Peak Oil & EROEI Denial (the "Shale Arabia" myth, part 1)
Here's an explanation of why net-energy aka EROEI (energy returned on energy invested) deb...
published: 26 Dec 2011
Energy Investment - Energy Return
Peak Moment 136: In his presentation at the ASPO-USA 2008 conference, independent financia...
published: 07 Dec 2008
author: peakmoment
R-Squared Energy TV Ep.6: What is Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI)
Energy analyst Robert Rapier explains the methodology of Energy Return on Energy Invested ...
published: 22 Dec 2011
Is EROEI valid? What is it useful for?...
published: 07 Oct 2010
Peak Oil: EROEI or Net Energy
Website: http://MrEnergyCzar.com EROEI or Energy Returned on Energy Invested is important ...
published: 02 Feb 2012
author: MrEnergyCzar
Crash Course: Chapter 17b - Energy Budgeting by Chris Martenson
Chapter 17b - Energy Budgeting: Petroleum has supplied the surplus energy that has allowed...
published: 26 Feb 2009
Peak Oil & EROEI Denial (the "Shale Arabia" myth, part 2)
Americans ought to stop complaining about the superficial "price of gas" and learn some ge...
published: 26 Feb 2012
EROEI: energia ricavata su energia consumata
http://www.aspoitalia.it/ http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritorno_energetico_sull'investiment...
published: 16 Sep 2012
author: circuitow
my documentary: sq2/clip2 - EROEI
http://www.idleworm.com/oil/index.shtml A clip from my upcoming animated documentary about...
published: 22 Oct 2008
author: idleworms
Intellijel Planar - how to reverse the front panel
How to reverse the front panel of the Intellijel Planar with no special tools. In the vide...
published: 31 Mar 2013
author: EROEI
How To Boil A Frog presents Peak Oil pt. 3 - EROI
Part 3 of 4 examines the decline in Energy Return On Investment (EROI) in the world's bigg...
published: 23 Jan 2008
Intellijel Dixie triangle core VCO with reversing sync
Oscilloscope showing the reversing sync of the triangle core Intellijel Dixie VCO. Unlike ...
published: 19 Dec 2011
author: EROEI
Intellijel uFold wave folder demo 2
This is a more complex demo of the Intellijel uFold. Take 2 starts at 2:53. Again one Dixi...
published: 30 Dec 2011
author: EROEI
Intellijel Planar Demo
A song I was working on while experimenting with a pair of Intellijel Planar modules. The ...
published: 20 Oct 2012
author: EROEI
Youtube results:
Nicole Foss aka Stoneleigh - A Century of Challenges - Peak Oil & Economic Crisis
http://localfuture.org Nicole M. Foss is co-editor of The Automatic Earth, where she write...
published: 15 Feb 2011
author: newculture
Modular cave music - Intellijel PLOG, Dixie, Corgasmatron, Dr Octature, uVCA, uFade
Here is a demo I shot of the Intellijel PLOG. It is 3 voices controlled by the PLOG as the...
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: EROEI
Intellijel uFold wave folder demo 1
Intellijel uFold wave folder. Intellijel Dixie VCO sine wave into uFold. ufold modulated b...
published: 29 Dec 2011
author: EROEI
Intellijel Corgasmatron Demo 1
A brief demo of the new Intellijel Corgasmatron dual VCF and Xfade eurorack module. I talk...
published: 08 Jul 2011
author: EROEI