The Wayback Machine -
Booba - Foetus
Foetus - Lust for Death
Foetus - Here Comes The Rain
miraculeux : le developpement du fœtus semaine par semaine - la grossesse semaine par semaine
Foetus Doc
Foetus - Wash It All Off
Foetus - Nail [Full Album]
Foetus - The Throne Of Agony
Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel Live '85
Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel - Clothes Hoist
Foetus - Verklemmt
Foetus -  today i started slogging again


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A Foetal Decision (2006)


Adam invites Peach, a high class escort, over to his house for wine, cheese, and what appears to be harmless 'role-play,' but soon his malevolent intentions are revealed as he leads Peach down into his cellar when unimaginable evil awaits her... in the form of a foetus preserved in a jar in which Adam intends to surgically implant into Peach so that the foetus will live. Peach attempts to escape but is quickly captured and knocked out for Adam to complete the operation. As Adam quietly celebrates with the corpse of his deceased wife, Peach hears the voice of the foetus speaking to her and manipulates her to stab Adam in the back with a rib bone Adam had to remove from her during the surgery, and run off with his child and all his money. The end?

Keywords: bible, cellar, corpse, evil, foetus



He wants you to bear his child... and it's not a proposal!



Make changes yourself !

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Booba - Foetus
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:11
  • Updated: 29 Jul 2013

Booba - Foetus

  • published: 22 Feb 2010
  • views: 568104
  • author: Golf3Cab - Foetus
Foetus - Lust for Death
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:41
  • Updated: 16 Aug 2013

Foetus - Lust for Death

Track 2 from the 1984 album "Hole". One of my favorite Foetus songs. If I ain't back by 5am start phoning round the hospitals The memories of all my pearls a...
  • published: 12 Nov 2009
  • views: 36906
  • author: islanderboy - Lust for Death
Foetus - Here Comes The Rain
  • Order:
  • Duration: 4:43
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Foetus - Here Comes The Rain

Directed by Daniel Ouellette Produced by Robert Nuell Director of Photography Samuel Chase Edited by Logan Seaman The Girl : Louise Sturcken The Goat : Hersh...
  • published: 20 May 2011
  • views: 32192
  • author: EctopicEnts - Here Comes The Rain
miraculeux : le developpement du fœtus semaine par semaine - la grossesse semaine par semaine
  • Order:
  • Duration: 20:02
  • Updated: 16 Nov 2013

miraculeux : le developpement du fœtus semaine par semaine - la grossesse semaine par semaine

miraculeux : le développement du fœtus semaine par semaine - la grossesse semaine par semaine La grossesse ou gestation est l'état d'une femme enceinte, c'est-à-dire portant un embryon ou un fœtus, en principe au sein de l'utérus, qui est dit gravide. En général, elle fait suite à un rapport sexuel, et débute selon les points de vue à partir de la fécondation (fusion d'un ovule et d'un spermatozoïde) ou de la nidation (implantation de l'embryon dans l'utérus), et se déroule jusqu'à l'expulsion de l'organisme engendré. La grossesse normale dure en moyenne neuf mois, soit trente-neuf semaines. La grossesse se termine en principe par un accouchement aboutissant à la naissance d'un être humain capable de vivre, rarement plusieurs. Lorsque l'organisme expulsé n'est pas viable, il s'agit d'un avortement ou fausse couche. L'accouchement peut se faire par les voies naturelles, ou nécessiter une opération chirurgicale, la césarienne. La grossesse s'accompagne de modifications physiques, notamment au niveau de l'utérus, et d'un profond remaniement du psychisme. Plusieurs pathologies peuvent survenir au cours de la grossesse, qu'elles soient spécifiques ou non. Certaines de ces pathologies, parfois sans conséquence en dehors de la grossesse, peuvent avoir un retentissement important sur l'embryon ou le fœtus. En conséquence, une adaptation du mode de vie et un suivi particulier sont conseillés pour la femme enceinte. La spécialité médicale concernée est l'obstétrique. Plusieurs méthodes de contrôle des naissances peuvent être utilisées pour influer sur la grossesse. Ainsi, la grossesse peut être issue du recours à la procréation médicalement assistée. Au contraire, la grossesse peut être prévenue par un moyen de contraception, ou arrêtée par une interruption volontaire de grossesse. Cependant, l'accès à certaines de ces méthodes est variable selon les pays, et est parfois interdit. L'avancement d'une grossesse est défini par le terme, exprimé le plus souvent en semaines d'aménorrhée, qui représentent la durée écoulée depuis le premier jour des dernières règles. La fécondation ayant lieu en moyenne deux semaines après, une grossesse durant trente-neuf semaines se déroule donc entre les termes de deux et quarante et une semaines d'aménorrhée. Souvent, le mot terme est également utilisé pour désigner la fin de la grossesse.
  • published: 16 Nov 2013
  • views: 115 : le developpement du fœtus semaine par semaine - la grossesse semaine par semaine
Foetus Doc
  • Order:
  • Duration: 12:54
  • Updated: 01 Aug 2013

Foetus Doc

  • published: 16 Oct 2012
  • views: 193
  • author: 1966Foetus Doc
Foetus - Wash It All Off
  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:05
  • Updated: 07 Aug 2013

Foetus - Wash It All Off

Wash & Slog (1985) violence and such from commercials promoting safety and awareness. The vinyl can be ordered from:
  • published: 30 Jun 2011
  • views: 23360
  • author: vinkwick - Wash It All Off
Foetus - Nail [Full Album]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 40:09
  • Updated: 23 Dec 2013

Foetus - Nail [Full Album]

shoulder to shoulder to detonator, enter the exterminator
  • published: 23 Dec 2013
  • views: 115 - Nail [Full Album]
Foetus - The Throne Of Agony
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:21
  • Updated: 17 Jul 2013

Foetus - The Throne Of Agony - The Throne Of Agony
Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel Live '85
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:42
  • Updated: 25 Jul 2013

Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel Live '85

Jim Thirwell aka Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel live on The Tube in 1985 "Theme From Pigdom Come" video Interview live performance of "Descent Into The Inferno"
  • published: 23 Mar 2006
  • views: 76057
  • author: edwardiii Foetus Off The Wheel Live '85
Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel - Clothes Hoist
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:27
  • Updated: 23 Oct 2013

Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel - Clothes Hoist

from Hole (1984)
  • published: 23 Oct 2013
  • views: 14 Foetus Off The Wheel - Clothes Hoist
Foetus - Verklemmt
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:52
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Foetus - Verklemmt

Music video by Foetus performing Verklemmt. (C) 1995 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT.
  • published: 25 Oct 2009
  • views: 35919
  • author: FoetusVEVO - Verklemmt
Foetus -  today i started slogging again
  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:50
  • Updated: 18 Jun 2013

Foetus - today i started slogging again

  • published: 29 Mar 2012
  • views: 1119
  • author: Heretic - today i started slogging again
Foetus - Mandelay
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:22
  • Updated: 27 Jul 2013

Foetus - Mandelay

For Otaku666777 n(^_^)n Flow 2001.
  • published: 18 Jan 2012
  • views: 5418
  • author: FoetalSpace - Mandelay
Foetus - Time Marches On
  • Order:
  • Duration: 3:08
  • Updated: 06 Aug 2013

Foetus - Time Marches On

Directed and animated by Sam Sohlberg. Official music video for Foetus. Check out for a high quality QuickTime movie of this video! - Time Marches On
  • Booba - Foetus
    Booba - Foetus
  • Foetus - Lust for Death
    Foetus - Lust for Death
  • Foetus - Here Comes The Rain
    Foetus - Here Comes The Rain
  • miraculeux : le developpement du fœtus semaine par semaine - la grossesse semaine par semaine
    miraculeux : le developpement du fœtus semaine par semaine - la grossesse semaine par semaine
  • Foetus Doc
    Foetus Doc
  • Foetus - Wash It All Off
    Foetus - Wash It All Off
  • Foetus - Nail [Full Album]
    Foetus - Nail [Full Album]
  • Foetus - The Throne Of Agony
    Foetus - The Throne Of Agony
  • Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel Live '85
    Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel Live '85
  • Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel - Clothes Hoist
    Scraping Foetus Off The Wheel - Clothes Hoist
  • Foetus - Verklemmt
    Foetus - Verklemmt
  • Foetus -  today i started slogging again
    Foetus - today i started slogging again
  • Foetus - Mandelay
    Foetus - Mandelay
  • Foetus - Time Marches On
    Foetus - Time Marches On

Booba - Foetus

  • published: 22 Feb 2010
  • views: 568104
  • author: Golf3Cab

Booba - Foe­tus
pub­lished: 22 Feb 2010
au­thor: Golf3­Cab
Foe­tus - Lust for Death
Track 2 from the 1984 album "Hole". One of my fa­vorite Foe­tus songs. If I ain't back by 5a...
pub­lished: 12 Nov 2009
au­thor: is­lander­boy
Foe­tus - Here Comes The Rain
Di­rect­ed by Daniel Ouel­lette Pro­duced by Robert Nuell Di­rec­tor of Pho­tog­ra­phy Samuel Chase...
pub­lished: 20 May 2011
au­thor: Ec­topi­cEnts
mirac­uleux : le de­vel­oppe­ment du fœtus se­maine par se­maine - la grossesse se­maine par se­maine
mirac­uleux : le développe­ment du fœtus se­maine par se­maine - la grossesse se­maine par sema...
pub­lished: 16 Nov 2013
Foe­tus Doc
pub­lished: 16 Oct 2012
au­thor: 1966­Foe­tus
Foe­tus - Wash It All Off
Wash & Slog (1985) vi­o­lence and such from com­mer­cials pro­mot­ing safe­ty and aware­ness. The ...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2011
au­thor: vinkwick
Foe­tus - Nail [Full Album]
shoul­der to shoul­der to det­o­na­tor, enter the ex­ter­mi­na­tor...
pub­lished: 23 Dec 2013
Foe­tus - The Throne Of Agony
pub­lished: 25 Jul 2011
Scrap­ing Foe­tus Off The Wheel Live '85
Jim Thir­well aka Scrap­ing Foe­tus Off The Wheel live on The Tube in 1985 "Theme From Pig­dom...
pub­lished: 23 Mar 2006
au­thor: ed­wardi­ii
Scrap­ing Foe­tus Off The Wheel - Clothes Hoist
from Hole (1984)...
pub­lished: 23 Oct 2013
Foe­tus - Verklemmt
Music video by Foe­tus per­form­ing Verklemmt. (C) 1995 SONY BMG MUSIC EN­TER­TAIN­MENT....
pub­lished: 25 Oct 2009
au­thor: Foe­tusVE­VO
Foe­tus - today i start­ed slog­ging again
pub­lished: 29 Mar 2012
au­thor: Heretic
Foe­tus - Man­de­lay
For Otaku666777 n(^_^)n Flow 2001....
pub­lished: 18 Jan 2012
au­thor: FoetalSpace
Foe­tus - Time March­es On
Di­rect­ed and an­i­mat­ed by Sam Sohlberg. Of­fi­cial music video for Foe­tus. Check out www.​foet...
pub­lished: 30 Jun 2006
au­thor: Sam Sohlberg
Youtube results:
Evo­lu­tion du foe­tus
☞ LIEN pour re­garder la video Com­mentée http://​adf.​ly/​1773856/​videoentiere...​
pub­lished: 03 Dec 2013
Le développe­ment du foe­tus "Mir­a­cles Du Coran"
Les mir­a­cles Du Coran ""Le développe­ment du foe­tus ""...
pub­lished: 03 Apr 2008
au­thor: isalamway
Scrap­ing Foe­tus From the Wheel -"Satan Place"
Scrap­ing Foe­tus From the Wheel -"Satan Place" from HOLE album. I do not claim to hold any ...
pub­lished: 01 Oct 2012
au­thor: 1Dev­il­wolf
Le fœtus mois par mois évo­lu­tion du fœtus du 1er au 4ème mois de grossesse en vidéo santé 3D
pub­lished: 29 Oct 2012
photo: AP / Evan Vucci
President Barack Obama talks to Beyonce before she sings the National Anthem at his ceremonial swearing-in at the U.S. Capitol during the 57th Presidential Inauguration in Washington, Monday, Jan. 21, 2013.
Edit Music News
10 Feb 2014
Beyoncé Knowles alleged affair with US President Barack Obama will not be the subject of an exposé by The Washington Post. The singer and politician were the subject of sensational reports Monday after French photographer Pascal Rostain told French newspaper Le Figaro the world would soon learn of their romance ... The Washington Post subsequently dismissed the claims ... It is legitimate to ask questions....(size: 1.8Kb)
photo: AP / Mohamed Ali
People look at the wreckage of Algerian military transport plane after it slammed into a mountain in the country’s rugged eastern region, Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2014
Edit Skynews
11 Feb 2014
A sole survivor has been found after a military transport plane with 103 people on board crashed in Algeria's rugged eastern region. The C-130 Hercules was carrying 99 passengers - soldiers and their families - and four crew members when it slammed into Mount Fertas in Oum El Bouaghi ... ... ....(size: 1.5Kb)
photo: AP / Alessandra Tarantino
Italian lawmakers gather to vote on a new president whose first job will be to seek the formation of a new government after inconclusive elections, in Rome Thursday, April 18, 2013.
Edit Business Insider
12 Feb 2014
Matteo Renzi leaving a meeting with Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta in Rome. Italy is preparing for a possible intra-party government shake-up. In April, Prime Minister Enrico Letta came to power after forming a coalition headed by the country's Democratic party (PD). But the PD leader (and mayor of Florence), Matteo Renzi, has since criticized Letta ... Letta's office to discuss a possible takeover," the BBC's David Willey writes ... OR ... ....(size: 9.6Kb)

Edit Newstrack India
13 Feb 2014
Tweet ... Cardoso ... The researchers used a mouse model in which they could control when and in what amount vitamin A would reach the developing foetus through maternal diet. They timed the vitamin A deficiency to the middle of gestation, coinciding with the period of formation of the airway tree in the foetus. Foetuses that were deprived of vitamin A were found to have excess smooth muscle in the airways, compared with control groups ... ) .. ).....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit BBC News
13 Feb 2014
Dutch police suspect the former health minister Els Borst, who was found dead on Monday, was the victim of a crime. The 81-year-old's body was discovered by a friend in the garage at her home near the central city of Utrecht ... She was also behind legislation governing the use of tissue from aborted foetuses for medical research. 'Incomprehensible' ... Current D66 leader Alexander Pechtold tweeted ... ....(size: 2.0Kb)
Edit noodls
13 Feb 2014
(Source. University of Cambridge). Three centuries ago, young men from the British upper classes were sent on the Grand Tour to complete their education and prepare for their futures as cultured members of polite society ... It remains unclear if other young people were also sent to Mlle Biheron for the same purpose, but we do know that her collection included a wax penis and models showing a foetus developing in the womb," said Carlyle....(size: 8.8Kb)
Edit The Guardian
12 Feb 2014
Sandbags lined up on Ilfracombe quayside ready to keep ice-cream parlours, coffee shops and homes safe. Damien Hirst's statue Verity in Ilfracombe in 2012. Photograph. Toby Melville/Reuters ... "They'll have tested her in winds stronger than this, I'm sure she'll be OK," said Raybone ... Not all townsfolk are fans of the bronze statue, erected in October 2012, which includes a glimpse of a developing foetus. But Raybone is an enthusiast ... ....(size: 2.5Kb)
Edit BBC News
12 Feb 2014
A controversial bill in Spain to end women's right to abortion on demand is set to be passed after an opposition challenge was defeated in parliament ... The ruling party allowed a secret ballot and six MPs abstained ... Continue reading the main story “Start Quote ... The same law provides for the right to abort up to 22 weeks, if the mother's health is at risk or the foetus shows signs of severe deformities ... Private property ... ....(size: 3.3Kb)
Edit The Guardian
12 Feb 2014
Disease-related malnutrition accounts for £13bn of UK health and social care spending a year – and that's just the cases that are identified. How can we better spot and treat the undernourished? ... Science Photo Library ... Information and education ... Their babies are likely to be smaller, and a lack of folic acid, for example, is known to increase the risk of neural tube defects, including spina bifida, in the developing foetus ... At the table ... ....(size: 11.3Kb)
Edit Canberra Times
12 Feb 2014
Women in the Indian city of Bangalore condemn the gang rape of Jyoti Singh Pandey just over a year ago. Photo. AFP ... The men repeatedly raped the young woman before dumping her and her male friend naked and semi-conscious on the roadside ... Photo. AMIT DAVE ... Photo ... Without doubt, the new awareness of sexual violence and a willingness to discuss it is the biggest shift that has taken place in a country steeped in foetus-to-funeral patriarchy ... ....(size: 12.7Kb)
Edit Independent online (SA)
11 Feb 2014
We went for our first gynae check-up which tests whether the foetus has a heartbeat, and after such relief at the fact that there was a heartbeat, she announced there were, in fact, two heartbeats! The thought of twins had never entered my mind as there are no twins in our immediate families ... Identical twins occur when there is one egg and one sperm which splits and creates two identical foetuses....(size: 6.6Kb)
Edit BBC News
11 Feb 2014
Dutch authorities have begun an investigation into the death of former health minister Els Borst, whose body was found in her garage by a friend ... She was also behind legislation governing the use of tissue from aborted foetuses for medical research. ....(size: 1.2Kb)
Edit Deccan Chronicle
11 Feb 2014
Amsterdam. The former Dutch health minister, Els Borst, famously known for drafting the Netherlands' 2002 law permitting euthanasia, was found dead in her garage, police said on Tuesday. She was 81 ... But had no reason to suspect a crime and the matter is probed ... She also drafted the legislation, which permits the use of tissue from aborted foetuses for medical research ... ....(size: 1.8Kb)
Edit noodls
11 Feb 2014
(Source. ELDR - European Liberal, Democratic and Reform Party) ... The Spanish legislation in matter of voluntary interruption of pregnancy(VIP) was mainly focusing on criminal aspects until 1985. Until 1985, abortion was considered a crime, but that year a law was passed, which included assumptions of exceptionality, not punishable (such as rape, malformation of the foetus or accredited risk for the mother's life or health) ... (noodl....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit Belfast Telegraph
11 Feb 2014
Els Borst, a former Dutch health minister who played a prominent role in the country's 2001 legalisation of euthanasia, has been found dead in her garage, police in the Netherlands said. She was 81 and appeared at a function of her D66 political party as recently as Friday ... She also drafted the legislation which permits the use of tissue from aborted foetuses for medical research. AP ... Two doctors must agree ... Most Read in this section ... new....(size: 4.9Kb)
Edit The Daily Telegraph
11 Feb 2014
Related Articles. 'Abortion will make women child sex abusers' 10 Feb 2014. Gender abortions ... Watch ... The organisation strongly opposes abortion and has funded the Option Ultrasound Program, a screening scheme in which women are shown the foetus in a hope they will not go through with an abortion, across Crisis Pregnancy Centres in the US with the goal of convincing women not to have abortion by showing them a scan of their unborn child ... ....(size: 13.9Kb)

A fetus (pronounced /ˈfiːtəs/; also spelled foetus, fœtus, faetus, or fætus, see below) is a developing mammal or other viviparous vertebrate after the embryonic stage and before birth.

In humans, the fetal stage of prenatal development starts at the beginning of the 11th week in gestational age, which is the 9th week after fertilization.

The word fetus (plural fetuses) is from the Latin fētus (“offspring”, “bringing forth”, “hatching of young”). It has Indo-European roots related to sucking or suckling, from the Aryan prefix bheu-, meaning "To come into being".

Fœtus or foetus is the British, Irish and Commonwealth spelling, which has been in use since at least 1594. It arose as a hypercorrection based on an incorrect etymology (i.e. due to insufficient knowledge of Latin) that may have originated with an error by Saint Isidore of Seville, in AD 620. This spelling is the most common in most Commonwealth nations (except in medical literature, where its use is barred). The etymologically correct original spelling, fetus is used in Canada and the United States. In addition, fetus is now the standard English spelling throughout the world in medical journals. The spelling "faetus" was used historically.

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