The 400,000 Votes That Tipped the Election The 400,000 Votes That Tipped the Election

Hillary Wants OutHillary Wants Out

CIA Held Secret Prisoners in Benghazi?CIA Held Secret Prisoners in Benghazi?

Michael Barone Michael Barone: Obama Wins by Going Negative and Turning Out Base

Lukewarm. That's the feeling I get from the election numbers.

John Ransom John Ransom: Petraeus Just Another Mystery Victim in the Benghazi Triangle

Notice how quickly the deputy director who is replacing Petraeus is ready to stand before congress next week and truthfully testify by saying “I don’t know, Senator”? I suppose that's just an unintended benefit of the Petraeus resignation.

Star Parker Star Parker: What Went Wrong Last Tuesday

Disbelief is the word that defines the Republican state of mind in the wake of the 2012 re-election of President Barack Obama.

Mike Adams Mike Adams: Evidence Tampering U

For years, I've been writing about the issue of censorship on our nation's campuses. But I have given far too little emphasis to due process violations within the so-called campus judiciary. Today, that all comes to an end. This will be the beginning of a series of columns highlighting the worst colleges in America when it comes to due process violations. I will reveal the name of this week's winner after explaining why this university is being ushered into the due process Hall of Shame.

Katie Kieffer Katie Kieffer: How Republicans Can Find Themselves

Soul-searching is not in the GOP’s blood. Many Republicans see themselves as stoic, rugged and hardworking individuals. But after twice losing the White House to an ex-community organizer and failing to mobilize the base, Republicans need to take a trip to a mountainous valley, sip some tea and meditate.

Ken Blackwell Ken Blackwell: Resistance with Respect

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected to his fourth term, Kansas editor William Allen White, a staunch Republican, wrote: "We who hate your gaudy guts salute you." President Obama: We have never hated your gaudy guts.

Shawn Mitchell Shawn Mitchell: Veterans Aren't Superheroes

Our fallen soldiers are not “American” losses or statistics; they are not news about a distant tragedy. They are friends, neighbors, brothers, children. They leave behind a life full of promise, hopes, and fears.

Bruce Bialosky Bruce Bialosky: Why We Were Surprised on November 6th?

Ok, I was wrong. I thought the Republicans would win the Presidency. I was not the only one. Smart people like Michael Barone and Karl Rove thought so also, in addition to people like Dick Morris. A knowledgeable friend called me the Saturday before the election and told me John McLaughlin, the pollster, just told him Romney wins it going away. So what happened?

Brian Darling Brian Darling: “Filibuster Reform” Is Power Grab By Harry Reid

Make no mistake about it. This new talk about “Filibuster Reform” coming from Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is nothing more than a power grab by liberals in the Senate.

Rich Galen Rich Galen: Kicking the Can Over the Fiscal Cliff

The election wasn't over for 48 hours before both sides started laying down their opening bids on dealing with what has become known as the "fiscal cliff."

Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel J. Mitchell: The Full Story of the Corrupting Impact of Government Dependency in Just 3-1/2 Minutes

Perhaps this short cartoon video from the folks at the American Enterprise Institute is a better approach. Sort of Dr. Seuss goes to Greece.

Political  Calculations Political Calculations: Eroding Dividends and Failing QE3

It appears that the Fed's latest exercise in quantitative easing is failing to produce the same equity lifting effect it had in its previous two incarnations.

Matt Barber Matt Barber: God Will Not Be Mocked

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.

Michael F. Cannon Michael F. Cannon: The IRS Has Gone Rogue

The agency has announced that, despite the clear statutory language restricting tax credits to exchanges established by states, it will issue tax credits through federal exchanges.

Charles Payne Charles Payne: Our Magic Carpet Crashed

In so many ways, the last few years for America has been a magic carpet ride where it seemed we soared as a united nation for a "few seconds" before being told to despise successful people and take away their earned wealth.

Peter Schiff Peter Schiff: When Infinite Inflation Isn't Enough

For investors looking to find a safe haven for their money, QE3 Plus is a strong signal that the price of gold and silver are a long way from their peaks.

Mark Baisley Mark Baisley: Celebrating Food Stamps for Mexico

Four years into the Obama Administration, Democratic Party leadership realized that it needed Republicans; not for their ideas or even for their votes. They need the tax revenue suppliers to fund their Keynesian aspirations.

David Williams David Williams: What the Future Holds for Tobacco Taxes

This week, in Seoul, South Korea, government representatives from 176 United Nations (UN) member-states will meet to discuss proposals ostensibly aimed at curbing tobacco use worldwide.

Mike Shedlock Mike Shedlock: Spain Declares 2-Year Moratorium on Evictions Following Suicides; Policy Will Blow Up Spectacularly

The problem with an eviction moratorium should be obvious. People will have no incentive to pay their mortgages for the next two years.

2012 Election Sitemap
Monday, November 12 | 01:11 PM ET
Monday, November 12 | 01:11 PM ET
Monday, November 12 | 01:11 PM ET
Monday, November 12 | 01:11 PM ET
Fearing 'Cliff,' Investors Finish Brutal Week
Petraeus’ Biographer Under FBI Investigation For ‘Improperly Trying to Access his Email”   (139)  
[WATCH] How to Explain to a Child Why Entitlements are Corrupting America
Bloomberg: Gas Shortages in NY Could Last for a Couple Weeks
Join Conservatives on FB!
Petraeus: 'This Has Nothing To Do With Benghazi'
Beyond the 'Fiscal Cliff,' Reasons for Optimism
D.C. Cannot Save America. Hollywood Can.   (292)  
Petraeus Quits Over Extramarital Affair
Uneducated People Share Simplistic Graphic About Education, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney   (310)  
[Video]: See How Little These Obama Supporters Know About Our Government
Judge Denies Allen West's Motion to Impound Ballots