshow of the construction of our 30' display model- from the ground up!
published: 25 Nov 2009
author: pacificyurts
views: 65460

Journal of the Yurt 1
www.thepathfinderschoolllc.com http snowtrekkertents.com...
published: 11 Dec 2011
author: wildernessoutfitters
Journal of the Yurt 1
www.thepathfinderschoolllc.com http snowtrekkertents.com
published: 11 Dec 2011
author: wildernessoutfitters
views: 72163

Tour of a Yurt
I invite you to order Round Design: Modern Yurt Interiors. If you currently own a Yurt or ...
published: 27 Jan 2010
author: RebeccaMacKay
Tour of a Yurt
I invite you to order Round Design: Modern Yurt Interiors. If you currently own a Yurt or are in the process of building a Yurt or even entertaining the idea of making a Modern Yurt your home, Round Design: Modern Yurt Interiors will help you transform your Yurt into a beautifully designed home. www.yurtinteriors.com
published: 27 Jan 2010
author: RebeccaMacKay
views: 19865

Journal of the Yurt 45 Making Farmers Cheese.wmv
published: 24 Jan 2012
author: wildernessoutfitters
Journal of the Yurt 45 Making Farmers Cheese.wmv

Quirky Camping : Yurt Building
The makers of Quirky Camping have made a video showing the construction and the making of ...
published: 18 Dec 2010
author: OPMeers
Quirky Camping : Yurt Building
The makers of Quirky Camping have made a video showing the construction and the making of a Mongolian yurt.
published: 18 Dec 2010
author: OPMeers
views: 10470

Pathfinder Cribs The Pathfinder Yurt
www.thepathfinderschoolllc.com http...
published: 10 Dec 2011
author: wildernessoutfitters
Pathfinder Cribs The Pathfinder Yurt
www.thepathfinderschoolllc.com http
published: 10 Dec 2011
author: wildernessoutfitters
views: 27763

Journal of the Yurt 38 A day in the Life
published: 04 Jan 2012
author: wildernessoutfitters
Journal of the Yurt 38 A day in the Life

Journal of the Yurt 48 Forging a Fire Steel in the Wood Stove
published: 27 Mar 2012
author: wildernessoutfitters
Journal of the Yurt 48 Forging a Fire Steel in the Wood Stove

30 foot Yurt Construction
Build a 30 foot Pacific Yurt in 300 seconds!...
published: 05 Jul 2010
author: mattbarclaysvx
30 foot Yurt Construction
Build a 30 foot Pacific Yurt in 300 seconds!
published: 05 Jul 2010
author: mattbarclaysvx
views: 6314

Mongolian Ger (Yurt)
Mongolian, Mongol Hunting Camping Ger, Yurt-Natural and handmade Mongolia It is new. There...
published: 05 Jun 2007
author: bestmongolianart
Mongolian Ger (Yurt)
Mongolian, Mongol Hunting Camping Ger, Yurt-Natural and handmade Mongolia It is new. There are 2 layers to structure of this yurt. There are the wooden walls, roof poles, each with a round shaft and a long, tapering square sectioned head. It has 44 roof poles and 2 walls. Diameter is 3.4 metres. Height is 2 metres. The crown or toono is a solid, heavy timber wheel with a raised four-spoked centre. Mongolians said the crown toono in Mongolian. The walls are in a number of collapsible sections or Khana each made from a number of steam-bent poles. Easy to transport, quick to put up and very robust. However the climate and materials available in Mongolia are very different than in Europe. Outside cover made of white waterproof material next is the felt.
published: 05 Jun 2007
author: bestmongolianart
views: 45375

Pacific Yurts Time-Lapse Setup
We decided it would be fun to shoot a time lapse video of Pacific Yurts staff setting up o...
published: 23 Apr 2009
author: pacificyurts
Pacific Yurts Time-Lapse Setup
We decided it would be fun to shoot a time lapse video of Pacific Yurts staff setting up our 24' display model. This is the result. Enjoy! Visit our website at www.yurts.com or search for Pacific Yurts on Facebook and Twitter!
published: 23 Apr 2009
author: pacificyurts
views: 67966
Vimeo results:

this summer we got an amazing opportunity to go on a ten-day motorcycle trip across the sc...
published: 18 Aug 2011
author: wiissa
this summer we got an amazing opportunity to go on a ten-day motorcycle trip across the scarcely populated steppes of mongolia and live their nomadic life.
while researching mongolia prior to our trip, we found out that most of the native mongolians love having photographs taken of themselves. although mongolia's capital, ulaanbaatar, is fairly urbanized, modern technology is not as commonly seen in the countryside. many of the families we met had very few or no pictures as a family together. most opportunities to have a printed photo of themselves either came from tourists or from visiting the city. also, most young people (we met a boy Vanessa's age, 17, who didn't have a printed photo of himself) have never had a photo to keep of themselves. we decided to bring a bunch of polaroid film along on our motorcycles so each local we met along the way could have a picture to keep of him or herself!
when we asked one family if we could take a picture of them, we were kind of scared of bothering or distracting them from their daily duties. we didn't see the family for the next ten minutes so we assumed they didn't want a picture. finally, the family (the first family seen in the video) came out of their yurt dressed in traditional celebratory clothing! we were so honored to be able to capture a moment of them together.
people huddled around us just to have their photo taken and once they got one, they'd return to their yurt, but eventually return with other friends or family members who also wanted a polaroid.
each person photographed really prized and protected his or her polaroid (fearing that we wanted to keep it), and barely let us see it when it was developed! the children automatically stored it away once we showed them it. it was a really great experience and showed us how much just one photograph can mean to people. although many people claim they want to escape this mess of technology in more delevoped countries, we often tend to take the beauty of some technology, such as photography, for granted.
anyways, this video is the reactions of just a few people we photographed...enjoy! :D
the song is "janglin' (itunes session)" by edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros
(UPDATE: through articles and this description, there have been several misunderstandings.. we're sorry for any misunderstandings and we hope we cleared it up! we made this video originally just for ourselves, our friends, and our family. we never imagined it would get this many views, although we're very grateful for them, so our description might not have been perfect.. we don't want to blame any articles either, because our original description for our intended few viewers was a bit ambiguous. we hope you can please ignore any misconceptions and enjoy the profound delight these people received from the magic of photography! :) their nomadic lifestyle is very beautiful, but just different to ours. our trip to mongolia was a very unique and special experience, which we hope to share with as many people as we can.)

'Where do we Land?' (Full Length) Converse China trip to Mongolia
The Converse China skateboard team ventured up north to give their neighbor, Mongolia, a w...
published: 02 Aug 2011
author: Patrik Wallner
'Where do we Land?' (Full Length) Converse China trip to Mongolia
The Converse China skateboard team ventured up north to give their neighbor, Mongolia, a week long visit! Besides filming skateboarding in Ulaanbaatar, the troupe journeyed through the chilly Gobi Desert via camels, stayed in traditional yurts and experienced some unwelcoming as well as sketchy situations while trying to just film some maneuvers on rough terrain.
"Where do we land?" features the skateboarding of Keng Qu, Thrasher, Xu Ying, Blackie, Dan Leung and Xiao Xing.
Directed, filmed & edited by Patrik Wallner.
More info: visualtraveling.com or converse.com.cn/

by Overture
music: Rayons
published: 13 Feb 2012
author: Overture
by Overture
music: Rayons

Ahmet (Dede) Yurt - Eşrefoğlu Al Haberi Klip
Anadolu'nun Kayıp Şarkıları...
published: 02 Mar 2010
author: Anadolu'nun Kayıp Şarkıları
Ahmet (Dede) Yurt - Eşrefoğlu Al Haberi Klip
Anadolu'nun Kayıp Şarkıları
Youtube results:

Hooe's Yurts - The Yurt Palace Tour
This Yurt Palace and bigger structures can be hired from Hooe's Yurts www.hooesyurts.co.uk...
published: 22 May 2007
author: hooesyurts
Hooe's Yurts - The Yurt Palace Tour
This Yurt Palace and bigger structures can be hired from Hooe's Yurts www.hooesyurts.co.uk Please contact Amy: email: info@hooesyurts.co.uk mob: 07899 813436 office: 01837 880334
published: 22 May 2007
author: hooesyurts
views: 49538

Mountain wind yurts 12' Yurt with info and construction details
This is a video outlining some of the basic detail and construction process of our 12' yur...
published: 28 May 2009
author: MountainWindYurts
Mountain wind yurts 12' Yurt with info and construction details
This is a video outlining some of the basic detail and construction process of our 12' yurt. The structure is all steel, with insulated walls and roof, cedar exterior and includes one door and window. The entire yurt can be assembled by 2-3 people in 4-5 hours. There are two floor pans, two wall sections and 16 rafters that make the basic structure. All the kits we have will be complete kits from the floor to the roof. Our basic kits contain everything you need to have a nice basic structure as opposed to other kits where many of our standard features are "extras or optional". We pride ourselves in building a quality product at a very competitive price. Thank you for checking our our video we hope you enjoy it. Out website will be coming soon so keep checking back for more info and pricing. www.mountainwindyurts.com
published: 28 May 2009
author: MountainWindYurts
views: 5319

Setting up a Colorado Yurt
www.coloradoyurt.com Quick setup guidelines for putting up a yurt from the Colorado Yurt C...
published: 17 Feb 2009
author: Colorado Yurt
Setting up a Colorado Yurt
www.coloradoyurt.com Quick setup guidelines for putting up a yurt from the Colorado Yurt Company
published: 17 Feb 2009
author: Colorado Yurt
views: 14933

Yurt - Fragman
Eylül 2012'de sinemalarda... www.boxofficeturkiye.com https twitter.com...
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: boxofficeturkiye
Yurt - Fragman
Eylül 2012'de sinemalarda... www.boxofficeturkiye.com https twitter.com
published: 29 Aug 2012
author: boxofficeturkiye
views: 823