Sunday, 04 November 2012
Evergreen Cooperatives
The Evergreen Cooperatives of Cleveland, Ohio are pioneering innovative models of job crea...
published: 13 May 2010
author: gveysey
International Year of Cooperatives Video Clip 2012
International Year of Cooperatives Video Clip 2012...
published: 03 Nov 2011
What is a Co-operative?
Russell Gill, Head of Membership, explaining exactly how co-operatives differ from other b...
published: 30 Jun 2011
NRECA: The Electric Cooperative Story
This great video features a fast-action hand-drawn guide to the history, structure, and pu...
published: 21 Sep 2011
Why Cooperatives Cooperate
Why Cooperatives Cooperate...
published: 14 Sep 2010
There is an alternative
A video short of over 30 peoples views on what it means to be co-operative. Produced for C...
published: 15 Jun 2010
What is a co-operative?
Ed Mayo of Co-operatives UK, explaining "What is a co-operative" as part of our series of ...
published: 20 Sep 2010
The Cooperative Difference
It's PEOPLE - not profits - that drive electric cooperatives. Co-ops are democratically ru...
published: 07 Feb 2011
author: SECOenergy
Cooperative Learning
Video designed by student to describe the research regarding cooperative learning. Asks th...
published: 16 Jul 2007
author: drpratt
Worker Cooperatives in NYC: Part I
(recorded August 2009) Host Deyanira Del Rio talks with Center for Family Life's Cooperati...
published: 17 Sep 2009
author: NEDAPNYC
Tips on Cooperative Learning
Strategies for getting started with cooperative learning...
published: 09 May 2009
author: spencerj51
co-operative group - good for everyone - cinema version bob dylan Blowin' in the wind
Co-operative good for everyone tv commercial - full length version. Song is Bob Dylan Blow...
published: 23 Feb 2009
The Co-operative - The Story of the Revolution
In 1844 a revolution began. This revolution was called The Co-operative. 167 years on, we'...
published: 07 Mar 2011
A Capitalism alternative? The Mondragon Cooperatives with Professor Fred Freundlich
published: 31 Oct 2009
author: thomhartmann
Youtube results:
Cooperative Quadrocopter Ball Throwing and Catching - IDSC - ETH Zurich
This video shows three quadrocopters cooperatively tossing and catching a ball with the ai...
published: 27 Sep 2012
author: RobinRitz87
Mondragon Cooperative Part One
A visual documentary of the successful Mondragon Cooperative in the Basque region of Spain...
published: 19 Jul 2008
author: GenFerrer1
International Year of Cooperatives 2012: Cooperative Enterprises Build a Better World
The International Labour Office (ILO) hailed the proclamation by the United Nations Genera...
published: 31 Oct 2011
author: ILOTV
Zombies - Five: NGT & ASF Cooperative Challenge - 1 Box Weapon Only
Thanks for watching! Check out NGTZombies:
published: 12 Aug 2011