- published: 13 Mar 2008
- views: 10344
Conversations with History: Richard C. Lewontin
Conversations with History host Harry Kreisler talks with Richard C.Lewontin about scienti...
published: 13 Mar 2008
Conversations with History: Richard C. Lewontin
Conversations with History host Harry Kreisler talks with Richard C.Lewontin about scientific inquiry and the role of science in public policy. Series: "Conversations with History" [11/2004] [Public Affairs] [Humanities] [Show ID: 8994]
- published: 13 Mar 2008
- views: 10344
What is Evolutionary Theory?
Richard Lewontin, Science Board, Santa Fe Institute
November 11, 2003
This lecture will d...
published: 11 May 2012
What is Evolutionary Theory?
Richard Lewontin, Science Board, Santa Fe Institute
November 11, 2003
This lecture will discuss the origins of the theory of organic evolution, what the basic structure of Darwin's theory was, what evolutionary theory is really meant to explain and how the modern understanding of the process of evolution is different from Darwin's original idea. It will also discuss what the deep problems of evolutionary explanation are and why evolution differs from the usual simple model of what is required of a science.
- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 1249
Richard Lewontin - Biology as Ideology Lecture 2
Might be copyrighted but honestly we should just be glad if I get people to be interested ...
published: 09 Feb 2012
Richard Lewontin - Biology as Ideology Lecture 2
Might be copyrighted but honestly we should just be glad if I get people to be interested in this stuff at all :)
- published: 09 Feb 2012
- views: 464
Gene Organism and Environment
The standard metaphors used to describe DNA and development are examined, including the cl...
published: 15 Feb 2008
Gene Organism and Environment
The standard metaphors used to describe DNA and development are examined, including the claim that DNA "makes" protein, that DNA is "self-replicating" and the organisms "adapt" to their environments. In this lecture by distinguished evolutionary geneticist Richard Lewontin, he explains that DNA is manufactured by the cell machinery, that proteins are folded by rules that are not related to DNA sequence and that organisms, rather than adapting to their environment, are actively engaging in constructing their own environments, so that organisms and environments co-evolve.
Series: "UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures" [2/2004] [Science] [Show ID: 8393]
- published: 15 Feb 2008
- views: 10617
Richard Lewontin - Biology as Ideology Lecture 1
Might be copyrighted but honestly we should just be glad if I get people to be interested ...
published: 09 Feb 2012
Richard Lewontin - Biology as Ideology Lecture 1
Might be copyrighted but honestly we should just be glad if I get people to be interested in this stuff at all :)
- published: 09 Feb 2012
- views: 1404
The Concept of Race
In this Hitchcock Lecture from UC Berkeley, evolutionary geneticist Richard Lewontin revie...
published: 31 Jan 2008
The Concept of Race
In this Hitchcock Lecture from UC Berkeley, evolutionary geneticist Richard Lewontin reviews a number of studies on the genetic differentiation between individuals within local populations, of local populations within classic geographical races and between races. He shows that almost all human genetic variation is contained between individuals within any local population and that the consequences of repeated migrations, invasions, and mixture between groups destroys any clear racial boundaries. Series: UC Berkeley Graduate Council Lectures [2/2004] [Humanities] [Science] [Show ID: 8456]
- published: 31 Jan 2008
- views: 26842
The Organism as Subject and Object of Evolution
Richard Lewontin, Science Board, Santa Fe Institute
November 12, 2003
This lecture will c...
published: 11 May 2012
The Organism as Subject and Object of Evolution
Richard Lewontin, Science Board, Santa Fe Institute
November 12, 2003
This lecture will challenge directly the notion that evolution is the process of "adaptation" of organisms to problems posed by the environment. Instead, it will describe the evolution of the organism and its environment as a co-evolutionary one best described as a process of "construction."
- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 457
Does Culture Evolve?
Richard Lewontin, Science Board, Santa Fe Institute
November 13, 2003
This lecture will d...
published: 11 May 2012
Does Culture Evolve?
Richard Lewontin, Science Board, Santa Fe Institute
November 13, 2003
This lecture will discuss the use of the notion of "evolution" to describe the history of human culture and the motivation for claiming that culture "evolves". It will challenge the use of organic evolution as a model for human history and discuss the serious problems in trying to use evolutionary theory for historical processes.
- published: 11 May 2012
- views: 304
What is the Evidence that Gould was a Marxist?
Did Steven Gould vote in the last presidential election.
CMI Play List
published: 30 Jul 2012
What is the Evidence that Gould was a Marxist?
Did Steven Gould vote in the last presidential election.
CMI Play List
Amazing admission
Professor Richard Lewontin
Professor Richard Lewontin, a geneticist (and self-proclaimed Marxist), is certainly one of the world's leaders in evolutionary biology. He wrote this very revealing comment (the italics were in the original). It illustrates the implicit philosophical bias against Genesis creation—regardless of whether or not the facts support it.
'We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.
It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is an absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.
The eminent Kant scholar Lewis Beck used to say that anyone who could believe in God could believe in anything. To appeal to an omnipotent deity is to allow that at any moment the regularities of nature may be ruptured, that Miracles may happen.
[but see the difference between origin and operational science—Ed.]' http://creation.com/whos-really-pushing-bad-science-rebuttal-to-lawrence-s-lerner#Naturalism
Further reading about Gould's Marxist leanings:
http:// www.isreview.org/issues/24/gould.shtml
Stephen Jay Gould: Marxist and Atheist? by David Noebel, Summit Ministries, 23 March 2007 (includes reply to Gould's widow). http://www.summit.org/blogs/the-presidents-desk/stephen-jay-gould/
- published: 30 Jul 2012
- views: 216
Does God Exist - Worldview on the Street
Does God Exist - A Video from our friends at http://www.HighwayVideo.com
Does God exist...
published: 23 Oct 2009
Does God Exist - Worldview on the Street
Does God Exist - A Video from our friends at http://www.HighwayVideo.com
Does God exist? An answer to this fundamental question is a prerequisite for answering the other big questions of life: Where did we come from? Why are we here? Do we serve a purpose? Do we have any intrinsic value? What happens after we die? The question of the existence of God is fundamental.
Does God Exist - A Philosophical Issue
Before we ask the question Does God exist? we first have to deal with our philosophical predispositions. If, for example, I am already dedicated to the philosophical idea that nothing can exist outside of the natural realm (i.e. there can be no supernatural God), no amount of evidence could convince me otherwise. Asking the question "does God exist?" would be pointless. My answer would be "No, He doesn't," regardless of whether God truly exists or not. The question would be impossible to answer from an evidentiary standpoint simply because anything which God might have done (that is, any supernatural act which might serve as evidence for His existence) would have to be explained away in terms of natural causes, not because we know what those natural causes could possibly be, but simply because a supernatural God is not allowed to exist!
Dr. Richard Lewontin, the Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology at Harvard University, put it like this: "It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counterintuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated. Moreover, that materialism is absolute, for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door" (Richard Lewontin, "Billions and Billions of Demons," New York Review of Books, January 9, 1997, p. 28).
If, on the other hand, I were neutral, and didn't already have an "a priori adherence" to a particular worldview (be it naturalistic or otherwise), the question "does God really exist?" wouldn't be pointless at all. Rather, it would be the first step in an objective and meaningful search for ultimate truth. Our willingness to ask the question with an open mind is fundamental to our ability to discover the truth behind the answer. So first of all, before you even ask the question, decide whether or not you're really willing to accept the answer.
Does God Exist - Things to Consider
Once you're ready to ask the question, "does God exist?" here are a few observations to consider as you begin your search for an objective answer:
Discoveries in astronomy have shown beyond a reasonable doubt that the universe did, in fact, have a beginning. There was a single moment of creation.
Advances in molecular biology have revealed vast amounts of information encoded in each and every living cell, and molecular biologists have discovered thousands upon thousands of exquisitely designed machines at the molecular level. Information requires intelligence and design requires a designer.
Biochemists and mathematicians have calculated the odds against life arising from non-life naturally via unintelligent processes. The odds are astronomical. In fact, scientists aren't even sure if life could have evolved naturally via unintelligent processes. If life did not arise by chance, how did it arise?
The universe is ordered by natural laws. Where did these laws come from and what purpose do they serve?
Philosophers agree that a transcendent Law Giver is the only plausible explanation for an objective moral standard. So, ask yourself if you believe in right and wrong and then ask yourself why. Who gave you your conscience? Why does it exist?
People of every race, creed, color, and culture, both men and women, young and old, wise and foolish, from the educated to the ignorant, claim to have personally experienced something of the supernatural. So what are we supposed to do with these prodigious accounts of divine healing, prophetic revelation, answered prayer, and other miraculous phenomena? Ignorance and imagination may have played a part to be sure, but is there something more?
Please visit http://www.allaboutphilosophy.org/does-god-exist-c.htm for more on the question, Does God Exist?
- published: 23 Oct 2009
- views: 22077
Jerry Coyne '09: "Why Evolution Is True"
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL & MY OTHER ONE TOO:- https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMindF...
published: 10 Dec 2011
Jerry Coyne '09: "Why Evolution Is True"
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO THIS CHANNEL & MY OTHER ONE TOO:- https://www.youtube.com/user/MrMindFeed
Jerry explains 'Why Evolution is True' at the Atheist Alliance International 2009 conference http://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com
Jerry A. Coyne, Ph.D is a Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago and a member of both the Committee on Genetics and the Committee on Evolutionary Biology. Coyne received a B.S. in Biology from the College of William and Mary. He then earned a Ph.D. in evolutionary biology at Harvard University in 1978, working in the laboratory of Richard Lewontin. After a postdoctoral fellowship in Timothy Prout's laboratory at The University of California at Davis, he took his first academic position as assistant professor in the Department of Zoology at The University of Maryland. In 1996 he joined the faculty of The University of Chicago.
Coyne's work is focused on understanding the origin of species: the evolutionary process that produces discrete groups in nature. To do this, he uses a variety of genetic analyses to locate and identify the genes that produce reproductive barriers between distinct species of the fruit fly Drosophila: barriers like hybrid sterility, ecological differentiation, and mate discrimination. Through finding patterns in the location and action of such genes, he hopes to work out the evolutionary processes that originally produced genetic change, and to determine whether different pairs of species may show similar genetic patterns, implying similar routes to speciation.
Coyne has written over 110 refereed scientific papers and 80 other articles, book reviews, and columns, as well as a scholarly book about his field (Speciation, co-authored with H. Allen Orr). He is a frequent contributor to The New Republic, The Times Literary Supplement, and other popular periodicals.
AAI 2009 was sponsored by The Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science
- published: 10 Dec 2011
- views: 3784
Youtube results:
J. Tuzo Wilson - Limits to Science Lecture 2
2 of 6 lectures. Have no idea if this is copyrighted or not. I apologize if it is, I just ...
published: 07 Feb 2012
J. Tuzo Wilson - Limits to Science Lecture 2
2 of 6 lectures. Have no idea if this is copyrighted or not. I apologize if it is, I just never thought speeches could be owned.
- published: 07 Feb 2012
- views: 41
Falacia de Lewontin ciencia y genetica
published: 22 Jan 2012
Falacia de Lewontin ciencia y genetica
- published: 22 Jan 2012
- views: 86
EvG vs LR: Evolution vs Racism, Part 9: AIMs, Genetic Distance, Dawkins, and McMuffins
Expand me!
In this video, I readdress the McMuffin Dilemma and its relevance to a video I...
published: 15 Sep 2012
EvG vs LR: Evolution vs Racism, Part 9: AIMs, Genetic Distance, Dawkins, and McMuffins
Expand me!
In this video, I readdress the McMuffin Dilemma and its relevance to a video I'd done to FringeElements; the greater points about Wright's Fixation Index (also called "genetic distance") behind it; and Richard Dawkins comments on race and Richard Lewontin.
The video that LR was originally responding to (wherein the McMuffin Dilemma was brought up): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVShmoPZTRA
I would post links to LR's video, but it was taken down, chopped up and slapped back together, so I have no idea if the video was ever reuploaded. Sorry.
As it turns out, even when you bring up the irrelevant, I'm still able to light your ass up like a Christmas tree, LR. But I have to ask, given the Red Herring Fallacy of bringing up Lewontin and the exchange between him, Edwards, and Dawkins, was this the point when you ran out of strawmen to knock down?
(For everyone else, if you don't want to sit through me explaining the context of the McMuffin Dilemma, skip ahead to roughly 2 minutes. From there I get right into genetic distance in relation to the race discussion.)
You can see the complete works cited list on the EvoGenVideos Facebook page (no account or log ins required): http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=467746869924677&id;=293501420682557
If you notice the shift in backgrounds, much of the video was filmed while I was still in Juneau (back in July), and some of it was filmed in between and after the move to Anchorage.
The series to date:
Intro- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhlQGiF6-QQ
Part 1 (The Storm Has Landed): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOQILrGqkGw
Part 2 (Selective Sweeps and Natural Selection): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JrbIUNUu1JE
Part 3 (Selection and Genetic Drift): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=exIJPnSNZ-0
Part 4 (Heritability and Environmental Factors): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FVel5g63Ws
Part 5 (Social Dominance Orientation, Selection, and Heritability): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mef5GOrDkUA
Part 6 (Neanderthals and Skull Size): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMrleFcz6H4
Supplementary 1 (Intelligence and Selective Detriments): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNP2NNKSyTA
Supplementary 2 (Clines, Ecotypes, and Clusters vs Race): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_3fg0QHXYk
Part 7 (Extant Humanity, Neanderthals, and Skulls): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBt9JkSdwbg
Part 8 (Suzuki vs Rushton vs Me): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ira6TDfZkDg
- published: 15 Sep 2012
- views: 900
Evolutionary Stasis: Double-Speak and Propaganda
'Living fossils' enigma
published: 23 Apr 2012
Evolutionary Stasis: Double-Speak and Propaganda
'Living fossils' enigma
Living fossils and evolution, and does it matter if 'junk DNA' has functions?
A fossil is a fossil is a fossil. Right?
More confirmation for dinosaur soft tissue and protein
Richard Lewontin, believing that the end justifies the means, once admitted, 'Scientists, like others, sometimes tell deliberate lies, because they believe that small lies can serve big truths.'12 12. Lewontin, R., The Inferiority Complex, New York Review of Books, p. 13, 22 October 1981
Simon Conway Morris14 recently wrote the following, a full six years after the full extent of Haeckel's fraudulent embryo pictures was exposed:15 '... our own fishy ancestry is clearly imprinted on our bodies. Not only do we have a backbone made of vertebrae, we also have the makings of gills that appear early in our embryology as shallow depressions in the neck ...' 14. Professor, Department of Earth Science, University of Cambridge, UK
One educator recently confessed: 'And I use that trust to effectively brainwash them ... our teaching methods are primarily those of propaganda. We appeal—without demonstration—to evidence that supports our position. We only introduce arguments and evidence that supports the currently accepted theories and omit or gloss over any evidence to the contrary.'17 17. Singham, M., Teaching and Propaganda, Physics Today 53:54, June, 2000.
Creation / Evolution Video Play Lists
- published: 23 Apr 2012
- views: 136