
A Formal System for Natural Language Processing
Main Operations Officer Ian Malloy presents his research on the computations of Visual Tex...
published: 23 Apr 2011
Author: Malloy Labs
A Formal System for Natural Language Processing
Main Operations Officer Ian Malloy presents his research on the computations of Visual Text Analysis.

9. The Polish Notation System, Nand, Nor Operators and Formal Proofs of Validity
published: 28 Nov 2010
Author: drjasonjcampbell
9. The Polish Notation System, Nand, Nor Operators and Formal Proofs of Validity

(25) Gödel, Escher, Bach: Embedding of One Formal System in Another
published: 29 Sep 2012
Author: Genevieve M.
(25) Gödel, Escher, Bach: Embedding of One Formal System in Another

Formal education isn't for everyone--Thomas Sowell
Excerpted from the Diane Rehm Radio Talk Show, Jan 13, 1993 Dr. Sowell discussed his new b...
published: 19 Jun 2010
Author: guyjohn59
Formal education isn't for everyone--Thomas Sowell
Excerpted from the Diane Rehm Radio Talk Show, Jan 13, 1993 Dr. Sowell discussed his new book about the failures of the US education system, "Inside American Education". He stated that many education systems in the US do not allow for different views and new ways of educating. Full interview available at the c-span video library. "A person can no more be trained into a thinker by lecturing to him than he can into a gymnast." - Simon Newcomb

CIvilian Arms Training - CAR System Level 1
This was a training class I took recently. It was with Civilian arms training on the Cente...
published: 09 Mar 2011
Author: Gunnut226
CIvilian Arms Training - CAR System Level 1
This was a training class I took recently. It was with Civilian arms training on the Center Axis Re-lock System (CARS). This level 1 handgun class was great and the system seems really well suited for Close Quarters Battle (CQB). I highly recommend taking a formal training class if you can it will take your skills to the next level! This is also high value training.

Formal Document Control using SharePoint 2010
This 10 min video shows how Sharepoint 2010 (both Foundation and Server) can be used to co...
published: 18 Jun 2011
Formal Document Control using SharePoint 2010
This 10 min video shows how Sharepoint 2010 (both Foundation and Server) can be used to control and manage Policies, Procedures, Forms and other documents for Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety and similar ISO9000 style Management Systems. Further information about this and other solutions can be accessed at www.kws-sharequality.com or by emailing info@kwsservices.co.uk. Part 2 - Change Requests can be found here - www.youtube.com and part 3 - Record a Review can be found here - www.youtube.com

Mozart Symphonie No. 41 Molto Allegro Coda - performance comparison
Symphony No. 41, K.551, "Jupiter" was Mozart's last symphony, which he did n...
published: 18 Jan 2009
Author: Frumaster
Mozart Symphonie No. 41 Molto Allegro Coda - performance comparison
Symphony No. 41, K.551, "Jupiter" was Mozart's last symphony, which he did not live to hear peformed. Its coda is a high point of Western Classical music tradition: a five-part invertible fugue of dazzling complexity. It comprises a mere 30 measures (about 25 seconds), a marvel of compression. Mozart's composition is a masterpiece of dexterity within a formal system. Here you can listen to several of the most highly acclaimed performances. See how well you can pick out the color coded themes. What is your personal favorite performance?

How to receive webmoney formal passport - Tutorial (english version)
wmbroker.eu - How to receive webmoney formal passport - Tutorial (english version) Types o...
published: 11 Oct 2010
Author: wmBrokerUK
How to receive webmoney formal passport - Tutorial (english version)
wmbroker.eu - How to receive webmoney formal passport - Tutorial (english version) Types of passports Alias Passport This is the lowest level of WebMoney passports issued by default to any new WebMoney user upon registration after the assignment of a WM-ID Formal passport The Formal passport is issued to a WebMoney Transfer user upon acceptance of his/her personal data entered at the verification center website. This data is not verified by notaries or the center's legal department. Possessing such a passport does not authorize a user to offer any Registrar services. Initial Passport An Initial passport allows its holder certain advantages compared to an Alias one. It can be issued to a WebMoney user by a holder of a personal passport or Merchant passport in presence of the applicant (or authorized corporate user employee) based on supplied identification and contact information; A private user must present some form of legal identification along with his or her contact information, and sign an application for verification. The application will include your personal and contact information and a signed certification of your agreement to work with the WebMoney system as a verified member. A corporate user must authorize an employee to work with WebMoney. The rules of certification for such representative are same as for a private person. An initial passport can also be issued by the verification center via regular mail. A private user must mail a copy of some form of legal <b>...</b>

Excretory System
Check us out at www.tutorvista.com Excretory system is a passive biological system that re...
published: 04 May 2010
Author: TutorVista
Excretory System
Check us out at www.tutorvista.com Excretory system is a passive biological system that removes excess, unnecessary or dangerous materials from an organism, so as to help maintain homeostasis within the organism and prevent damage to the body. It is responsible for the elimination of the waste products of metabolism as well as other liquid and gaseous wastes. As most healthy functioning organs produce metabolic and other wastes, the entire organism depends on the function of the system; however, only the organs specifically for the excretion process are considered a part of the excretory system. As it involves several functions that are only superficially related, it is not usually used in more formal classifications of anatomy or function. Removes metabolic and liquid toxin wastes as well as excess water from the organism. Within each kidney are an estimated one million microscopic nephrons. Filtering of the blood takes place within these areas. Each nephron contains a cluster of capillaries called a glomerulus. A cup-shaped sac called a bowmans capsule surrounds each glomerolus. The blood that flows through the glomerulus is under great pressure. This causes glomerulus, water, glucose and urea to enter the bowmans capsule. White blood cells, red blood cells and proteins remains in the blood. As the blood continues through the blood vessels, it winds around the renal tubala. During this time, reabsorption occurs. Glucos and chemicals , such as potassium ,sodium, hydrogen <b>...</b>

DMSIG - "Formal Ontology and the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) " 8/22/2011
Speaker: Adam Pease Event Details This talk presents an overview of ontology, including ho...
published: 30 Aug 2011
Author: sfbayacm
DMSIG - "Formal Ontology and the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) " 8/22/2011
Speaker: Adam Pease Event Details This talk presents an overview of ontology, including how formal ontology compares to less formal approaches and how the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) (www.ontologyportal.org) compares to other formal ontologies. Classes of ontology-based applications are introduced. Issues of the capabilities and tradeoffs in first order logic inference are explored. The SUMO is also described in detail, along with its mappings to the WordNet lexicon. Speaker Bio Adam Pease has led research in ontology, linguistics, and formal inference, including development of the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO), the Controlled English to Logic Translation (CELT) system, the Core Plan Representation (CPR), and the Sigma knowledge engineering environment. Sharing research under open licenses, in order to achieve the widest possible dissemination and technology transfer, has been a core element of his research program and his products have been downloaded by thousands of people around the world. He is the author of the new book "Ontology: A Practical Guide"

Medtronic Paradigm insulin pump: changing the site
A quick video showing how I change out my insulin pump. I was diagnosed when I was 15 and ...
published: 17 Mar 2010
Author: cemcalex
Medtronic Paradigm insulin pump: changing the site
A quick video showing how I change out my insulin pump. I was diagnosed when I was 15 and am coming up on my ten year "anniversary." I have been pumping since two months after my diagnosis. Hope this helps anyone who is thinking about changing to a pump. It will change your life. Go for it! Please excuse my pjs. :) Also, I wanted to explain really quickly why the "sugguested bolus" amt was only 2.5 when the pump said I needed 1.6 for the food and 2.7 (which would seem like the bolus should have been 4.2). The bolus wizards on Minimed pumps uses a formal to decide how much active insulin is still your body. Therefore, even though I need 4.2 to correct my high and account for the food, it only recommends 2.5 b/c I still have 1.7 active units still in my body (usually from a recent bolus). It's a great feature that cuts down on lows from over correcting highs.

UNICEF: Improving Mongolia's juvenile justice system
ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia, 28 September 2007 - In Ulaanbaatar, the bustling capital of Mongoli...
published: 11 Oct 2007
Author: unicef
UNICEF: Improving Mongolia's juvenile justice system
ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia, 28 September 2007 - In Ulaanbaatar, the bustling capital of Mongolia, five dishevelled children dart across the dusty pavement and pry open a heavy manhole cover. They slip into a narrow hole deep below the city -- for now, this is where these children are living. No one knows exactly how many street children are living in Mongolia, but estimates in Ulaanbaatar range from as low as 300 to as high as one thousand. "Poverty is the number one factor sending kids into the streets," says UNICEF Representative Bertrand Desmoulins. "More often than not, they are victims of domestic violence, abandonment, broken and dysfunctional homes. Ultimately, they may come into conflict with the law, victims of a harsh justice system that is ill prepared to cope with this new reality." UNICEF believes that legal reform which will amend the current system and protect children is an urgent priority. Equally important is ensuring that a wide range of social services are established to help prevent crime. As part of an innovative programme, UNICEF is supporting the local government to help divert juveniles from formal court procedures. To read the full story, visit: www.unicef.org

April 16th 2011 Frat Formal (My Last Pre Stroke Gig Log)
this is what i didn't get around to posting. it was suppose to go up the next night. h...
published: 24 May 2011
Author: briansredd
April 16th 2011 Frat Formal (My Last Pre Stroke Gig Log)
this is what i didn't get around to posting. it was suppose to go up the next night. hpoefully we'll be back in business by mid summer. enjoy!

Formal 04/05/11 meeting - Norfolk City Council
05:29 C-1 Change of conditions of conditional IN-2 (Campus Institutional) district at 835 ...
published: 05 Apr 2011
Author: NorfolkTV
Formal 04/05/11 meeting - Norfolk City Council
05:29 C-1 Change of conditions of conditional IN-2 (Campus Institutional) district at 835 Redgate Avenue - Sentara 05:39 R-1 To amend a previously granted Special Exception for an Eating and Drinking Establishment at 1007 -- 1011 East Bayview Boulevard (Pizza Chef) 08:14 R-2 School and Libraries Division Universal Service Fund of E-Rate Program Grant 08:45 R-3 Memorandum of Understanding and Permit between Naval Station Norfolk and the City for the installation of an Automated Traffic Control Gate System on Hampton Boulevard 09:13 R-4 Hampton Roads Community Foundation grant is in the amount of $5140 09:43 R-5 Allocation of FY2011 Tourism Opportunity Program (TOP) Grant Funding 11:04 R-6 A Resolution confirming the City's 2011 Federal Water Resources Development Act Requests 11:27 R-7 To amend a previously granted Special Exception to operate an Entertainment Establishment with alcoholic beverages for 257 Granby Street - Bootleggers 15:16 R-8 Ordinance to Reschedule City Council MeetingsSee the most current formal agenda online here: www.norfolk.gov See previous formal meeting minutes here: www.norfolk.gov See previous informal / work session minutes here: www.norfolk.gov City Council and Clerk's office contact phone # list is here (where residents can comment): www.norfolk.gov
Vimeo results:

The Inaugural Henry Cole Lecture: Sir Christopher Frayling, 30 October 2008
The inaugural Henry Cole Lecture, held at the V&A; Museum in London on 30 October 2008. Th...
published: 22 Sep 2009
Author: Victoria and Albert Museum
The Inaugural Henry Cole Lecture: Sir Christopher Frayling, 30 October 2008
The inaugural Henry Cole Lecture, held at the V&A; Museum in London on 30 October 2008. The purpose of the lecture is to celebrate the legacy of the Museum’s founding director, and explore its implications for museums, culture and society today.
The lecture, entitled 'We Must Have Steam: Get Cole! Henry Cole, the Chamber of Horrors, and the Educational Role of the Museum' was delivered by Professor Sir Christopher Frayling. He presented new research on the “chamber of horrors” (a contemporary nickname for one of the V&A;'s earliest galleries, 'Decorations on False Principles', that opened in 1852) and the myths and realities of its reception, then opened up a wider debate on design education and museums from the nineteenth century to the present day.
Mark Jones: The annual Henry Cole lecture has been initiated to celebrate Henry Cole's legacy and to explore the contribution that culture can make to education and society today. It has also been launched to celebrate the opening of the Sackler Centre for arts education, including the Hochhauser Auditorium in which we sit tonight. There could be no one better than Professor Sir Christopher Frayling to give the inaugural Henry Cole Lecture. Christopher is a rare being: an intellectual who is a great communicator; a theorist who has a firm grip on the practical realities of life: a writer who truly and instinctively understands the words of making design and visual communication. As an enormously successful and respected Rector of the Royal College of Art, as Chairman of the Arts Council, and as a member and chair of boards too numerous to mention - but not forgetting the Royal Mint Advisory Committee which has recently been responsible for redesigning the coinage (personal interest) and as by far the longest-serving Trustee of the V&A;, he brings together culture, education and public service in a way which Henry Cole would have approved and admired. So it's more than fitting that he should be giving this first Henry Cole Lecture, 'We Must Have Steam: Get Cole! Henry Cole, the Chamber of Horrors, and the Educational Role of the Museum'.
Thank you very much indeed Mark and thank you very much for inviting me to give this first Henry Cole Lecture. Just how much of an honour it is for me will I hope become clear as the lecture progresses.
Mark, Chairpeople, ladies and gentlemen:
Hidden away in the garden of the South Kensington Museum - now the Madejski Garden of the V&A; - there is a small and easily overlooked commemorative plaque that doesn't have a museum number. It reads: 'In Memory of Jim Died 1879 Aged 15 Years, Faithful Dog of Sir Henry Cole of this Museum'. Jim had in fact died on 30 January 1879. He was with Henry Cole in his heyday, as the king of South Kensington - its museums and colleges - and saw him through to retirement from the public service and beyond. And next to this inscription there's another one dedicated to Jim's successor, Tycho, and dated 1885. The dogs are actually buried in the garden. Now we know from Henry Cole's diary that between 1864 and 1879 Jim, who was a cairn terrier, was often to be seen in public at his master's side. In 1864 they were together inspecting the new memorial to the Great Exhibition of 1851 just behind the Albert Hall - a statue of Prince Albert by Joseph Durham on a lofty plinth covered in statistics about the income, expenditure and visitor numbers to the Great Exhibition: 6,039,195 to be exact. Cole had been a tireless champion of Prince Albert and according to the Princess Royal (later Empress of Prussia) there was a family saying in Buckingham Palace at the time, invented by Albert himself, that when things needed doing 'when we want steam we must get Cole'. We may therefore assume that when looking at the memorial, Cole was interested in the inscription, the statistics and the likeness of Prince Albert, while Jim was more interested in the possibilities of the plinth. In early 1866 - these are five studies of Jim, an etching by Henry Cole himself of 1864. In early 1866, first thing in the morning, soon after the workmen's bell had rung, Henry and Jim would set forth together from Cole's newly constructed official residence in the Museum (where he moved in July 1863) to tour the building sites of South Kensington - a name which was first invented by Cole when he re-named the museum The South Kensington Museum to describe the new developments happening around Brompton Church. According to 'The Builder' magazine, these two well-known figures would 'be seen clambering over bricks, mortar and girders up ladders and about scaffolding'. Several buildings in the South Kensington Renaissance Revival style were springing up all around them: The Natural History Museum, The College of Science, the extension to this Museum. And on the morning the Bethnal Green Museum opened - 24 June 1872 - Jim showed a healthy distaste for his master's well-known predilection for pomp and

GESTALT WORK ON AWARENESS (HQ) - PART גשטאלט - מודעות - חלק 1
HQ. gestalt work on awareness, part 1. hebrew subtitles added.
published: 13 Aug 2011
Author: franklyn wepner
GESTALT WORK ON AWARENESS (HQ) - PART גשטאלט - מודעות - חלק 1
HQ. gestalt work on awareness, part 1. hebrew subtitles added.
Since 1975 I have been using Gestalt work on awareness, dreams and personal relationships as a way to train and direct performers. The basic principle is simple. I use the Gestalt work to peel the onion of layer after layer of social cliches, ego games and unfinished personal business, and then I do the reverse process reconstituting the onion in the form of characters or other artist structures. The existential message of the dream becomes the superobjective or action of the tragedy, and then I build up the way the performer handles the characters and the plot around that.
My usual procedure is to begin the training with three Gestalt sessions, one on one. The first session, two hours long, deals with the three zones of awareness. During the first hour I simply let him relate what he aware of, since I want to know how he operates before I start meddling with his life. This is important since overall during the Gestalt sessions we are peeling the onion of cliches and games to get to authentic action, and later we will need all of those layers to rebuild the onion as characters involved in the unfolding action of a drama. We need his cliche and game layers for the beginning of the action in Act One as much as we need his authentic action at the end of the dramatic action for Acts Four and Five of a tragic drama.
During the second hour of the first Gestalt session on awareness I attempt to guide him towards a balance of the zones of awareness: outer zone awareness of the environment, inner zone awareness of his body, and fantasy zone awareness of his daydreams. The second and third Gestalt sessions are each three hours long, and each is a typical Gestalt dreamwork session as presented by Fritz Perls in Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. The performer tells the dream in the here and now, identifies with (play acts) several of the main images of the dream in dialogues with each other, and experiences the rhythm of contact and withdrawal. That is to say, after each major dialogue of polarized sides of himself (the contact part) he is instructed to close his eyes, enter his body awareness and daydream (the withdrawal phase of the rhythm).
Since my goal is theater as well as healing, whenever possible during the Gestalt dreamwork I encourage lots of expression using sound and movements. I work with a palette of about 200 different types of recorded musical excerpts, and whenever appropriate I ask him if that image or emotional state were part of a movie what sort of music might be the sound track. Then I find something close to that in my palette of musical colors and ask him to express the mood using the music along with his vocalizing and expressive movements. While he is doing the entire session I spend most of my time jotting down near verbatim notes and making stick figures of his poses and movements, since later in the work I will feed all this back to him and encourage him to explore using it as creative material for acting, dance or whatever his medium is. Taping the session is less useful, since then I would need to spend too much time replaying the tapes. Taking notes live forces me to sort out the wheat from the chaff very efficiently, even at the cost of not observing or notating every detail.
After the three introductory one on one Gestalt sessions, session number four is for feedback and discussion of the results. I show him in my notes and diagrams all of the stages of competed and uncompleted actions, and together we search for characters in the theater literature that have similar patterns of action. Is he a Hamlet type, or an Oedipus type, for example? In contrast to the usual practice in acting classes, his first acting assignment probably will be a monologue from a serious tragedy, since I want him to begin with a dramatic action with which he can identify totally. In this process he is using his major Gestalt moments as what Michael Chekhov in his book "To The Actor" labels "psychological gestures". Perls calls them the "essences" of a patient's personality, or we can say he is working from his "centers", stretching those sounds, moves and psychological motivations in as many creative directions as he can. I monitor closely to be sure he is not faking it, the way most actors end up doing since they do not have the centers to begin with.
Before the performer begins working with others doing improvs and scenework, there is an important transitional stage in the work in which I help him get comfortable using his very personal Gestalt material freely as creative material. He needs to shift from seeing himself as a patient to enjoying the role of an artist of the

Bounce Chair - Seating can be healthy!
Designed by Pedro Gomes, Bounce chair derives from a reflection about the equilibrium betw...
published: 03 Apr 2012
Author: Pedro Gomes Design
Bounce Chair - Seating can be healthy!
Designed by Pedro Gomes, Bounce chair derives from a reflection about the equilibrium between product design and its responsibility to provide the improvement of the human condition.
Analyzing the act of seating, as a symbolic gesture, Bounce re-creates the dynamic relation between comfort, health and well being.
In this system, the chair presents it self as a unique and innovative model that adopts the functionality of a pilates ball and applies it to a new formal and structural form and materials.
Bounce allows the user to be in constant movement always keeping a pleasant and stimulating confront.
An iconic, functional and ergonomic design, with unique and distinctive lines.
If interested follow us at www.facebook.com/pedrogomesdesign
Music by Pretty Lights - http://prettylightsmusic.com/

part 3 of a two hour gestalt session on awareness with actress bel baca. the focus here is...
published: 01 Jan 2011
Author: franklyn wepner
part 3 of a two hour gestalt session on awareness with actress bel baca. the focus here is "the rhythm of contact and withdrawal", alternating between contact with the environment and withdrawal into the void of "not knowing" to discover what fantasies and new ideas are waiting to emerge into awareness there.
Since 1975 I have been using Gestalt work on awareness, dreams and personal relationships as a way to train and direct performers. The basic principle is simple. I use the Gestalt work to peel the onion of layer after layer of social cliches, ego games and unfinished personal business, and then I do the reverse process reconstituting the onion in the form of characters or other artist structures. The existential message of the dream becomes the superobjective or action of the tragedy, and then I build up the way the performer handles the characters and the plot around that.
My usual procedure is to begin the training with three Gestalt sessions, one on one. The first session, two hours long, deals with the three zones of awareness. During the first hour I simply let him relate what he aware of, since I want to know how he operates before I start meddling with his life. This is important since overall during the Gestalt sessions we are peeling the onion of cliches and games to get to authentic action, and later we will need all of those layers to rebuild the onion as characters involved in the unfolding action of a drama. We need his cliche and game layers for the beginning of the action in Act One as much as we need his authentic action at the end of the dramatic action for Acts Four and Five of a tragic drama.
During the second hour of the first Gestalt session on awareness I attempt to guide him towards a balance of the zones of awareness: outer zone awareness of the environment, inner zone awareness of his body, and fantasy zone awareness of his daydreams. The second and third Gestalt sessions are each three hours long, and each is a typical Gestalt dreamwork session as presented by Fritz Perls in Gestalt Therapy Verbatim. The performer tells the dream in the here and now, identifies with (play acts) several of the main images of the dream in dialogues with each other, and experiences the rhythm of contact and withdrawal. That is to say, after each major dialogue of polarized sides of himself (the contact part) he is instructed to close his eyes, enter his body awareness and daydream (the withdrawal phase of the rhythm).
Since my goal is theater as well as healing, whenever possible during the Gestalt dreamwork I encourage lots of expression using sound and movements. I work with a palette of about 200 different types of recorded musical excerpts, and whenever appropriate I ask him if that image or emotional state were part of a movie what sort of music might be the sound track. Then I find something close to that in my palette of musical colors and ask him to express the mood using the music along with his vocalizing and expressive movements. While he is doing the entire session I spend most of my time jotting down near verbatim notes and making stick figures of his poses and movements, since later in the work I will feed all this back to him and encourage him to explore using it as creative material for acting, dance or whatever his medium is. Taping the session is less useful, since then I would need to spend too much time replaying the tapes. Taking notes live forces me to sort out the wheat from the chaff very efficiently, even at the cost of not observing or notating every detail.
After the three introductory one on one Gestalt sessions, session number four is for feedback and discussion of the results. I show him in my notes and diagrams all of the stages of competed and uncompleted actions, and together we search for characters in the theater literature that have similar patterns of action. Is he a Hamlet type, or an Oedipus type, for example? In contrast to the usual practice in acting classes, his first acting assignment probably will be a monologue from a serious tragedy, since I want him to begin with a dramatic action with which he can identify totally. In this process he is using his major Gestalt moments as what Michael Chekhov in his book "To The Actor" labels "psychological gestures". Per
Youtube results:

Shinzen Young: Deep Concentration in Formal Meditation and Daily Life (Theory and Practice)
Google Tech Talk 27 April 2010 Presented by: Shinzen Young ABSTRACT Renowed meditation tea...
published: 25 May 2010
Author: GoogleTechTalks
Shinzen Young: Deep Concentration in Formal Meditation and Daily Life (Theory and Practice)
Google Tech Talk 27 April 2010 Presented by: Shinzen Young ABSTRACT Renowed meditation teacher Shinzen Young leads a meditation session on concentration and discusses the application of the concentrated mind in daily life.

Really Right Stuff B87-QR Review on my 7D mounted to the Spider Holster Pro System
WATCH IN HD QUALITY =) - filmed on Canon T1i with kit lens FORMAL FULL REVIEW WITH DETAILS...
published: 22 Sep 2010
Author: jaysgadgets
Really Right Stuff B87-QR Review on my 7D mounted to the Spider Holster Pro System
WATCH IN HD QUALITY =) - filmed on Canon T1i with kit lens FORMAL FULL REVIEW WITH DETAILS WILL FOLLOW LATER PLEASE SUBSCRIBE My New Camera Body and Bracket System 2k+ =p Canon 7D Canon 17-55is f2.8 wide angle lens Canon Speedlite 580EX II Pixel Knight TR-332 Radio E-TTL Trigger Tamrac Flash holder Really Right Stuff BGE7-L Plate Really Right Stuff B87-QR Portrait Perfect Packge Bracket Really Right Stuff 60mm B2 LR II Spider Holster Pro System

Pluto, formal designation 134340 Pluto, is the second-largest known dwarf planet in the So...
published: 01 Mar 2010
Author: quantomQ
Pluto, formal designation 134340 Pluto, is the second-largest known dwarf planet in the Solar System (after Eris) and the tenth-largest body observed directly orbiting the Sun. Originally classified as a planet, Pluto is now considered the largest member of a distinct population called the Kuiper belt.[note 9] Like other members of the Kuiper belt, Pluto is composed primarily of rock and ice and is relatively small: approximately a fifth the mass of the Earth's Moon and a third its volume. It has an eccentric and highly inclined orbit that takes it from 30 to 49 AU (4.47.4 billion km) from the Sun. This causes Pluto to periodically come closer to the Sun than Neptune. From its discovery in 1930 until 2006, Pluto was considered the Solar System's ninth planet. In the late 1970s, following the discovery of minor planet 2060 Chiron in the outer Solar System and the recognition of Pluto's very low mass, its status as a major planet began to be questioned.[6] Later, in the early 21st century, many objects similar to Pluto were discovered in the outer Solar System, notably the scattered disc object Eris, which is 27% more massive than Pluto.[7] On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined the term "planet" for the first time. This definition excluded Pluto as a planet, and added it as a member of the new category "dwarf planet" along with Eris and Ceres.[8] After the reclassification, Pluto was added to the list of minor planets and given the number <b>...</b>

The Application of Platform-Based Design to Embedded Electronics and Synthetic Biological Systems
Platform-Based Design is a design methodology within Computer Aided Design which at its co...
published: 29 Apr 2009
Author: UWTV
The Application of Platform-Based Design to Embedded Electronics and Synthetic Biological Systems
Platform-Based Design is a design methodology within Computer Aided Design which at its core promotes the separation of functionality from implementation. Rigorous and formal applications of PBD have been shown to be very useful in the design of embedded electronic systems. This work has manifested itself in the development of the Polis, Metropolis, and Metro II design environments at UC Berkeley. PBD's true power lies in its ability to cross into new application areas. This talk will outline PBD techniques as they relate to both embedded electronics and synthetic biology. To see more videos from the University of Washington visit uwtv.org.