
Battleship YAMATO 大和 -Last battle of the biggest warship.
Operation Ten-Go
The third and most damaging attack developed at about 13:40. At least fou...
published: 01 Oct 2013
Battleship YAMATO 大和 -Last battle of the biggest warship.
Battleship YAMATO 大和 -Last battle of the biggest warship.
Operation Ten-Go The third and most damaging attack developed at about 13:40. At least four bombs hit the ship's superstructure and caused heavy casualties among her 25 mm anti-aircraft gun crews. Many near misses drove in her outer plating, partially compromising her defense against torpedoes. Most serious were four more torpedo impacts. Three exploded on the port side, increasing water intake into the port inner engine room and flooding yet another fireroom and the steering gear room. With the auxiliary steering room already underwater, the ship lost all maneuverability and became stuck in a starboard turn. The fourth torpedo most likely hit the starboard outer engine room which, along with three other rooms on the starboard side, was in the process of being counterflooded to reduce the port list. The torpedo strike greatly increased the rate of water intake, trapping many crewmen before they could escape. At 14:02, the order was belatedly given to abandon ship. By this time, Yamato's speed had dropped to 10 knots (19 km/h; 12 mph) and her list was steadily increasing. Fires were raging out of control in some sections of the ship and alarms had begun to sound on the bridge warning of critical temperatures in the forward main battery magazines.[N 8] Normal practice would have been to flood the magazines, preventing any explosion, but the pumping stations that should have performed this task had been rendered unusable by previous flooding. At 14:05, Yahagi sank, the victim of twelve bombs and seven torpedoes. At the same time, a final flight of torpedo bombers attacked Yamato from her starboard side. Her list was now such that the torpedoes—set to a depth of 6.1 m (20 ft)—struck the bottom of her hull. The battleship continued her inexorable roll to port. By 14:20, the power went out and her remaining 25 mm anti-aircraft guns began to drop into the sea. Three minutes later, Yamato capsized. Her main 46 cm turrets fell off, and as she rolled suction was created that drew swimming crewmen back toward the ship. When the roll reached approximately 120°, one of the two bow magazines detonated in a tremendous explosion.[53] The resulting mushroom cloud—over 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) high—was seen 160 kilometres (99 mi) away on Kyūshū. Yamato sank rapidly, losing an estimated 2,055 of her 2,332 crew, including fleet commander Vice-Admiral Seiichi Itō.The few survivors were recovered by the four surviving destroyers, which withdrew to Japan. From the first attack at 12:37 to the explosion at 14:23, Yamato was hit by at least eleven torpedoes and six bombs. There may have been two more torpedo and bomb hits, but this is not confirmed- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 16

Los Secretos del Yamato
Nos remontamos al mes de abril de 1945, en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial. El Yamato era uno...
published: 08 Apr 2013
author: SoyCamba1
Los Secretos del Yamato
Los Secretos del Yamato
Nos remontamos al mes de abril de 1945, en plena Segunda Guerra Mundial. El Yamato era uno de los acorazados más grandes y más avanzados en tecnología de tod...- published: 08 Apr 2013
- views: 1359
- author: SoyCamba1

"Space Battleship Yamato" - Space Battle Compilation Video
An Epic Space Battle Compilation of the movie "Space Battleship Yamato". Combining the bes...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: ehDesignVideos
"Space Battleship Yamato" - Space Battle Compilation Video
"Space Battleship Yamato" - Space Battle Compilation Video
An Epic Space Battle Compilation of the movie "Space Battleship Yamato". Combining the best most exciting cinematic scenes in sequential order during the mov...- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 55692
- author: ehDesignVideos

YAMATO - YAMATO Promotion Movie 2012.9.5 CD RELEASE 『YAMATO BEAT vol. 1』
海外が称賛する、世界が認めた和太鼓集団"倭 YAMATO"!! 日本で活躍する豪華アーティスト達との奇跡のコラボが実現した作品を発売!! 詳細はこちら:http://www.uni...
published: 18 Jul 2012
author: universalmusicjapan
YAMATO - YAMATO Promotion Movie 2012.9.5 CD RELEASE 『YAMATO BEAT vol. 1』
YAMATO - YAMATO Promotion Movie 2012.9.5 CD RELEASE 『YAMATO BEAT vol. 1』
海外が称賛する、世界が認めた和太鼓集団"倭 YAMATO"!! 日本で活躍する豪華アーティスト達との奇跡のコラボが実現した作品を発売!! 詳細はこちら:http://www.universal-music.co.jp/yamato.- published: 18 Jul 2012
- views: 35747
- author: universalmusicjapan

Yamato - Sinking the Supership
Sinking the Supership Produced by Keiko Hagihara Bang Written and directed by David Axelro...
published: 07 Dec 2012
author: 199919191991991
Yamato - Sinking the Supership
Yamato - Sinking the Supership
Sinking the Supership Produced by Keiko Hagihara Bang Written and directed by David Axelrod WGBH Boston Video, 2005, 56 min., DVD Yamato, the largest battles...- published: 07 Dec 2012
- views: 9212
- author: 199919191991991

Movie Space Battleship Yamato English Subtitles
Movie Space battleship Yamato tapmaisub English SubtitlesCouldn't find it with subs so add...
published: 30 Dec 2013
Movie Space Battleship Yamato English Subtitles
Movie Space Battleship Yamato English Subtitles
Movie Space battleship Yamato tapmaisub English SubtitlesCouldn't find it with subs so added English subs I do not own this movie- published: 30 Dec 2013
- views: 70

yamato - completo
Em abril de 1945, Yamato, o maior e mais poderoso navio de guerra do mundo, parte...
published: 25 Nov 2013
yamato - completo
yamato - completo
Sinopse: Em abril de 1945, Yamato, o maior e mais poderoso navio de guerra do mundo, parte em uma missão suicida, deixando para trás sua cidade natal onde as cerejeiras estavam no ápice da florada. O único desejo dos aproximadamente 3000 tripulantes a bordo era proteger seus entes queridos, suas famílias, amigos e seu país. Para filmar esta obra-prima, foram gastos mais de 600 milhões de yens na construção de um cenário que é a réplica exata dos 190 metros da proa à popa do Yamato, algo sem precendentes na história cinematográfica japonesa. Um elenco de astros japoneses sob a direção de Junya sato dá vida à história original de Jun Henmi (Otokotachino Yamato).- published: 25 Nov 2013
- views: 3

Space Battleship Yamato - Battlesequences!
This is from Live Action Space Battleship Yamato, i tried to get all the best battlescenes...
published: 23 Aug 2013
Space Battleship Yamato - Battlesequences!
Space Battleship Yamato - Battlesequences!
This is from Live Action Space Battleship Yamato, i tried to get all the best battlescenes from it. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1477109/ Production Companies Abe Shuji Chubu-nippon Broadcasting Company (CBC) Hakuhodo DY Media Partners Hokkaido Broadcasting Co. J Dream Mainichi Broadcasting System (MBS) RKB Mainichi Broadcasting Corporation Robot Communications Sedic International Sedic Shogakukan Tohokushinsha Film Tokyo Broadcasting System (TBS) Tokyo FM Broadcasting Co.- published: 23 Aug 2013
- views: 24

Naruto Shippuden Episode 351 -ナルト- 疾風伝 Review -- Kakashi Vs Yamato & Danzo Vs Hiruzen
Daddy Wasn't There
Find Me On
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published: 20 Feb 2014
Naruto Shippuden Episode 351 -ナルト- 疾風伝 Review -- Kakashi Vs Yamato & Danzo Vs Hiruzen
Naruto Shippuden Episode 351 -ナルト- 疾風伝 Review -- Kakashi Vs Yamato & Danzo Vs Hiruzen
Daddy Wasn't There Find Me On Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/3qypzu7 Twitter: http://twitter.com/ForneverWorld Gaming Channel- http://youtube.com/NoLongerAGame More ForneverWorld- http://youtube.com/MrForneverWorld Naruto Shippuden Episode 352 Preview -ナルト- 疾風伝 Orochimaru's Betrayal- published: 20 Feb 2014
- views: 34749

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 : Battle at Balun
Disclaimer: I do not own any content. This is for entertainment proposes only....
published: 10 Aug 2013
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 : Battle at Balun
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 : Battle at Balun
Disclaimer: I do not own any content. This is for entertainment proposes only.- published: 10 Aug 2013
- views: 1589

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - The Battle near Pluto 2199 HD
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Batalla cerca de Pluton un remake de un clasico del animaci...
published: 02 Jun 2013
author: korbek100
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - The Battle near Pluto 2199 HD
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - The Battle near Pluto 2199 HD
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 - Batalla cerca de Pluton un remake de un clasico del animacion japonesa de los '80 conservando el antiguo OST lejos de los horr...- published: 02 Jun 2013
- views: 48260
- author: korbek100
Vimeo results:

Yamato Freeze - Breakdown
Short breakdown of the work I did on World of Warships
I used velocity from Houdini to mak...
published: 03 Jul 2013
author: Vladimir Abramov
Yamato Freeze - Breakdown
Short breakdown of the work I did on World of Warships
I used velocity from Houdini to make waves.

Kei Yoneoka "SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO" effect reel
This reel is the compilation of my effect works in the Japanese feature film "SPACE BATTLE...
published: 21 Oct 2011
author: Kei Yoneoka
Kei Yoneoka "SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO" effect reel
This reel is the compilation of my effect works in the Japanese feature film "SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO" directed by Takashi Yamazaki.
This movie is including the "SPACE BATTLESHIP YAMATO mother ship destruction" sequence which I've already uploaded for cebas's testimonial. (http://www.cebas.com/index.php?pid=testimonial&tid;=76)
If you have a question, leave a comment or mail me to keichan102@gmail.com.
I hope you like it.

The Making of a Coat #1 - Introduction
An introduction to a video series documenting the making of a handcraft bespoke suit coat ...
published: 05 Sep 2013
author: Andrew Yamato
The Making of a Coat #1 - Introduction
An introduction to a video series documenting the making of a handcraft bespoke suit coat by NYC-based Savile Row-trained master tailor Rory Duffy. Shot and edited by Andrew Yamato. For more information, visit www.roryduffybespoke.com, or contact Andrew Yamato at dayamato AT gmail dot com.
[The following text is excerpted from a post accompanying this video's first appearance on the menswear blog "A Suitable Wardrobe" at http://asuitablewardrobe.blogspot.com/2013/10/the-making-of-coat.html]
I’d first heard of Duffy in 2009, when, as the first Irish apprentice of Henry Poole & Co, he won the coveted Golden Shears Award in London. Duffy has since completed his training as a master tailor and moved to Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where he’s hung his shingle offering “handcraft” bespoke, which he describes as a pre-war Savile Row standard of construction, made wholly by himself on premises. The term “bespoke” has, of course, been hijacked to flog everything from investment portfolios to hardwood floors, and the antiquarian decor and heritage marketing so common among ateliers today too often masks the absence of a true bespoke process. For Duffy--often found sweeping up biscuit crumbs before greeting clients in his home workshop--the clothes have to be everything.
Duffy is young--thirty years old--in a trade where youth can be judged a liability, but his age belies the seven years of training he completed, and the four generations of tailors from which he descends. Most importantly for our purposes, Duffy’s youth makes him hungry to establish his name and credentials as the only Row-trained master tailor in New York City. To that end, he agreed to be the subject of a series of web videos I’m pleased to introduce here on A Suitable Wardrobe: “The Making of a Coat.” Each installment will follow one step in the construction of a sportcoat for your humble correspondent, effectively allowing Duffy to play an “open hand,” explaining in detail not just the hows of bespoke tailoring, but the whys.
Ultimately, while I’ve sought to shoot and edit these videos in an engaging manner (one will find plenty of the aforementioned hardcore cloth porn), it will be Duffy’s personality and expertise which hopefully makes them interesting to information-starved iGents. For a variety of reasons ranging from honest trade secrecy to the mildly fraudulent, the actual processes of clothing production are often closely guarded or gently obfuscated. Duffy has nothing to hide. On the contrary, having come up in an old-world apprenticeship, a big part of being a master tailor for him is teaching others; his own former apprentice at Poole, Emily Squires, went on to win this year’s Golden Shears Award, and since moving to New York, Duffy has been a lecturer at the Parsons School of Design. He is a natural raconteur, leavening his demonstrations with recollections of his own past masters in Ireland and on the Row, and whenever possible I have left these in the videos to give the viewer a sense of being, as I have been, a very keen fly on his wall as he works.
As a proud menswear dork, confident of our tribe’s mission to help cover a brutish society, I sincerely hope that these videos will account for countless lost hours on company clocks, endless rounds of more or less civil online discussion, and perhaps a few new commissions for Rory.
Youtube results:

LEGO Battleship YAMATO
It's hard work but I really enjoyed making :-) This project started when I was 15 years ol...
published: 13 Apr 2009
author: Jumpei Mitsui
LEGO Battleship YAMATO
LEGO Battleship YAMATO
It's hard work but I really enjoyed making :-) This project started when I was 15 years old, and it finished 6 years and 4 months later. Now I'm studying Mat...- published: 13 Apr 2009
- views: 1032686
- author: Jumpei Mitsui

•Yamato 2199 English Subtitles Clip 1/6
Clip #2: http://youtu.be/ff30Pp7GmM0
Clip #3: http://youtu.be/G4RtOYCs834
Clip #4: http://...
published: 28 Sep 2013
•Yamato 2199 English Subtitles Clip 1/6
•Yamato 2199 English Subtitles Clip 1/6
Clip #2: http://youtu.be/ff30Pp7GmM0 Clip #3: http://youtu.be/G4RtOYCs834 Clip #4: http://youtu.be/tHCXgnxMFgQ Clip #5: http://youtu.be/-BcJa8-jEvY Clip #6: http://youtu.be/tg8_kAkLOdY This is the animated miniseries Uchuu Senkan 'Space Battleship' Yamato 2199 introduction sequence which takes place near Pluto. I encourage you to watch every episode streaming online: http://www.animeplus.tv/uchuu-senkan-yamato-2199-anime- published: 28 Sep 2013
- views: 475

Patrulha Estelar (Yamato) live action (2010 ) - Star Blazers - 1/2
Nesta adaptação do desenho para o filme, Yamato (argo) sai em uma jornada para buscar em i...
published: 02 Sep 2012
author: marcos paulo bitencourt Lima
Patrulha Estelar (Yamato) live action (2010 ) - Star Blazers - 1/2
Patrulha Estelar (Yamato) live action (2010 ) - Star Blazers - 1/2
Nesta adaptação do desenho para o filme, Yamato (argo) sai em uma jornada para buscar em iskandar um dispositivo na qual depende a existência de toda a raça ...- published: 02 Sep 2012
- views: 19158
- author: marcos paulo bitencourt Lima