Alevi muslim saints: HAJI BEKTASH VELI, the Derwish of all Derwishes
He was called "Derwish of all Derwishes" by the 'erenler' (saints) of Khorasan, he was sayyid Haji Bektash Veli (Wali). An important figure in Alevi and Sufi...
Who Is Haji Bektash Veli?
Haji Bektash Veli or Ḥājī Baktāsh Walī (Persian: حاجی بکتاش ولی Ḥājī Baktāš Walī; Turkish: Hacı Bektaş Veli) was an Alevi Muslim mystic, Sayyid, humanist and philosopher from Nishapur in Khorasan, Persia (Iran), who lived and taught from approximately 1209 to 1271 in Anatolia. He is revered among Alevis for an Islamic understanding that is esoteric (spiritual), rational, progressive and humanist
Bektashi Order World Headquarters
The Bektashi Order or the ideology of Bektashism, is an Islamic Sufi order named after the 13th century Persian Alevi Wali (saint) Haji Bektash Veli, but fou...
Shaykh Taner Ansari shares a message by Haji Bektash.
Shaykh Taner Ansari did Zikr at Haji Bektash's makam and received a message from Haji Bektash. "he tells me to tell you : you know there is a lot of ways of ...
Semaa rabbani dargaah hazrat haji bektash vali
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Istanbul Miniatürk Turkey Park, Haji Bektash Veli , Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli Külliyesi, Nevşehir
Alevi Bektashi muslims performing Dhikr
Muhtesem Yuzyil - Pirlere niyaz ederiz - Kalender Shah More information: http://bektashiorder.com/love-of-the-prophets-family http://www.techofheart.co/2011/...
The Bektashi Order - Religious Inspiration For The Janissaries
The Bektashi Order (Turkish: Bektaşi Tarikatı), or the ideology of Bektashism (Turkish: Bektaşilik), is an Islamic Sufi order (tariqat) founded in the 13th c...
Islam Alevi / Bektashi music - Alevism Bektashism
Islam Alevi / Bektashi (also called spiritual shiism or sufi-shia): Followers of the Quran, prophet Muhammad, his Ahl al-Bayt, his Twelve Imams, the 13th cen...
ALEVITISME: Haci Bektas Veli in Albanië
De derwisj Haji Bektash Veli was een afstammeling van de Profeet Mohammed via de 12 imams. Hij was een 13e-eeuwse Alevi-heilige en Soefi-meester die de leer ...
ALEVITISME: (TIP!) Verschil Alevieten (Bektashi) en Arabische Alawieten (Nusayri) + NL ondertiteling
Klik op het knopje onder de video voor NL ondertiteling. Lees hieronder voor meer belangrijke aanvullende informatie: In Turkije worden de anatolische alevie...
ALEVITISME: 12 Hizmet - De Twaalf Diensten bij de Alevi-Bektashi's
zie ook: http://bektashiorder.com/love-of-the-prophets-family Zie mijn kanaal voor meer informatie over het Alevitisme. tags: alevi alevisme alevitisme alevi...
Lees hier voor meer informatie: Alevitisch muziek over de 13-eeuwse Alevi-heilige, sayyid, en Soefi-meester Haji Bektash Veli. Meer over zijn bloedlijn: http...
Op z'n Engels ook wel Haji Bektash Wali genoemd. Hij was een Alevi heilige en een zowel door Sunni als Alevi gerespecteerde Soefi-meester. Haci Bektas Veli w...
Ceremonia Alevi
Los Alevis son una comunidad emanada del shi´î con elementos místicos (considerada como extrema [gulat] en sus creencias) que se encuentran principalmente en Turquía. La ceremonia fue registrada por Onos Productions (www.onos.gr) en la región de Konya, donde se puede apreciar el Cemevi (lugar de reunión Alevi) decorado con temas iconográficos centrados en la figura del Imân ´Alî, así como la fami
ALEVITISME: Het leven van Haci Bektas Veli (Turks)
Haci Bektas Veli animatie
Haji Bektash Veli animation
Zie mijn kanaal voor meer videos over Haci Bektas Veli en meer informatie over het Alevitisme
Zie ook:
Alevilik-Bektaşilik Kızılbaş Tahtacı Hurufi Yeniceri
Bektaşilik-Hurufilik Alevi-Bektaşilik Hurufi Hurufism Hurufilik Tahtacı Alevi-Bektasi Alevilik Bektaşilik Kızılbaş Tahtacı Yeniceri Yeniceriler Aleviten 12 İ...
ALEVITISME: Dhikr (Zikir) in de Cem-huis
Alevi bijeenkomst waarin de namen van Allah, de Ahlalbayt (Ehlibeyt= Muhammed, Fatima, Ali, Hasan, Huseyin), de 12 imams en Haji Bektash Veli worden herdacht...
Islamic Mysticism: An Introduction to Sufi Islam
An introduction to the history, practices, and beliefs of Sufi Islam. Sufism, or tasawwuf in Arabic, is practiced by many Muslims around the world, both Shia...
ALEVITISME: Dua bij de 'türbe' van Yunus Emre
Yunus Emre was een 13e eeuwse soefi-dichter en een belangrijk figuur in het Alevitisme / Bektashisme. Hij was een tijdgenoot van Hz. Mevlana Rumi en Haji Bek...
ECHTE ISLAM vs. streng Islamitische geleerden (TIP!) - NL ondertiteld
Een eye-opener. Wederom bewijs hoeveel invloed de Omajjaden hebben gehad op de meerderheid van de islamitische gemeenschap, waardoor veel mensen helaas een v...
Sünnîlik ve Alevîlik arasındaki farklılık, Alevîliğin Muhammed'den sonra ilk yöneticinin hem peygamberin vasiyetiyle, hem de ilâhî seçimle Ali bin Ebu Talib ...
janissaries janitscharen yeniçeri bektaşi ocaği janissaires
Yeniçerilerin Bektaşilik tarikatına bağlı janissaries janitscharen yeniçeri bektaşi ocaği janissaires kizilbas Die Kizilbas Kızılbaş, Yeniçeri Ocağı'nın kald...
Alevi muslim saints: HAJI BEKTASH VELI, the Derwish of all Derwishes
He was called "Derwish of all Derwishes" by the 'erenler' (saints) of Khorasan, he was sayyid Haji Bektash Veli (Wali). An important figure in Alevi and Sufi......
He was called "Derwish of all Derwishes" by the 'erenler' (saints) of Khorasan, he was sayyid Haji Bektash Veli (Wali). An important figure in Alevi and Sufi...
wn.com/Alevi Muslim Saints Haji Bektash Veli, The Derwish Of All Derwishes
He was called "Derwish of all Derwishes" by the 'erenler' (saints) of Khorasan, he was sayyid Haji Bektash Veli (Wali). An important figure in Alevi and Sufi...
Who Is Haji Bektash Veli?
Haji Bektash Veli or Ḥājī Baktāsh Walī (Persian: حاجی بکتاش ولی Ḥājī Baktāš Walī; Turkish: Hacı Bektaş Veli) was an Alevi Muslim mystic, Sayyid, humanist and ...
Haji Bektash Veli or Ḥājī Baktāsh Walī (Persian: حاجی بکتاش ولی Ḥājī Baktāš Walī; Turkish: Hacı Bektaş Veli) was an Alevi Muslim mystic, Sayyid, humanist and philosopher from Nishapur in Khorasan, Persia (Iran), who lived and taught from approximately 1209 to 1271 in Anatolia. He is revered among Alevis for an Islamic understanding that is esoteric (spiritual), rational, progressive and humanistic. Alevi and Bektashi Muslims believe the path of Haji Bektash is the path of Ali ibn Abu Talib, since Ali was the source of Bektash his teachings. His original name was "Sayyeed Muhammad ibn Sayyeed Ebrāheem Ātā", was one of the figures who flourished in the Sultanate of Rum and had an important influence on the Turkoman nomads of Asia Minor. He is also referred to as the Sultan of Hearts and the Derwish of the Derwishes. Haji Bektash Veli was a descendant of the 7th Shi'a Imam Musa Kazim.
Not much is known about him, his origins are shrouded in mystery and much of his biography is based on legends. It is assumed that he was of Turkish or Iranian descent, and belonged to a group of Iranian migrants in Anatolia who had left their homeland during the Mongol conquests.[2] According to "The history of Āshikpāshāzādah" (Aşıkpaşazade Tarihi), written by one of the grandsons of "Āshik Pāshā" who was the son of "Muhlis Paşa" (Muhlees Pāshā) who was the son of renowned Bābā Eliyās al-Khorāsānī, "Sayyeed Muhammad ibn Sayyeed Ebrāheem Ātā" had come to Sivas, Anatolia from Khorasan with his brother “Menteş” (Mantash) to become affiliated with the tariqat of Bābā Eliyās al-Khorāsānī. On the other hand, the famous reference book of Bāktāsh’īyyah tariqat, Valāyat-Nāma-i Hādjī Baktāsh-ī Wālī, claims that "Hajji Bāktāsh" was the murshid of Bābā Rāss’ūl-Allāh (Bābā Eliyās al-Khorāsānī).
The name attributed to him by his followers can be translated as "The Pilgrim Saint Bektash." The Hajji title implies that he had made the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina to perform Hajj. He is the eponym of the Bektashi Sufi order and is considered as one of the principal teachers of Alevism. According the to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the "center and source of his teachings" was Ali ibn Abu Talib, whom Alevis believe to be the righteous successor of Muhammad while also "acknowledging the twelve Shia Imams" and "holding Jafar as-Sadiq in high esteem". Despite his Shia belief and his unorthodox teachings, he is considered a renowned figure in the history and culture of both, the Ottoman Empire and the modern nation-state Turkey. On the other hand, Ibn Khallikan reports that Shī'ite tendencies belonged not to him but rather to his murids, who took refuge in his tekke at Suluca Kara Oyuk in Kırşehir after the Babai Revolt.
Hajji Bektash was born in Nishapur. It is reported in some Bektashi legends that Hajji Bektash was a follower and the caliph ("representative") of Khwaja Ahmad Yasavi, a Sufi mystic from Central Asia who had great influence on the Turkic nomads of the steppes. However, there are no signs of Yasavi influence in the original teachings of Hajji Bektash and this claim is rejected by modern scholars, since Khoja Akhmet Yassawi lived nearly one hundred years before Hajji Bektash.
The founder of the Bektashiyyah sufi order Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli (Ḥājjī Baktāsh Walī), a murid of Malāmatī-Qalāndārī Sheikh Qutb ad-Dīn Haydar, who introduced the Ahmad Yasavi's doctrine of "Four Doors and Forty Stending" into his tariqah.
Actually, the sisilah of Hadji Baktāsh Wālī reaches to the "Yassaw’īyyah tariqah" through another but a similar tariqah, which is well known as the "Wafā’īyyah tariqah" of Abu’l Wafā al-Khwarazmī, who was a murid of Khoja Ahmad Yasavi and the murshid of Dede Ğarkhen, who was in turn the murshid of Bābā Rasul Eliyās Khorāsānī. Modern research connects him to another important religious movement of that time: to the Qalandariyah movement and to Rāss’ūl-Allāh Bābā Eliyās al-Khorāsānī († 1240), an influential mystic from Eastern Persia, who was the murshid of Aybak Bābā, who was in turn the murshid of one of the leading actors of the Babai Revolt, namely Bābā Ishāq Kafarsudī as well. Eventually, Bābā Eliyās Khorāsānī was held responsible for the Babai Revolt organized by Bābā Ishāq Kafarsudī, and consequently executed by Mūbārez’ūd-Dīn-i Armāğān-Shāh, the supreme commander-in-chief of the armies of the Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti (Sultanate of Rum).
wn.com/Who Is Haji Bektash Veli
Haji Bektash Veli or Ḥājī Baktāsh Walī (Persian: حاجی بکتاش ولی Ḥājī Baktāš Walī; Turkish: Hacı Bektaş Veli) was an Alevi Muslim mystic, Sayyid, humanist and philosopher from Nishapur in Khorasan, Persia (Iran), who lived and taught from approximately 1209 to 1271 in Anatolia. He is revered among Alevis for an Islamic understanding that is esoteric (spiritual), rational, progressive and humanistic. Alevi and Bektashi Muslims believe the path of Haji Bektash is the path of Ali ibn Abu Talib, since Ali was the source of Bektash his teachings. His original name was "Sayyeed Muhammad ibn Sayyeed Ebrāheem Ātā", was one of the figures who flourished in the Sultanate of Rum and had an important influence on the Turkoman nomads of Asia Minor. He is also referred to as the Sultan of Hearts and the Derwish of the Derwishes. Haji Bektash Veli was a descendant of the 7th Shi'a Imam Musa Kazim.
Not much is known about him, his origins are shrouded in mystery and much of his biography is based on legends. It is assumed that he was of Turkish or Iranian descent, and belonged to a group of Iranian migrants in Anatolia who had left their homeland during the Mongol conquests.[2] According to "The history of Āshikpāshāzādah" (Aşıkpaşazade Tarihi), written by one of the grandsons of "Āshik Pāshā" who was the son of "Muhlis Paşa" (Muhlees Pāshā) who was the son of renowned Bābā Eliyās al-Khorāsānī, "Sayyeed Muhammad ibn Sayyeed Ebrāheem Ātā" had come to Sivas, Anatolia from Khorasan with his brother “Menteş” (Mantash) to become affiliated with the tariqat of Bābā Eliyās al-Khorāsānī. On the other hand, the famous reference book of Bāktāsh’īyyah tariqat, Valāyat-Nāma-i Hādjī Baktāsh-ī Wālī, claims that "Hajji Bāktāsh" was the murshid of Bābā Rāss’ūl-Allāh (Bābā Eliyās al-Khorāsānī).
The name attributed to him by his followers can be translated as "The Pilgrim Saint Bektash." The Hajji title implies that he had made the pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina to perform Hajj. He is the eponym of the Bektashi Sufi order and is considered as one of the principal teachers of Alevism. According the to the Encyclopaedia of Islam, the "center and source of his teachings" was Ali ibn Abu Talib, whom Alevis believe to be the righteous successor of Muhammad while also "acknowledging the twelve Shia Imams" and "holding Jafar as-Sadiq in high esteem". Despite his Shia belief and his unorthodox teachings, he is considered a renowned figure in the history and culture of both, the Ottoman Empire and the modern nation-state Turkey. On the other hand, Ibn Khallikan reports that Shī'ite tendencies belonged not to him but rather to his murids, who took refuge in his tekke at Suluca Kara Oyuk in Kırşehir after the Babai Revolt.
Hajji Bektash was born in Nishapur. It is reported in some Bektashi legends that Hajji Bektash was a follower and the caliph ("representative") of Khwaja Ahmad Yasavi, a Sufi mystic from Central Asia who had great influence on the Turkic nomads of the steppes. However, there are no signs of Yasavi influence in the original teachings of Hajji Bektash and this claim is rejected by modern scholars, since Khoja Akhmet Yassawi lived nearly one hundred years before Hajji Bektash.
The founder of the Bektashiyyah sufi order Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli (Ḥājjī Baktāsh Walī), a murid of Malāmatī-Qalāndārī Sheikh Qutb ad-Dīn Haydar, who introduced the Ahmad Yasavi's doctrine of "Four Doors and Forty Stending" into his tariqah.
Actually, the sisilah of Hadji Baktāsh Wālī reaches to the "Yassaw’īyyah tariqah" through another but a similar tariqah, which is well known as the "Wafā’īyyah tariqah" of Abu’l Wafā al-Khwarazmī, who was a murid of Khoja Ahmad Yasavi and the murshid of Dede Ğarkhen, who was in turn the murshid of Bābā Rasul Eliyās Khorāsānī. Modern research connects him to another important religious movement of that time: to the Qalandariyah movement and to Rāss’ūl-Allāh Bābā Eliyās al-Khorāsānī († 1240), an influential mystic from Eastern Persia, who was the murshid of Aybak Bābā, who was in turn the murshid of one of the leading actors of the Babai Revolt, namely Bābā Ishāq Kafarsudī as well. Eventually, Bābā Eliyās Khorāsānī was held responsible for the Babai Revolt organized by Bābā Ishāq Kafarsudī, and consequently executed by Mūbārez’ūd-Dīn-i Armāğān-Shāh, the supreme commander-in-chief of the armies of the Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti (Sultanate of Rum).
- published: 18 Jan 2015
- views: 5
Bektashi Order World Headquarters
The Bektashi Order or the ideology of Bektashism, is an Islamic Sufi order named after the 13th century Persian Alevi Wali (saint) Haji Bektash Veli, but fou......
The Bektashi Order or the ideology of Bektashism, is an Islamic Sufi order named after the 13th century Persian Alevi Wali (saint) Haji Bektash Veli, but fou...
wn.com/Bektashi Order World Headquarters
The Bektashi Order or the ideology of Bektashism, is an Islamic Sufi order named after the 13th century Persian Alevi Wali (saint) Haji Bektash Veli, but fou...
Shaykh Taner Ansari shares a message by Haji Bektash.
Shaykh Taner Ansari did Zikr at Haji Bektash's makam and received a message from Haji Bektash. "he tells me to tell you : you know there is a lot of ways of ......
Shaykh Taner Ansari did Zikr at Haji Bektash's makam and received a message from Haji Bektash. "he tells me to tell you : you know there is a lot of ways of ...
wn.com/Shaykh Taner Ansari Shares A Message By Haji Bektash.
Shaykh Taner Ansari did Zikr at Haji Bektash's makam and received a message from Haji Bektash. "he tells me to tell you : you know there is a lot of ways of ...
Alevi Bektashi muslims performing Dhikr
Muhtesem Yuzyil - Pirlere niyaz ederiz - Kalender Shah More information: http://bektashiorder.com/love-of-the-prophets-family http://www.techofheart.co/2011/......
Muhtesem Yuzyil - Pirlere niyaz ederiz - Kalender Shah More information: http://bektashiorder.com/love-of-the-prophets-family http://www.techofheart.co/2011/...
wn.com/Alevi Bektashi Muslims Performing Dhikr
Muhtesem Yuzyil - Pirlere niyaz ederiz - Kalender Shah More information: http://bektashiorder.com/love-of-the-prophets-family http://www.techofheart.co/2011/...
The Bektashi Order - Religious Inspiration For The Janissaries
The Bektashi Order (Turkish: Bektaşi Tarikatı), or the ideology of Bektashism (Turkish: Bektaşilik), is an Islamic Sufi order (tariqat) founded in the 13th c......
The Bektashi Order (Turkish: Bektaşi Tarikatı), or the ideology of Bektashism (Turkish: Bektaşilik), is an Islamic Sufi order (tariqat) founded in the 13th c...
wn.com/The Bektashi Order Religious Inspiration For The Janissaries
The Bektashi Order (Turkish: Bektaşi Tarikatı), or the ideology of Bektashism (Turkish: Bektaşilik), is an Islamic Sufi order (tariqat) founded in the 13th c...
Islam Alevi / Bektashi music - Alevism Bektashism
Islam Alevi / Bektashi (also called spiritual shiism or sufi-shia): Followers of the Quran, prophet Muhammad, his Ahl al-Bayt, his Twelve Imams, the 13th cen......
Islam Alevi / Bektashi (also called spiritual shiism or sufi-shia): Followers of the Quran, prophet Muhammad, his Ahl al-Bayt, his Twelve Imams, the 13th cen...
wn.com/Islam Alevi Bektashi Music Alevism Bektashism
Islam Alevi / Bektashi (also called spiritual shiism or sufi-shia): Followers of the Quran, prophet Muhammad, his Ahl al-Bayt, his Twelve Imams, the 13th cen...
ALEVITISME: Haci Bektas Veli in Albanië
De derwisj Haji Bektash Veli was een afstammeling van de Profeet Mohammed via de 12 imams. Hij was een 13e-eeuwse Alevi-heilige en Soefi-meester die de leer ......
De derwisj Haji Bektash Veli was een afstammeling van de Profeet Mohammed via de 12 imams. Hij was een 13e-eeuwse Alevi-heilige en Soefi-meester die de leer ...
wn.com/Alevitisme Haci Bektas Veli In Albanië
De derwisj Haji Bektash Veli was een afstammeling van de Profeet Mohammed via de 12 imams. Hij was een 13e-eeuwse Alevi-heilige en Soefi-meester die de leer ...
ALEVITISME: (TIP!) Verschil Alevieten (Bektashi) en Arabische Alawieten (Nusayri) + NL ondertiteling
Klik op het knopje onder de video voor NL ondertiteling. Lees hieronder voor meer belangrijke aanvullende informatie: In Turkije worden de anatolische alevie......
Klik op het knopje onder de video voor NL ondertiteling. Lees hieronder voor meer belangrijke aanvullende informatie: In Turkije worden de anatolische alevie...
wn.com/Alevitisme (Tip ) Verschil Alevieten (Bektashi) En Arabische Alawieten (Nusayri) Nl Ondertiteling
Klik op het knopje onder de video voor NL ondertiteling. Lees hieronder voor meer belangrijke aanvullende informatie: In Turkije worden de anatolische alevie...
ALEVITISME: 12 Hizmet - De Twaalf Diensten bij de Alevi-Bektashi's
zie ook: http://bektashiorder.com/love-of-the-prophets-family Zie mijn kanaal voor meer informatie over het Alevitisme. tags: alevi alevisme alevitisme alevi......
zie ook: http://bektashiorder.com/love-of-the-prophets-family Zie mijn kanaal voor meer informatie over het Alevitisme. tags: alevi alevisme alevitisme alevi...
wn.com/Alevitisme 12 Hizmet De Twaalf Diensten Bij De Alevi Bektashi's
zie ook: http://bektashiorder.com/love-of-the-prophets-family Zie mijn kanaal voor meer informatie over het Alevitisme. tags: alevi alevisme alevitisme alevi...
Lees hier voor meer informatie: Alevitisch muziek over de 13-eeuwse Alevi-heilige, sayyid, en Soefi-meester Haji Bektash Veli. Meer over zijn bloedlijn: http......
Lees hier voor meer informatie: Alevitisch muziek over de 13-eeuwse Alevi-heilige, sayyid, en Soefi-meester Haji Bektash Veli. Meer over zijn bloedlijn: http...
wn.com/Alevitisme Mahsuni Şerif Hünkar Haci Bektaş Veli (Muziek)
Lees hier voor meer informatie: Alevitisch muziek over de 13-eeuwse Alevi-heilige, sayyid, en Soefi-meester Haji Bektash Veli. Meer over zijn bloedlijn: http...
Op z'n Engels ook wel Haji Bektash Wali genoemd. Hij was een Alevi heilige en een zowel door Sunni als Alevi gerespecteerde Soefi-meester. Haci Bektas Veli w......
Op z'n Engels ook wel Haji Bektash Wali genoemd. Hij was een Alevi heilige en een zowel door Sunni als Alevi gerespecteerde Soefi-meester. Haci Bektas Veli w...
wn.com/Alevitisme Haci Bektas Veli (Met Nl Ondertiteling)
Op z'n Engels ook wel Haji Bektash Wali genoemd. Hij was een Alevi heilige en een zowel door Sunni als Alevi gerespecteerde Soefi-meester. Haci Bektas Veli w...
Ceremonia Alevi
Los Alevis son una comunidad emanada del shi´î con elementos místicos (considerada como extrema [gulat] en sus creencias) que se encuentran principalmente en T...
Los Alevis son una comunidad emanada del shi´î con elementos místicos (considerada como extrema [gulat] en sus creencias) que se encuentran principalmente en Turquía. La ceremonia fue registrada por Onos Productions (www.onos.gr) en la región de Konya, donde se puede apreciar el Cemevi (lugar de reunión Alevi) decorado con temas iconográficos centrados en la figura del Imân ´Alî, así como la familia del Profeta Muhammad y de Hajji Bektash Veli, el fundador de la Tariqa Bektashi (con la que tienen muchos puntos en común)..
Durante la ceremonia, llamada Jem, hombres y mujeres cantan juntos himnos al son de la baglama, recitan oraciones y antes de la danza ritual, los hombres a mano simbólica se "ciñen con el cinturón" como signo de unión espiritual y obediencia.
wn.com/Ceremonia Alevi
Los Alevis son una comunidad emanada del shi´î con elementos místicos (considerada como extrema [gulat] en sus creencias) que se encuentran principalmente en Turquía. La ceremonia fue registrada por Onos Productions (www.onos.gr) en la región de Konya, donde se puede apreciar el Cemevi (lugar de reunión Alevi) decorado con temas iconográficos centrados en la figura del Imân ´Alî, así como la familia del Profeta Muhammad y de Hajji Bektash Veli, el fundador de la Tariqa Bektashi (con la que tienen muchos puntos en común)..
Durante la ceremonia, llamada Jem, hombres y mujeres cantan juntos himnos al son de la baglama, recitan oraciones y antes de la danza ritual, los hombres a mano simbólica se "ciñen con el cinturón" como signo de unión espiritual y obediencia.
- published: 02 May 2015
- views: 29
ALEVITISME: Het leven van Haci Bektas Veli (Turks)
Haci Bektas Veli animatie
Haji Bektash Veli animation
Zie mijn kanaal voor meer videos over Haci Bektas Veli en meer informatie over het Alevitisme
Zie ook:
Haci Bektas Veli animatie
Haji Bektash Veli animation
Zie mijn kanaal voor meer videos over Haci Bektas Veli en meer informatie over het Alevitisme
Zie ook:
wn.com/Alevitisme Het Leven Van Haci Bektas Veli (Turks)
Haci Bektas Veli animatie
Haji Bektash Veli animation
Zie mijn kanaal voor meer videos over Haci Bektas Veli en meer informatie over het Alevitisme
Zie ook:
- published: 18 Jun 2014
- views: 5
Alevilik-Bektaşilik Kızılbaş Tahtacı Hurufi Yeniceri
Bektaşilik-Hurufilik Alevi-Bektaşilik Hurufi Hurufism Hurufilik Tahtacı Alevi-Bektasi Alevilik Bektaşilik Kızılbaş Tahtacı Yeniceri Yeniceriler Aleviten 12 İ......
Bektaşilik-Hurufilik Alevi-Bektaşilik Hurufi Hurufism Hurufilik Tahtacı Alevi-Bektasi Alevilik Bektaşilik Kızılbaş Tahtacı Yeniceri Yeniceriler Aleviten 12 İ...
wn.com/Alevilik Bektaşilik Kızılbaş Tahtacı Hurufi Yeniceri
Bektaşilik-Hurufilik Alevi-Bektaşilik Hurufi Hurufism Hurufilik Tahtacı Alevi-Bektasi Alevilik Bektaşilik Kızılbaş Tahtacı Yeniceri Yeniceriler Aleviten 12 İ...
ALEVITISME: Dhikr (Zikir) in de Cem-huis
Alevi bijeenkomst waarin de namen van Allah, de Ahlalbayt (Ehlibeyt= Muhammed, Fatima, Ali, Hasan, Huseyin), de 12 imams en Haji Bektash Veli worden herdacht......
Alevi bijeenkomst waarin de namen van Allah, de Ahlalbayt (Ehlibeyt= Muhammed, Fatima, Ali, Hasan, Huseyin), de 12 imams en Haji Bektash Veli worden herdacht...
wn.com/Alevitisme Dhikr (Zikir) In De Cem Huis
Alevi bijeenkomst waarin de namen van Allah, de Ahlalbayt (Ehlibeyt= Muhammed, Fatima, Ali, Hasan, Huseyin), de 12 imams en Haji Bektash Veli worden herdacht...
Islamic Mysticism: An Introduction to Sufi Islam
An introduction to the history, practices, and beliefs of Sufi Islam. Sufism, or tasawwuf in Arabic, is practiced by many Muslims around the world, both Shia......
An introduction to the history, practices, and beliefs of Sufi Islam. Sufism, or tasawwuf in Arabic, is practiced by many Muslims around the world, both Shia...
wn.com/Islamic Mysticism An Introduction To Sufi Islam
An introduction to the history, practices, and beliefs of Sufi Islam. Sufism, or tasawwuf in Arabic, is practiced by many Muslims around the world, both Shia...
ALEVITISME: Dua bij de 'türbe' van Yunus Emre
Yunus Emre was een 13e eeuwse soefi-dichter en een belangrijk figuur in het Alevitisme / Bektashisme. Hij was een tijdgenoot van Hz. Mevlana Rumi en Haji Bek......
Yunus Emre was een 13e eeuwse soefi-dichter en een belangrijk figuur in het Alevitisme / Bektashisme. Hij was een tijdgenoot van Hz. Mevlana Rumi en Haji Bek...
wn.com/Alevitisme Dua Bij De 'türbe' Van Yunus Emre
Yunus Emre was een 13e eeuwse soefi-dichter en een belangrijk figuur in het Alevitisme / Bektashisme. Hij was een tijdgenoot van Hz. Mevlana Rumi en Haji Bek...
ECHTE ISLAM vs. streng Islamitische geleerden (TIP!) - NL ondertiteld
Een eye-opener. Wederom bewijs hoeveel invloed de Omajjaden hebben gehad op de meerderheid van de islamitische gemeenschap, waardoor veel mensen helaas een v......
Een eye-opener. Wederom bewijs hoeveel invloed de Omajjaden hebben gehad op de meerderheid van de islamitische gemeenschap, waardoor veel mensen helaas een v...
wn.com/Echte Islam Vs. Streng Islamitische Geleerden (Tip ) Nl Ondertiteld
Een eye-opener. Wederom bewijs hoeveel invloed de Omajjaden hebben gehad op de meerderheid van de islamitische gemeenschap, waardoor veel mensen helaas een v...
Sünnîlik ve Alevîlik arasındaki farklılık, Alevîliğin Muhammed'den sonra ilk yöneticinin hem peygamberin vasiyetiyle, hem de ilâhî seçimle Ali bin Ebu Talib ......
Sünnîlik ve Alevîlik arasındaki farklılık, Alevîliğin Muhammed'den sonra ilk yöneticinin hem peygamberin vasiyetiyle, hem de ilâhî seçimle Ali bin Ebu Talib ...
wn.com/Alevi Kimdir Cem Nedir
Sünnîlik ve Alevîlik arasındaki farklılık, Alevîliğin Muhammed'den sonra ilk yöneticinin hem peygamberin vasiyetiyle, hem de ilâhî seçimle Ali bin Ebu Talib ...
janissaries janitscharen yeniçeri bektaşi ocaği janissaires
Yeniçerilerin Bektaşilik tarikatına bağlı janissaries janitscharen yeniçeri bektaşi ocaği janissaires kizilbas Die Kizilbas Kızılbaş, Yeniçeri Ocağı'nın kald......
Yeniçerilerin Bektaşilik tarikatına bağlı janissaries janitscharen yeniçeri bektaşi ocaği janissaires kizilbas Die Kizilbas Kızılbaş, Yeniçeri Ocağı'nın kald...
wn.com/Janissaries Janitscharen Yeniçeri Bektaşi Ocaği Janissaires
Yeniçerilerin Bektaşilik tarikatına bağlı janissaries janitscharen yeniçeri bektaşi ocaği janissaires kizilbas Die Kizilbas Kızılbaş, Yeniçeri Ocağı'nın kald...